FBI "foils" Terror Attack on Boehner

I notice the dad described him as a "mummy's boy who tells her everything" ? Apparently he left out some details. I wonder why the parents seemingly did not have a problem with his sudden conversion and Twitter postings ? Granted, there was little they could have probably done.
FBI 'foils IS-inspired plot to attack US Capitol'
The FBI has arrested a man in Ohio for allegedly planning to attack the US Capitol in Washington in an Islamic State-inspired attack.
Christopher Cornell, 20, is charged with attempting to kill a US government officer, according to court documents.
He came to the attention of the FBI after tweeting support for extremist groups like Islamic State.
The public was never in danger during this investigation, Cincinnati Special Agent in Charge John Barrios said.
Mr Cornell's father says his son may have posted angry messages about violent jihad, but he would not have been capable of carrying out an attack.
Mr Cornell said that there was no way his son "could have carried out any kind of terrorist plot".
"He never talked about any kind of violence to me or to his mother. He is a mummy's boy, he tells mummy everything."
Twitter alias
Christopher Cornell was arrested on Wednesday morning outside a gun shop after purchasing two semi-automatic rifles and about 600 rounds of ammunition. He had long been tracked by an undercover agent.
His arrest is the second reported Ohio-based threat to the US Congress in 24 hours. On Wednesday a barman was charged with threatening to kill the Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner.
Mr Cornell allegedly operated a Twitter account under the alias Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah, which came to the attention of the FBI through a confidential source in August.
The source had been co-operating with the FBI in exchange for favourable treatment in an unrelated case, court documents said.
The informant and Mr Cornell - who lives in Green Township in Ohio - first began communicating through Twitter and then through an instant messaging platform similar to Twitter, according to court documents.
"I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves,'' Mr Cornell wrote in an instant message, the documents show.
During a meeting in October, according to the criminal complaint, Mr Cornell told the source he needed weapons but did not want to share details of his plan.
At a second meeting, Mr Cornell allegedly told the source they would go to Washington, set off pipe bombs at the Capitol building and shoot employees and officials there.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
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They can only stop ones they facilitate. Like seriously. Despite the fact that the NSA collects over 70 Million phone calls a month in France (http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/21/world/europe/france-nsa-spying/index.html) on top of every other of the billions of things they monitor every single day they couldn't stop two dudes they KNEW had connections and real threats had been made at this place. Seriously.
I got to agree with you there. I have been listening to the talking heads on the news and they all jabber the same "security" word over and over and over. As though passing new laws is supposed to actual contain the threat.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
I mean this is the proof isn't it? The proof that their claims they need this to stop terror is a complete sham. This was the experiment. This was as close to a scientific trial as youre gonna get with this sort of thing. And they failed. Miserably.
If you want to see how bullshit it is, watch this debate between Glenn Greenwald and the Reddit dude vs Gen. Michael Hayden and Alan Doucheowitz. Lengthy but absolutely worth it. Greenwald beats the fiery piss out of them.
Anyone want to guess what this nut used as an excuse? Dangle a utopia in front of a delusional nut, toxic combo.
Oh and as much as I hate Bonehead and the GOP, you don't protect the politician because you like them, you protect the human because the proccess is there for us all. If I heard someone plotting against even Cruz, I'd report the fucker.
Mudslinging and blasphemy are part of living in a free society. But making threats on politicians hell no!
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