Exposure to conspiracy theories has dramatic consequences

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Exposure to conspiracy theories has dramatic consequences

By Misty Harris, Postmedia News January 24, 2013 11:02 AM


Read more: http://www.canada.com/Exposure+conspiracy+theories+dramatic+consequences/7866992/story.html#ixzz2IvYLjKO3

Researchers from the University of Kent in the U.K. found that simply reading a conspiracy theory increased people’s feelings of powerlessness, which ultimately reduced their desire to politically engage. And this effect occurred even when the information wasn’t directly related to government.

Exposure to pro-conspiracy material on climate change, for example, not only made people less motivated to reduce their carbon footprint, it also negatively affected their interest in voting.

The research, published in the British Journal of Psychology, is the first to experimentally demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship between conspiracy theories and feelings of powerlessness.

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 Yay, conspiracy!

 Yay, conspiracy! Governments conspire to publish conspiracy theories to control voters and support big business!

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It causes me to lose a few

It causes me to lose a few brain cells


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Luminon wrote: Yay,

Luminon wrote:

 Yay, conspiracy! Governments conspire to publish conspiracy theories to control voters and support big business!


Unfortunately, I have a co-worker who is HUGE on conspiracy theories. ( 9/11 was rigged, Oklahoma bombing was rigged, Colorado shootings were rigged, and now, the Sandy Hook shootings are rigged).

Guy prides himself on being "smarter" than everyone else and calls everyone "sheep" and "cattle" and has repeatedly told me in arguments that I am just jealous that the Internet has made him just as smart as people who "read books". (For some reason, he has a major chip on his shoulder for people who read books).

Anyway, if I was to show him this article that Vastet posted, I bet you a good amount of money he would find a conspiracy theory at work within it.

I actually hate the term "theory" for this type of bunk these people buy into, because it is not a "theory". It's just a bunch of paranoid speculations of connections that do not exist.

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My dad posted a conspiracy

My dad posted a conspiracy theory on his Facebook wall. I posted this link below it Smiling

harleysportster wrote:


Unfortunately, I have a co-worker who is HUGE on conspiracy theories. ( 9/11 was rigged, Oklahoma bombing was rigged, Colorado shootings were rigged, and now, the Sandy Hook shootings are rigged).

Guy prides himself on being "smarter" than everyone else and calls everyone "sheep" and "cattle" and has repeatedly told me in arguments that I am just jealous that the Internet has made him just as smart as people who "read books". (For some reason, he has a major chip on his shoulder for people who read books).

Anyway, if I was to show him this article that Vastet posted, I bet you a good amount of money he would find a conspiracy theory at work within it.

I actually hate the term "theory" for this type of bunk these people buy into, because it is not a "theory". It's just a bunch of paranoid speculations of connections that do not exist.

Seems to me he has lots of willingness to hang himself, if you just give him enough rope. Do you know of any extremely disproven conspiracies that are not public knowledge?

Alternatively, you can be "more papal than the Pope" and trump him, if you have stomach of a Herbertian slig. The conspiracy of NASA to keep Mars' blue sky a secret. The conspiracy of the Illuminati group who want to control the world through chemtrails. The conspiracy of scientists to keep the God's creation of man out of public knowledge, by fabricating dinosaur bones out of plaster at the university paleontology class exercises. The conspiracy of skin-wearing reptilian aliens, if you want to be classy. And if you're really feeling well, the conspiracy of how THEY'RE WATCHING ME. You don't have to say all that publically, just in person to him, as the only trustworthy and wise one who can see the truth! If you're lucky, nobody will believe you told such things to him. 

If nothing else, you can just tell him he just says this or that is a conspiracy, but never finds that out for himself and never does anything about it. 

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Those douche bags from

Those douche bags from "Loose Change" should just be shot for dumbing up America even more with their bullshit conspiracy theories.  Bunch of fucking assholes they were, making money off that shit.


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Reptilians are go


Researchers from the University of Kent in the U.K. found that simply reading a conspiracy theory increased people’s feelings of powerlessness, which ultimately reduced their desire to politically engage.

Who'd have thought it?

It turns out that David Icke is just a pawn of the New World Order and Illuminati, not their enemy.

There are layers within layers and the reptilians are not really real, they are the demonic at work doing shapeshifting or they are pretending to be.

Or maybe that's just a double bluff cover story.


I've lost the will to type, so if I can summon the power, I'm off for a lie down in a darkened room. I may be some time.

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 My Brother asked me

 My Brother asked me yesterday whether I thought the Sandy hook shootings may have been caused by secret government types brainwashing the gunman into killing kids so that Obama could bring in gun control laws to make the general populace helpless against the installation of a new Fascist state.


I asked him why they'd bother - there are enough lunatics that one of them will eventually run around firing bullets into kids without any brainwashing needed. But perhaps they were on a schedule and needed to rush it. He thought they might be.



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GodsUseForAMosquito wrote:


I asked him why they'd bother - there are enough lunatics that one of them will eventually run around firing bullets into kids without any brainwashing needed. But perhaps they were on a schedule and needed to rush it. He thought they might be.



Laughing out loud

That's a good one.

Guy that I work with is ALL into Sandy Hook these past couple of weeks.

Also, his latest thing is that he has "CONCRETE TESTIMONY" from architects, engineers and psychiatrists that PROVE 9/11 was an inside job by the government. He's just a fucktard. Some youtube video with so called "experts" claiming the buildings could have never fallen through a terrorist attack.

Also, his latest claim is that he has proof that all those kids at Sandy Hook were not actually killed but in fact, all of the parents are paid actors.

I really don't care to see his proof.

I DID inform him that it was probably dangerous to have all of that proof and that THEY were probably watching him.

While he did not take my answer seriously, he DID lose that look of smug superiority that he perpetually wears.

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno