Dr. Persinger: No More Secrets

Marty Hamrick
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Dr. Persinger: No More Secrets

  Dr. Michael Persinger of the Laurentian University in Sudbury,Ontario, who is best known for his "God Helmet" which he says can induce mystical or religious experiences, including OBE's and simulated NDE's has offered something that has received much criticism from peers. In this lecture , called No More Secrets, Persinger alludes to a possibility that he has discovered the mechanics behind telepathy. Here is his controversial lecture, which his critics maintain, shows that he has stepped into a twilight zone that damages his credibility. Here is his lecture which is just under an hour. Dr. Persinger won the Best Lecture Award in 2007, so its not a tedious view.






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Telepathy is certainly

Telepathy is certainly possible, but it's spent so much time on the fringe and we're so far away from pulling it off that it'll take a spectacular demonstration to become accepted by mainstream science.
And really, one must question whether technologically assisted thought transfer is actually telepathy.

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I don't know --

one way or the other. It is well known - so I am told by people who work at psychiatric hospitals - that right temporal lobe epilepsy is strongly associated with spiritual visions. And much stronger religious beliefs than most people without the epilepsy. I haven't researched for a peer reviewed paper supporting this view, so it may be bull pucky.

If the "god helmet" tickles this area of the brain, those who are susceptible may very well be having visions similar to the ones the epileptics have.

As for telepathy - there is this very interesting Ted talk where brain waves control a video game:






But telekinesis isn't telepathy, I know that. Truthfully, I don't believe we really want to know what other people are thinking - sometimes I am not too sure I am thrilled about what I am thinking and I really don't want to share. A few years ago, I would have said controlling a video game with your mind was totally impossible - but apparently someone got a handle on that. So until there is more evidence, I'll cheerfully sit on the fence concerning the possibility of telepathy.


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Vastet wrote:Telepathy is

Vastet wrote:
Telepathy is certainly possible, but it's spent so much time on the fringe and we're so far away from pulling it off that it'll take a spectacular demonstration to become accepted by mainstream science. And really, one must question whether technologically assisted thought transfer is actually telepathy.

Good point. Did you watch the lecture? In Persinger's experiments, he hooked up two people in different remote locations to computers and his machinery, shined a light in one person's eye and the other person saw it as well. Now a good bit of his lecture dealt with remote viewing in which he used drawings done by people who claimed to be skilled in RV,which,imo, were less than impressive. Yet he cited certain facts about how the earth's magnetic field and the human brain operated on the same frequency. Now I'm no scientist, but I have worked extensively in electronic media and I understand how TV cameras can all be plugged into a switcher and synchronized and those signals can be sent via microwave or other media to remote locations. Do you think that is a good analogy?

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Unfortunately I couldn't

Unfortunately I couldn't watch the video.
"This video is unavailable."

But from what I have seen it would be apt. I think everyone will eventually have the ability to communicate with thoughts (sounds and sights will be easy by comparison) as we plug more and more technology into ourselves, and inevitably networking those connections will be advantageous enough to develop.
But it won't take off properly until people can switch it off at will. And even then there will be people who don't plug in.
And I don't think there's any truth to remote viewing at all. If the Earths magnetic field were truly capable of interacting with brains that way we'd certainly have documented cases by now.

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Marty Hamrick
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Vastet wrote:Unfortunately I

Vastet wrote:
Unfortunately I couldn't watch the video. "This video is unavailable." But from what I have seen it would be apt. I think everyone will eventually have the ability to communicate with thoughts (sounds and sights will be easy by comparison) as we plug more and more technology into ourselves, and inevitably networking those connections will be advantageous enough to develop. But it won't take off properly until people can switch it off at will. And even then there will be people who don't plug in. And I don't think there's any truth to remote viewing at all. If the Earths magnetic field were truly capable of interacting with brains that way we'd certainly have documented cases by now.

If you google No More Secrets, you should find it. I had no trouble. Persinger compared the crude remote view drawings to primitive radio and television transmissions and said, these things could've happened, but have been misinterpreted because of a lack of technology. Apparently he believes that he may be onto a way of "amplifying" telepathic signals. He goes on to talk about the social,political and economic impact on society if it loses its secrets.

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