"Deception of a generation"

A review of the 80's christian propaganda film "deception of a generation" :
Vintage fundie folderol. Enjoy.
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"Deception of a generation"
Posted on: January 21, 2013 - 8:42pm
"Deception of a generation"
A review of the 80's christian propaganda film "deception of a generation" : http://thecinemasnob.com/2013/01/21/dvd-r-hell-deception-of-a-generation-part-1.aspx Vintage fundie folderol. Enjoy.
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
Who would have known that Scooby Doo cartoons were the "occult?"
I could have guessed that they would go after rock and roll and drugs in the 80s. (To quote the song, "It was a time I remember OH SO WELL".)
I am surprised they did not go after Garfield the Cat as being "Satanic".
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Cruel bastard. I'll not destroy brain cells watching this!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
This is nothing new, same shit was said about Elvis and Alice Cooper and I think even when the original Peter Pan was written fundies bitched a fit.
Religion is the enemy of freedom. It teaches you to conform and be a gang member. It can be the religion of a political party, or "philosophy" or a religion itself.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Yeah, I know, it's pure nostalgia. I just love seeing that guy messing around with castle greyskull, trying to do a demonic voice.
And that other dude, who became such an expert in "ocultic" toys by hanging around toy stores, stalking kids. You know, because god told him to. Yeah, sure.
No worries. The guy doing the review has a working brain.
Pretty funny, actually.
Checked out the ThunderCats, also featured in the video from the 80s. Very cagey, when in doubt they go to the Hindus, they must have a deity some place, even when the countless Motifs I see online are clearly Egyptian. Who is anyone to question?
Sure enough the goddess is said be Narasimhi She who is the power of man lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu (Hindu). And the Egyptian Council of the gods know how to deal with Rebels (Pyramid walls), the daughter of 'Ra' was sent to slay all the rebels but couldnt stop nor cease her killing. Eye of the tiger (or I should say Ra), only ended after being 'tricked', she who swallows great quantities of beer, falls fast asleep, finally ceases. Btw, She is depicted as a lioness, an 'Egyptian' goddess.
Their worst fear realized, no not 'Buffy', but this guy . .
Athanatos link :: goat-willow.com/2013/01/11/a-is-for-athanatos/
p.s. -- Lol! Funny video
I know, right ? I mean, their main villain is a friggin mummy, lol. It's like they didn't want to do a separate video on hinduism, so they just shoehorned that in there.
Heck, I'll bet the Carebears are all about radical islam. Sneaky little buggers.
(No Subject)
See: Image
LOL, oh internet, you scamp.
Man, I should have asked for a Sikh smurf.
I wonder what happened to those two douches? Bet they got hooked on heroin an are either dead or turning tricks on the Sunset Strip.
Of course, watching children's cartoons and hanging out in toy stores in search of "the devil" could be a tell-tale sign of a more serious disturbance than delusions.
They could be convicted sex offending child molestors by now.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Look at this shit... dead livers and kidneys saved!!!
And what is up with that rug on this guy's head?
You betcha Doc, a miracle would be just the thing.
As a man, I'm very interested in having my Female Trouble fixed.
Deception of a Generation One half of a Raw Transcript (minus Scooby):
A review of the 80's christian propaganda film "deception of a generation" :
"Satan is waging war on our children's minds. Cute and seemingly innocent toys are opening your home to the occult."
