Who burns more Qurans?

No! Don’t give me Islam for anything! DON’T!! In Afghanistan [and other Muslim countries], if you burn a few pages of the Quran you can be punished with life imprisonment or death!!! But who burns more Qurans than anybody else? The very Muslim brothers when at WAR with each other!! When they bomb Muslim houses, mosques, street shops, hospitals, cars, army tanks, soldiers, whatever is in the way of their most fanatical Jihads, they burn every Quran to ashes in those places and with those people while shouting "Allahu Akbar!" THOUSANDS of Qurans in their fratricide wars! That’s why I say this planet Earth is HELL! Afghanistan is HELL! The Islamic religion is from HELL!
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For a second I thought you beat me to the punch on a case from Pakistan I'm about to post.
An interesting point about the collateral damage to holy books. I kinda wonder what the response would be from an extremist.
Chances are it'd just be threats or violence though. Those types just don't get it, living in their own little world.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Not that I believe there is hell - I use the term as a metaphor for all the evil RELIGION produces in the world! ALL religions are part of the forest of EVIL trees and their poisonous fruits in the hearts of the fanatical!
Of course, there are other evil religions in this primitive world, like Christianity and Judaism, plus others.http://articles.cnn.com/2012-02-25/asia/world_asia_afghanistan-burned-qurans_1_q\
Compare this incident [and other minor ones] with the burning of Qurans in Syria
[and other countries: Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon,
etc] while the fratricide war is going on!
Who then burns more Qurans in the world?
That's my point!
Muslim brothers burn Qurans all the time - they only need a fratricide war to do
ALL religions are part of the forest of toxic trees perpetually producing
poisonous fruit!
no religion is evil. there's no such thing as evil.
Well, strictly speaking, evil is wrongdoing to harm other folk, or worse.
Sure, not in the connotation of an Evil One, as portrayed by religion; I know that very well.
Religion is - in my definition - a toxic tree of poisonous fruit, which harms & hurts many people, shrinking brain cells and lowering the IQ.
"Who burns more Qurans?" was the question, though.
"who gives a shit?" is my answer.
Well, it could be 50/50.
Bush was, I'm sure, the American President who burned more Qurans in the entire 15 centuries of Qurans - when he bombed Iraq and other places.
But MUSLIMS do keep burning Qurans every day in their fratricide wars.
Overall, the poor Qur'an keeps being burned all year round!
I am for a world without holy books.
Who? I do. It isn't that people burn property I don't own. Certianly Hitler's book burning went way beyond mere protest. I care because I don't want to live in a society where dissent equals violence or prison merely over being offended.
McCain, as much as I despise his economic policies told his story of being a prisoner of war. It was pointed out by his capters to him with film of Americans buring American flags and they basically said to him "Look even your own people don't support you".
He and rightfully so responded "That's the differnece between your country and mine. When people dissent we don't have them arrested".
I don't care if someone wants to burn a copy of The God Delusion or Origin of The Species as long as it isn't my copy or causes a public safty risk. But I damn sure care when nuts of any strip object to merely being offended and use violence or force of law to get their way.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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