Expose the bully's lies, think long term. OP ED.

There is a incidious tactic waged by bullies with money. The old tactic of fear. One add uses our dept that has an Orewellian look to it with a auditorum full of Chinese people implied speech in communist China in using dept to defeat the west.
It sets up the false premise that in order to solve that problem the worker should simply work for less and work longer hours and treat those with less like dead weight in order to pay off the dept. Yet the people who fund this add are the ones looking at the Chinese modle of low wages and no worker rights and simply want to copy their model here.
It sets up the left falsely as feeding China's control over us when the reality is that coorporate greed simply wants to maximize profits like China does by setting up sweat shops and slave wages. It is an incidious add because it uses fear to get voters to vote against their own self economic interest by scare tactics. It is a con designed to keep the worker down and pick their pockets at the same time.
Another add running also uses that same tactic of fear with the word "socialist". It has an old man, who RIGHTFULLY condemned the soviet block he came from and it's lack of private sector. It assumes that all government bad and uses that fear to allow cooporate America to scare the shit out of the worker.
It is a false premise that because workers want a livable wage that meets the cost of living that somehow that is a slippery slope that will lead to the socialism of the Soviet block's bad economic model. It uses fear to mantain a plutocracy so that wages of workers, compete, not to go up, but fall.
If i could talk to this guy I would say to him personally, "Look, what you went through was bad and their model was bad, but you are being dupped by simply a monopoly"
These scare tactics unfortunately work. However, the cure to them is to REMIND people who buy this crap, is that our private sector did not dissapear when it did invest, like it did to win WW2 and when it did invest after WW2. It did not dissapear when it cooperated with the government in things like the GI bill and invesment in highways and our electric grid and invested in manufacturing that BOOMED our economy from that point forward.
BEYOND this ellection, we cannot lose site of this long term. They may have the money to sell this fear, but we have the power of the internet to debunk this bullshit.
It is way past time to allow this fearmongering by cooporate America to continue. They sell this fear, not because any worker wants a nanny state, they sell it to keep the status quo of low or falling wages in order to maximize profits.
This lie that because the working class and working poor want a socialist state has got to stop and be exposed for the blatant lie it is. GM is an example of wising up. They were humble enough as CEOS to finally understand that value of the worker is important in a healthy economy. There is not one worker who works there now that would want the pathetic fearmongering immages depicted in those incidious adds sold by bullies with money.
NOW more than ever and win or lose the working class needs to demand that these assholes stop selling fear. We do not want Soviet socialism. We do not want to end the private sector. We simply want to stop falling down further and want a livable standard. These goons who sell this garbage are the ones who want us to work for 2 dollars a day 16 hour days 6 days a week masturbating over China's successfull sweat shop model.
For far too long they have convinced you to give up more and work longer hours so that they can break you and control you and keep you desperate. The good news is not all business is like this. GM woke up it seems, and billionaires like Nick Hanour get it. But the climate is unfortunately controled by not these positive business owners, but the vuture extractionists.
The lie must be exposed for what it is when they try this bullshit. Working people and even the working poor DO value the private sector, just not the bullying and monopolies. We don't mind success. But we simply do not want those above us standing on our shoulders, pushing us down further in a race to look like China and then piss on us by using this sick scare tactics.
PLEASE anyone wanting to spread this OP ED please do. This cannot be a short term issue. Lawrance O'Donnall said it best "I want a government run by the people, not the 1%. It is time for us as workers to stand up to the bullying and an attempt to create a plutocracy. The wealthy are needed in an open market and it is sick to suggest that working people dont get that. But we are tired of being panted as anti market when all we want is to stop getting squeased so that the top can copy the sweat shop model of China.
Think long term win or lose. The assholes who use this scare tactic have been using this for 30 years so we can cure that by keeping our eyes on that tactic and on a daily basis remind everyone that that is just what it is, a scare tactic. Once you expose it for what it is, they will be forced to deal with the fact that they are not intitled to run the country by their rules alone and treat us as their tools.
So in conclusion, constantly remind those arround you that they are not powerless. Remind those who do own businesses that we do value you, just not the current climate of fear. We do want an open market just not one based on lower wages and extractionism.
We can win long term and dispite what these assholes sell, workers do not want Soviet Socialism, just economic stability. PLEASE SPREAD THIS ARROUND ON A DAILY BASIS until these assholes scrap their incidious tactic of fear.
The Koch brothers are the ones with a sense of intitlement. They are the ones who are the narcissists who think the world should bow to them and their ideology. It is way past time to put these assholes in their place. It is time for those in the business comunity who DONT think like that to clean this filth of monopoly mindset. We do need the private sector, but we do not need the Koch brothers who simply want to mimic the sweat shop mentality of China.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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Corporate America is not how the current brand of crazy Republicans represents it nor in fact how you portray it. You are posting as extreme as they are. Very obviously I cannot and do not speak for all corporate America. I can say I have had enough contacts over the years to have learned they are people too. I'll tell you right now they would not be against socialism per se. They would live with it as corporations do in European countries which are what we would call socialist.
The financial failure of communism was much more fundamental. The ideology did not permit there being a cost of money. Capital was tied up in decade long projects and not available for other projects. Essentially they did not believe in paying interest. Oddly their national socialist competition in Germany monetized interest which did seem to work. We use neither system.
And a fact of life is the top 1% runs every country but it is not the financial 1%. All this political stuff barely matters. And 1% is a great overestimate. What fraction of the population is in public administration and even wants to get to the policy making level? Yes, the rich are always interested in how legislation affects their business. No, they are not generically interested in changing the political direction of the US. They contribute to both parties and both candidates in every campaign.
Remember every election in your life and research all that have gone before. None has ever resulted in a massive change. For all the griping about FDR about all he really did was start social security. And that started within the same 30 year window that it started in other industrialized countries in roughly the same way.
Obamacare really changes next to nothing in the broad spectrum of medical care in the US. Worst it does nothing to reduce the 30% more it costs in the US for the same level of general health care. Corporations would most certainly love to drop employee health insurance in favor of a national system. It would make them more competative against Europe which does health care that way.
But who is really against Obamacare? Rednecks, Tea Party imbeciles and faith healers, that is, voters. The real problem with socialized medicine is those same voters will both complain about any waiting for treatment and that it costs too much and they will insist the 30% overhead for multi-payer administration is the American way of competition.
Anyway back to the no significant changes no matter who is elected. Fact is there is very little disagreement among the 1% that does run the country on how it should run. However to win elections the political parties have to invent differences where there are no differences, exaggerate what little difference there is.
The problem with the Republicans is they have become a collection of the ex-Democrat Confederacy thanks to Reagan and Trotskyite neo-cons along with women shall be subject to their husbands retards. Reagan started it and the first Bush was the last gasp of rationality. Romney played to all of them to get the nomination and they were all among his advisors which would have become his administration.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
Corporate America is behind these ads? Unlikely since corporate America went overwhelmingly Obama (note: the Koch brothers are not corporate, their company is family owned). Anyway, that is nitpicking.
As to the few issues you actually address, is the debt a problem or not? I agree that worrying about speaking Chinese because of it is over the top. China owns a lot of our debt, but the vast majority of US debt is owed to Americans. The idea that we are borrowing everything from China is lie propagated by whichever party is out of power (Obama made the same argument in '08). In reality, China owns roughly 7.5% of US debt, the Social Security Trust fund owns 17.9%, the Civil Service Retirement Fund owns 6.0% and other US institutions and individuals own over 42%.
The other point I would like to address in your shotgun OP is manufacturing. You seem on one hand to believe that the "bullies" in corporate America want us to become more like China with sweatshops, while at the same time criticizing them for sending more manufacturing over to China... which is it? Do they want people in the US working in factories or do they want Chinese working in factories? How can you accuse someone of wanting sweatshops here when they don't think we should be building factories here?
It has become political mantra on both sides that we must increase our manufacturing sector... why? True, manufacturing used to be the basis of our economy. It is also true that farming used to be the basis of our economy. Eventually, our economy evolved to the point where it was no longer necessary for 80% of our population to be farmers. Today, we produce enough food to feed ourselves and a substantial amount of excess with only 2-3% of our population and while agriculture is still an important part of our economy, it is hardly the foundation of it that it once was.
Similarly, our manufacturing output has continued to increase, but with far fewer employees. Manufacturing was once the backbone of our economy, but over the years we have been able to produce more with fewer resources and purchase from overseas with fewer resources. Saying that everyone should go back to working factory jobs just because they used to be the backbone of our economy is as crazy as saying we should all be farmers because farming was once the backbone of our economy. The industrial age for the US is over and that is a good thing. Just like when we made the transition from agrarian to industrial was a very good thing for us.
Now we are in the information age and even that is going to drop away as fewer people are required. What is next? I don't know. I am really hoping it will be the space age because that would be sweet. According to some on the right wing it is the begging age as the unemployed sit around waiting for someone to give them things. I hope they are wrong. The industrial age started with unemployed farmers sitting around building things to make money, the information age started with the unemployed messing around on their computers and finding a way to bring value to their fellow citizens. No doubt, the next big thing will come from the mind of some brilliant people with too much time on their hands.
I find it alarming that so many people are publicly saying "what are you going to do to get me a job", a much healthier (and more personally profitable attitude) for the unemployed is to ask themselves the question "what can I do to improve the lives of my neighbors?" and then do it and charge money for it. However, I do not believe the doomsayers on the right are correct that this give me give me give me attitude is any more common than it has been in the past. It has always existed, and I believe that there are those among the ranks of the unemployed who are finding ways to be useful to society. They just are not as vocal and obnoxious as the OWS crowd. There is probably someone out there sitting behind a computer right now coming up with the next big thing.
If you are unemployed, or underemployed or simply don't like your job, the best thing you can do is ask yourself "how can I improve the lives of those around me?" It isn't always an easy question to find the answer to, but if you answer it, you will have found an area that can be profitable for you. And maybe, you will be the one to come up with the next big thing.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
How is China using debt to defeat the west?
This is very true. We owe just as much to Japan as we do to China, but during the 80's it was Japan who was trying to destroy America with debt. Either way, we are destroying ourselves with our own debt. We are to blame.
I think you are missing my point. They are, but the vulture capitalists sell this meme so they can simply scare us into accepting Chinas sweat shop model here.
Create a monopoly on labor and then you can dictate to that labor and have the plutocracy that creates a sweat shop climate. Chinas communist party IS a form of capitalistic authoritiarian plutocracy. If it had no money to dictat to labor labor would not accept it's treatment. Break the worker and you can dictate to the worker.
1984 is what the Kock brothers use to scare us to control labor so that they can drive down wages to exploit their profits. But 1984 is exactly what that climate will produce. Centralized wealth dictating to one party to break the wlill of labor.
Compare that to the ethical But business of WW2 and the business cooperation after WW2 that built our highway system and electric grid, and you take away that scare tactic.
We do not as non business owners have to accept no power and less wages and mimic China to compete. But that is what the cooporate climate is far to dominated by right now. When we can get the ethical business owners who DO want to do the right thing to become the business majority here we can and will become the economic powerhouse we once were without lowering ourseves to the sweat shop standards the bullies foster.
On a personal level I know how gestopo business tactics work. Divide and conquer, rule with fear, and make the worker dependent on them. I have defeated that mentality with a couple of jobs I have had and got wise to the tactic. In the former franchize pizza chain their attitude was rule by fear. I broke all the rules by making deals with the store manager to make them more afficiant and maintain a sane environment where the workers could accomplish something without feeling helpless . When I went there out of 14 stores we were at the bottem, but when I left we were in the top 3. The key to that success wasn't me becoming the boss myself, the key was making them dependent on me rather than me being dependent on them.
I have taken that attitude to my curren job and did the same thing. We clobber similar businesses because my co-workers are independent and not ruled by fear. We work well together because we are allowed more than most places to think for ourselves and are not bound by scripts. We are self motivated because we are not run by a cookie cutter format. We handle stress and high volume because we are not ruled by fear.
Now while it is still true that my boss could fire me at any time for any reason, he wont because that would make him look like a complete ass. I am under no illusions that the business will go under if I get fired. But I do prove to my co-workers and want to prove to the working class that business needs us as much as we need them. For far too long we have accepted less and less and the truth is we do not have to.
The republican party is ruled by the same plutocratic class rule that the Communist party has in it's successful authoritarian capitalism that has broken the will of the labor to maintain its control over labor. Money equals power and China uses it to sell cheap crap to the rest of the world by dictating to it's own labor force.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
1. Koch Industries employs around 70,000 people. Do you have evidence of your claim that they pay low wages? Or are you just making that accusation because you don't like their political philosophy? I have always been under the impression that working for Koch Industries is a premium career, but I could be wrong. Since it isn't publicly traded there isn't a lot of information out there on their finances. So if you have any evidence of your claim, please post it.
