Intelligent Design?
When it comes to the Evolution v Creationism debate, I have wondered for a while now... what sort of intelligent designer would make us in such a manner that we have to do so many bodily functions... Such as eating... excrementing waste.
For example there are animals out there that can produce vitamin C... we cannot, and must get our daily vitamin C from food. If we were designed intelligently, what sort of sense does it make to give some (un?)intelligently designed creatures this ability, and then keep it from the Pièce de résistance so to speak. Or going further to plants... they get most of what they need from the Sun, and then other random nutrients in water that can even be given via a mist. (Aeroponics) Why can't we, as intelligently designed creatures utilize the same process as plants when it comes to aeroponics? .-. It doesn't make sense.
"Your sins are not redeemed, by swearing perjury." ~ Mathias Blad
"Change how you look at all things and what you see will change" ~ Per Nilsson/Henrik Ohlsson
"As the need for knowledge flows through the catharsis of thought, ask a question and the answer will be born."
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Wladyslaw wrote:Blacklight, I've also explained it numerous times on this thread... .-. They were then ignored and later the question was repeated.
Oh, yeah...
Wladyslaw wrote:Do you really think that God intelligently designed some of us just for slave labour? That doesn't seem very loving to me...
Of course not! But I'm also an atheist. Interestingly enough, however, the God many Christians (many of the one's I've talked to, at least) believe in is actually much worse: He created billions of people for the purpose of going to Hell and suffering forever.
No no no no no no no! You totally misunderstood my post! I was telling you that you explaining it to Angelo was rather pointless, I've explained it more than once to him and he keeps repeating himself, I just wanted to save you the hassle. The last statement was also directed at Angelo! Yes, that created billions just to damn them thing doesn't make sense either... So to reiterate, I wasn't trying to be mean at all! I was trying to be helpful. v.v
"Your sins are not redeemed, by swearing perjury." ~ Mathias Blad
"Change how you look at all things and what you see will change" ~ Per Nilsson/Henrik Ohlsson
"As the need for knowledge flows through the catharsis of thought, ask a question and the answer will be born."
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He created billions of people for the purpose of going to Hell and suffering forever.
Who teached you that nonsense ? Lets get that straight. Just to make it clear, i am not here for preaching, but if you have completely wrong concepts about what the bible actually teaches, i will take the freedom to correct you :
In Romans 1-2 Paul explains that God, in his wrath against those who reject him, 'gives them up' to the sinful passions of their hearts. Commentators (cf. Douglas Moo) point out that this cannot mean God impels people to sin, since in Ephesians 4:19 it is said that sinners give themselves up to their sinful desires. It means that the worst (and fairest) punishment God can give a person is to allow them their sinful hearts' deepest desire.
What is that? The desire of the sinful human heart is for independence. We want to choose and go our own way (Isaiah 53:6.) This is no idle 'wandering from the path.' As Jeremiah puts it, 'No one repents . . . each pursues his own course like a horse charging into battle. (8:6)' (We want to get away from God-but, as we have seen, this is the very thing that is most destructive to us. Cain is warned not to sin because sin is slavery. (Genesis 4:7; John 8:34.) It destroys your ability to choose, love, enjoy. Sin also brings blindness-the more you reject the truth about God the more incapable you are of perceiving any truth about yourself or the world (Isaiah 29:9-10; Romans 1:21.)
What is hell, then? It is God actively giving us up to what we have freely chosen-to go our own way, be our own "the master of our fate, the captain of our soul," to get away from him and his control. It is God banishing us to regions we have desperately tried to get into all our lives. J.I.Packer writes: "Scripture sees hell as self-chosen . . . [H]ell appears as God's gesture of respect for human choice. All receive what they actually chose, either to be with God forever, worshipping him, or without God forever, worshipping themselves." (J.I.Packer, Concise Theology p.262-263.) If the thing you most want is to worship God in the beauty of his holiness, then that is what you will get (Ps 96:9-13.) If the thing you most want is to be your own master, then the holiness of God will become an agony, and the presence of God a terror you will flee forever (Rev 6:16; cf. Is 6:1-6.)
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Can you specify what physical properties thoughts do have ????Do I look like a neurology professor? Here is on of the most recent articles I have read on the subject
If you really give a shit about how the brain works I suggest you take an online course with a decent university. I have neither the time nor desire to teach you the details of how the brain works. It is an area of science where we are learning new things every day. One thing that is clear is that thoughts are created by significant activity in the brain. We are not yet at the point where we can determine thoughts simply by analyzing that activity.
No, but you made the claim, that thoughts do have physical properties.
So how do you explain near death experiences, like from Dr.Eben Alexander ?
here is what he wrote :
In the fall of 2008, however, after seven days in a coma during which the human part of my brain, the neocortex, was inactivated, I experienced something so profound that it gave me a scientific reason to believe in consciousness after death.For seven days I lay in a deep coma, my body unresponsive, my higher-order brain functions totally offline.
There is no scientific explanation for the fact that while my body lay in coma, my mind—my conscious, inner self—was alive and well. While the neurons of my cortex were stunned to complete inactivity by the bacteria that had attacked them, my brain-free consciousness journeyed to another, larger dimension of the universe: a dimension I’d never dreamed existed and which the old, pre-coma me would have been more than happy to explain was a simple impossibility.
But that dimension—in rough outline, the same one described by countless subjects of near-death experiences and other mystical states—is there. It exists, and what I saw and learned there has placed me quite literally in a new world: a world where we are much more than our brains and bodies, and where death is not the end of consciousness but rather a chapter in a vast, and incalculably positive, journey.
Did he not literally just say
Do I look like a neurology professor?
In a manner that suggests that he is not. AND
[Neuroscience] is an area of science where we are learning new things every day.
Suggesting that we are VERY far from understanding everything about the brain and the way it works.
"Your sins are not redeemed, by swearing perjury." ~ Mathias Blad
"Change how you look at all things and what you see will change" ~ Per Nilsson/Henrik Ohlsson
"As the need for knowledge flows through the catharsis of thought, ask a question and the answer will be born."
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Blacklight, I've also explained it numerous times on this thread... .-. They were then ignored and later the question was repeated.
Morals come from culture. It's as simple as that... One culture might consider it the most horrid act possible to harm a cow, while another culture eats millions of cattle on a regular basis. The two opinions are respected because they don't really harm each other over it. Where if in one culture it is appropriate to sacrifice slaves and prisoners to the Gods, and in many other cultures it's not... The one that is deviating from the global common would be considered immoral.
On the topic of slaves, morals, and intelligent design...
Do you really think that God intelligently designed some of us just for slave labour? That doesn't seem very loving to me...
"Your sins are not redeemed, by swearing perjury." ~ Mathias Blad
"Change how you look at all things and what you see will change" ~ Per Nilsson/Henrik Ohlsson
"As the need for knowledge flows through the catharsis of thought, ask a question and the answer will be born."
Oh, yeah...
Of course not! But I'm also an atheist. Interestingly enough, however, the God many Christians (many of the one's I've talked to, at least) believe in is actually much worse: He created billions of people for the purpose of going to Hell and suffering forever.
Don't be glum chum
Please dont feel discouraged, know e-v-e-r-y word is read; you can count on that. As with everyone on the board all of them do. And we're all cool again
Ridiculous. A knife is the most efficient method of execution. The cost of a few knives is microscopic compared to the cost of a single gas chamber.
Bullshit. If they thought it was the right thing to do they wouldn't have hid their activities from the world at large.
How about YOU show the common folk executing jews in the streets. While you're at it, show the people protesting ANYTHING under the iron fist of the Nazi's. It was a one way ticket to being thrown in death camps with the jews. Suicide.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yes, it does prove that morality is subjective.
Funny that's what YOUR god does and demands. So in your own words your god is immoral.
