what people here think of this ex-athiest and popular christian journalist Lee Strobe?

I know Lee Strobel was a very unbeliever and a athiest and a jounalist who needed proof about God and about if Jesus ever existed.
He wrote a very good book called the case for Christ!
I just wounder what people think if his proofs and evidence of God and Jesus existance?
one love
Joh:16:8: And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
Joh:16:9: Of sin, because they believe not on me;
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Every theist on the planet used to be atheist. He uses the notion that he was an atheist as a ploy to attempt to bolster his position. He wasn't an atheist who had come to atheism based on reason. He was just as irrational as an atheist as a Christian. Many Christians use the same tactic. I used to be a Christian, the same goes for a majority of atheists. Lee Strobel is laughed at in our community, looked at as a buffoon. His arguments are ridiculous and carry very little weight.
One of my buddies put this site together if you care to read the case against Lee Strobel: http://www.caseagainstfaith.com/
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