2. As far as managers making their employees dependent on them I agree with you. I think that is a common mistake that many people make in business and it leads to lower production. I always thought the best method of management is to make your employees completely independent, that way you do not have to show up to work. The restaurant industry in particular tends to draw managers who micro-manage too much because the profit margins tend to be small and the wages are really low which prevents them from being too picky about who they hire. As a general rule, low wage workers have to be more closely managed than high wage workers. Of course, there are always exceptions.
The ideal situation for any business is one that operates as good or better when the manager is gone and that is what I always strive to create. The difference between me and you is that I am not going to pass a law to force people to manage their companies the way I think they should be managed.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
You keep spewing stats making it about the rights of the rich. If the Koch brothers fucking cared then they wouldn't have attempted to buy an ellection and bully the rest of us into submission. We have 3 classes in this country and Tuesday proved that the world does not revolve around the Koch brothers.
When the fuck are you going to stop acting like a crybaby sore loser? Either it is a 3 class system where everyone has the right to vote, or it is not. Obama won, GET THE FUCK OVER IT!
And I don't give one ratts ass if they Employeed 1,000,000 people. Wages still suck and all the climate produces is crappy paying jobs, and no investment at home.
NOW unless those at the top accept they wrecked the car and stop scapegoating the working class and actually care, You will continue, and I promise you I will spend every day getting the word out so that we can continue to put bullies in their place. YOU WILL LOSE!
NOW once again, THE RICH ARE NEEDED, but they are not entitled to tell any of us we cant or should not determine our economic future through the voting both. They are ONE aspect of society but ONLY ONE, not the most important, and most certainly not the center of the universe which they have childishly like the god character acted like for far too long.
WE DONT want the rich to go away, but unless you and they stop acting like selfish brats, we will continue to keep handing your ass right back to you. Now, it is up to you, you can grow up and accept WE get to decide our future, not just the rich. We want EVERYONE AND every class to move forward, but it is not your right to dictate to the rest of us.
Your fearmongering nanny state bullshit will NOT work any more. So drop it! YOU LOST! That is the price you pay for living in a free society.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
And for the love of Pete stop being a condecending prick treating me like I don't know shit about life. Food service is low paying? REALLY? YOU DON'T SAY? Thanks for explaining that to me even though I work in that industry.
I keep pointing at the moon and you stupidly keep looking at my finger.
1. FACT, WE NOT YOU, WE WE WE WE decide. That is what voting is for. It is not solely for business owners or the top 1%. GET OVER IT!
2. Adressing the pay gap and cost of living is not nor ever will be a call to a nanny state. The same bullshit was said about social security and the GI bill. And if our country were run by your mindset before WW2 we'd be speaking German right now because idiots like you don't want to invest.
I am sorry it bothers you that not all people feel the need to wipe their ass with $100 bills. But I really am tired of your condecending garbage. And Tuesday is proof that you don't own a monopoly on our government. Keep trying though if you wish and we will keep knocking you out.
And again, you cant even listen to factuall polls and Obama won in a landslide in the ellectoral college and we all told you your numbers were wrong and now you expect us to listen to you or the Koch brothers? HA!
So take your Etcha Sketch calculator, go cry in your wisky and get back to us when you are willing to behave like an adult.
The 1%
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
I asked very specifically for you to provide evidence to support your accusation against the Koch brothers. You claimed they are trying to drive wages down, can you show it? Because I don't believe that Koch Industries pays less than their competitors. In fact, I believe it is the opposite that they pay their employees quite a bit more than average.
Like I said, since it isn't a public company I couldn't find any solid data, all I have to go on is its reputation as a high paying employer and various career sites report that Koch Industries pays roughly 30% more than their competitors on average. Reputations can be wrong, and salary list sites provide at best an approximation and not absolutely reliable. So do you have evidence to support your claim or not? Or am I supposed to just accept that because you say it is so it must be?
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
The fact is that China is probably going to overtake us because of the one child policy. The biggest problem with it is they gender imbalance they allowed.
You deride "wild-west" economics, but we have the wild-west when it comes to population planning.
Low wages that benefit the rich are a natural consequence of overpopulation and a poorly educated workforce. The only alternative to low wages is no wages.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Says who? Once again, in order to compete we need to lower ourselves to their standards. Got it.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog