Create your own skeptical quotes here.

I'll start. This is strictly for original quotes you have made yourself.
" Religion is like insisting on using a kaleidoscope in place of a telescope. I am not against human rights for being pro reason and pro questioning. I am merely anti absurdity." Me
"Any religion that cant or wont allow girls or women to make their own life choices deserves nothing but scorn and contempt." Me
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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"Religion is the comic book excuse humans invent to avoid facing their finite reality." Me
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
? If you create it yourself, by definition it isn't a quote.
Pedantic on your part, nothing more. Doesn't change the substence of the quotes.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
""Anyone with a GPS should be able to figure out we are not close to theocracies. If you want those try the middle east". Me
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
"Brian37 is an idiot". ~Me
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
That's good, origional too.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I don't know about THAT...
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Lots of people don't like me, and? At least if you are going to insult me, be more creative.
I find it funny that you react so much to me acting just like most of humanity stupidly acting like I murdered your family when all I have done is offended some here. On a planet of 7 billion people not liking others is going to happen. Welcome to the real world.
Call me an idiot all you wish, being insulted is not a death sentence.
Neil says we are unimportant. Sagan convays how ignorant humans are knowing how vast all this is. And even the words you are reading here will fade into oblivion, just like you and me. Yet you claw at me as if that is more important than what others do with real physical violence in the name of gods to other minorities. If the worst I have to worry from you is insults it fine with me. I really do not give one fuck how much you do not like me or how much you insult me. That is not the worst thing in the world to me.
I am that important to you as to allow you to lose focus on those who are trying to shorten humanity's ride over old books and religious tribalism. Fine, because that is where humans need to be, leaving it at words. I am sorry it frustrates you that I haven't nor will get to the point of ever saying "kill him for insulting me". Your pettiness is glaring and your priorities are out of whack.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
you still don't get it. you literally have never "offended" any of us here. we don't like you because you're dishonest. pretty much everyone here--vastet, butter, beyond, and myself--have repeatedly called for you to admit to faking an einstein quote, and not a peep out of you. it's shit like that, brian. it's not your "blasphemy" or lack of political correctness.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
QFT. Brian thinks we coddle theists despite YEARS of being merciless to them. He thinks we give a rats ass that he attacks theism. We don't. We care that he attacks theism the same way theists attack atheism: ignorantly. Like a brainless mouthpiece that never shuts up and almost never gets anything right on any subject.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Keep saying that and every one of you keep proving my point. This isn't about me. This is about you not liking me. My flaws do not make me evil. I am quite sure if we went through every claim each of you have made in your entire lives we could find others who say the same about you.
Calling me an asshole I am fine with. Mistaken I am fine with. Autopilot I am fine with(especially this). Dishonest? You sound like Ray Comfort "Have you ever lied" "That makes you a liar".
You keep proving my point, even with atheists, it is still a protection of "It is ok the way I do it, but evil when you do it".
So prove to me all of you reading this have never fucked up, never been wrong about anything and never been accused of lying. I'd bet my life all of you, inside and outside this website have been falsely accused of thoughts in your head they missunderstood.
You don't like me. Welcome to the human species. Now remember your stupidity of expecting perfection out of someone who admits it and look at my AVATAR. Do you really think my flaws, bluntess and cussing is some sort of self rightious position? And I am sure all of you have recorded my personal past, every nanosecod, that somehow I have devil horns and advocate pitchfortks and genocide.
Just say you think I am full of shit. How fucking hard is that? I think you guys are full of shit too, depending on the issue. I do not think you are disshonest in any dilliberate sense.
Do you really think if I asked any of your personal friends or family anyone of them would say "Yea, Vaset, Ibweik, Beyond are all evil". But if I went through all of your friends and family and co workers your entire lives, I would bet my life at some point or many times one of them responded to you with "What the fuck?".
Are any of you going to claim in your personal lives that you have NEVER had someone you like look at you and say "That is wrong," or "that is fucked up" or even "You are full of shit".
If our species only said nice things about each other, or if we always got it right, the world would be a very borring place.
Now ask me again if I give a fuck what you think of me. I think the best our species can do in this imperfect world is to leave it at bitching.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
"The free market will provide." -- Einstein(?)
i don't care that you don't care i don't like you, brian. i just want you to fess up to fabricating einstein quotes because you'd rather lie than admit you're wrong.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Ray: "see this banana"
Brian: "label r bad m'kay, stoopid theist"
Ray: "it fits perfectly in my hand"
Ray: "it curves toward my mouth, perfect for eating"
Brian: "god is bs cause I can't fart a car oh and btw stop dissing ABBA theyr cool"
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Jesus is a myth copied from previous pagan gods and does NOT exist. - Me
The claims exist and only an idiot would caim they don't exist. But they are bullshit claims steming from all other hero worship.
If you want me to admit that claims stem from prior claims. NO FUCKING SHIT. That is where the Jesus myth comes from, as well as claims as Allah and Vishnu.
Bullshit claims existing only means bulshit claims exist.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
LOL..I know the claims exist but I meant the historical Jesus does NOT exist!
don't take it personally. these days, brian almost exclusively argues with imaginary people making imaginary claims.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Brian, speaking of skeptical quotes, we are mostly skeptical about that Einstein quote that you posted. Please show us how "rational" you actually are and provide a link, thanks ...and Bob bless you !
One I made at another forum:
"Trying to fix the world makes a lot more sense once you stop assuming some wizard has his hands in literally all the pieces."