The right to bear arms

I couldn't agree more. The 2nd Amendment must be changed to suit the times. Allow for a single bolt action rifle and a single shot revolver with a small amount of ammo. If you need more, then go to the armory to get the weapon and ammo so you can go hunting or fire at the shooting range. No more vast amounts of ammo and weapons. No more automatic weapons. If you are a collector, then weapons should be unable to fire and disabled. Finally, there should be laws against buying pieces of weapons individually and then putting the weapon together piece by piece.
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The Bill of Rights, an overtly political document, was not written to protect the rights of people to have hobbies. Please link to a source where the original authors of that document support your bizarre interpretation of the right to bear arms.
I don't care what the bill of rights says, please update your reality to 2012. The bill of rights was written during colonial times and was written for those times and those people.
It needs to be updated.
Well be sure to "update" all of the protections while you're at it..they were all written in colonial times digital, you are clearly a totalitarian fascist in every sense of the word but at least you're honest about it.
LMAO. No. I'm not that... by far I am not that... I believe in democracies and balance of power for the good of the whole rather than the few.
I'm of the belief that the 2nd amendment needs some modifications. I do not believe that people should be allowed to have 40-50 guns in their house much less 5 guns. It isn't needed, even if you are a collector. And people don't need a huge stockpile of ammo in their house. It's bullshit.
Are you an anarchist?
You may have all of the revolutionary style weaponry you want, nothing else.
You actually had to have some skill to hit the broad side of a barn with a musket.
I'm fine with you having a cannon in your front yard. Though I can see how your neighbor across the street might be a little nervous.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
"Revolutionary style" weapons were the modern weapons of that era. Am I right ?
If the revolutionary war were fought today do you think it would be fought with muskets or weapons of the present time period ? Take a guess.
Also, when it came to pistols and shoulder fired arms, civilians owned the same types of weaponry as the military. And speaking of antiquated weaponry, the Brown Bess musket fired a huge 75 caliber ( 3/4 of an inch in diameter ) lead ball. Whatever that projectile hit was absolutely destroyed. Civilians owned them.
Lastly, during the Arab Spring armed revolutions in Libya and Syria have you see any images of those civilians fighting their governments with antique weapons like muskets or flintlocks ?
Anarchism as a political term has usually been applied to those with extreme left-leaning ideologies. Do anarchist support private ownership of firearms ?
Personally, I don't care what term is used. I support anyone who supports me. ( see poster of two lesbians holding an AR 15 under the caption "Some people dislike gays. Others dislike guns. We should not base our laws on personal dislikes" )
If the link doesn't work then reference the wikipedia article and then scroll down and click on "Official website"
My point - which you choose to misconstrue - is that the 2nd amendment was written for flintlocks. It was not written with the thought of people owning 100 round magazines and semi- or full automatics.
People owned the same weapons as the military because there were no weapons that were developed specifically for the military at that time.
Stop spouting off and think for a change.
You sound like a theist - "Look at Pol Pot and Stalin! Don't challenge my beliefs!" I am not saying you can not own weapons, I'm saying we need to reconsider and think. I have said frequently that gun control is not the only answer - it may not be any answer. But until we have enough information, we do not know what that answer may be. On NPR just now, they mentioned that the NRA insisted that a national database of information on gun injuries and deaths be discontinued. That is just insane. How can we make reasoned choices without data?
I have handled various weapons, I can hit the broad side of a barn. And I don't need one for self defense or for my ego or for recreation. But that is my choice and I have no desire to deny you or anyone else your choices. I do think we need to have a conversation about the 2nd and about our culture and the consequences of our current culture, laws, and policies.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Please provide any documentation to that effect. I would be surprised that James Madison included that stipulation in any writing of that period.
And yet these same weapons were used to wage an armed revolution. These civilian owned weapons maintained parity with what was being used against them.
Not agreeing with you equals spouting off ?
The NRA is frequently looked at as being a weak an ineffectual gun rights organization among many gun owners. They have sold out gun owners before. Owning a gun does not automatically mean I stand behind the NRA. F**k the NRA, they are appeasers in the long run, just watch.