The morality of society arises from the consensus of the individuals of that society. No single individual gets to make the choice on what society considers to be ethical.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
No, I argue that some personal opinions are clearly better than others. I reject the notion that "just an opinion" means that the idea has no value. Sure, I agree you are free to have whatever opinion you want because I support free speech and free thought, however that does not mean I think your opinion has the same value as my own and it certainly does not mean that I think it is unimportant whether society structures their rules more in line with my opinions or with yours. Opinions are extraordinarily important and which opinions are held by the controlling power of any legal authority holds is probably the single most influential thing in any of our lives. Opinions are not "just" opinions.
Exactly a good demonstration of my point that morality is not universal. The Nazi's justified all sorts of abuses that I believe are immoral. Clearly, there is not a universal morality, otherwise the Nazi's would have been bothered by the immorality of their actions; when they clearly were not.
Obviously, every nation and even every city has at least a slightly different concept of morality. Again, more evidence that morality is not universal.
So killing babies is not always immoral? I disagree. Even in the most fierce of wars, killing babies is an immoral act. Your god believes otherwise, I believe your god is immoral if he exists and did what the bible says he did.
All of the rapes that occurred and murder of children that was intentionally caused by soldiers, whatever side they were on, is immoral.
So is rape and the murder of children absolutely immoral or not? You can't have it both ways. Either you argue there is some situation where it is justified, or there is no situation where it is justified. I argue there is absolutely no situation where such actions are justified. Your god obviously holds a different morality and I believe it is clearly inferior.
It is not inborn. You have the sense that it is wrong because you grew up in a culture where it was considered wrong. As evidenced by the Nazi's, human cultures can develop that justify the murder and rape of innocent people. You yourself justified the murder and rape of the Canaanites as an "isolated event" with "clear reasons". The Nazi's were no different. They thought their terrible actions had clear reasons. If there was an absolute morality, sick fucks like you would be disturbed by the idea of slaughtering babies and raping teenagers and refuse to worship any being that ordered such actions. I wish there was an absolute morality, the world would be a much more pleasant place to live.
You are obviously completely ignorant of anthropology. Societies have existed that thought the idea of sacrificing a virgin or child to the gods was a good thing. There are societies that think cannibalism is a good thing. There are societies that don't have a concept of rape because women are expected to surrender to a man whenever. Societies that respect women's rights, don't encourage killing within the society and support human rights have been more successful simply because such beliefs encourage population growth. As I said above, just because something is an opinion does not mean that all opinions are equally good.
Demonstrably false. Your own bible has God ordering rape several times. In many ancient civilizations rape, especially as a spoil or war, was regarded as a necessary and even good thing. Torture has also been regarded as a positive throughout history and often advocated by the church. Killing is almost always subjective in whether or not it is good or bad. You claim that killing the Canaanites was a good thing. Some people claim that all killing is bad even in self defense. Killing is often highlighted as being good. How many "heroes" in history are heroes because they were exceptionally good at killing? We often idolize and respect killers, while at the same time demonize and hate other killers solely depending on which people they kill. It is extremely subjective and which killers you consider "heroes" and which you consider "villains" is mostly dependent upon which culture you belong to. Was Geronimo a brave hero who fought to protect his homeland? Or a heartless murderer who slaughtered innocent pioneers? Was Che Guevara a fearless warrior fighting for the people? Or a cruel mercenary who reveled in killing?
As one of my personal heroes said
A hero of mine, even though I am steadfastly opposed to the idea of slavery that was supported by his side in the war. Can a truly good man find himself fighting on the "bad" side of a conflict? I would say the General Lee is evidence that he can. Whether or not a killing is moral mostly depends upon who you ask.
Thou shalt not kill is clearly a moral that was not followed strictly by the Christian God as he ordered and personal committed many killings. It has brought many Christians to argue that there is a fundamental difference between "murder" and "kill". I fail to see how genocide is anything other than murder.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
A good example of gods lack of morality that the number one thing on his list is not something like "be kind to others" or "treat others with respect". No it is "worship me or else". God is clearly a narcissist. The first three commandments (out of only 10) are all about him. It isn't until commandment 6 that I think you have anything worthy of translating into an actual law. (7 should not be a law) And the idea that you shouldn't kill or steal from your neighbor was hardly a new idea when the new testament was written. By then, humans had figured out that to work together in a society that laws against killing and stealing were good ideas to make things work. Civilizations had been making similar laws for years. What is noteworthy, is that not all civilizations agreed who counted as murder and what people shouldn't be stolen from. Even today, most civilizations are willing to support taxation which is arguably theft.
