Morons at World Nut Dummies falsely accuse atheists of censorship.

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Morons at World Nut Dummies falsely accuse atheists of censorship.


There is a huge difference between academic freedom, and selling out right bullshit. ID is not a science and has no business being discussed or taught by a professor in a science class.

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I wonder how many more years

I wonder how many more years we'll be subjected to idiots who think ID Vs Evolution is a popularity contest instead of Fiction Vs Fact.

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Vastet wrote:I wonder how

Vastet wrote:
I wonder how many more years we'll be subjected to idiots who think ID Vs Evolution is a popularity contest instead of Fiction Vs Fact.


You have to wonder? Our species far to often goes with what "feels good" vs testing to insure quality of data. I assure you the fight for science and truth is a never ending battle in a sea of an evolution that does not favor anything, thus making it possible for the credulous to fuck and make babies. Otherwise ABBA is the best band on the face of the planet, because I say so.

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Metallica > ABBA. Don't

Metallica > ABBA. Sticking out tongue

Don't feel bad, Metallica > everyone

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Beyond Saving
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 Who the fuck cares what

 Who the fuck cares what seminars are offered at Ball State says outside of people who attend Ball State? FRFF often does important work but other times they are just a bunch of whiners who need to mind their own business.

I agree completely with the PZ Myers quote in the article. 


"Professors have to have the right to teach unpopular, controversial issues, even from an ignorant perspective,” he said in the report. “The First Amendment does not apply; this is not a course students are required to take,and it’s at a university, which students are not required to attend."

Btw, as usual you are both wrong. Iron Maiden > Metallica > Abba


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The only reason that could

The only reason that could work is if you include all of Metallica's works. If you cut out Load and all the shit that came after, Iron Maiden can't hold a candle to Metallica. Sticking out tongue

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Beyond Saving wrote: Who

Beyond Saving wrote:

 Who the fuck cares what seminars are offered at Ball State says outside of people who attend Ball State? FRFF often does important work but other times they are just a bunch of whiners who need to mind their own business.

I agree completely with the PZ Myers quote in the article. 


"Professors have to have the right to teach unpopular, controversial issues, even from an ignorant perspective,” he said in the report. “The First Amendment does not apply; this is not a course students are required to take,and it’s at a university, which students are not required to attend."

Btw, as usual you are both wrong. Iron Maiden > Metallica > Abba


No they do not. You start allowing basic education to be turned into a comic book, you end up with a fucked up society.

Outside of science class taught as literature and social studies, I might hate it, but that is certainly more acceptable than teaching 1+1=3 in science class.


Why have standards at all if we all get to claim what we want in science education? Do you want more people with facts or more people with delusions?


There is no "controversy" as far as science vs ID. ID is comic book crap and evolution is fact. To not teach evolution, and to teach ID would be like teaching flat earth crap.

Oh and fuck both of you ABBA>Metallica>Iron Maiden

As an aside does anyone know of "King Diamond"? He was like the underground Alice Cooper of the 80s?


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Face it guys, Metallica died

Face it guys, Metallica died at the end of the 80's. Nothing that came after counts.

Metallica > Everything.


King Diamond? Doesn't ring a bell.

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Brian37 wrote:No they do

Brian37 wrote:

No they do not. You start allowing basic education to be turned into a comic book, you end up with a fucked up society.

Outside of science class taught as literature and social studies, I might hate it, but that is certainly more acceptable than teaching 1+1=3 in science class.


Why have standards at all if we all get to claim what we want in science education? Do you want more people with facts or more people with delusions?


There is no "controversy" as far as science vs ID. ID is comic book crap and evolution is fact. To not teach evolution, and to teach ID would be like teaching flat earth crap.

This isn't a "basic" science course nor is it a required course. It is an elective course which explicitly focuses on ID. If the professor is a good professor and allows the students to debate the issue in class it could actually be a very good and maybe even a fun course. And again, what business is it of yours? If students decide they want to take this course because they find the material interesting, that is their choice they are paying a lot of money to go there. I don't see why FFRF or you or anyone who isn't a student or faculty member at Ball State should have any input in what classes they choose to offer or not offer.   

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

No they do not. You start allowing basic education to be turned into a comic book, you end up with a fucked up society.

Outside of science class taught as literature and social studies, I might hate it, but that is certainly more acceptable than teaching 1+1=3 in science class.


Why have standards at all if we all get to claim what we want in science education? Do you want more people with facts or more people with delusions?


There is no "controversy" as far as science vs ID. ID is comic book crap and evolution is fact. To not teach evolution, and to teach ID would be like teaching flat earth crap.

This isn't a "basic" science course nor is it a required course. It is an elective course which explicitly focuses on ID. If the professor is a good professor and allows the students to debate the issue in class it could actually be a very good and maybe even a fun course. And again, what business is it of yours? If students decide they want to take this course because they find the material interesting, that is their choice they are paying a lot of money to go there. I don't see why FFRF or you or anyone who isn't a student or faculty member at Ball State should have any input in what classes they choose to offer or not offer.   


Holly shit, really? It's an ellective? That is your excuse? No, ID IS NOT SCIENCE, PERIOD. EVOLUTION IS FACT! PERIOD.



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Brian37 wrote:Holly shit,

Brian37 wrote:

Holly shit, really? It's an ellective? That is your excuse? No, ID IS NOT SCIENCE, PERIOD. EVOLUTION IS FACT! PERIOD.

It is a fact that a lot of people in our country believe ID so a course that analyzes the argument would be a valuable learning experience for anyone and especially for someone planning on going into a job where they are likely to run into it such as teaching science. There is never harm in understanding the arguments made by people with different beliefs, even when those beliefs are absurd and obviously wrong. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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We should actually give them

We should actually give them what they want and teach how stupid it is as part of a critical thought course in public schools.

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(Lemmy + Black Sabbath) >

(Lemmy + Black Sabbath) > Iron Maiden > Metallica > ABBA

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Holly shit, really? It's an ellective? That is your excuse? No, ID IS NOT SCIENCE, PERIOD. EVOLUTION IS FACT! PERIOD.

It is a fact that a lot of people in our country believe ID so a course that analyzes the argument would be a valuable learning experience for anyone and especially for someone planning on going into a job where they are likely to run into it such as teaching science. There is never harm in understanding the arguments made by people with different beliefs, even when those beliefs are absurd and obviously wrong. 

How? We are not talking about an "elective" where you analyze the motifs and stories of Harry Potter, or The Three Theban plays.

We are talking about backdoor bullshit that has past it's prime, not that it had a prime ever, and wants to pretend it should be treated on par with fact or better than fact.

Again, if it were called a "literature class" or "social studies" class, I would still hate it. But this is nothing more than a bunch of fucking dipshits that want to cling to the past and will fuck scientific knowledge up the ass to maintain their own stupid delusion.





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If colleges & universities

If colleges & universities were public institutions or subject to regulations defining what constitutes an education then you'd have a valid argument. But they are private and not so regulated, so you don't. And they can offer any hairbrained course they want to. Out of all the stupid things they teach, ID is pretty low on the scale.

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Vastet wrote:
We should actually give them what they want and teach how stupid it is as part of a critical thought course in public schools.


I think critical thinking classes should begin in primary school and continue till graduation, then on into university. People should have to attend a Critical Thinking Registration Office in their town annually in order to qualify for a license without which they cannot drive a mouse on a public 'highway'. 


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