Christian blogger condones criminal behavior.

A rash of atheist billboards have been defaced.
And here is what a Christian blogger posted.
Now to follow is my OP ED both about the criminals and this stupid bitch supporting them.
Before I start using labels here, let me first state that the reason shit like this happens is simple evolution. One group when it feels threatened by the "out group", behavior like this in evolution occurs.
Now what pisses me off about this particular individual is that she would at the same time condemn Muslims when they get physically violent. But if she is going to be consistent with the position that "they are just fighting for what they believe", then why simply stop at defacing property? The shooting of Malala because she was different than the "in group" who was threatened by the "outsider" who merely wanted an education, is actually more consistent with "fighting for what you believe" than mere teenage antics.
Malala offended someone and for her bravery she wrongfully got shot. This women advocating destruction of property is merely a lite version of the childish asshole men who shot a girl for "being different".
Now, skip back a few years, here just 30 miles way from where I live some assholes defaced a church by spraypainting "god is fake" on it. Now, I did not go "good for you, because I agree that god belief is bogus". As an atheist if I had had personal knowledge that these perps were in fact atheists, and knew who they were, I would rat them out in a heartbeat.
The Christians I know personally, my mother, and my co-workers, would NOT advocate such criminal behavior. Civil society isn't doing destructive things just because you might not like what someone else says. If we all got to damage other's property or physically harm other people because we got offended, there would be all out chaos and death. Instead, when we get offended, in a civil pluralistic society, we have the choice of confronting it in a non destructive way, like bitching and venting, or debating, or we simply ignore those who offend us.
But in a civilized society, we have no right to destroy things that do not personally belong to us, nor do we have the right to physically harm other people because they might say something we don't like.
ALL LABELS ASIDE, I will rat out any atheist, Christian, Muslim, ANYONE who takes it upon themselves to break our common law in the form of destruction of property or physical violence.
So, this woman gets my "STUPID BITCH OF THE YEAR AWARD!" Not because she is a Christian, but because SHE and the idiots who did this are to fucking insecure to understand how important common law is to all of us.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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That examiner article is well written.
The wnd blogger, Chrissy Satterfield, is an idiot and/or poser. She doesn't understand the implications of what she is saying. At the top by her name there is link to send her an email. I did just that and also to the editor.
Taking offense at somebody's words is a slippery slope. I am sure she wouldn't want a theocracy like some Muslim countries where Christian words can get you killed.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
What a hypocrite; "oh it's OK to deface and vandalize property provided it supports my opinions".
Bet she would be the first douche bag to complain that a billboard related to her religion was marked up.
Religious advertising should be illegal. It's a promise with no evidence, hence false advertising.
But I can't expect governments to do anything when they won't even crack down on false advertising in commerce.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Since we don't live in a utopia we have to live in reality. I am quite sure as much as religion may piss your off at times, all of us know people who hold some sort of belief whom we call friends family and co workers.
Delusion is part of our evolution and so is "false advertising". Otherwise the male peacock wouldn't exist because it's over exagerated plume would not attract females.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The female peacock gets stuped and says to herself, "That's it".
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
What does any of this have to do with the fact that religious advertising is false advertising and should be illegal?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Vaset, it is very rare that I disagree with you. But from a very literal evolutionary standpoint, it would not and cannot work.
It cannot work because evolution works whether it is a placebo delusion, or a real fact. The delusion the Egyptians had in believing the sun was a god was very successful for them for 3,000 years. It didn't make it true, but it did work. Our species has always used delusions and placebos as ways to form groups. You are not going to be able to stop 7 billion people from behaving like we have for 500,000 years, not with force. Religious people think we are full of shit and would love to outlaw atheism. Us being right does not mean we have anymore a right to dictate to them than we would want to be dictated to.
Seeking a utopia is what they do, and if you try to force religion out of existence which is what you would have to do to make "false advertisement" illegal in regards to religion, I seriously doubt you'd get far. Humans to whatever degree have never evolved to be rational 100% of the time. They are not selling it to deceive people, sure some are, but most truly believe the lies they sell.
Force submission in evolution is produces unhealthy suffering for those under the thumb of the alpha male. However, if we lead and demonstrate without force and they are given a choice, in that respect if they don't feel forced, they are going to be more open to a change.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
You misunderstand my position. I'm not suggesting outlawing religion, I'm suggesting outlawing false advertising. There's a pretty big difference there. If a church is willing to add words to the effect of "for entertainment purposes only" to every billboard they erect, I'd have no problem with said billboards being everywhere. On every corner and even sidewalks (anyone want to take bets on when sidewalks become advertising platforms?).
Instead they make promises without evidence, and there is no recourse for consumers. It's wrong and should be illegal. So-called psychics can't get away with it, so why does religion?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I did understand you, but do you really think that they wont see that as a backdoor way to outlaw religion?
My point is it is still a form of force. No one is suggesting we should not challenge any claim on any issue. And in certain cases like the arrest of the nut who got 3 people killed in the sweat tent in the midwest a couple years ago, sure, and he is being sued as well as having been arrested.
But it is impossible to play morality police with a diverse society. And while we do decide on common law, we take everything case by case, not "strike first" and assume.
It sounds nice, I agree, but in a real world it will not work. So we simply have to let people spew their crap and just like a business, or a our neighbor, don't presume guilt. Our laws are reactionary and case by case, not utopias.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I don't care how they see it. They see a lot of crazy and stupid things. We shouldn't have to be subjected to it.
You really want to defend false advertising?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I get it Vaset, but you are chasing a utopia. It sounds nice but it wont happen. You can only take issues case by case, and that goes with any subject matter.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Mathematically is could happen. To say it will never happen means there is no possibility which is false.
Bullshit. You're turning a reasonable and logical hill into an insurmountable mountain, and you've yet to give a single valid reason for your ridiculous assertions.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Once again this cuts to evolution. It is true we have the capability to reason, we did evolve with that, but we also can be irrational too. I am simply warning that law can be a political weapon as well, and knowing that they are irrational in their beliefs I do not want our common law of "false advertisement" being turned against us. It doesn't matter if they would be wrong in using that same law against us, the fact remains they would if given the chance.
I do agree that we can work within the system to use our own voices to keep irrational beliefs at bay and reduce the harm it can do to humans. But I do not want to hand a loaded gun to a majority that finds us suspect.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
If it can be turned against you then you are doing it wrong, and you should stop using bad arguments/statements. You still have yet to make a single valid point as to why religions should be allowed to lie in advertising to an extent that noone else can. If they can't prove their assertions, there should be a disclaimer stating as much. Or they should be imprisoned as surely as any con artist who sells lead claiming it is gold.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
One is the argument of good logic, and use of good logic. From that standpoint I agree with you.
The reality is that most humans do not use good logic, and while we can seek to increase that, we are still dealing with evolution which is not concerned with rational or irrational behavior leading our species to the point of reproduction.
Do most humans care if they can prove their assertions, or do most people go with what they feel is right? You can work around that and improve on that, but you cannot force people to be clones of you. Think of how many posts you have wanted to pull your hair out with me, just me. Now I know you know we are more on the same page on god belief. But we are not talking about one issue. Irrational behavior and claims would exist if all 7 billion of us were atheists.
The key word you used is "IF". But what if that person doesn't care about the "If's", and what if that population has more power than you?
We have never been a separate species merely because we make claims. Right does not matter to passion and power. If reason is to be a balance to irrational behavior, it must accept that irrational behavior is part of the equation.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
So in other words, a psychic should be able to claim they can read the future, and your grocery store can sell you dried shit and call it raisons.
You're a fucking idiot. There's no other way to put it. Sorry.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.