Why Science has a credibility problem among many

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Why Science has a credibility problem among many





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Here is another try with the link. 


I can say that medical science has not worked for my condition.  I have type 2 diabetes.  I use a different method to control my diabetes other than the Diabetes assocation recommendations and my blood readings are the following:


Fasting blood sugar is anywhere from 95 to 125

A1C is between 5.5 and 6

Even my total cholesteral is right around 130

Height 5'9"

Weight 175 lbs. 


I use a virtually no carb and no sugar diet.  If I used the Diabetes association reccomendations, I would be in MUCH worse shape or even dead.  I don't use insulin or even take pills of any kind.  My doctor is always amazed at my level of health.  I don't do any real regular exercise, just eat the diet I am on.  There are many that it is called.  Atkins is one, Paleo is another, it really does not matter.  I have even helped other type 2 diabetics use it and they have had similar results.


But it is not just in the healthcare area that science has lost it's crediblity, there are others. 

atheistRational VIP!
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digitalbeachbum wrote: This

digitalbeachbum wrote:


This is a bad link



I think I fixed it. 

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Despite being one of the

Despite being one of the oldest and most studied subjects in all human history, medicine and anything else to do with health is still in its infancy. We've licked a few bugs and figured out a whole lot, but really we're still just scratching the surface.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.