So? Does it make a difference if things are relative? Everything about how we govern ourselves is relative. What kind of food you prefer to eat is relative, that doesn't mean that whether a restaurant serves good food or shit is irrelevant.
It is a personal opinion. My opinion is right and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. Anyone who says otherwise is free to argue with my new friend.
(Side note for Prozac: I bit the bullet at ordered a custom job. Going with a Bartlein barrel and a Surgeon Action in the 300 WinMag with a suppressor. Loaded with weight so it is going to be over 40 pounds when it is all said and done so that should help with the recoil. The good folk at Templar Tactical have promised me less that .5 MOA at 1000 yards. Eagerly awaiting for it to be finished so I can try this baby out )
The point is that inside of society, the opinions of others matter and matter a lot. It has an effect on your ability to trade with them, to interact with them, to get their help when you need it and ultimately, it has an effect on your ability to continue living. If the social group decides you need to die for whatever reason, your chances of survival are severely diminished. People who are held in high esteem will be more successful, have more money and be safe from punishment. Those held in low esteem will find difficulty getting work, finding help and be at risk of being imprisoned, deprived of property or even killed.
Killing babies is not "objectively" wrong the same way that claiming the world is flat is objectively wrong. However, it is objectively a fact that the vast majority of people in modern civilization believe that killing babies is wrong and the vast majority of people will support having you punished if you kill a baby, so killing babies in a modern civilization is objectively a bad idea if you want to live a comfortable life inside it.
Even in modern times we have a debate over what exactly constitutes a "baby". Whether abortion is immoral is a much more contentious issue and I think those who are it is immoral have a very good argument. Personally, I would never support an abortion as I find it very disturbing. I would prefer that most people found abortion as disturbing as I do, however, the reality is that many people do not see it as a bad thing so the society I live in doesn't find abortion as immoral as killing born infants.
Do I look like a neurology professor? Here is on of the most recent articles I have read on the subject
If you really give a shit about how the brain works I suggest you take an online course with a decent university. I have neither the time nor desire to teach you the details of how the brain works. It is an area of science where we are learning new things every day. One thing that is clear is that thoughts are created by significant activity in the brain. We are not yet at the point where we can determine thoughts simply by analyzing that activity.
I did. I have argued that morality is a set of cultural norms that arise as a compilation of preferences from the various people and groups that have influence over a particular culture. It is not made by a single person and inside any culture are many moralities which are often in competition and conflict with each other- which is why we have this thing called politics. In short, morality is nothing more or less than an ongoing attempt of humans to find a way to live together as a society and/or control each other to live in a way we prefer.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
kkk.... wrong.
No, but you made the claim, that thoughts do have physical properties.
So how do you explain near death experiences, like from Dr.Eben Alexander ?
here is what he wrote :
In the fall of 2008, however, after seven days in a coma during which the human part of my brain, the neocortex, was inactivated, I experienced something so profound that it gave me a scientific reason to believe in consciousness after death.For seven days I lay in a deep coma, my body unresponsive, my higher-order brain functions totally offline.
There is no scientific explanation for the fact that while my body lay in coma, my mind—my conscious, inner self—was alive and well. While the neurons of my cortex were stunned to complete inactivity by the bacteria that had attacked them, my brain-free consciousness journeyed to another, larger dimension of the universe: a dimension I’d never dreamed existed and which the old, pre-coma me would have been more than happy to explain was a simple impossibility.
But that dimension—in rough outline, the same one described by countless subjects of near-death experiences and other mystical states—is there. It exists, and what I saw and learned there has placed me quite literally in a new world: a world where we are much more than our brains and bodies, and where death is not the end of consciousness but rather a chapter in a vast, and incalculably positive, journey.