SC charity wont allow atheists to help.

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SC charity wont allow atheists to help.

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Brian37 wrote:Got this story

From the article:

“I told [the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen] we wouldn’t wear our T-shirts. We wouldn’t tell anyone who we are with. We just want to help out,” Upstate Atheist president Eve Brannon told the Spartanburg Herald-Jounal. “And they told us that we were not allowed.”

The atheist group spokesmen even said they wouldn't wear shirts or hats. Proving my point, atheists don't even have to "advertise", our mere existence frightens believers.

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So start your own charity,

So start your own charity, no need to whine about it. That they felt a need to run to the newspaper and make a big deal about it makes me suspicious about their intentions.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:So start

Beyond Saving wrote:

So start your own charity, no need to whine about it. That they felt a need to run to the newspaper and make a big deal about it makes me suspicious about their intentions.

Not the point and you know it. Outside even the issue of charity, atheists suffer discrimination.

When is pointing out hypocrisy make them suspicious? I'd fucking report it too.


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Brian37 wrote:Not the point

Brian37 wrote:

Not the point and you know it. Outside even the issue of charity, atheists suffer discrimination.

So what? Why shouldn't people discriminate based on what beliefs they want represented by their organization? We discriminate here. We label all the theists and trolls. It is a private organization that wishes to present a certain image. In this case, that image they want to portray seems to be religious. If PETA members showed up at a National Wild Turkey Federation charity event we would probably ask them to leave. (Unless they sent the hot naked coeds in cages) Or the NAACP might decline the assistance of the KKK, especially if cages were involved. 

Not everyone is going to like you, and there is no good reason why they should. It is childish to throw a tantrum over it.


Brian37 wrote:

When is pointing out hypocrisy make them suspicious? I'd fucking report it too.

It makes it suspicious because it seems like they are simply being media whores as these types of organizations often are. That the people at the food shelf even knew they were atheist suggests that they were more interested in activism than charity. When their first act is to send a prepared press release to a newspaper confirms it in my mind.

I've ran charity events with media whore groups wanting to do "joint" ventures so they can brag about all the great things they are doing without having to do any actual work or spend any of their own money. My attitude about those types of groups is they can go fuck themselves. Charities are interested in people who actually help, they don't need volunteers that are more interested in promoting some agenda that isn't consistent with the image/make up/goals/mission of the charity.

In all fairness, I know nothing about this atheist group, so maybe they aren't media whores. But whining about the soup kitchen not liking them is still immature. So they don't like you, big deal- move on.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Not the point and you know it. Outside even the issue of charity, atheists suffer discrimination.

So what? Why shouldn't people discriminate based on what beliefs they want represented by their organization? We discriminate here. We label all the theists and trolls. It is a private organization that wishes to present a certain image. In this case, that image they want to portray seems to be religious. If PETA members showed up at a National Wild Turkey Federation charity event we would probably ask them to leave. (Unless they sent the hot naked coeds in cages) Or the NAACP might decline the assistance of the KKK, especially if cages were involved. 

Not everyone is going to like you, and there is no good reason why they should. It is childish to throw a tantrum over it.


Brian37 wrote:

When is pointing out hypocrisy make them suspicious? I'd fucking report it too.

It makes it suspicious because it seems like they are simply being media whores as these types of organizations often are. That the people at the food shelf even knew they were atheist suggests that they were more interested in activism than charity. When their first act is to send a prepared press release to a newspaper confirms it in my mind.

I've ran charity events with media whore groups wanting to do "joint" ventures so they can brag about all the great things they are doing without having to do any actual work or spend any of their own money. My attitude about those types of groups is they can go fuck themselves. Charities are interested in people who actually help, they don't need volunteers that are more interested in promoting some agenda that isn't consistent with the image/make up/goals/mission of the charity.

In all fairness, I know nothing about this atheist group, so maybe they aren't media whores. But whining about the soup kitchen not liking them is still immature. So they don't like you, big deal- move on.

You know, if blacks took your attitude during the 60s they'd still be using separate bathrooms.

Why shouldn't bigotry get media attention? Do you think this same charity could get away with turning down Jews or Muslims? 

And even without atheists offering help, they are hypocrites for not accepting it when they don't ask the poor they feed what religion they are.

Exposing them is what they need.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:You know, if

Brian37 wrote:

You know, if blacks took your attitude during the 60s they'd still be using separate bathrooms.

Not even close to comparable for a thousand reasons. I'd list them but I know you wouldn't read them.


Brian37 wrote:

Why shouldn't bigotry get media attention? Do you think this same charity could get away with turning down Jews or Muslims? 

