Feed Back on Something I wrote?

I was just wanting some feedback from people on this. I wrote it, and, well, I don't really know too many people that are interested in this stuff in real life. So I figured what the hay.
*Spoiler* It's about time travel, probably with a couple of grammatical and spelling failures.
"Your sins are not redeemed, by swearing perjury." ~ Mathias Blad
"Change how you look at all things and what you see will change" ~ Per Nilsson/Henrik Ohlsson
"As the need for knowledge flows through the catharsis of thought, ask a question and the answer will be born."
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I'd love to read it. Unfortunately I'm usually online at work. And Facebook is blocked by our web filter. Can you copy the story over here or something?
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Yeah, sure, I just have to reformat it a bit. (Ha! I just noticed that paste as plain text button, made what I was going to do so much easier.)
On time travel.
As we know: λν = Speed of Light.
Well this only accounts for three dimensions. Length and, in a sense, magnitude. (Of energy.)
When we factor in a third variable, energy, time its self gets distorted. This is called gravitational time dilation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_time_dilation
As we should be aware, there are two kinds of energy, potential energy (quintessentially non-existent) and kinetic energy.
The more energy something has the slower it moves through time, just as the frequency of a photon decreases the wavelength also has to correspondingly increase.
Photons that were around at the creation of the universe are still technically the same age because they ARE energy, moving at the speed of light, and are therefore unaffected by time.
(Photons do interact with the Higgs Boson, but the mass is extremely tiny, and can be calculated with the equation: h/[(λ^2)ν]=m where h is Planck's constant.
Why does this matter? Going near the event horizon of a black hole for what FEELS like a moment could be thousands of years on Earth because time moves slower in such an intense gravity well. The energy in this situation is, well, gravity a black hole's material is a point and thus all of its mass is in this point and is therefore extremely dense. Hence its enormous energy.
Just as if humans were to board a craft that proceeded to travel at near the speed of light, on the order of tenths of a percent away from it, for what they would experience as a "year" would be upwards of twenty-two thousand years on Earth.
Mass does increase with speed, so gravity also compounds this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_in_special_relativity
Having said this, this only accounts for forward time travel at what would be considered a higher than normal rate. ( Yes, the people on the ISS do live 'longer' than the rest of us.) I theorize that backwards time travel would be possible provided we found a way to induce a negative energy field. With negative energy we would put everything in that field backwards in time. As it stands absolute zero, 0 K, would be no energy, and thus far it is impossible to attain. Why does this matter?
If a way to induce a negative energy field was found, and backwards time travel was indeed possible, we would not have the time travel paradox.
Why? Because time is a relative thing. It can be looked at as another dimension. We would not encounter ourselves again, we would not be able to watch the Earth rotate backwards and orbit in the opposite direction. That would only apply if that entire space was put into a negative energy field. So only "nothing" its self can truly go backwards in time. As humans we have our own gravitational field, like every other object that interacts with the Higgs boson.
While this isn't really feasible, it does prove one thing. Time truly is relative and that we as humans are the only things that define time, nothing else.
"Your sins are not redeemed, by swearing perjury." ~ Mathias Blad
"Change how you look at all things and what you see will change" ~ Per Nilsson/Henrik Ohlsson
"As the need for knowledge flows through the catharsis of thought, ask a question and the answer will be born."
I found it an interesting read. I've always been fascinated with time.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Thank you! I wrote this one night I was supposed to be asleep ( had a test the next morning) and a bunch of stuff was running through my head, and then I came up with this, posted it to one of my groups in facebook ( it was supposed to be a science-y group, but no one knew what the Hel (sic) I was talking about, so I edited it and added a bunch of hyper-links, then just posted it to the public part of my facebook account. :3)
"Your sins are not redeemed, by swearing perjury." ~ Mathias Blad
"Change how you look at all things and what you see will change" ~ Per Nilsson/Henrik Ohlsson
"As the need for knowledge flows through the catharsis of thought, ask a question and the answer will be born."