Christianity / Atheism which is logical

Since belief in God is more logical than atheism, why is the logical approach to evangalism so much less effective than the emotional approach?
I happened upon this question on a christian website and thought how the answer was right there in the question. Pretty cool.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
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It's nothing more than another opinion. Why is the belief in a god more logical? Why is the logical approach to evangelism less effective than the emotional approach?
It feels good to believe one is being logical.
It is logical to do what feels good.
Hehe. The answer is in the question.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
That numbers passage i hope you looked at the surrounding passages aswell
Ah, so you are a Christian, that helps narrow down your brand of theism a little. See that is how atheism works- I look for evidence and then create a hypothesis and now I shall attempt to confirm whether or not it is correct instead of simply making things up. For example, in your other vaguely worded thread I could have pointed out that Yoda is not a real person and therefore jedi theists were wrong. But I didn't assume you were a jedi, I looked for evidence. Now, with this supporting evidence I will believe that you are a Christian, until such a point that evidence is brought to my attention that refutes that idea. If new evidence is presented (for example you might say "praise Allah" ) I would adjust my assumptions accordingly so that they match the evidence.
Do you change your views when presented with new evidence or do you rationalize them or dismiss the evidence to continue clinging to your belief?
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Any number of texts have 'passages' . .
((polyhedron five, what?!??)) Agatha Christie has passages
Off-site Link with a unique almost¬twist::
Texts contain passages, I could quote passages in the Abhidhamma Pitaka, the Mahabharata, the Puranas, the Ras Shamra or a host of other religious texts. As a point of friendly suggestion. If you want to look at passages, it pays to look-into and check-out thread(s) that already have a great deal of activity. You need not set-up any place you land while new to the site. This goes out to you, Welcome Mystery person thingy.
For somebody that initially wanted to talk about 'passages', then decided not to. You picked some weird places to go to.
Two examples of must to consider checking out for Theists
would be . . -Is Jesus the expected Messiah or Mashiach - You go first, How Long will this go on ?
Please take a moment to check out some existing threads. People come and go at all hours so check out this first please. No need for you to rush off. Welcome, AGAIN!!
They can't put it on the web if it is not true, right?
Logic is operations upon premises which are observable. As there is no observation leading to a premise that there are gods logic cannot be applied.
One can however apply the rules of logic to the premises of theism and discover they are most illogical. In fact they are arbitrary and capricious.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
If I had a dollar for every time I have heard something illogical, stupid, arbitrary or capricous or any combination of the above prefaced with "it is only logical" I could hire someone to help me dispose of my millions in a worthy cause.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
So post them and tell us what they mean to you. Not that anyone cares unless it is humorous.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
I have.
The summary of Numbers 31 is:
God told Moses to utterly slaughter the Midianites
Israelites dutifully commit genocide, but keep the women and plunder
Moses is angry with his troops because they've brought things back from the war, including the women and children as slaves, and he thinks this might cause a plague. So to stop this he orders them to kill all the things that might cause the plague including all women who've had sex.
THEN, from the plunder that remains, (which includes the women and children) Moses tells his army that they need to give a percentage of this directly to god - so basically god is getting some personal virgins and slaves, as well as a bunch of donkeys, goats, other livestock and metals from his requested genocide of an entire race of people.
How does this help your position exactly?
It is a good thing that science has surpassed the need for philosophy because mental masturbation will never replace a lab and falsification.
We can all utter stuff that sounds nice, but alchemy and tribbles and transporters and Ouija boards are bunk and proof that claims are just that until science can test it and verify it.
I hate crap like this quote because it allows theists to stagnate and wallow in the stupid stereotype that if one values science over superstition, that we advocate a dispassionate world where we are all emotionless fascist robots.
Emotional appeal works like a sugar pill. It can have a real benefit of safety in numbers and can produce positive brain and biological chemicals that produce a higher rate of a better immune system. But that is STILL evolution, biology and psychology.
Dawkins already explains why this misfire exists in the God Delusion, "the moth mistaking the light bulb for moonlight".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Indeed. I had a theist in a debate on Facebook tell me one time " When I look at the sky, I see wonder and beauty. Too bad that all you see is dead and empty space."
