Time: Person of the year?

Really? The fucking pope? I have a short list but I believe better list than the fucking pope of the catholic church, then again... this is one magazine's opinion.
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Hey, the guy is like Clinton for the Catholic church so, leave him alone and let him grab his saxophone.
After all, he did frequent bars and worked as a bouncer, so he must have SOME redeeming qualities somewhere.
I am sure that one particular thread which (in the words of Harry Potter) must not be named, will have an opinion on this since someone seems to think that "we ought to put aside all of our differences and we need to learn from the pope to battle the evil corporations that are controlling the world."
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
I was leaning more towards Star Wars because, let's face it, Jedis fight for freedom, truth and peace throughout the galaxy rather than a pussy waving a magic wooden twig.
Not regarding the man himself, but someone please tell me why that institution which has had a history of oppression and bigotry, and is always a Johny come lately when it comes to science and human rights, be given any lick of credibility?
All he is to me is the lesser of evils, but the institution of religion itself as a concept retards human progress, not just his religion, but all.
His back peddling on gays and atheists saying "lets not make that the focus", isn't an outright condemnation of bigotry, which would be the moral thing to do. It is merely a cop out to maintain his relevance.
He is nothing more to me than a cult of personality whom people choose to follow. But he is NOT an elected official and he is only the "boss" of people who like to be lead by the nose. His "God" is fixed, like a dictator unlike the our civil leaders in the west whom govern with our consent. He is nothing more than a puppet master based on a comic book club
And that is coming from a former Catholic.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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