Posted on: December 2, 2014 - 1:41pm

It appears that the AIDs virus is evolving...
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Yes it is part of evolution. It is a myth that DNA/RNA based life evolves to improve. It simply changes over long periods of time and it can gain and lose atributes because of those changes. It is about adapting and over time something can fail to adapt.
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For any significant mutations to persist, they would normally have to give the life-form at least some small improvement in ability to survive and reproduce in its current typical environment. So an observed change may be ultimately due to some consistent change in the typical conditions it finds itself in, which in this case could be something to do with modern treatment regimes.
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Well isn't the word 'improvement' sort of off a little? Wouldn't advantage be a better word? I mean if a species slowed down rather than be fast and the predator was super fast but had poor eyesight and over ran the prey's location, then being slow wouldn't be an improvement but an advantage?
Not trying to argue with you, just wondering...
Day to day evolution has little or nothing to do with advantages or survival or improvement. It can result in these, but it won't necessarily. Viri often become less capable of infection due to mutation.
It is only over the long term that evolutionary changes tend to the advantageous, as the advantaged continue on pace or become accelerated, while the disadvantaged become stressed or even extinct.
In short, there will inevitably be new strains of any virus that are less dangerous; and some that are more so. The weaker strains may persist long enough to be noticed, but they are unlikely to persist long enough to weaken the virus overall (unless it also strengthens the virus' survivability).
I do not believe that this virus is evolving to become less effective. It is far more likely that researchers simply stumbled upon a strain before it faded away.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I agree, but there is or must be moments when new strains come along and it is possible that we are witnessing evolution.
Every time we see life reproduce we see evolution.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.