The War on Halloween

Brad Jones, exploitation movie reviewer, has another look at christian propaganda movies. This time it's all about paganism, which is bad. Except if it's a christmas tree, of course.
part 1 :
Part 2 :
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the links don't work for me
I'm not a big fan of The Cinema Snob; his whole demeanor is strange and he's snobby in general, not just for his character. Screw all of the people on That Guy With The Glasses actually. Even The Nostalgia Critic has gotten irritating along with Todd In the Shadows and his taste in awful mainstream pop music.
Didn't even know these people had fans. Only found his site via Diamanda Hagan's rapture movies reviews, and that's about the extent of my internet reviewers knowledge.
(as for the links not working, sorry, guess I'll have to reinstall firefox ?)
This is a parody (a Poe, if you will), but I think takes a deliberate shot at religious sanctimony regarding holidays
There are no theists on operating tables.
That is fucking funny! A parody of FOX news is great!
Re :: A holiday holiday with no guile, which to find
Yeah, My head-phones are physically busted. Not good in not being able to hear. Shame that.
See :: Holiday Themed Image --