Yes, I've heard you reference that repeatedly. A while back I believe you stated an affinity with a lever-action rifle. Do you remember the school shooting in Pearl, Mississippi in 1997 ?
The shooter, Luke Woodham, used a lever-action 30-30 to kill his classmates. Do we need to have a "serious discussion" about controlling lever action rifles ? ( I imagine this is the point where you begin to equivocate ? )
You may be as defenseless as you choose to be. Why would I object ?
What is this ego thing ? You aren't one of those "a gun is a substitute penis" are you ? LOL !
Thank you for not wanting to deny me my choices.
I agree with you in principal. I fear that we will only get useless prohibitions that will be stepped up incrementally and will only affect those gun owners who had no intention of committing criminal acts. Like me.
Have you noticed that most, if not all, of these shootings have occurred in "gun free zones" ?
Of course not - WHICH IS MY POINT. Forgive the yelling, but I am thinking I am talking to a brick wall. They didn't have weapons like that, so they would not have a clue as to the consequences of the 2nd in today's culture. If we all had crystal balls, we would all make different choices.
Of course.
Not using your brain is spouting off. Hanging on to your beliefs without reasoned thought is spouting off. Not agreeing with me is immaterial.
I was not saying anything about your affiliation with said organization, I was saying there is no reliable, consistently gathered data because of said organization. If we had better data, we could make better decisions. Agree?
No. Yes, we do have to have the conversation. I don't care what the fuck weapon we are talking about. I happen to believe that limited magazines will at least minimize any damage. Which should be a no brainer. If you have to stop and reload, you can be taken down by someone unarmed.
I am not defenseless and I do not believe a weapon provides defense. Yeah, I know you don't agree.
Since I have met people where that was the case, for some, yes, it is a substitute penis in the same way owning a Humvee is.
And six year olds having guns would have made all so much safer, how? Oh, sorry, you are not talking about children taking guns to school, are you? The point of no guns at school was an attempt to have a clear rule about children not bringing their parents' guns to school. While I am sure that there are children who know how to safely handle the weapons, and are able to defend themselves and others, but I am reasonably certain there are many who are neither.
Gabby's was not in a gun free zone. Mass shootings take place where there were lots of people. It wasn't that there were no guns, it was that there were lots of people in groups to be shot. The most bang for the buck - as it were. Shootings where only one or two are killed - as in domestic violence situations - are not in gun free zones. Accidental shootings are not in gun free zones.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
When the number of Americans killed by gun violence exceeds the number of unarmed people killed by genocides in other countries, I'll support gun control.
But also think about all the benefits from deaths by gun fire(or any other means). The victims of gun violence no longer have any carbon footprint, nor will their non-existent offspring. They don't need any more food and natural resources meaning someone else can use these resources to survive. They will no longer compete for places in universities or jobs meaning lower unemployment. Such is life in a competitive world.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Go ahead and yell. I suppose that is better than "spouting off".
No one ( unless they are a complete idiot ) has to see into the future to understand that there will be technical progress regarding weaponry. One only has to look to THE PAST. History is a reliable source, by the way.
And yet these same weapons were used to wage an armed revolution. These civilian owned weapons maintained parity with what was being used against them.
Yet "reasoned thought " depends upon my agreeing with your viewpoint. What's the difference ?
Where do anti-gun groups get their statistics then ? Are they just guessing ?
Apparently you do care about the weapon as you completely steered away from attacking the lever action rifle even though it was used in a school shooting as well. I'm sure it was a big comfort to the survivors to know it was only a lever action that killed their classmates.
A no brainer ? What if they bring more than one gun ? No stopping to reload.
Tell that to the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting. Headline of New York Times article dated 4-17-2007 "Drum Beat of Shots, Broken by Pauses to Reload"
According to a thread on the Democratic Underground the guy changed magazines 10 times. No one did anything during those pauses.
A weapon does not provide defense ? .... whatever you use to defend yourself becomes a weapon.
Thank you Dr. Freud. That was just classic.