If the Muslim Brotherhood showed up they would probably toss them out too. So would I. It is especially rich hearing you talk about bigotry towards views considering you have spent the last week blanketing all religion as a "poison".


Brian37 wrote:

And even without atheists offering help, they are hypocrites for not accepting it when they don't ask the poor they feed what religion they are.

I don't know enough about the organization and their mission to know whether or not they are hypocrites. Based on the news story alone they seem to be extremely religious, so promoting religion and rejecting atheism would hardly be hypocritical.


Brian37 wrote:

Exposing them is what they need.

The only exposing here is that these atheists are whiners. Really, who the fuck cares what people some soup kitchen decides to hire as volunteers? The one I went to in college was Catholic based and all of the volunteers were from the same Catholic church. They even discriminated within their own religion.

People reject other people for all sorts of reasons, that is life. It is called freedom of association, it is a value expressed in the 1st Amendment. Grow up, and associate with people who like you.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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wiener contest wiener contest

wiener contest wiener contest

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This was a dumb media stunt.

This was a dumb media stunt. It would have been far more effective, though still pretty ineffective, if they'd snuck their way in and then were kicked out because of their lack of belief. That they weren't allowed in from the get-go tells me they were shoving their atheism in the kitchens' face. Since the whole reason I fight against theism is because theists shove their religion in my face, it would be hypocritical for me to condemn the kitchen in this matter.

If this group was really interested in helping, they should start their own soup kitchen.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

You know, if blacks took your attitude during the 60s they'd still be using separate bathrooms.

Not even close to comparable for a thousand reasons. I'd list them but I know you wouldn't read them.


Brian37 wrote:

Why shouldn't bigotry get media attention? Do you think this same charity could get away with turning down Jews or Muslims? 

If the Muslim Brotherhood showed up they would probably toss them out too. So would I. It is especially rich hearing you talk about bigotry towards views considering you have spent the last week blanketing all religion as a "poison".


Brian37 wrote:

And even without atheists offering help, they are hypocrites for not accepting it when they don't ask the poor they feed what religion they are.

I don't know enough about the organization and their mission to know whether or not they are hypocrites. Based on the news story alone they seem to be extremely religious, so promoting religion and rejecting atheism would hardly be hypocritical.


Brian37 wrote:

Exposing them is what they need.

The only exposing here is that these atheists are whiners. Really, who the fuck cares what people some soup kitchen decides to hire as volunteers? The one I went to in college was Catholic based and all of the volunteers were from the same Catholic church. They even discriminated within their own religion.

People reject other people for all sorts of reasons, that is life. It is called freedom of association, it is a value expressed in the 1st Amendment. Grow up, and associate with people who like you.


Do not equate me to nutbags. You do not care to understand WHY I call religion poison.


If you take a 4 year old or 5 year old, and you keep telling them a lie, and then you raise them not to question that lie, and you tell them everyone outside that lie they come to hold as an absolute without question, you wouldn't call that poison? When that kid grows up they end up with no tolerance of others and no conflict resolution skills, they grow up willing to fight to the death for that lie, and you'd refuse to call that indoctrination poison.

If those in that Charity were not indoctrinated there would be no story, they would have said yes, and maybe a positive story of inclusion. You coddle these people by telling them it is ok, by saying ignore it, and it is NOT ok.

And you have some stupid image in your head that I am going after one religion, when I am saying it is a poison in the context that our species in its ENTIRE HISTORY gap fills with placebos. And those placebos bleed into politics and create human division.

Now when you can point out where I said I'd disown my own family or my co-workers, merely because I hate a claim they might make, then you could call me a bigot. They and you not liking my message does NOT make me a bigot.


Harris has said himself, moderates and liberal atheists and theists give cover to the fundies by ignoring the dark side of religion. That is what you want humanity to do, sweep the problem under the rug so no one has to feel the slightest bit of discomfort.





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Do not equate

Brian37 wrote:

Do not equate me to nutbags. You do not care to understand WHY I call religion poison.

You are right, I don't care.


Brian37 wrote:

If those in that Charity were not indoctrinated there would be no story, they would have said yes, and maybe a positive story of inclusion. You coddle these people by telling them it is ok, by saying ignore it, and it is NOT ok.

It is perfectly okay for people to disagree. Are they killing anyone? Physically forcing anyone into their church? Beating up atheists? I find your attitude that everyone has to do things your way far more dangerous than whatever kooky sky daddy these goofballs want to believe in. 


Brian37 wrote:

And you have some stupid image in your head that I am going after one religion, when I am saying it is a poison in the context that our species in its ENTIRE HISTORY gap fills with placebos. And those placebos bleed into politics and create human division.

No, you are an ignorant bigot who goes after every religion as if they are fundamentalists cutting off peoples heads. Just like the woman in the news story is an ignorant bigot who thinks that all atheists are evil.


Brian37 wrote:

Now when you can point out where I said I'd disown my own family or my co-workers, merely because I hate a claim they might make, then you could call me a bigot. They and you not liking my message does NOT make me a bigot.

None of that is required to be a bigot.


Brian37 wrote:

Harris has said himself, moderates and liberal atheists and theists give cover to the fundies by ignoring the dark side of religion. That is what you want humanity to do, sweep the problem under the rug so no one has to feel the slightest bit of discomfort.

Harris himself is a bigot. This charity is hardly creating some big problem unless they have some kind of Sweeney Todd thing going on. They are organizing to feed hungry people. The most malicious thing they are doing here is depriving your savior Obama the opportunity to swoop in and be the hero providing food to the masses. They simply happen to not like atheists. So what. Let them be bigoted and open your non-bigoted soup kitchen across the street. 


If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Do not equate me to nutbags. You do not care to understand WHY I call religion poison.

You are right, I don't care.


Brian37 wrote:

If those in that Charity were not indoctrinated there would be no story, they would have said yes, and maybe a positive story of inclusion. You coddle these people by telling them it is ok, by saying ignore it, and it is NOT ok.

It is perfectly okay for people to disagree. Are they killing anyone? Physically forcing anyone into their church? Beating up atheists? I find your attitude that everyone has to do things your way far more dangerous than whatever kooky sky daddy these goofballs want to believe in. 


Brian37 wrote:

And you have some stupid image in your head that I am going after one religion, when I am saying it is a poison in the context that our species in its ENTIRE HISTORY gap fills with placebos. And those placebos bleed into politics and create human division.

No, you are an ignorant bigot who goes after every religion as if they are fundamentalists cutting off peoples heads. Just like the woman in the news story is an ignorant bigot who thinks that all atheists are evil.


Brian37 wrote:

Now when you can point out where I said I'd disown my own family or my co-workers, merely because I hate a claim they might make, then you could call me a bigot. They and you not liking my message does NOT make me a bigot.

None of that is required to be a bigot.


Brian37 wrote:

Harris has said himself, moderates and liberal atheists and theists give cover to the fundies by ignoring the dark side of religion. That is what you want humanity to do, sweep the problem under the rug so no one has to feel the slightest bit of discomfort.

Harris himself is a bigot. This charity is hardly creating some big problem unless they have some kind of Sweeney Todd thing going on. They are organizing to feed hungry people. The most malicious thing they are doing here is depriving your savior Obama the opportunity to swoop in and be the hero providing food to the masses. They simply happen to not like atheists. So what. Let them be bigoted and open your non-bigoted soup kitchen across the street. 


So you are in Harris's personal life on a daily basis. You've seen him hold up signs saying "arrest all believers, all religious people are horrible beings". You know personally all his friends co workers and family?


"They simply happen to not like atheists"


Sounds like

"They simply happen to not like blacks"

"They simply happen to not like gays"

"They simply happen to not like Muslims"


Oh and one guy simply "happened to not like Jews" That turned out so well for Jews didn't it?





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:So you are in

Brian37 wrote:

So you are in Harris's personal life on a daily basis. You've seen him hold up signs saying "arrest all believers, all religious people are horrible beings". You know personally all his friends co workers and family?


He has written plenty to be able to make that determination.


Brian37 wrote:

"They simply happen to not like atheists"


Sounds like

"They simply happen to not like blacks"

"They simply happen to not like gays"

"They simply happen to not like Muslims"


Oh and one guy simply "happened to not like Jews" That turned out so well for Jews didn't it?


Oh? Are they pulling a Sweeney Todd and feediing Jews to the homeless?

Grow up, sometimes people don't want you on their team, and that is okay. It is absurd to expect everyone to love each other and get along. Why even the harmless, lovable, little ol' me has picked up a few people on this site who probably aren't inviting me to their b-day party.

It is childish and arrogant for a young atheist charity to expect a well established soup kitchen that centers their whole organization around the xtian god (it is in their mission statement) to accept their help. 


If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

So you are in Harris's personal life on a daily basis. You've seen him hold up signs saying "arrest all believers, all religious people are horrible beings". You know personally all his friends co workers and family?


He has written plenty to be able to make that determination.