There is another attack on our society .. The host says, I would like to introduce this young man. Phil hello and god Bless you .. His guest says, There is a cartoon called He-man and the Master of the Universe, Now He-man and the Master of the Universe really broke the ground on this cartoon occultism, Phil says. In fact, although it set so many records it was turned by all 3 major networks. It was the first cartoon to go though independent TV stations as a first run cartoon. And it covers 95 % of America. So youre saying He-man was like a occultic forerunner to really blast this into the public's eye ? Phil, Oh Yeah. Cartoon industry people do have no problem in getting another one through. They say, it was just like He Man. Gary says, Hmm!! But this show was such a tremendous success; in fact, it gather as much as a 22% Nielsen ratin' in many areas when it was shown and that's market control as you know. I think what we should ..watch on the screen, right now and see and show the opening to He-Man series and see some of the occultic overtones within. We are going to play a little of the He-man, showing the transformation. [fade to clip] He-Man yells, By the Power of Greyskull!. Narrator remarks: He Man. He-man says, I have the power!!!! Then he points a blast towards Gringer, and he transforms to Battle-cat. [stop] : Gary says, Well Now Phil here we are seeing a transformation of He-Man from a wimp like a Clark Kent type of character, to the He-Man and says something like, "By the Power of Greyskull!". Is that correct ? Phil: Yes What we've just seen is He-Man being transformed. In fact his name is Adam. Gary says, Oh Interesting Phil : The first man until he's transformed into He-Man the most powerful man in the universe. By lifting his sword and chanting By the Power of Greyskull .. now to understand this, we have to understand what Greyskull is. It's a castle build by unknown hands in the shape of a skull. And there's a demon spirit living within it, that manifests in the shape of a skull. And so our good character is empowered by occultic demon spirits,. You're kidding me?? So, All all this is coming forth and the children whether consciously or subconsciously, all, are receiving these occultic overtones! You know, I received this letter of a lady who had written to the Eagle's Nest. In the letter she asks, How harmless are the cartoon characters of He-man and the Master of the Universe ? My sister-in-Law allows her son to watch this TV show, and also her son has all the toys from He-man. Skeletor, we've seen on the screen right now. And, the castle of GreySkull for this little 2 year old boy. And he repeats By the Power of GreySkull. Here's a little boy.. and she says he holds his hand up saluted to the sky, and says this. So a two yr old is learning these things?? Well, the bible says, Let nothing take god's place in your heart (??). And He-man is being lifted up as a god. And Many children are receiving him as such, Phil remarks. In fact I was talking to one lady and I've heard a number of experiences like this one. Where this lady said my little boy was in the back seat of the car. And a radio preacher came on, who said, Our god is the master of the Universe. And, the boy jumped up in the back of the car, saying, 'Mommy, god(God) is not the master of the universe but He-Man is. Gary replies, What ??!!? Phil continues, He said He-Man is the master of the Universe. My dad was talking about my presentation in the church. And He said, After the presentation, he actually saw afterwards a kid playing with the toys from the series. Now this is a kid in church and who goes to Sunday school. My father saw him with He-man in his hand. Running around and around saying, He-man has more power than jesus; He-Man has more power than jesus! So, oh, we can assume that millions of children who watch these programs are having their mind programmed by them. And, Not reading the word of god and believing what the bible says to this influence on their mind. Right, they're taking on many gods, many gods. A further betrayal of the enemy is Blackstar, now Blackstar is probable the most blatantly occultic cartoon series with action figures you are seeing right here on the market today, Because with every figure with such as Taleena the high priestess or a wizard from the series comes with its' own glow in the dark alien 'demon' [shown here]. Now the average child will have at least 72 dollars with of any toy series they get involved with. Can you imagine a child that doesn't clean up his room at night and see this thing looking back at him glowing in the dark. Gary: They are absolutely , I mean ..even the eyes look like they glow. We picked up a few of the toys, while at the toystore, of the Insectoids (Bugaboo) & the Infaceables: the mystics warriors of change (??). The faces change into other faces, right ? I dont know much about this to series, of course, they come out so fast it is pitiful. Oh, Of Course transforming from a man to a animal is a very occultic and New Age concept, Phil says. Again, Here is another one we found in the store called Insectoids. [Toy]. Now the battle is in your hands, it says. Very Interesting, exclaims the host. [Break in the transcript] Now the ThunderCats have this sword, and in it the Eye of Thundera was placed; when it is placed on the forehead you are enabled to see into the future, can tell if there is danger around. Now this is directly from Hinduism when you travel through India you'll notice it. [Shiva Third eye's location] Gary : Absolutely! And, So we are seeing again an occult practice. And the children begin to pick up this idea that the third-eye is part of everyday life. They should look for things in their own lifestyles that would identify with the Occult, Hinduism is mystic religions due to this series. Creating a desire for the occult again. Gary : I am absolutely astounded!. And, We noticed that Lion-o spoke to this dead mentor, as we see in the next clip. Gary: Maybe this is how they get into talking with the dead? Some of the attributes of them are they are half man and half beast, the ThunderCats. [Clip] Laughing and laughing Mummru, says, I knew those miserable ThunderCats couldn't resist an S.O.S. But, All they are heading for is a date with extinction!. I will be rid of them FOREVER! [Opening scene now in space:] You hear, Jaga! Jaga:The Eye of Thundera is with you; the source of the ThunderCat's power, Lion-o. Lion-o: They have sealed the eye, Shiner has sealed the eye of Thundera, it sleeps and I cannot summon it, Joga. Your young friend talks to himself, says a near-by alien,. Lion-o exclaims, Jaga ! (a spirit) Jaga says to Lion-o: Sealed or not, the eye sleeps only until needed; the eye sleeps only until needed. Lion-o exclaims, Thunder, thunder, thunder, ThunderCats Ho!!. [Now glowing & no longer sleeping
] Okay, Panthero Let's go! [Stop] Well, If , if you're seeing what I am seeing? You're seeing the sword of Omens! Even it is taken like something out of Star Wars.. Here we find him (Lion-o) talking to his Obi-Wan Kenobi with a little Luke Skywalker, what is this called where people talk with the dead, Phil ? To dead men? A summoning of a Necromancy, it is dealt with in Deut. this is something that we arent supposed to have in our homes. (Lol!) Gary say to Phil, This is an Abomination to god; and speak to spirits of the dead or dead relatives which are only demons masquerading as them. The guest, Right! In the scene, says Phil, In fact We will notice how the sword levitates to his hand. [Break/Pause] Let's look at a clip and what this is spawning in our toy-stores. [Break in the Transcript] These little toys that represent what is on the series. Okay, I'm going back to He-Man to show a He-man figure here. And He's got this sword of power. Phil, Well, That's the sword of power. But we've talked a little about He Man & he becomes transformed. Now from HeMan we need to take a look at Skeletor. Gary, Now This is the He-Man.. so it is mostly geared towards little boys. Phil, Oh! Oh, i think you're right. But the little girls have someone too. She is called She-Ra. Gary interrupts, Now let's look at a Skeletor figure now. We've got him up on our screen; and Skeletor is this ugly looking skeletal creature. With a Ram's staff in his hand. Phil, The staff is a ram's head staff, it is a very occult symbol, all that choose to know and do the occult practice. It's called the norrok. And the norrok is sure an occultic symbol. And [many] times is pictured with it crushing a head of a dove'. Now Skeletor introduces most of the occult in the series. Such things as his Mind control, levitating, astroprojection and along with many of the other evil occult practices, and in getting children to get into these occult practices. Watch Skeletor with his staff of power. You say this was used to crush a dove, asking of Phil ? It represents total Satanic power. Of course, We know the Goat's head focuses on Satan. So little boys are being programmed to evil; and where does Skeletor live ? Well, Sketelor lives in 'ethernia' with He-Man. Now, 'ethernia' is a good world that they live in. Well, Now see some things about 'ethernia' (Adora's world). Now Who lives in Snake mountain, again ? Well, Skeletor lives in Snake mountain. Can we talk about snake mountain ? Well, Sure let's do this. We picked up and bought a toy, says Gary. Now we've got snake mountain playset. This is definitely an occultic toy. And, it's got an interesting little feature here., I'm about to turn it on. [With the microphone held up]. It can transform your voice from your regular voice to that of an occultic hero? So Let's give it a try. Gary says, I'm Skeletor.., the master of the Universe!. Does this kinda of give you an exact idea ? Yeah, It transforms your voice into that of an evil occultic figure. So Little children would actually using that to do this evil. And I find even more, with these occultic heros; Right?. Oh, Yeah, Phil says,. I think it would be interesting if we went to another video clip to show the occultic overtones. Let's go to another clip of He-Man [Fade to Clip] The Sorceress speaking, "You have a great challenge facing you He-man,.. Perhaps the greatest of your life. Have you ever heard of the starseed ? He-man says, 'I thought it was a myth'. It is no myth, He-man. It is real!. And, it is right here in Eternia. Let me show you in the (magic) mirror,.. Eternia is an unusual planet. Fore we are located directly in the center of the Universe. It was here where we now stand, the very focal point where the explosion that took place that created the Universe, billions of years ago. At the very center of our plantet, there is a small piece of the energy left from that explosion. The very energy that set the stars burning, and the planets spinning, the star-seed,. You need only speak a wish to the starseed and it makes it happen. It can do anything; it is all powerful. For untold ages the location of the starseed was only known to a chosen few, the cosmic enforcers. But if its' location is no longer a secret. At this very moment, Skeletor is tunneling his way to the center of our world. Can you imagine what would happen if he got a hold of it !? [fades out].. The host says, Phil as we are watching something speaking, a Sorceress, on the creation of the universe; how it was created with a great big bang or what some of the scientists would call the Big bang Theory. Which totally throws out the creationism. She (the Sorceress) mentions Skeletor and Castle GreySkull. But, All of this .. we are seeing such occult overtones, I mean, This segment we've just played. And, didnt we just turn on the tv and this was the first thing we saw?. It happened to be a random clip? Well, I want to get back to exposing some of these characters from the series. ..And a lot of occultic symbolism such as the stars in the sky .. [break in transcript] .. Right ? Let's go to another video clip to another series, that shows a little bit of the series of 'Voltron' and the witchcraft that is involved in these different cartoon segments .. [Clip] The evil king says to Hathor. "I demand to know where the Voltron force is! I want them back. Speak up old witch. Yes, My liege, my magic powers tell me they have landed safely. His majesty says, I destroyed that miserable planet and enslaved their people as slaves. And the rest now live in the hills, like wild animals. Yes, But the castle still stands majesty. The Voltron force may have discovered the secret of Voltron. King, Voltron, You told me you destroyed Voltron ?!!? [fade to black] Well, Phil, there is no doubt there is witchcraft here. And, Voltron is similar to the Transformer series, isn't it ? Phil: This is one of many Robot series; some of them are sexually oriented. Some of them have no occultic overtones that I have been able to find or anything in it. [With the] transformers I have not seen occultic in it yet. It is the only violent cartoon that actually shows killing in it, that I've seen. And, as we will see in the next clip; someone is shot and killed. Let's go to the clip. [Clip] Leader of the Decepticons says I was Promised materials or was there a store of energy here?. We store only energy here. Reply of the bigger Bot, That's just what I wanted to hear. Decepticons Attack.!. Autobot says, No, you can't you, monster! Replies, Out of my way, fool !! Autobot says, NO!! Oh, Leave him alone!, cries Ariel. Ariel, No!! You, you Monster ! [Lazar fired. It has the leader of the Decepticons "permanently deactivating" two giant Robot androids]. The leader retorts, Take what we came for and take the fuel! And permanently deactivate the rest!. [Fade] Well Phil, Not only is there occultic overtones, but definite violence and killing. And, This could lead the children to think that killing is okay, Gary suggests. Oh, yeah! So, What are we as parents to do; what is our response in all of this ? Well, the responsibility lies with the parents to train up the children.. In fact, The word training, in the Greek, means to narrow the child.. Like a river is narrowed at the base of a canyon.. Guided in the way it should go. But, you know it's really the child's father, fore those are suppose to provide the spiritual priesthood of the family, that's the fathers. See the fathers are commanded by god to be the priest in their homes, but many don't take that seriously. In fact, If fathers would take that seriously; then expect god to anoint them, to anoint them to lead their families. To anoint them to guild their children in the way they should go. And To bring about spiritual change within the home. And, Eliminate the tHings that are going to hinder their children's simplest 'spiritual' walk, because they will be held accountable for what happens with their children. The bible says, god will turn the hearts of the father towards the children; and the children towards the father (Isaiah 54). Do you have any scripture that indicates the father's responsibility, Phil? I know we are told to put the word before the children, renewing it, & exposing it to them. Well, In Deut. chapter six, it talks about training up and teaching the child on a daily basis. Speaking the word to that child as they raise up in the morning, as they go along the way. And It even goes so far to tell us to put the preeminence by tying it to the wrist or the forehead. Now we arent talking about that, but what the inference here is that the word of god is to take preeminence. We are to speak our relationship to the Lord to our children. We to tell them how God is interacted in our lives, and how god has healed us. How god has brought us into prosperity; how god brought us out of Egypt, from the spiritual bondage. And how god can do that for the child, as with us. And that is what we relate to them; we talk about our relationship with the Lord god, on a daily basis. I think that right now we should really really reiterate; to you parents who are watching today. It is your responsibly/ibility if you allow your child to watch these cartoons. If you, as parents, allow these comixbooks in the house, or if you allow these toys or buy them for them. God says not to bring an accursed thing in the house, lest you should be an accursed, the Bible says. Now, These things are occultic in nature and an accursed!. They teach the children to get into spells and serve demon powers and pagan religions. And, the mystic religions of the east. (Gary praying now), I pray in the name of jesus! In the name of jesus that any of you who have this bondage, in your household, I pray. In jesus name, that god break that bondage today. We lose it, right now; in Jesus name! And we put the blood of Jesus over you, your family, and your children, Amen! Now god bless you now from the Eagle's Nest. Thank you for joining us today from the Eagle's nest, this is brought to you from the Eagle's-Nest with Gary Greenwald. This outreach of the Eagle's nest ministries is made possible through continued prayers and love gifts .. .
p.s. -- What's these guy's damage ?
Part two :
To be fair, they may have a point about the smurfs. Little communist bastards..
Re :: (?) Parlance a ''Green'' Eyed monster .. after all ?
Re :: (?) Parlance a ''Green'' Eyed monster .. after all ?
↕ >
>> ↕ Alright, Not terribly nor exactly sophisticated, but 'The' Best visual puzzle .. EVER !!