Tragically enough, they were so deluded that they were attempting to declare victory by this statement.
Talk about presumptions and mind readings.
My reply : " Too bad that when I behold the mysterious wonders of the universe that we live in I am in awe, that you are thinking some big bearded dude is responsible for all of it and is constantly policing your thoughts and preventing you from appreciating the wonder of it all."
They never answered me back.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Atheism would be the logical.
Because we don't see that there are any Christians at this time.
So-- now--that's stupid ain't it. Here you have a dude who says he knows what Christianity is and then turnts around and says some stupid stuff like that. Well--being we know what it is we also know what it isn't. What we see is and really mean is--- while it is in the world it is not being practices in it's rightful form or understanding. There can be no such thing as half a Christian, just like there can be no such thing as half an Atheist
Ok--here's one for you. WARNING, hazardous insight ahead. May cause loss of sleep and laughing sickness. Proceed at your own risk.
Christianity and Atheism are kin, brothers.
HOOOOLY JESUS, what the hell kind of trick is this dumb ass coming up with now.????
You,ll notice Ive refrained from discounting or degrading Atheism. I've criticized the effects it's having on individuals but not the concept itself. If there has been any it would have been at the beginning of my arrival here as then i wasn't up on these subjects from being 20 years out of the loop.
Hooookay---lets get into it. The next opportunity you get have a look at the documentary "From Jesus to Christ" that shows up on PBS from time to time. You might find it on net Flix also or a PC program as such. I Had it on the other day but really don't watch it---it's painful to see the scholars stumbling around with it, but being it was part two and haven't seen it before I had it on while doing other things. I don't watch it much but let things get my attention.
What got my attention was ---Mr. Pliney, a Greek or roman Emperor. Mr Piney was having great problems with them dad burnt Christians that were ruining business for his constituents. So he started a persecution campaign to get rid of them.
So- what's happening here. The Christians are ruining business because----because---they saying that the God of their's doesn't exist, because in proper Christianity there is no God in the sky. It's about the "self", and there is no self in the great blue yonder. In minds eye of the emperor they would be Atheists--would they not. He wouldn't put it in those terms but that's what it would amount to. That's why I've posted a few times that I can be taken as an Atheist. According to the Pope (who doesn't know Christianity from his ass) would take the Smurfs as Atheists. So, Atheism and "proper/true" Christianity are related, wouldn't that be the case.
WHAT went wrong.???? Move a farther bit through the documentary and it'll take to a Mr. Constantine. Mr. Constantine was also an Empeor and one fine clear mornin he looks up in to the sky and sees the sun. The sun by some means of producing a cross-like thing is telling him to go kill a bunch of other floks that don't believe everywhere else he can find them. A clear morning hokus pokus is what it amounts to--because Christians have no agenda for killing anybody anywhere, and the evidence is- they weren't killing anybody as it was to get them to believe. (you'll also notice that the world isn't having trouble with people particularly--it's having trouble with "emperors"
Also notice that "real" Christians don't recognize power and status over one another, or others. There-fore then a Christian wouldn't be an Emperor, and if one is an Emperor one cannot possibly be a Christian. That relegates Mr. Constantine to being a fraud. An Emperor puts himself (if you've notices) in charge of others and dictates life---and Christians need no such dictation, and such dictation then negates one to be not one of the "self", and one must be as the Emperor, and as he says. The combining of Christiandom and central government proves the man to be---as previously stated---a fraud. Christianity (true form) is not central government.
You'll also see and hear that one of the Scholars on the documentary refers to how the Christians of that time are detected to be---yup---the self. Constantine puts an end to all of that. Now you can understand what went wrong. Central government and Christianity cannot be combined---you'll get central government and that's all.
Now you have to make up your own mind. If "real and proper" Christianity has no big eye in the sky, and neither do "Atheists", is Atheism and JC brothers----You decide. ? And --if the big eye in the sky is a product of someone's imagination---whose imagination is being dealt with.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth