Dinosaurs and deluge

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Dinosaurs and deluge

Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.


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I love how creationist

I love how creationist retards never require more than a 5 second google search to prove their bullshit is simply bullshit. The very people who found the soft tissue determined how it survived so long.


Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Beyond Saving
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 I love the article about

 I love the article about dragons. Yeah, fire breathing dragons were real- they were descendents of the two baby dinosaurs that Noah decided to take along on his boat ride, and knights really fought them, complete with damsels in distress I am sure... but soft tissue surviving encased in a fossil for millions of years is just crazy talk!

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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A lot on my mind . . .

    re:  Giving fodder for the enemy

Giving fodder for the enemy




      Other Related ::

        Questions?   Still can appreciate you having questions, a gentle and kind reminder, consult me, K ?    I don't think it's ever going to be as useful to not allow for images in communication (personally for each of us).    It happens sometimes,  there is the possibility, in all likelihood, (off-site) there remains a failure to communicate.


 p.p.s. --  (I refuse to change three years worth of work)



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Without love it aint much . . . what are U willing to risk ?!??

Playing house, ‘’in the land of make believe’’, when is play time fin ?


Noticed ..

 Server was down, (.. again).


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Whgun28BYg {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Whgun28BYg}

Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUaI94ham60 {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUaI94ham60}

( Playing house, ‘’in the land of make believe’’, when is play time fin ? YouTube video reference, see video )


UserBeyondSaving wrote:
Beyond Saving wrote: ..... [it's] clear from the Job, that god is sadistic ..with a gambling addiction.


Job 3:24-26


New King James Version (NKJV)


 ''For my sighing comes before I eat, And my groanings pour out like water.

 For the thing I greatly feared will come upon me,

 And what I dreaded will happen, will happen to me.  I am not at ease, nor am I quiet;

 I have no rest, for trouble comes. Instead of light, there is darkness (pun)”


 Aahh Alas, ..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyGeM0-IgR8 {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyGeM0-IgR8}

  2 Tim  ... ''if we patiently endure pain, we shall also share in His Kingship..''

Can I get a witness ?





  I for one still remember . .


Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins:

Image Below (~the Double meaning) ::


  . . .


Ultimate tutelage (GOT TO CHECK THOSE TIMESTAMPS)   Little Things do count


  And What?!?  I lose ? You lose, hey but thanks for playing ?!!?


  Still thoughts more towards 'Mother's Day', it's more over there  and  not  so much of Father's day .. Image  the significance of postnatal care: “Eat well, sleep well, nothing is better than sitting the month well.” (吃的好,睡的好,不如月子坐的好。Chī de hǎo, shuì de hǎo, bùrú yuèzi zuò de hǎo.) It's a long road home!!   You  are  so  bad  . . .


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVfhXfGrX0Y {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVfhXfGrX0Y}


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5grsLMvpJWQ {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5grsLMvpJWQ}








   坐月子 (zuò yuèzi)




Let it go, they told me

But I just couldn't hear their plea 'Cause nothing going to get me down

'Cause I'm just trying to make 
the right mistake. With all, All the possibilities .. just : 
The right mistake, the right mistake 
I was only trying to make 
The right mistake, the right mistake 
  Mid-Feb. of  2013 - 6:21pm  http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68#comment-401451  #3401 http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68#comment-401451 and/or http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68 Nu 3401 {http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68 Nu 3401} 
  > :: Without love it aint much . . . what are you and I willing to risk ? 
0ff -site :: 

UserBeyondSaving wrote:
Beyond Saving wrote: ..... [it's] clear from the Job, that god is sadistic ..with a gambling addiction.
 RE :: Thoughtless people inherit folly, but the cautious are crowned with knowledge (~DOUBLE MEANING!!)!! 
  Thoughtless people inherit folly, but the cautious are crowned with knowledge (~DOUBLE MEANING!!)!! 
    That reminds of some dizzyingly  heady thoughts I couldn't care to articulate about concepts concerning the hand of fate, (especially while sneezing my head off).  I often   feel like  others are gambling with my potential future,  without a thought; though professing to be wise and humble,  in actuality exhibit the very height of conceit.  Granted, We all do this  to some  greater or lessor degree,  (BUT THAT'S NO EXCUSE)!! Thoughtless, Thoughtless! I wonder how much of this is ever caught, in the end ? Even for those of you who are stuck in a circle of fatalistic thinking or conversely even those who purely rely on the hand of Fate have to acknowledge human choices in it all.
  0ff-site :: Currently, I mean, when we are too subtle in expressing something to others, to cower and shrink back IS harmfully, ESPECIALLY when any of us do not communicate our feelings to one another (or to others)!  Due to operating in what , 'the group', refers to as 'free moral agency' and internal acts of volition. Then, by extension, aren't we all trying to 'play god' or tinkering with fate in our own lives.. almost daily ? 
 Relating one to another . . . 
 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 
 In the Mahabharat (Factoring in where we begin to recognize the power of individual determination) 
 I cannot help but be reminded of the journey of the pandavas, life is a series of choices, I am thinking about the unforgivable 'dice game '; going back to the nature of karmic thoughts really. Although the concept of Fate and aspects of the 'Dharma' aren't equivalent, there are striking parallels and striking similarities which can be argued. 
  The enemy found a way to exploit the situation, as also with the Epic's example . . . 
http://hindu-legends.blogspot.com/2010_02_28_archive.html {http://hindu-legends.blogspot.com/2010_02_28_archive.html} 
"But you must not play the dice, Yudhishtira. Gambling is wrong." 
  ''  Scared rabbit," sneered Sakuni. 
"Do you refuse to play?" challenged Duryodhana. 
"What will be, must be," said Yudhishtira. "Let us play. I will offer this magnificent silver chain  as my stake, that I'll wager." 
 Up-shot, Yudhishtira lost, of course. (quote)The dice they played was not our modern game of pure chance, but a game that involved number skills and quick hands, and Sakuni was an expert. And he cheated. Probably. It’s impossible to know for sure that he cheated, and it is really beside the point anyway'' Yudhishtira lost everything - his palaces and lands and herds, his chariots and his servants, the very clothes on his back. 
"You are Lord Dharma. Do you refuse to play?" 
"So it will be," said Yudhishtira. 
Sakuni said, "Do you want to play again?" 
"I have nothing left to stake," said Yudhishtira. etc. '' 
   Words that should be told to everyone!!  Help me discover  my future,  don't counterproductively ensure I lose out !!



   P.S. -- Must dash  or I will run out of time pretty soon or will be too late!!



Old Seer
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Very interesting article---but

Over time the creationist will be found to be in error. I advice Atheists and those of scientific pursuit not to worry about such things as the religious in the world won't be convinced regardless of millions of words of explanation and logic (of course millions of words in logic aren't needed). Those claiming Christianity are just as materialistic as others of the world, and their interpretation of creation is according to their prefered mind of materialism.

The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.


Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist

Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth

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Old Seer wrote:ex-minister

Old Seer wrote:

Over time the creationist will be found to be in error. I advice Atheists and those of scientific pursuit not to worry about such things as the religious in the world won't be convinced regardless of millions of words of explanation and logic (of course millions of words in logic aren't needed). Those claiming Christianity are just as materialistic as others of the world, and their interpretation of creation is according to their prefered mind of materialism.

Eventually all religions will fail. That can not continue the lie and expect to keep followers.

I can imagine that in another, let us say 1,000 years, all religions today will cease to exist or morph in to a different religion. I also suspect new cults will pop up here and there but never will reach the status of religion because of the technology like the Internet.


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well, to be fair, they're

well, to be fair, they're always "morphing into different religions." no religion has ever been static.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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iwbiek wrote:well, to be

iwbiek wrote:
well, to be fair, they're always "morphing into different religions." no religion has ever been static.

Try telling that to current followers. I argued with my sister for months that chrisitanity wasn't christanity when christ was around or 600 years after he died. She still believes that the church you see today (roman catholic) is the same church that existed when christ died or disappeared or whatever.

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yeah, even official,

yeah, even official, post-vatican ii church theology will tell you that the church is nowhere near the same as it was in christ's time, or even 100 years ago. it's interesting to note that some of the greatest opposition to the vatican ii reforms came from the laity.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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:One of the Gemini Twins is needing a tight hug *Hugs*



:One of the Gemini Twins is needing a  tight hug  *Hugs*, Cyber reminder

danatemporary wrote:



   Words that should be told to everyone!!  Help me discover  my future,  don't counterproductively ensure I lose out !!






 Featured  --  Oh,  One of the Gemini Twins is needing a really tight hug



And what are you fearing will happen ?  You have a great deal of fear young Miss. Care to explain ?!? Perfect love (..remember)

 p.s. --  Oh, And  I never did say who (sort of the whole point you've failed to consider)


 0ff Site ::

   Usually it's great . . .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLz274zCGf8 {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLz274zCGf8}



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What God Has Cleansed Do Not Call Common

RE:: What God Has Cleansed Do Not Call Common



  0ff - site : 

       re ::  >  Book of Acts (Quote)  ''What God Has Cleansed Do Not Call Common''


 **Saint Peter, according to the holy bible, was noted to have had a vision  of a sheet full  of animals being lowered from heaven. A voice from heaven told Peter to kill and eat, but since the sheet contained unclean animals, Peter declined. The command was repeated two more times, along with the voice saying, "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common"




Caposkia wrote:

Vastet wrote:

Vastet wrote:

that might be true if everyone got to choose faith. Sadly, most have no choice. They are brainwashed from birth. Oops, no free will again.

  Caposkia replied : ..there's a limit to brainwashing... you still can choose what to do about what you think you believe.

   My apologies to the reader this must come across as tortuously convoluted, but it is necessary  all the same. And so, Sorry, I cannot help myself but to comment on Off-site messages . .


  I walked into a nearby gas-station, operated and owned by an Indian family, I recently ducked into. I witnessed the wife of the owner's little Indian girl got into the toy section next to the chips, inside.  Where she had just torn open a toy crab from its' packaging. We glanced  at one another and both of us began to laugh out-loud.  She exclaimed,  ''Oh, She will know  when mother is not around''. I replied (still laughing), ''You've got your hands full (smile)''. And Where is the near by guy helping out ?!???  The very brief encounter with the young girl  brought *this  tale to my mind:

  Immediate thoughts, essentially, when I think of  the crab  is always to keep it Kosher (play on words) ? Obviously, the Dietary laws jewish Kashrut about like one-hundred in number; and “Having well considered the origin of flesh-foods, and the cruelty of fettering and slaying corporeal beings, let man entirely abstain from eating flesh.” The Manu-smrti (5.49), both,.   Then, I don't know,  the Christmas Island, the whole  annual migration of the red land crabs.

   A young children's tale  (View YouTube) ::

  The power of friendship . . . (*the tale of the golden crab).




  The annual breeding migration of the red crabs the male of the species must find a female crab that has matured sexually (or about to) and attract her. They do this by performing what equates to an elaborate mating rutual, apparently leading eventually to ''the female crab will expose two triangle-shaped holes in her abdomen called gonopores. The male will then insert what is known as gonopods, which look like antennae, into the gonopores and transfer the male seed in this way". The time it takes for this stage of the mating process to complete depends on the crab, ''but averages around 5 hours''. The female stores his seed in special areas of her abdomenal cavity. A female red crab can lay up to 100,000 eggs, which she holds in her abdominal They can be stored here indefinitely to create multiple egg sacs throughout the crab's life. ''When eggs are produced, they are carried underneath the female until they are ready to hatch''.  Not unlike the numbers, over time, of Lilith, an extremely controversial figure within Jewish folklore. Many and a lot of the babies.


Cliff Jumper wrote:

danatemporary wrote:


         There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,

    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to be heartbroken
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and A TIME TO SPEAK,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.


0 f f  s i t e  --

  Crossing 't's and dotting 'i's  Off Site ... (Wink) www.rationalresponders.com/forum/34414#comment-409691 http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/34414 Nu 3



Cliff Jumper wrote ::  Love the Dana Carvey avatar. SNL says,  We're going to pump you up! Good stuff.

 You're really not understanding me . .




Taking that risk  would help out a little bit   hun


Keeping the shinning pearl pieces

Rolling down her pink cheeks

In the heart, she flashes

Sensuous smiles, doth a heart seek,

the one who needs help.


 ---  Older folks,  ((dare to disagree)) ::

  So you don't forget   Uploaded an image, to make sure you don't forget  ..  View/See:: Image  ::  (C'mon  Really ?  You're really not understanding me ) ? --

 Hey, Off-site, you may be interested to know about the bigger picture  :: Look, In my personal and very biased opinion, each of the Gemini 'twins' are dedicated, unique people  who I extol and hold dear within my heart.  Cannot find a point of comparison  in your minds,  can you ?

   p.s. --  Not to inundate  with Bible verses,  however, the reference  is found  in the New Testament writings , as in  the following ::

 ** Act  Chapter XI --


   Now the apostles and brethren who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision contended with him, saying, “You went in to uncircumcised men and ate with them!” But Peter explained it to them in order from the beginning, saying:  “I was in the city of Joppa praying; and in a trance I saw a vision, an object descending like a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came to me. When I observed it intently and considered, I saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Rise, Peter; kill and eat.’ But I said, ‘Not so, Lord! For nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth.’  But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God has cleansed you must not call common.’  Now this was done three times, and all were drawn up again into heaven. At that very moment, three men stood before the house where I was, having been sent to me from Caesarea.  Then the Spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing.



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"The WayWard Bride'' "Spaniards by Folly, Castles build they''

0 f f -site


 A Golden Moment at the Castle, National Botanical Garden of Belgium

0 f f -site

  Build castles in the air  -- is an idiom but for are not so unlikely to be realized   "Spaniards by Folly,  Castles built, and places them in Air."


What's it all about ? . . .  puzzle on my friends; puzzle on    . .  maybe we were meant for this love (?) ? 

 Christian Fiction list holders can find this title (.. it's hard to believe  sometimes) ::


  Dances with Dragons


        "The WayWard Bride'' (Maybe we've just had enough)

    Chapter  26  --    ‘’ But it was no good blundering on through the dark forest where the castle was either. We were so sorry for the things we say. These trees around the castle will kill us if they can, the two uttered. She (Asha) took off her helm and pushed back her sweat-soaked hair. And With every painful gasp I made had no effect, and then I felt my blood rise within me [Asha and Qarl had sexual relations on the very bed of Galbart Glover, before walking to the back where the dark forest was; as she reflects on their long relationship, regretting not making a better way] ..“The sun will be up in a few hours. We’ll stop here and rest till break of day so not to be seen.” Stopping proved simple; rest came hard. No one slept, not even Droop-eye Dale, an oarsman who had been known to nap between strokes. Some of the men shared a skin of Galbart Glover’s apple wine, passing it from hand to hand. Those who had brought food shared it with those who had not. The riders fed and watered their horses. Her cousin Quenton Greyjoy sent three men up trees, to watch for any sign of torches in the woods. Cromm honed his axe, and Qarl the Maid his sword. The horses cropped dead brown grass and weeds. I had the silver and I had gold. Hagen’s red-haired daughter seized Tris Botley by the hand to draw him off into the trees. When he refused her, she went off with Six-Toed Harl instead. Would that I could do the same. It would be sweet to lose herself in Qarl’s arms one last time. Asha had a bad feeling in her belly. Would she ever feel Black Wind’s deck beneath her feet again? And if she did, where would she sail her? The isles are closed to me, unless I mean to bend my knees and spread my legs and suffer this Ironmaker’s embraces,  he felt the hurt for miles and miles and no port in Westeros is like to welcome the kraken’s daughter. She could turn merchanter, as Tris seemed to want, or else make for the Stepstones and join the pirates there.  Asha felt at her belly again, he whispered,''the sweet extended belly'' it that’s—” Something flew from the brush to land with a soft thump in their midst, bumping and bouncing. It was round and dark and wet, with long hair that whipped about it as it rolled. When it came to rest amongst the roots of the sacred oak, Grimtongue said, “Rolfe the Dwarf’s not so tall as he once was.” Half her men were on their feet by then, reaching for shields and spears and axes. Cries of War begin to be heard in the distance. They lit no torches;  Asha had time enough to think, and they know these woods near the castle better than we ever could. Then the trees erupted all around them, and the northmen poured along with the Ironmaker’s son with their cries and howling. Wolves, she thought, they howl like bloody wolves, more fierce than the evening wolves. The war cry of the norse. In her heart she realized she could no longer stay, and in that heart, was heard a scream back (I believe). . . ‘’


  James 1:4 (NKJV)

     But let patience have its' perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

  Nothing is to be read in isolation (try real hard to see THIS IS NOT to be read in isolation)::

 Must view YouTube Video --

  YouTube  --  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oVrF0u63Vw {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oVrF0u63Vw} "'Cause I know what's waiting .. 'Cause I know what's waiting for me .. sometimes I've had enough!!

danatemporary's picture
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Sometimes you just cannot look the other way . . .

 Re:: Sometimes you just cannot look the other way . . .


   This is solely for the sake of a certain  ' '  lurker ' ',  this is something that tells something  significant between the signifier and the signified . . .

