Social experiment: Ask a christian to write "Jesus" on a piece of paper and then step on it

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Social experiment: Ask a christian to write "Jesus" on a piece of paper and then step on it


A christian student got offended during an exercise where the prof asked them to step on a paper with "Jesus" written on it to illustrate how much we value things in our culture.



And that student was Albert Einstein.




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This is why it'd suck to be

This is why it'd suck to be famous. After you die people make up all sorts of shit about you.

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                     I read the article, where does Albert Einstein come into it? The exercise seems designed to spark a debate between those who stomp on the word jesus and those who do not;  isn't this the kind of things Universitys do?




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Jeffrick wrote:        

Jeffrick wrote:

                     I read the article, where does Albert Einstein come into it? The exercise seems designed to spark a debate between those who stomp on the word jesus and those who do not;  isn't this the kind of things Universitys do?

Except the student claims he was suspended for refusing to do the exercise, which if true seems rather counterproductive to sparking a debate. I suspect that there is more to the story.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Cpt was being sarcastic by

Cpt was being sarcastic by making a reference to Albert. There is a fake story floating around on the Internet about how Eistein aparently had a debate with a professor and he schooled the professor... blah blah.

As for the article, bleh. What I would have done is asked the students to put the religious names of prophets etc on the paper.  I would have then asked them to turn in the paper. If asked what I was doing with the paper I would have told them I was cheap and I needed toilet paper to wipe my ass.


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digitalbeachbum wrote:Cpt

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Cpt was being sarcastic by making a reference to Albert.

Ah. I couldn't get the article to load so I assumed. My mistake.

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Vastet wrote:My mistake.As

Vastet wrote:
My mistake.

As usual Sticking out tongue

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what is worse is the reading

what is worse is the reading comprehension of the people making comments on that site, the article never stated the professor suspended the student, or had anything to do with the suspension, but that the student had gone above the professor to the professors supervisor and then got suspended. For what exact reason? Who knows. yet people making comments are stating that the professor should be fired and sued. For what? writting a word on a paper and making people stomp on it? sheesh talk about religious nuttery.

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digitalbeachbum wrote:Vastet

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Vastet wrote:
My mistake.

As usual Sticking out tongue

Projection. Eye-wink

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Hmm, the idea is intriguing

Hmm, the idea is intriguing if only because it does lead to a fun argument with religious sorts. Are they saying that any image or item with their deities name on it is sacred, etc. then shouldn't they also be against throwing out any church fliers or anything else with images of their religious icon? If stepping on it is the same as stepping on the deity then you're saying that simply writing the deities name is enough to invoke it and link it to the item. Now a person might feel uncomfortable but frankly I'd love to hear why they have a problem with it.

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Joker wrote:Hmm, the idea is

Joker wrote:

Hmm, the idea is intriguing if only because it does lead to a fun argument with religious sorts. Are they saying that any image or item with their deities name on it is sacred, etc. then shouldn't they also be against throwing out any church fliers or anything else with images of their religious icon? If stepping on it is the same as stepping on the deity then you're saying that simply writing the deities name is enough to invoke it and link it to the item. Now a person might feel uncomfortable but frankly I'd love to hear why they have a problem with it.


Recently, I have been going to the laundromat as my washing machine was broken.  (parts are on order, fixed soon, yay!)  I cruise around and toss all the Jehovah Witness tracts in the trash.  It is a small token of protest, but I figure they have to pay to print more and they are likely believing the tracts are being read and may get more converts when in reality they are now landfilled.  My very small contribution to rationality.  And yeah, I am figuratively stepping on their deity.


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i remember when i was a

i remember when i was a fundy i had the standard-issue, genuine leather scofield bible all fundies have.  i was sitting on the back patio of my grandmother's house with my sister when my stack of books fell off the bench we were sitting on, bible first.  my sister dived for them in a way i've never seen before and managed to slow down the bible long enough for the other paperback books to hit the concrete, with the bible landing on top of them.  had she not interfered, the bible would have landed first and broken the fall of the paperbacks.

as she returned my paperbacks with their now scuffed and creased covers to the bench, i asked her what on earth she had done.  she responded matter-of-factly, "well, i didn't want the bible to touch the ground."  bear in mind, despite my new-found religiosity in those days, my sister was a cultural christian at best, so i found her response all the more strange.  i just shrugged and said, "well, i kind of wished you had let the bible hit first, since it's leather and the rest are paperbacks."  funny the notions people get.  i remember seeing guys over the years in my christian groups in college who would reverently kiss their bibles after reading them.  of course, i was as puritan and calvinist as could be in those days, so i sneered at such gross idolatry, shaking my pious head at their ignorance.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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cj wrote:I cruise around and

cj wrote:
I cruise around and toss all the Jehovah Witness tracts in the trash.

Whenever I'm walking around town I do the same with religious ads taped to phones and mail boxes. They usually stay gone for quite awhile interestingly.

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 In a way it's similar to

 In a way it's similar to some US citizens and their 'idolatry' of the US flag - not letting it touch the ground etc... It's a symbol, and really doesn't matter if the symbol gets a bit muddy.



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latincanuck wrote:what is

latincanuck wrote:

what is worse is the reading comprehension of the people making comments on that site, the article never stated the professor suspended the student, or had anything to do with the suspension, but that the student had gone above the professor to the professors supervisor and then got suspended. For what exact reason? Who knows. yet people making comments are stating that the professor should be fired and sued. For what? writting a word on a paper and making people stomp on it? sheesh talk about religious nuttery.

I read something a while ago about a guy who went into mass, got served communion, and ran off with the wafer, so he could do stuff like stick pins in it. You should have seen the reactions! In addition to all of the death threats, people wanted him legitimately tried in court for a hate crime! The author of the article kept reitterating: "It's just a cracker!".


GodsUseForAMosquito wrote:

 In a way it's similar to some US citizens and their 'idolatry' of the US flag - not letting it touch the ground etc... It's a symbol, and really doesn't matter if the symbol gets a bit muddy.

I've seen people get that way over flags. I used to be in Tae Kwon Do, and they were the same way about the belts.