Plane goes down in Indonesia.

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Plane goes down in Indonesia.

Here is what I do not understand, why doesn't every aircraft, especially passenger liners, have real time data transfer including cockpit recording that goes to a command center? And the other thing why the hell was this jet flying through a tropical storm?

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 I was thinking, even with

 I was thinking, even with the black boxes, when these things go down over the ocean, couldn't you have some sort of small technology on several parts of the plane, that when you have a catostrophic event, they would automatically be ejected off the plane's exterior with a automatic floatation device that would send a becon from the serface of the ocean to mark where the plane went down?

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Brian37 wrote: Here is what I do not understand, why doesn't every aircraft, especially passenger liners, have real time data transfer including cockpit recording that goes to a command center? And the other thing why the hell was this jet flying through a tropical storm?

Such technology exists, but aviation laws require black boxes, until last year, real time streaming systems weren't approved by any government. Flyhtstream has been investing millions in trying to convince the FAA to allow their system on boeing 777s that finally got approved by some government goob last year. Now they have to go through and get it approved for every other airplane model (even though the system is essentially identical regardless of the model of plane). Because of the government bureaucracy you worship, a technology that was viable over a decade ago won't be in common use for another 30 years. For poor countries like Indonesia, it will be even longer.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote: Here is what I do not understand, why doesn't every aircraft, especially passenger liners, have real time data transfer including cockpit recording that goes to a command center? And the other thing why the hell was this jet flying through a tropical storm?

Such technology exists, but aviation laws require black boxes, until last year, real time streaming systems weren't approved by any government. Flyhtstream has been investing millions in trying to convince the FAA to allow their system on boeing 777s that finally got approved by some government goob last year. Now they have to go through and get it approved for every other airplane model (even though the system is essentially identical regardless of the model of plane). Because of the government bureaucracy you worship, a technology that was viable over a decade ago won't be in common use for another 30 years. For poor countries like Indonesia, it will be even longer.

No just he opposite. It took government to get lead out of gas. It took government to get better standards for cars. Safety belts, crumple zones and air bags, are regulated and cars are safer because of it. 

You are the moron who thinks business will do the right thing automatically and it is clear you just like political parties and religions, it can be abusive just as easily. 

Airlines are behaving just like car companies did when Nadar started exposing them as the dangerous crap they were at the time. Business is slow to adapt because profits are more imporant than human lives. 

You are going to learn one way or another that there is more than one class and business owners do not get to dictate to the rest of society. I am really sick of your paranoid selfish mentality.

You have this childish paranoia on par with religion in that anything that goes against your utopia bullshit is bad. Your attitude is why we have asshole climate change deniers and why the fuel industry is killing our planet. As long as you get what you want while you are alive fuck everyone else.





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Brian37 wrote:No just he

Brian37 wrote:

No just he opposite. It took government to get lead out of gas. It took government to get better standards for cars. Safety belts, crumple zones and air bags, are regulated and cars are safer because of it. 

We aren't talking about cars. You asked a specific question about why a specific technology isn't used. None of this is even comparable.



You are the moron who thinks business will do the right thing automatically and it is clear you just like political parties and religions, it can be abusive just as easily.

I never commented on the right or wrong thing. You asked about a technology, I pointed out it exists and an evil private company is trying to get government permission to sell it. Such systems are already common on private jets.



Airlines are behaving just like car companies did when Nadar started exposing them as the dangerous crap they were at the time. Business is slow to adapt because profits are more imporant than human lives. 

Really? You believe government adapts faster than businesses?



You are going to learn one way or another that there is more than one class and business owners do not get to dictate to the rest of society. I am really sick of your paranoid selfish mentality.

You have this childish paranoia on par with religion in that anything that goes against your utopia bullshit is bad. Your attitude is why we have asshole climate change deniers and why the fuel industry is killing our planet. As long as you get what you want while you are alive fuck everyone else.

Is it good or bad that Flyhtstream technology was not allowed to be installed on planes in 2003 when it was first manufactured? Who is directly responsuble for it taking ten years to get FAA approval?

As usual, you hide behind vagueness. Does it ever concern you that your broad beliefs fall apart when applied to specific situations?

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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 Unfortunately it is being

 Unfortunately it is being reported that they found parts of the plane and up to 40 bodies. Feel bad for the family members.


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 Unfortunately it is being

 Unfortunately it is being reported that they found parts of the plane and up to 40 bodies. Feel bad for the family members.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:

 Unfortunately it is being reported that they found parts of the plane and up to 40 bodies. Feel bad for the family members.


I was reading that there were two families who missed the flight and thanked god for sparing them. Then they said they felt terrible for the families for having lost loved ones.

I am always curious about these types of comments and why people who believe in god say them. I think it shows they don't believe in god. I think it shows that they know god doesn't exist.

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digitalbeachbum wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

 Unfortunately it is being reported that they found parts of the plane and up to 40 bodies. Feel bad for the family members.


I was reading that there were two families who missed the flight and thanked god for sparing them. Then they said they felt terrible for the families for having lost loved ones.

I am always curious about these types of comments and why people who believe in god say them. I think it shows they don't believe in god. I think it shows that they know god doesn't exist.

I've often wondered why Christians try to save lives at all. If heaven is a better place, preventing someone from getting there isn't heroic, it is selfish. No christian has provided a decent answer to why saving lives is good unless the people being saved aren't christian and aren't going to heaven.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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digitalbeachbum wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

 Unfortunately it is being reported that they found parts of the plane and up to 40 bodies. Feel bad for the family members.


I was reading that there were two families who missed the flight and thanked god for sparing them. Then they said they felt terrible for the families for having lost loved ones.

I am always curious about these types of comments and why people who believe in god say them. I think it shows they don't believe in god. I think it shows that they know god doesn't exist.

Online lots of atheists are aware of "Betty Bowers" AKA "America's best Christian", which is like a female Cobert making fun of the logic of religion. Her character has said "Thanking God for sparing you in a natural disaster is a bit like sending a thank you note to a serial killer for stabbing the family next door".


I simply cannot stand the logic that someone claims a invisible magical super hero that says he will protect you, has the power to do so, but does not and watches while you die and or allows the families of the dead to suffer the pain of the loss. This is not an act of love. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

 Unfortunately it is being reported that they found parts of the plane and up to 40 bodies. Feel bad for the family members.


I was reading that there were two families who missed the flight and thanked god for sparing them. Then they said they felt terrible for the families for having lost loved ones.

I am always curious about these types of comments and why people who believe in god say them. I think it shows they don't believe in god. I think it shows that they know god doesn't exist.

I've often wondered why Christians try to save lives at all. If heaven is a better place, preventing someone from getting there isn't heroic, it is selfish. No christian has provided a decent answer to why saving lives is good unless the people being saved aren't christian and aren't going to heaven.

I agree.

I might have mentioned this previously but I used to work as a mod for a chat room for a service on people who lost loved ones. For roughly two years I watched as people told their stories and never understood why they couldn't get over the death of their loved ones. They said that god or jesus had their loved ones and I responded several times that I thought they were being selfish. If heaven was such an awesome place they should be jumping for joy that their loved one was with jesus.

Needless to say after I made these comments people complained about my attitude and I was forced to resign from my position.

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Brian37 wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Online lots of atheists are aware of "Betty Bowers" AKA "America's best Christian", which is like a female Cobert making fun of the logic of religion. Her character has said "Thanking God for sparing you in a natural disaster is a bit like sending a thank you note to a serial killer for stabbing the family next door".


I simply cannot stand the logic that someone claims a invisible magical super hero that says he will protect you, has the power to do so, but does not and watches while you die and or allows the families of the dead to suffer the pain of the loss. This is not an act of love. 


What is there to understand. These christians already present you with the evidence showing they don't believe in their god. They have no faith in their god. None of them do.

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digitalbeachbum wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Online lots of atheists are aware of "Betty Bowers" AKA "America's best Christian", which is like a female Cobert making fun of the logic of religion. Her character has said "Thanking God for sparing you in a natural disaster is a bit like sending a thank you note to a serial killer for stabbing the family next door".


I simply cannot stand the logic that someone claims a invisible magical super hero that says he will protect you, has the power to do so, but does not and watches while you die and or allows the families of the dead to suffer the pain of the loss. This is not an act of love. 


What is there to understand. These christians already present you with the evidence showing they don't believe in their god. They have no faith in their god. None of them do.

No they do not, I am sure they think they do, but you cannot defend the logic in the way they claim "faith" works. You are absolutly right that they defy their own logic trying to defend it. 

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Brian37 wrote:No they do

Brian37 wrote:

No they do not, I am sure they think they do, but you cannot defend the logic in the way they claim "faith" works. You are absolutly right that they defy their own logic trying to defend it. 

It isn't even that their logic is flawed and they try to defend it. Just look at the way they lead their lives. They use Jesus as a scapegoat.

For example, I had a guy I used to work with who was an alcoholic. He was fucking one of the girls in the office, actually there was a rumor he had fucked around with three different women. I only knew of one he was doing because I walked in on them once.

This guy was a born again. Actually had the nerve to tell me that he was saved. I asked why. He said, "Jesus is my savior. Because I believe in him I will be saved".

My response was, "well how do you know jesus will look at the shit you do now and say, "huh, well buddy, you said one thing and did another so you don't get in""

His response was, "the bible said I will be saved if I believe"

So basically he said he could do any thing he wanted, when he wanted, with whomever he wanted, no matter how terrible the action, yet still go to heaven.

Oh, yeah, this guy was married and had two children at home.

Fucking crazy shit.


I see christians who break the 10 commandments on a daily basis every single day. I see them lie, cheat, steal, murder and yet they all think that they believe in a god.

If they believed in a god they wouldn't do all this wrong stuff. They would say, "wow I'm going to get in trouble when I die so I better fix my shit now". do they? no... they continue letting their egos control their lives. They are ignorant.

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Regarding the OP, who

Regarding the OP, who exactly do you expect to pay for this command centre and equipment? The training and the people to run it? It's not like the airlines or governments can afford it, especially in developing nations.

As the Asian countries grow, their infrastructure will get better. It isn't going to happen overnight.

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