Need Help Debunking Sandy Hook "conspiracy"

While I know that it is pointless to argue with conspiracy theorists ( some of you may remember me asking help about a 9/11 truther that I work with). I am currently in an argument with the same 9/11 truther at work that believes he has "hard evidence" that the whole Sandy Hook massacre was staged.
Granted, one of his arguments, about the picture of the young girl being photographed with Obama was easily debunked.
But, he's following these wild claims that there was a Sandy Hook Memorial Facebook Page that existed before the shootings, that a mysterious man was seen handcuffed near the school, that the rifle used in the shootings was found in the turnk of a car, that the parents were not grieving on the camera and they were "rehearsed" and a few other dumb ideas.
Normally, I don't fool with conspiracy theorists.
But, like every other argument that this idiot has put forth, the people at work actually think that he might be on to something. So this is the only reason that I take the time. I absolutely HATE it when conspiracy theorists cock their nose up in the air and accuse me of being "mentally put to sleep by the government" .
He's basing 99% of this off of youtube videos claiming that the aerial footage does not "look" like an emergency scene and a few other claims.
Now to me, simple common sense could debunk this. For something like this to be pulled off, the ENTIRE police, firefighters, medical examiner, and Newtown,along with the media, would ALL have to be in on it.
Plus, I really just don't see a government having enough brains and manpower to pull something like this off.
But, a quick google search this morning has not yielded enough information and was wondering if anyone else has heard these rumors ?
Here is the rub, conspiracy theorists tend to be like religious fanatics, no matter what evidence you offer, they'll simply focus on something else. BUT, it is still a pleasure to screw with people like that and it is highly annoying to see so many people jump on the bandwagon fallacy and say "Well, there really could be a conspiracy theory."
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
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Funny how in all these conspiracy scenarios, the "evil government" somehow acts like the bumbling villain in a children's detective story. They're somehow "evil" enough to try it, but always stupid enough to leave "clues" behind that any idiot can pick up on.
This is role-playing for attention seekers. Don't waste your time. Don't even bother with making fun of them. They will revel in any sort of attention.
You've got a point there. All of the parents of Sandy Hook were "trained" actors, yet somehow they were not "trained" well enough for the conspiracy theorists to spot it.
It just irks me dealing with them.
For instance, this dude prides himself on being a "researcher" and repeatedly says : "Your just jealous because the Internet has made me as equally intelligent as all of these people that pride themselves on being well read."
Granted, I try to conveniently ignore most of his fucktarded assertions, but the idea that an entire town, federal government, white house cabinet, fire department, police force AND the newsmedia is working together, is just a bit too stupid for anyone.
Christ, the government can't even keep a scandalous sex affair secret, yet they can pull all of this off ?
Besides, if the government wanted to " take" the guns, they would simply pass a law and do so.
Call it non-sequitur, but my argument on that is this : Damn near everyone I know believes that Marijuana should be legal, yet the government keeps putting people in prison over it. I think if the government wanted to do something, they would simply pass a law and do it. Regardless of what the people think.
I wonder why the government hasn't "staged" some far out scenario to keep pot illegal yet ?
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Wonder if he thinks paul is still dead? Some people need to be constantly stimulated.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
I suspect your other coworkers aren't quite as eager to buy the bs as you might think. They're probably just stringing him along to try and shut him up. Lots of people aren't comfortable with confronting ridiculous bs. Talk to them when he's not around and you might get a pleasant surprise or two.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I have a friend who buys into quite a few of these, too. He's a big anti-fluoridation and anti-vaccine nut. I've talked to him about each of these things precisely one time apiece. Once he gets into his whole Philosophy 101 "how can you know anything?" stance, I stop talking to him about it. If the topic comes up, I quickly change it or unequivocally state that I'm unwilling to have the discussion. It's blunt, but I just don't want to talk about it anymore.
Now, I'm not saying you should be rude to your coworker, but it's probably best just to not talk about it. Don't worry about it if he accuses you of being one of the sheeple. This is about the closest you will come to dealing with an internet troll in real life. Don't feed it.
My family:
moon landing hoax
aspartame poisoning
Vaccination - corrupt/unnecessary/money for big pharmaceuticals / government / illuminati
pyramids built by aliens
DMT / ayawuaska - will actually take you to a different realm (outside your brain)
UFOs, conspiring with our government
Bohemian grove - conspiracy
Kennedy - Shot by Illuminati
Illuminati / New World Order - everywhere
Astral projection - government tool
Mayans - knew more than us
Numerology, astrology, ayurvedic/chinese medecine, acupuncture, Reiki, past life regression, ghosts, angels, homeopathy - all valid.
And a whole lot more that I can't be bothered to write down. Essentially, if there's an alternative to a sane theory, they'll prefer that. It's draining, and because they outnumber me 2-1, I end up fighting on two fronts, which is impossible when my brother has explicitly said to me he doesn't care about my 'logic'.
Makes Family reunions stressy.
EDIT: forgot Philidelphia experiment - true
Diana - Killed by the Royal Family
Royal Family - actually Lizard Aliens
ELF and HAARP are real
Tezla created free energy - suppressed by the oil companies
The first thought that came to me was to kick that douche bag in the nut sack.
But after thinking about it I decided to see what these sorry excuse for humans had to say.
After watching 3-5 minutes of several videos on YouTube I couldn't take any more of it.
They are filled with nothing but conjecture and they remind me of the "loose change" videos that circulated around for years after 9/11.
I don't see any evidence. What I see is "there might have been", "why wasn't this", and "who actually saw what". They have interviews from people who, some of them are little kids, who don't have the foggiest idea of what they are talking about.
Come to think of it... I'll stick with my first suggestion. Kick the fucker square in the nut sack.
Here is an example of how conspiracy theorists work. They provide no evidence, but they do gather up drawings, fake pictures, pictures of strange creatures or remains of creatures and fake (PT Barnum creatures sewn together) as facts.
These people are mental...
That is what I FEEL like doing.
It really doesn't need an intro...
Kick the fuckers square in the nut sack.
They really believe all that stuff? Can your brain atrophy if you don't use it think and learn beyond a superficial level?
Technically, the more of this shit you believe, the more you will and can believe. Also, the harder it is to drop it. You create neurons with every bit of knowledge you obtain, true or false. This directly impacts the way you absorb things that you encounter afterwards, making you more or less likely to accept the new information as true.
A conspiracy theorist is likely to become more paranoid and believe in more conspiracies the older he or she gets.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
That is a terrifying thought.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Yes, they really believe it. Most of it is all related; they stem from the same underlying conspiracy (One conspiracy to rule them..) about a shadowy meta-group (Illuminati / NWO) who are working towards world domination or some such.
My mother also follows "A course in miracles" which give her some other pretty nutty ideas.. - but I don't really ever get debaty about this with her..
A god tells her to write a holy book - Check.
"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." - Classic.
No obvious sign of persecution of non-believers - Mostly harmless?
My mom is so in to the "Obama Conspiracies" that she told me yesterday that he wanted to re-write the Constitution so he could stay in for more terms like Chavez did in Venezuela.
I looked at her and ask, "How is he going to do this?"
"Oh he'll just try to force in through"
"But the Congress wouldn't allow that to happen. They need to vote on it and besides, this Congress is controlled by the Republicans"
"Yeah that's true, the Republicans will protect us"
Oy Vey!
That crap has spread so quickly that my younger sister knew about it even before we got back together and she is really not active poster, more of a facebook person. So some of our family has posted this conspiracy crap. It makes me sick.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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