Brian37 wrote:

"They simply happen to not like atheists"


Sounds like

"They simply happen to not like blacks"

"They simply happen to not like gays"

"They simply happen to not like Muslims"


Oh and one guy simply "happened to not like Jews" That turned out so well for Jews didn't it?


Oh? Are they pulling a Sweeney Todd and feediing Jews to the homeless?

Grow up, sometimes people don't want you on their team, and that is okay. It is absurd to expect everyone to love each other and get along. Why even the harmless, lovable, little ol' me has picked up a few people on this site who probably aren't inviting me to their b-day party.

It is childish and arrogant for a young atheist charity to expect a well established soup kitchen that centers their whole organization around the xtian god (it is in their mission statement) to accept their help. 


I am not talking about "teams" , I am talking about our entire society that we live in.

On a planet of 7 billion people wont always like you? I'm Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room, our top story tonight, NO KIDDING!


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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                                                                                               Instead, pass out free guns for those too poor to buy them.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:



                                                                                               Instead, pass out free guns for those too poor to buy them.

Yes, shit NRA would be all over that. "You don't need food now, you can shoot your own food".

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:






Yes, shit NRA would be all over that. "You don't need food now, you can shoot your own food".


                                       I knew you'd see it my way.

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:I am not

Brian37 wrote:

I am not talking about "teams" , I am talking about our entire society that we live in.

On a planet of 7 billion people wont always like you? I'm Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room, our top story tonight, NO KIDDING!


The soup kitchen does not consist of our entire society. It is one small team of people doing something to improve their tiny corner and they don't want you, me or any atheist on their team. So stop being a cry baby over it.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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"I knew you'd see it my way"

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"Do not equate me to

"Do not equate me to nutbags. You do not care to understand WHY I call religion poison."

Why is irrelevant. Does it matter why a KKK member hates black people? No. All that matters is that he hates black people.

"Why even the harmless, lovable, little ol' me has picked up a few people on this site who probably aren't inviting me to their b-day party."

I'd invite you if I actually had a birthday party. Smiling

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:"Do not equate

Vastet wrote:
"Do not equate me to nutbags. You do not care to understand WHY I call religion poison." Why is irrelevant. Does it matter why a KKK member hates black people? No. All that matters is that he hates black people. "Why even the harmless, lovable, little ol' me has picked up a few people on this site who probably aren't inviting me to their b-day party." I'd invite you if I actually had a birthday party. Smiling

You are equating me to a KKK member? Correct me if I am wrong.


Your lack of understanding and disagreement with my position does not constitute me being a bigot.


Religion teaches you to blindly accept naked assertions and infects politics and when you mix credulity with politics you can and will go on to commit harm to others. This is not about one religion, this is about OUR SPECIES evolutionary flaw. Dawkins explains this in the God Delusion. Harris recognizes this which is why he puts pressure on moderate and liberal believers. And Hitchens addresses the abundant evidence that religion and politics when mixed are dangerous. And Victor Stinger also demonstrates that our common overlap should tell us our morals come from evolution and not religion in "The New Atheism".


Penn has said "Don't hate the faithful, hate faith itself". Believers have their version "Love the sinner not the sin".


You can love the person without loving everything that comes out of their mouth. Just like our believing family and friends love us, but hate the fact we don't believe. If they were to say to me "atheism is poison", I wouldn't go "BIGOT YOU HATE ME", I would say "Ok, why do you say that and what is your evidence".


Religion IS poison because it distracts us from our common existence and is nothing but a form of politics in a chase for power.  AND ANYTHING can be treated as a religion, ANYTHING, be it a religion, political party, nationalism, and business.


And you wont even give me credit for saying that includes ATHEISTS. I have said in this thread and consistently that I hate it when atheist say "When we become the majority we will treat you better". Absolute bullshit since our species has always displayed the same range of cruelty and compassion, and not even atheists are immune from our common existence.


Please tell me this is not beyond your comprehension.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:You are

Brian37 wrote:
You are equating me to a KKK member? Correct me if I am wrong.

You are exactly like a kkk member. You're just prejudiced against religious belief instead of skin colour. Other than that minor difference you are exactly the same.

Your inability to accept reality doesn't change the fact that you are a bigot.

"Religion teaches you to blindly accept naked assertions"

No it doesn't. Some religious institutions do that, but if you stop being a bigot and actually learn something you'd be amazed to find out that not all religious people necessarily think they know everything because a book says so.

You are a poison because you blindly wrap all religious folk into one little package, while spouting out against labels at the same time. You're a hypocrite and a bigot and you don't know shit.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.