  But  First 

   Trailer for Hallmarks' Journey to the West . . Link :: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWcr7GWBqOA :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uplXxdypPc The Monkey King, known as also as The Lost Empire on American shores, is a tv mini-series from Hallmark Entertainment. Yeah, Hallmark ? Hallmark not a place for an accurate adaptation, I'm afraid. Adaptations of Journey to the West have been very popular in Asian countries, although the story is almost completely unknown in the West. "Other versions include:– the Japanese film Monkey Sun (1940); the Chinese film Princess Iron Fan (1941) based on a partial segment of the story; the Japanese film Songoku: The Road to the West/The Adventures of Sun Wu Hung (1959); the Japanese anime Alakazam the Great (1961); the Chinese animated film The Monkey King: Uproar in Heaven (1965), which is a good adaptation of the story (to date); a South Korean tv series Journey to the West (1982); a Japanese tv series Journey to the West (1993); director Jeffrey Lau’s two-part Hong Kong film A Chinese Odyssey Part 1: Pandora’s Box (1994) and the Hong Kong tv mini-series The Monkey King (2002); Jeffrey Lau’s remake of his earlier work A Chinese Tall Story (2005); a Japanese tv series Saiyuki (2006), which had one film spinoff with Saiyuki (2007); the Western-made Jackie Chan/Jet Li vehicle The Forbidden Kingdom (2008); and the modernised Emperor Visits the Hell (2012). The most well known of these in the West was the Japanese tv series Monkey (1978-9), which attained a cult appeal for its gonzo exploits and kung fu scenes.The Monkey King promisingly comes written by David Henry Hwang'". I far more enjoyed the Peking Opera societies' version of Journey to the West (with english subtitles).

p.s. -- Oh, Of Course, Hallmark (Entertainment) is the spearhead in the momentum towards the Occult due to replacement of Judeo-Christian values, (in their mini-series), as what has happened in the school system, suggestions from Berit Kjos will undoubtedly affirm,. (So, Know I can personally say I havent watched much of their tripe). By Hanuman's tail, you know this. The path of the gods is not safe for men ..

[ quote = danatemporary ]




Noticed ..

 Server was down, (.. again).


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Whgun28BYg {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Whgun28BYg}

Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUaI94ham60 {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUaI94ham60}

( Playing house, ‘’in the land of make believe’’, when is play time fin ? YouTube video reference, see video )


UserBeyondSaving wrote:
Beyond Saving wrote: ..... [it's] clear from the Job, that god is sadistic ..with a gambling addiction.


Job 3:24-26


New King James Version (NKJV)


 ''For my sighing comes before I eat, And my groanings pour out like water.

 For the thing I greatly feared will come upon me,

 And what I dreaded will happen, will happen to me.  I am not at ease, nor am I quiet;

 I have no rest, for trouble comes. Instead of light, there is darkness (pun)”


 Aahh Alas, ..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyGeM0-IgR8 {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyGeM0-IgR8}

  2 Tim  ... ''if we patiently endure pain, we shall also share in His Kingship..''

Can I get a witness ?





  I for one still remember . .


Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins:

Image Below (~the Double meaning) ::


  . . .


Ultimate tutelage (GOT TO CHECK THOSE TIMESTAMPS)   Little Things do count


  And What?!?  I lose ? You lose, hey but thanks for playing ?!!? ( Now Here's  An  example of  that one side of the conversation  I've been having with Off-site 'parties' )


  Still thoughts more towards 'Mother's Day', it's more over there  and  not  so much of Father's day .. Image  the significance of postnatal care: “Eat well, sleep well, nothing is better than sitting the month well.” (吃的好,睡的好,不如月子坐的好。Chī de hǎo, shuì de hǎo, bùrú yuèzi zuò de hǎo.) It's a long road home!!   You  are  so  bad  . . .


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVfhXfGrX0Y {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVfhXfGrX0Y}


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5grsLMvpJWQ {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5grsLMvpJWQ}








   坐月子 (zuò yuèzi)




Let it go, they told me

But I just couldn't hear their plea 'Cause nothing going to get me down

'Cause I'm just trying to make 
the right mistake. With all, All the possibilities .. just : 
The right mistake, the right mistake 
I was only trying to make 
The right mistake, the right mistake 
  Mid-Feb. of  2013 - 6:21pm  http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68#comment-401451  #3401 http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68#comment-401451 and/or http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68 Nu 3401 {http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=68 Nu 3401} 
  > :: Without love it aint much . . . what are you and I willing to risk ? 
0ff -site :: 

UserBeyondSaving wrote:
Beyond Saving wrote: ..... [it's] clear from the Job, that god is sadistic ..with a gambling addiction.
 RE :: Thoughtless people inherit folly, but the cautious are crowned with knowledge (~DOUBLE MEANING!!)!! 
  Thoughtless people inherit folly, but the cautious are crowned with knowledge (~DOUBLE MEANING!!)!! 
    That reminds of some dizzyingly  heady thoughts I couldn't care to articulate about concepts concerning the hand of fate, (especially while sneezing my head off).  I often   feel like  others are gambling with my potential future,  without a thought; though professing to be wise and humble,  in actuality exhibit the very height of conceit.  Granted, We all do this  to some  greater or lessor degree,  (BUT THAT'S NO EXCUSE)!! Thoughtless, Thoughtless! I wonder how much of this is ever caught, in the end ? Even for those of you who are stuck in a circle of fatalistic thinking or conversely even those who purely rely on the hand of Fate have to acknowledge human choices in it all.
  0ff-site :: Currently, I mean, when we are too subtle in expressing something to others, to cower and shrink back IS harmfully, ESPECIALLY when any of us do not communicate our feelings to one another (or to others)!  Due to operating in what , 'the group', refers to as 'free moral agency' and internal acts of volition. Then, by extension, aren't we all trying to 'play god' or tinkering with fate in our own lives.. almost daily ? 
 Relating one to another . . . 
 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 
 In the Mahabharat (Factoring in where we begin to recognize the power of individual determination) 
 I cannot help but be reminded of the journey of the pandavas, life is a series of choices, I am thinking about the unforgivable 'dice game '; going back to the nature of karmic thoughts really. Although the concept of Fate and aspects of the 'Dharma' aren't equivalent, there are striking parallels and striking similarities which can be argued. 
  The enemy found a way to exploit the situation, as also with the Epic's example . . . 
http://hindu-legends.blogspot.com/2010_02_28_archive.html {http://hindu-legends.blogspot.com/2010_02_28_archive.html} 
"But you must not play the dice, Yudhishtira. Gambling is wrong." 
  ''  Scared rabbit," sneered Sakuni. 
"Do you refuse to play?" challenged Duryodhana. 
"What will be, must be," said Yudhishtira. "Let us play. I will offer this magnificent silver chain  as my stake, that I'll wager." 
 Up-shot, Yudhishtira lost, of course. (quote)The dice they played was not our modern game of pure chance, but a game that involved number skills and quick hands, and Sakuni was an expert. And he cheated. Probably. It’s impossible to know for sure that he cheated, and it is really beside the point anyway'' Yudhishtira lost everything - his palaces and lands and herds, his chariots and his servants, the very clothes on his back. 
"You are Lord Dharma. Do you refuse to play?" 
"So it will be," said Yudhishtira. 
Sakuni said, "Do you want to play again?" 
"I have nothing left to stake," said Yudhishtira. etc. '' 
   Words that should be told to everyone!!  Help me discover  my future,  don't counterproductively ensure I lose out !!






[ / quote ]


坐月子 (zuò yuèzi)


  . . .  坐月子 (zuò yuèzi)


   I should have mentioned in chinese culture this time of the year is known as the sitting the month, namely  坐月子 (zuò yuèzi),  a traditional postpartum custom IS observed in China  and several other East Asian countries . . 


   Ref found at URLs like the following . . http://www.theworldofchinese.com/2013/12/sit-the-month/


  0ff - site (ONLY)

  While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will cometh ..suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.


   Myth: Labour always starts with your waters breaking 

   Fact:  No, the actual truth is that although many women experience their waters breaking during the beginning of labour; however, this does not apply to all women. Some women might experience contractions first and their waters might break later. Popular depictions from media and tele about  the amniotic sac  should be the last of your worries, according to medical professionals. Like with so many television shows are so concerned with making the show interesting, that they are not at all concerned with the facts. It is sad to know that much of the information that we get about our pregnancy comes from the media — this misinformation causes us to have poor conceptions of how our pregnancy is going to go, and it makes it so that we are unable to be able to properly prepare ourselves for labor.



   > ONE CRUCIAL Edit ::  EDIT   The  YouTube video to the clip  from the Hallmark Networks' show  is no longer up  so the best I can offer is  *this as the alternative clip  here ::  *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uplXxdypPc {*http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uplXxdypPc}


   P.S. -- Must dash  or I will run out of time pretty soon (really)!!

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"Let not anyone take the child I' m carrying"




   In a galaxy not so far away, In a time and place FAR from here ( we all fall down )



  In George Lucas's brainchild the  Star-Wars Universe . . .


   "Let not anyone take the child I' m carrying"  . . . private journal started by Etain Tur-Mukan, it became the reason for hope  . .



   Image of a young Asajj 'Ventress' . . where mores were different in the fictional world - -

     Asajj Ventress may be Star Wars' female cold-blooded assassin, she's remains one of the all time great tragic characters of that Galaxy Far, Far Away's Universe. On the planet Dathomir, her young mother had give her up to a criminal in some misguided attempt to protect her Nightsisters clan's sisterhood. The Nightsisters clan had a cult of sorts based loosely on those Roman's Vestal virgins somewhat, (more than a coven),. Anywho! She's somebody who’s been repeatedly abandoned and betrayed throughout life, she's one whose heartfelt sympathies can be kindled despite that cold snake like stare. I guess, it’s easy to blame others for your heartbreak, when none of it is your fault, (*Lol*)! 



  She's not much for making idle chatter, as a character in the fictional animated series. Sample Dialog -- "Our spies knew you were coming, false Jedi. We're fully prepared to eliminate you all." In Ventress's case, she lives it all out loud, .. in her deeds. She's the one who became Count Dooku's apprentice . . Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus being one of the fictional characters from the Star Wars universe. I guess the only thing a sane person can relate to with her is when she does her nails in the irrelevant manner in the animated series. Where did they all go so wrong, there's a heart of gold underneath that cold facial expression, correct ?!?

  How could any get down on this whole off-site situation then ?!?


     (thumbs down) *


   Serious note --

  The Pauline epistle to the Romans -- ''Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister . .''


  --- ---


   p.p.s. --  I dont expect you to get it right nor begin to understand what this one could mean either (double-meaning) . .  Talk Talk

  EDIT ( EDIT :: two letters edited to edit ; added  the  word  -- heartfelt , too )



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re:: מרחם Pity or Mercy




  re::  מרחם  Pity or Mercy

Hebrew OT: Westminster Leningrad Codex

( ~ Jer. 1:5a-b )

 בטרם [אצורך כ] (אצרך ק) בבטן ידעתיך ובטרם תצא מרחם הקדשתיך.

5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I consecrated you . .


((  אני יצר אתכם בבטן מחוץ לרחם לפני שהגעת ואני לקדש אותך  ))



     Før jeg dannet dig i mors liv, kjente jeg dig, og før du kom ut av mors skjød, helliget jeg dig . .




* Recall and remember  -- I wrote back in April, of this year ::  ''The strangest thing I've witnessed of late is a strange little wood-type nymph canvassing an area I was forced to recently visit. With her tireless work of her one 
woman campaign to help PREGNANT women. I myself undoubtedly having a great willingness to help out. I was curious by her canvassing, so I asked if she was willing to help a particular group in her activities. She stopped for just a
moment. Then she replied to me: No! It's all pregnant women''


  Attn. --  Non-site Here and Below

P.S.  --  Family . .   Ohana


    Every single time I saw this pic today  . .  I get all teary-eyed


  . . be kind to each other, tenderhearted . .


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Looking at this again.

How many Brontosauri (if that's a correct application) would Noah's ark hold. Ok--a pair, and how many other pairs would it hold of 40 ton each. I was told by a religious type back in the 70s that satan put all the fossils on the planet to mislead the world (Holy Kow). I prefer the biblical interpretation by the Smurfs. It makes sense.

The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.


Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist

Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth

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Technically there was never

Technically there was never a brontosaur. If I recall correctly, the brontosaur was a misidentified apatosaur.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:Technically

Othniel Charles Marsh, a Professor of Paleontology at Yale University, described and named an incomplete (and juvenile) skeleton of Apatosaurus ajax in 1877. Two years later, Marsh announced the discovery of a larger and more complete specimen at Como Bluff Wyoming—which, because of discrepancies including the size difference, Marsh incorrectly identified as belonging to an entirely new genus and species. He named the new species Brontosaurus excelsus, meaning "thunder lizard", from the Greek brontē/βροντη meaning "thunder" and sauros/σαυρος meaning "lizard", and from the Latin excelsus, "highest, sublime", referring to the greater number of sacral vertebrae than in any other genus of sauropod known at the time.

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Correct response to a intricate situation signal of a shout out




:::: Feel a wish for a  Correct response to a intricate situation, signal of a shout out


   Off - Topic  --  This is an example of a thread for a very warm and friendly person who may see to it to check out some of this from the Natomas area -- Of a family run (IP) Indo~Pakistani establishment for really great meals

 I was recently reminded of Diwali 2014 on "September 18th" with an ad from the OUTLET Diwali which sale(s) starts from September 18th, people are already starting to gear up for the holiday.


   The Diwali Festival is the biggest and brightest festival in India. My focus on the distinctive aspects of the holiday, reminded me that I haven't swung over to my favorite corner restaurant, now in a good long while; and with the ad .. that's all.



  दीपावली का ये पावन त्यौहार, जीवन में लए खुशिया आपार, लक्ष्मी जी विराजे आपके द्वार, सुभकामनाएँ हमारी करें स्वीकार!!  




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A casual observer could EVEN tell when cultural heritage is void

re ::   Man,  Even the casual observer could even see when real cultural heritage is void or isn't being preserved


    I went lunch the other day to a fusion restaurant it was predominantly and heavily influenced by Cuisine of India. While I stopped by for the first time, I talked with the hostess (briefly), at a establishment a couple of counties over. I was curious so I asked about what they had done for the Diwali, or Dipawali Festival ?

 The Indian hostesses response  shocked me,  when she said, " . . you mean the one with the dancing girls" ? That was something, to say!!

  I almost busted a gut laughing on the way out, by her response. Then, however, I  had a strange sense of sadness, that  struck me.  So you know, I got the impression grandma was the last one to speak either hindi or punjabi or like the hostess was fourth generation Indian.  I might be incredibly unfair, or maybe she made certain assumptions based on race; I don't know! Perhaps I am mistaking her remark(s), for her assuming I had never read the **Ramayana




    As the moon waxes and wanes, they used to say, so surely the waters which are rising now in good time will recede. For nature moves in cycles. What is lost will be regained.


**Link for people who don't even remember the epic

  >  http://mocomi.com/ramayana-story-of-diwali/ http://mocomi.com/ramayana-story-of-diwali/  ( perhaps the visual aids will strike a chord )







  Lesson   --  DO NOT  assume.  Then we won't assume or base things  from  externals


  F i n

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Old Seer wrote:ex-minister

Old Seer wrote:

Over time the creationist will be found to be in error. I advice Atheists and those of scientific pursuit not to worry about such things as the religious in the world won't be convinced regardless of millions of words of explanation and logic (of course millions of words in logic aren't needed). Those claiming Christianity are just as materialistic as others of the world, and their interpretation of creation is according to their prefered mind of materialism.

Um no, it is preciesly because religion and god claims keep getting passed down to the next generation, that it will always be a constant battle. To suggest we take our eyes off of any religion is absurd. It is because of constant questioning that our species progresses and to take that leash of oversight is to allow the errosion of secularism. 

I am on line every day and it isn't just Christians bastardizing science and making absurd claims. I have debated Jews and Muslims and recently Hindus and even a Rastifarian. Christians are not the only ones who attack science in order to try to fill in the gap with their book and god.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 Bullshit you've debated a

 Bullshit you've debated a Hindu. Which religion does he belong to?

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iwbiek wrote: Bullshit

iwbiek wrote:

 Bullshit you've debated a Hindu. Which religion does he belong to?


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 Here is an

Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology

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 For an atheist  Iwbiek

 For an atheist  Iwbiek you suck. "When did you debate a Hindu" as if it mattered. 

Is there a Hindu theory of evolution? Is there a Allah theory of gravity? Is there Jesus based etropy? Is there a Thor theory of lightening. Sampe rate is what you suffer from 


I have debated all sorts of religious people in my 13 years online.  Everyone claims science as thier invention,



http://www.cortona-india.org/Material-ScienceHinduism.aspx http://experiencehinduism.com/scientific-facts

This was not the guy I debated, but religion in general is scared that science is not propping up their superstition so they either try to treat it as separate or the try to co op it and Hindus are simply the new boys on the block in line with Christianity, Jews and Muslims.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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iwbiek wrote:  Bullshit

iwbiek wrote:

 Bullshit you've debated a Hindu. Which religion does he belong to?





And just the other day I had, just like Christians start off the first sentence with "I am not arguing anything". Then attacked evolution and big bang. It took me several responses to drag it out of him that he believed this guy

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haile_Selassie was his Messiah.

You do not spend enough time on the net or on believers camps to know that when they cant argue from their books, they will attack science in order to create a gap to stick their god an religion in. You must have a limited sample rate to think that only certain groups try to claim to have invented science.

Do not confuse contribution to science as being evidence of their labels being credible . If
you had watched every episode of COSMOS you'd know that every religion and culture has made discoveries.

That should tell humans that it is not the label doing it or a god doing it, but our evolutionary questioning.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog