New Tech Stymied by Copyright Law (also help free Sapient's likeness from copyright prison)

Science Daily (Sep. 14, 2012) "Many innovators working on revolutionary technologies and many venture capitalists told me that copyright law has harmed innovation in the music industry," Carrier says. Carrier says it's impossible to say exactly which innovations have experienced roadblocks because they never publicly surfaced, "But industry leaders made clear to me that there are numerous innovations that failed to reach the market because of copyright laws," he says.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Ironic. I was just stymied by copyright law. The atheist that took this picture is insisting that I place his name visibly everywhere that the picture is shown. So if I want to use the picture as my avatar I need to use a portion of it to ruin it with his name on top of the image. Someone please put into words the frustration I am feeling. I asked him to make an exception for me, he didn't.
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Wait, what? Seriously?
You need to schedule another debate with Kirk so you can get a new picture. Getting him to have that look on his face might be tough though.
Wait, if you can insert something artsy into the picture without ruining it won't it then be covered by fair use?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Does Luigi Novi work for Apple?
Exactly what I was thinking. You're brilliant. Now we just need someone to create a version of it 154 x 191 with just Kirk Cameron and I with something covered under fair use. So we need a version of it that is comedic in some fashion.
With that said, it pisses me off that I need to ruin the image and the look with anything. Adding a caption will suggest an interpretation based on the caption, I prefer to think of it more artistically and allow the viewer to choose any of the possible things that could have been going through Kirk's head at that moment.
Who wants dibs on editing the image for parody/satire purposes?
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My artistic talents are unfortunately geared more to literature than imagery. I doubt I could make it look good.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Here is a copy you can edit in the exact size I would use it on the website:
Photo: © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons
Here is the story I wrote on facebook asking for help:
The person who took the best picture you've ever seen of me is insisting that I destroy it by placing his name on the image (or near it) to avoid violating his copyright. I asked him (Luigi Novi) if he would make an exception for me (within his authority) and he refuses, yes he's an atheist and yes I helped ensure the photo was taken. I guess he wants to be known, so now I'm making him known. Luigi Novi took the picture and he's holding my likeness hostage!
You can help free me from copyright prison! If you can alter the image to be covered under the fair use law by making it into a parody or a satire, I am able to use it as my avatar on my website. Parody is covered and it would require you to poke fun at or comment on Kirk Cameron and his look. Here is the size of the image I would use on my website, you can download it, make your parody, post it on your facebook account, and tag me!
Please help get my likeness out of jail!
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Maybe hearts coming out of Kirk's eyes?
Another idea from facebook: "horns on Kirk's head and a halo above yours"
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This is what he wants me to do. How self aggrandizing.
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How do you like these versions?
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I want a copyright notice on those!
Reality is the graveyard of the gods.
Thanks Atheist, that has sufficiently ruined the image to satisfy the ridiculous request of the hostage taker!
I hope I get more, but if I don't I certainly have a few for the rotation. No offense to any of you, I'm very appreciative, but I think we'd all agree these images are nowhere near as good as the original.
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Your Welcome.
What if the horns were bananas? I'm off to bed but if nobody else does it, I might get around to it sometime tomorrow.
Reality is the graveyard of the gods.
Good idea!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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IDk if this is any good
Ok ya, but I laughed my ass off when I first saw it. XD
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Oms yes.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.