I fucking hat4 Microfuck.
So my mother gave me her old computer, and I disconnected mine. It worked beautifly for a week until the blue screan of cluster fuck. So I managed to re instal xp, but had to get someone else to bybase the either port and put a separate card in to bypass i I am finally back on. But am damned afraid of downloading anythig.
My old computer was slow, and the programs did lock up, but it never crashed and all I had to do is go into task manager and shut it down. But I am back up now, for how long? I don't know.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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You can go into task manager in xp and shut down programs if needed, but not once the computer blue screens. If I were closer, I would tune it up for you. Be sure to have all the latest xp patches from microsoft. That should include virus and malware checkers. It may take a while to download them if you haven't already, but it will be worth the effort.
There are a number of free programs available that do the virus and malware and all that stuff, but for someone who is not comfortable with rebuilding a computer, I would advise just sticking with MS. They may not be perfect, but the try to set it up for non-geeks. And you don't have to worry about downloading from their site.
Don't be intimidated by the blue screen of death. Just restart. Most of the time, you can restart and it will be just fine. Make a backup of the your important files, if any, that you have on your hard drive. Just in case. If it isn't fine, call your friend again. Whimper, let them feel smart and cool, and it shouldn't cost you anything.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
If you find yourself needing to reinstall Windows orphan, then you should consider partitioning your main hard drive so you have a small area for Windows and programs, you should be good with 20~30 Gigs, and then leave the rest for everything else. Normally you don't need to reformat when you Reinstall, but this way if you do, your files are already essentially backed up. Alternatively, if you don't have enough Hard Drive to do a Partition or don't want to Reinstall right now, consider bying a second hard drive. You can generally get 500-Gig Externals from Target for like $60 I think.
And yeah, the Bluse Screen generally isn't as critical of a failure as most people think, just restart and you'll probably be fine.
When you say it like that you make it sound so Sinister...