10 litres of coke per day = heart attack & death of 30 year old.

NVERCARGILL: Drinking too much Coke killed mother of eight Natasha Harris, a New Zealand coroner has found.
Ms Harris drank up to 10 litres of Coke every day – equal to more than twice the recommended safe daily limit of caffeine and almost 1 kilogram of sugar.
She died aged 30, on February 25, 2010, from a cardiac arrest. Her partner, Christopher Hodgkinson, found her seated on the toilet, slumped against the wall and gasping for air.
Coca-Cola has argued that the huge quantities of Coke drunk daily by Ms Harris day could not be proven to have contributed to her death.
But in findings released on Tuesday, New Zealand coroner David Crerar said Ms Harris would not have died if it wasn’t for her dependence on Coke.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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i remember freshman year of college when i first set out to lose weight. giving up sprite probably accounted for at least 50% of my success.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Yeah I saw this...
I used to drink milk and cokes when i was a kid. I would go through 2-3 gallons of milk with 4-5 liters of coke every four days.
One day I had to go to get a check up for my parents insurance. The blood work came back with a cholesterol level of 320, all at the ripe age of 12.
It's amazing I made it to my mid-40's with all the shit I've pumped in to my body over the years.
10 liters a day!?!?!? Wow, I can't drink that much rum.
I would hope you couldn't drink one liter of rum each day, much less ten liters.
oh, i could do one liter of rum a day, easy, especially if it's good dark rum. i mean, come on, spaced out over 12 hours or so? give me a liter of havana club 7 anos and i will demolish that shit in 12 hours, with little more than a strong buzz to go to bed on.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
What I find most interesting is that a 30 year old woman did not know enough about nutrition or health care to think that that amount of anything might be a bad idea. 10 liters of water isn't that great for your body, much less soda. As a female I've long since accepted that fact that, in general, women are more monitored health-wise than men. There are exceptions, of course, but a female of child bearing years is usually either getting birth control or getting pregnant so visits to the doctor are fairly common. What may be lacking is doctor's asking about diet? I'm not sure about New Zealand, but as far as I'm aware most US education standards include a class in high school on health....then again, plain ol' common sense would have prevented this too.
Being female and 62, I can not imagine going to the doctor and not having the discussion about diet. On the other hand, it isn't that difficult to derail that conversation. "Yeah, yeah, I know about diet and exercise, I am following <blah blah> diet carefully. Yes, I exercise." Which may or may not be true, but the doctor usually doesn't pursue it.
I don't know for sure, but I would hazard a guess she knew Coke was not a food group but cheerfully thought it wasn't that big of a deal. And all those articles on healthy living did not apply to her habit.
Confirmation bias combined with rationalization will get you dead faster than running in front of a bus.
BTW - nice to meet you. I'm taking classes, so I am in and out as the term ramps up and finals approach. Spring break now and a chance to catch up with what people are doing in the real world.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
It is certainly possible that she blew off a doctor's questions. It really does amaze me how many people die due to a terrifying lack of sense. I always feel so bad when I read one of these reports. Bad because my opinion of the deceased isn't very high and if I say anything out loud I am immediately accused of being cold hearted. Better to be cold hearted and pass on knowledge than to encourage this kind of situation. Perhaps if more people were mocked for being idiots instead of rewarded through our legal system, we might just find society progressing a bit. And fewer warning labels needed. Than again, mass media would suffer as would every major industry when the masses started questioning them about their practices and forcing them to be honest. Ahhh...what a wonderful dream!
Congrats on school, CJ! I'm thinking about signing back up this fall to finish up my degree. I've put it off for too long and I'm aware that it won't make any difference in my potential pay at this point, but I still want the paper.
Yeah, one liter in a day is doable, but to drink 10 liters of coke I would need to drink at least 5 liters of rum with it. I don't think I could do that and if I was watering down a good dark rum that much I would be crying the whole time. Usually when I am in the mood for rum and coke I order a double with just a splash of coke. Recently, (within the last year) I have really taken up Kraken as my dark rum of choice. If in the mood for a sipping rum I like Appleton Estate 12yo.
Being in the United Totalitarian States we are not allowed to have real Havana Club, Bacardi recently launched a line using the brand, but it isn't the same recipe. I haven't brought myself to try it yet.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
appleton is good shit, but i've never had 12 yo. i also like meyer's. here in europe they have captain morgan black label, which is a damn fine extra dark jamaican rum. i've never seen it in the states. i despise spiced rums.
didn't known bacardi was using havana club's good name. bacardi makes a good white rum for mixing, but when it comes to dark sipping rums, never send a puerto rican to do a cuban's job. or a jamaican's, for that matter.
never heard of kraken. is it jamaican? next time i'm stateside i'll go to liquor barn and see if i can find it. i should be in this summer, so i'll definitely be in a dark rum and maduro cigars mood, especially since we'll be heading down to naples, fl., a.k.a. paradise on earth.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Meyer's is my pantry rum that I keep around and use for cooking and nipping on while cooking and is my favorite addition to egg nog. Kraken is relatively new, came out in 2007 I think and is made in Trinidad & Tobago. They have had a pretty heavy marketing campaign and when they brought samples to us in the shop they were so over marketed I was skeptical, but it definitely deserves a place on the shelf. It is now available at most liquor stores, and starting to appear in well stocked bars. Being that rum is more popular in FL than here I doubt you will have any problem finding it. It is owned by Proximo Spirits which also owns 1800 tequila, Boodles gin, Three Olives vodka and a few others.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
never had rum from trinidad. i'll definitely give it a shot.
i once forked over a pretty good chunk of cash (not excessive, but enough to give me pause) for bacardi anejo. it wasn't very dark, more of a light amber color (i like my rums damn near black), but i mostly bought it because it was made in mexico, and i didn't even know mexican rum existed. it was god-awful shit. it tasted like i imagine antiseptic must taste. my friend and i managed to choke it all down, since i paid over $30 for it. bacardi should be ashamed. bacardi black is not a bad rum though, if the bar has a shitty rum selection (which most bars here in europe do).
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Well iwbiek I finally got around to buying a fifth of Black Bush on your previous recommendation. Drank about half of it during my Easter celebration mixed with a little ginger ale and smokes on the side. Thought it tasted good but didn't really have a chance to enjoy it because I was pretty inebriated before I opened it. Today, I finished the bottle drinking it neat to fully enjoy it. Damn fine whiskey, going to have to buy another bottle to keep around on the shelf for when I am in the mood for something a little different.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X