Heart warming punch to anti-muslim rhetoric

I haven't been stopping by lately because I got the whole Babylon 5 series for my birthday and I've been watching it, somewhat religiously. I'm on the 5th season now, and it hasn't even been a full 2 weeks. lol How time flies. But when I saw this in the news I felt it would be good to post it here. It made me proud of my fellow countrymen.
Hamilton racism 'social experiment' ends with a punch
Its creators call it a “social experiment” spurred by the gunman's shooting rampage at Parliament Hill in Ottawa last week.
But their three-minute video posted to YouTube Monday shines a spotlight on Hamilton and a handful of people who stand up against anti-Muslim taunts hurled at a bus stop outside Jackson Square.
A young man who identifies himself as Devin Giamou spews the racist remarks.
His anti-Muslim vitriol is put on, just acting for the experiment, but Giamou gets more than a stiff rebuke.
He tells a small clutch of people outside Jackson Square another young man with a beard and in white traditional Muslim dress (who's also an actor for the experiment) shouldn't get on the bus because “he could be armed with explosives.”
Giamou's character says “I don't feel safe so I can't take this bus here,” referring to last week's shooting spree, which began with the fatal shot that killed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo of Hamilton. “I want to take him to another bus. I don't feel safe.”
"You know, you can't stereotype and judge people by their clothes, or their nationality or anything else, you know what I mean? What happened there, it was incident of fanatics.”
A woman pipes up, too:
“It was awful and tragic, but I don't think that's any reason to persecute someone just because what they're wearing.”
But Giamou keeps making his case, eventually trying to physically remove his fellow actor. At that point, someone jumps to the Muslim man's defence and slugs Giamou in the face.
After a brief clip that shows him talking to a police officer, Giamou, who has a bloody face, offers this conclusion:
“So the social experiment had a negative ending to it, but it's positive because he stood up for him and I appreciate that, that's good, that's good.”
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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That is awesome that people stuck up for him. It still does not change my stance that no label, not even the label "atheist" should be criticism free or blasphemy free in all context 100% of the time. The real bigots and bullies who even bully their own within the same label are the one's you hurt by always insisting on being PC. Women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Girls like Malala. The reason I say that is because am also aware of America's history of slavery, and sexism and even religious homophobia today.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2014/10/25/comment/an-open-letter-to-ben-affleck/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2807313/Iranian-woman-sentenced-death-killing-man-claims-tried-rape-hanged-imm http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/11169304/Pakistani-Christian-woman-sentenced-to-hanging-for-row-over-shari... Now again, I do not post these things to fan the flames of hate, nor should it imply all Muslims value doing the above. I say this because there was a time in American history when Christians did the same, and a time in Europe when the dark ages ruled. And even today they use their bible to control the bodies of women, and use it to justify bigotry to gays. You can protect innocent individuals as anyone should. But ideas, and claims, and labels themselves do not deserve to be criticism free or blasphemy free 100% of the time. Human rights are a given. But when claims lead to thee above those claims still have a source where they come from, and without challenging that source, you cannot have a world where what we saw in that video rightfully happens.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
The reason you do not default to censorship are so that cracks can grow where fascism exists and it helps those within living under it to hear the voices outside it. It allows them to gain confidence to grow within.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Ivanova was so hot.
Site :: Surrealistic SORT OF WORLD, I found out for the first time an acquaintance is pregnant; while simultaneously ran across the off-site Emperoress that had no clothes
Artist:: 'Born' of Osiris . . .
Follow the signs .. Follow the signs
We are the victims but we are also the crime
And the only one who can judge us upon earth .. in time
I will show you more, a discovery
Beyond what you perceive
As you're tangled in thought, believe
And let your soul unleash
We're well on our way but they lead us astray
As far as we've made only as one we can save humility
The absence of what you hold dear it'll leave you stranded
Heartache will stem from FEAR
Ultimately the choice is up to you (the choice is up to you)
But in the end disbelief can't be denied can not be refused
They tremble in fear in the undercover sanctuary
And the walls disguise despair in the naked sanctuary
Follow the signs
I will show you more, we're uncovering
Let your soul unleash
The absence of what you hold dear it'll leave you stranded
Heartache will stem from FEAR
We are the victims but we are also the crime
And the only one who can judge us upon the earth .. in time
And the only one who can judge us upon the earth .. in time
Follow the signs . . Follow the signs
Even smart women can fall for the 'wrong' guy, I think even the prudent and smart need to be careful
Follow link -- http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/how-to-spot-a-sex-trafficking-victim-at-a-hotel/ar-BBbJoS3?ocid=LENDHP
OTHER Off - site / 0ff - site ---
(Obfuscation) -- obfuscation-- making communication such is never worse when you don't identify who is being referred to