Now it could be babies faults so apparently the only way to protect babies from pedophile immams/believers/citizens of muslims countries is the put burkas on babies because they are unable to control themselves....after all if your prophet was a pedophile why not follow his steps? maybe I am taking it to far, then again, this is a religion of ignorance and one which women are second class.
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"The preacher’s remarks have been widely condemned for denigrating Islam, and as a breach of privacy."
"...A breach of privacy" ?
Dude, don't talk about the baby rape ! That's private !
They should probably put dogs and goats into burkas too.
From the same site.
If this kind of thing makes you angry, then don't read what this piece of shit preacher did to his 5 year old daughter. Just don't.
Well, at least some people are getting mildly upset about him getting away with it.
If any other muslims are wondering what the going rate is for being allowed to rape and murder a 5 year old, it's 50 000 dollars, apparently. (And since he only killed a girl, it's half of the usual price )
I don't get this. They live in a theocracy where they can have as many women as they like, and rape them when they feel like it, and they STILL want to fuck kids.
They'll cut off a thief's hands, but they won't cut of this guy's dick ?
Of course not, their prophet was a pedophile, he is just following his footsteps, and women are second class citzens not worth justice at all. The problem with most religions
Did anyone else notice the bizarrely placed ad on your 'left' with the Topic ? Keyword of Islam allowed it to pop-up
Image Included:
? Image not loading ??
All joking aside and as comical as I found that poster, I DID read in Nafisi's book, Reading Lolita in Tehran, about Ayatollah Khomeini issuing proclamations that it was acceptable to bang farm animals (including chickens) before one "defiles" himself by banging chicks. Seriously.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
I get and FilipinoCupid and rsvp.
I also sometimes get ChristianSingles, but that might be on youtube.
I saw what you mean, come to think of it.
These images are fairly current gals awaiting emails, from the ad, I found. Actual real singles, allah fearing, warm and hey 'a' woman

Holy shit. Fucking a chicken. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
It leads me to believe that specific strains of Islam is really fucked up. Haven't they heard of mental health care?
As much as I wish that it could be joking, it's quite true.
Reading Lolita in Tehran was a great book (got a bit boring at the end with all of the literary notes) but it was about a group of women who formed a reading club outside of school (since Khomeini got rid of women's education and there were some women in that club that spent time in jail for wearing make up to school).
But, the top banned book in Iran was Lolita and a slew of others.
The author was a literary teacher and bought as many of those books as she possibly could before they were off of the streets.
ANYWAY, part of the book club meetings was just discussions about life in Tehran under Khomeini.
There is one scene where the author talks about laughing in the face of total insanity when Khomeini was issuing broadcasts that it was better to have sex with chickens, than to "defile" one's self by "fornicating" .
Fucked in the head if you asked me.
I wish that I could say that no country would allow that type of insanity to rule it, but history and current events, proves me wrong, time and time and time again.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
That is insane.
Misc. -- #8 Updated, I was directly contacted by a black 29 year single named Fatia21 (from Ghana), beyond weirded-out with what I included to get actual ads from the site but I dont think she looked at the Profile I submitted to the site anywhere near close. Yeah, I dont think there's ever going to be a face to face (Lol!!),. I should have explained in ever further excruciating detail what I was doing to get information from the actual ad (& not my personal cup of tea couldnt express several times enough). If you ever find yourself in Ghana, swing over and express Dana is so sorry still for the continued misunderstanding.
So, you advertised yourself on a Muslim dating site (as a woman?) and got a response from a woman.
One hopes that Fatia didn't get her hopes up too high.
It seems that Fatia means child. The name is "used by the Ashanti people of Northern Ghana".
Funny old world on the internet.
Nu. XII With that Subjectline entitled : Aisha wife . . ??? Who's that Aisha ?? I was recently reminded of.
Extra heavy layer of dust grew on this Thread, I'm afraid . .
Extra heavy layer of inactivity on this Thread, I'm afraid . .
That last one I hadn't noticed for months and months, then only today it popped-up. I thought it only fair that there are professional women who are from the the middle of North America, not just the Muslims.
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This is an example from this other non-muslim SITE . . Pensive, inquisitive, yet an inner glow, with a predominantly quieter side. Super-Intriguing. surely anyone's curious; as she grew even quieter. No, A once haunting quality, though maybe not your super gregarious nor an immediate people person. This one will chase those demons away, with their ivory-fanged/fangs, the hunter with eyeballs aflaming. IMO, I know I d feel safe around her, I can only speak for myself. I immediately like her. That may be the blunder of nothing but pure fantasies or projections about her; that being the case then I wouldn't like her. The vast majority of these profiles use innate phrase(s) that say nothing of what shaped that person. In this example, Mentionable is she has a cool career of hers, though, stuck in one of those isolated rural locations (I hear that Sister)! And look, a woman!
(Sm Ediit :: Edit the URLs are no' Match'ing)
The culture that suggest such things sickens me.
But at least there's nowhere to hide in the modern age. The more of this stuff that comes out, the more conventional morality might apply.
Of course, muslims generally argue such reports are the result of a US or Jewish conspiracy, so maybe not.
As for that preacher.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck