Suckerburg becomes turkey over Turkey

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Suckerburg becomes turkey over Turkey

Ok Zuckey, with all the social media do you really think that you can stop all depictions of Mo even outside Facebook in regards to Turkey? How is Islam going to stop having a glass jaw by the rest of the world caving to their insecurities?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 Here is the Turkey Embassy

 Here is the Turkey Embassy twitter page.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 Only an idiot thinks being

 Only an idiot thinks being insulted is worse than being murdered over an insult.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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 So you are saying that

 So you are saying that Facebook should ignore the law in Turkey, tell the authorities to fuck off and get banned so that no one in Turkey can go to Your all or nothing approach is something only a true fucking dumb ass would consider practical. A post sitting up for the few days it takes to get a court order to take it down does a lot more than nothing at all. Zuckerberg personally has done FAR more to aid the push for free speech in the third world than your ignorant rants could do in a million years.

Facebook isn't going to fight an armed revolution with Turkey, and there is no reason they should. It could provide enough communication that the people of Turkey who are chafing under its censorship can unite to change things. Far more than the scumbag fucks you elect into office who have given the censoring shitbags billions of our tax money over the years. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: So you

Beyond Saving wrote:

 So you are saying that Facebook should ignore the law in Turkey, tell the authorities to fuck off and get banned so that no one in Turkey can go to Your all or nothing approach is something only a true fucking dumb ass would consider practical. A post sitting up for the few days it takes to get a court order to take it down does a lot more than nothing at all. Zuckerberg personally has done FAR more to aid the push for free speech in the third world than your ignorant rants could do in a million years.

Facebook isn't going to fight an armed revolution with Turkey, and there is no reason they should. It could provide enough communication that the people of Turkey who are chafing under its censorship can unite to change things. Far more than the scumbag fucks you elect into office who have given the censoring shitbags billions of our tax money over the years. 

He can do what he wants, it is his business. I simply think he is stupid. Is that what you suggest? Everytime a religious state or fascist state says "don't pick on me" we shut down? If that is stupidly the way you think then move to one of those states because we wouldn't want them to pull themselves into the modern erra. 

No jackass, the "scumbags" were Wall Street and the bankers that gambled with our money and dumped their losses on us. The scumbags are the WalMart family that refuses to pay workers a livable wage. The scumbags are the Koch Brothers who are going to spend $889,000,000 million dollars on the 16 ellection so they can keep polluting rivers and pumping out CO2 pollution dispite climate change being evidence. 

Now please show your stupidity and do what you always do and accuse Obama of sinking the Titanic, and kiling the dinosaurs. And also falsely accuse me of hating all weath when I hate abuse of power and plutocracy.

If you want to be a pussy and bow to other countries when they have glass jaws and wont grow up, you can. I think that is a stupid fucking tactic because it doesn't do anything but coddle their insecurities. Nor does it help any of the citizens there who don't like theocracy or the minorities that live there either.

He can do what he wants, I simply think it doesn't do anything but coddle insecurities.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 This is why you say "allow

 This is why you say "allow it, or I pull my company out of your country". Because you allow censorship to spread, this is what happens it bleeds to the west even when it is not their country.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Putting aside how we should

Putting aside how we should respond to terrorism or censorship, I think it's reasonable as a business decision. Google lost almost all of its search share in China after refusing to censor search then rerouting everything to the Hong Kong server, following allegations of hacking-attacks by the Chinese government. 

Additionally, it's counterintuitive, but by censoring the most "offensive" material, Facebook is at least able to remain an Internet presence, which may be better in the long run than completely ignoring a country's complaints and being blocked entirely. 

Fun fact: According to wiki, even the reasons why Chinese citizens can no longer access google is blocked. So, not only are they blocked from google. They are blocked from figuring out why they are blocked from google.

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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butterbattle wrote:Putting

butterbattle wrote:

Putting aside how we should respond to terrorism or censorship, I think it's reasonable as a business decision. Google lost almost all of its search share in China after refusing to censor search then rerouting everything to the Hong Kong server, following allegations of hacking-attacks by the Chinese government. 

Additionally, it's counterintuitive, but by censoring the most "offensive" material, Facebook is at least able to remain an Internet presence, which may be better in the long run than completely ignoring a country's complaints and being blocked entirely. 

Fun fact: According to wiki, even the reasons why Chinese citizens can no longer access google is blocked. So, not only are they blocked from google. They are blocked from figuring out why they are blocked from google.


I get this, we do not live in a perfect world and we do have to pick our battles. But my position is in doing that we cant cave more than we push back long term. 

I think it is absurd in our age of global media to think even with doing that it won't leak in anyway. Saudi Arabia had last year or the year before a mass protest where women drove cars and posted their videos on social media. It is a double edge sword for these censorship happy states because they still depend on being connected somewhat to the outside world, so in doing that something, no matter what is going to leak in no matter what.


China does try, but I think it is a myth they have it so tightly controlled nothing gets in. They manufacture all the technology for social media the world uses. I remember seeing a news clip from China when their citizens were trampling over each other trying to get to the new cell phone on sale. Looked just like the idiots in America the day after Thanksgiving. 





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:He can do what

Brian37 wrote:

He can do what he wants, it is his business. I simply think he is stupid. Is that what you suggest? Everytime a religious state or fascist state says "don't pick on me" we shut down? If that is stupidly the way you think then move to one of those states because we wouldn't want them to pull themselves into the modern erra. 

If you draw a hard line in the sand, the only logical result is war and death. There are ways to destroy tyranny without resorting to that, which is why I don't fight the tyranny in our own country by shooting the police. As usual, you talk big, but I guarantee in your own life you don't live up to the standards you hold others to. 


Brian37 wrote:

No jackass, the "scumbags" were Wall Street and the bankers that gambled with our money and dumped their losses on us. The scumbags are the WalMart family that refuses to pay workers a livable wage. The scumbags are the Koch Brothers who are going to spend $889,000,000 million dollars on the 16 ellection so they can keep polluting rivers and pumping out CO2 pollution dispite climate change being evidence. 

The scumbags on wall street didn't give $21 billion to Turkey to fund their army in order to maintain control of their country. The US government did, and you voted for it. 


Brian37 wrote:

Now please show your stupidity and do what you always do and accuse Obama of sinking the Titanic, and kiling the dinosaurs. And also falsely accuse me of hating all weath when I hate abuse of power and plutocracy.

I didn't blame Obama. Most of the money that went to Turkey was Clinton. The question is why you are blaming Zuckerberg (a good liberal) for obeying the law of a government that was essentially paid for and put in place by Clinton. 


Brian37 wrote:

If you want to be a pussy and bow to other countries when they have glass jaws and wont grow up, you can.

Says the pussy who isn't even capable of defending himself. I've lost good friends to the bullshit wars dumb fucks like you put us in. If not wanting to go to war with every country that treats its citizens like shit makes me a pussy, then I guess I'm a pussy. I've lost enough people I care about, and I don't want to lose more. Non violent solutions are better than violent ones, and facebook is a non-violent solution. Completely ignoring a country isn't a solution at all.  


Brian37 wrote:

I think that is a stupid fucking tactic because it doesn't do anything but coddle their insecurities. Nor does it help any of the citizens there who don't like theocracy or the minorities that live there either.

He can do what he wants, I simply think it doesn't do anything but coddle insecurities.

Which is why you are fucking dumb and Zuckerberg isn't. Cutting countries off from communication and trade has never worked to overthrow tyrannical governments. Look at Cuba, we have had an embargo ever since Castro took power and he is still there. Limited communication and trade is a better driver of freedom than no communication and trade. Neither is a great option, but that is the choice, and it is forced by a police state that was funded by the US government. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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butterbattle wrote:

Additionally, it's counterintuitive, but by censoring the most "offensive" material, Facebook is at least able to remain an Internet presence, which may be better in the long run than completely ignoring a country's complaints and being blocked entirely. 

Exactly. And with Facebook's strategy of waiting for a court order, the censorship is almost meaningless. By the time a post is reported, reviewed by a judge, an order is issued and Facebook takes their time to actually comply with the order, you are dealing with probably days in most cases. Days of being posted on the Internet is an eternity, most people who would have seen the message if it was there for decades already saw it and no amount of tyranny can erase memories. A message that is up for a day is better than a message that never exists at all.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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 The Ohio State, By Brian37

 The Ohio State, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter)


You've make me strong

You support me too

I owe all these words

I write to you


You are the best

Buckeye to me

You've taught me well

You love me no matter


No matter our differences

In neatness or politics

Our favorite Billy Joel song

Since I was a kid


You've changed alot

And for the better

It has been wonderful

That we have grown closer


I want you arround

As long as possible

I cannot immagine 

My life without you


You leand me an ear

When I want to vent

You laugh at my jokes

When they are silly


You put food on my table

You give me the ability

To write these prose

For all to see


I hope some day

The world will know

What you allowed

Me to do


I love you mom

You are why

I am who I am

And why I write


These words 

Would not be alive

If it were not for you

Helping me survive.


I love you Mom.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:I get this, we

Brian37 wrote:

I get this, we do not live in a perfect world and we do have to pick our battles. But my position is in doing that we cant cave more than we push back long term.

I can agree with that. And the Internet will continue to be a problem for any countries that leverage their power through censorship. And the more they try to control free speech, the worse it gets. Look at North Korea. They're a metaphorical black hole.

I do think it's different when groups in first world countries bend to the whining of extremists, like that example you posted about the artist in France. Unlike the Facebook example, people in a free society are being scared shitless by a tiny minority threatening violence against them. a way, I can't really blame anyone if they do that, "Someone threatening to kill me vs. taking an art exhibit down, eh....I think we'll just take that art exhibit down," but it's still really irritating whenever extremists get their way. Not to mention the inherent hypocrisy i.e. it's not okay for me to poke fun at your religion, but it's okay for you to threaten to kill people and blow up buildings. 

Brian37 wrote:
China does try, but I think it is a myth they have it so tightly controlled nothing gets in. They manufacture all the technology for social media the world uses.

It's tough.

Last time I was in China was 2005, and, at that time, most of my relatives had cell phones, Internet, cable tv, etc. etc. etc. I'm sure many of them have smart phones now. The Chinese government has essentially one of the most complex and powerful firewalls in the world, if not the #1. But, it'll never be perfect unless they just cut off all communication with the outside world like North Korea has. And, as, arguably, the #2/3 military power and #1/2 economic power in the world now, that's just not realistic. My mom still talks to some of our relatives on a fairly regular basis, and, if she really wanted to, she could send any offensive picture or document over text or email in 2 seconds if she really wanted to.  

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare