Magnetic fields can affect sound and heat

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Magnetic fields can affect sound and heat

Magnets can control heat and sound

March 23, 2015

Ohio State University

Researchers have discovered how to control heat with a magnetic field. The study is the first ever to demonstrate that acoustic phonons -- the elemental particles that transmit both heat and sound -- have magnetic properties.

The study is the first ever to prove that acoustic phonons -- the elemental particles that transmit both heat and sound -- have magnetic properties.
"This adds a new dimension to our understanding of acoustic waves," said Joseph Heremans, Ohio Eminent Scholar in Nanotechnology and professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio State. "We've shown that we can steer heat magnetically. With a strong enough magnetic field, we should be able to steer sound waves, too."
People might be surprised enough to learn that heat and sound have anything to do with each other, much less that either can be controlled by magnets, Heremans acknowledged. But both are expressions of the same form of energy, quantum mechanically speaking. So any force that controls one should control the other.
"Essentially, heat is the vibration of atoms," he explained. "Heat is conducted through materials by vibrations. The hotter a material is, the faster the atoms vibrate.
"Sound is the vibration of atoms, too," he continued. "It's through vibrations that I talk to you, because my vocal chords compress the air and create vibrations that travel to you, and you pick them up in your ears as sound."

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 Just more fuel to add to

 Just more fuel to add to the fire of those idiot Magneto fans who claim he is the most powerful mutant ever... 

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LOL Hell no that's Phoenix.

LOL Hell no that's Phoenix.

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Vastet wrote:LOL Hell no

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LOL Hell no that's Phoenix.

Apparently he could beat the shit out of Phoenix if he wanted to, he even fought Galactus. Personally I think it is bullshit to have so much power in a super hero/villain. I always argue with the nerds that in order to control so much with his abilities he is required to consume a lot of energy, which he never does.

I used to collect comics and I realized how convoluted the story lines had become; that the crap just continued on and on and on... 

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i felt a similar way about

i felt a similar way about thanos in the infinity gauntlet series. that guy just seemed so unstoppable it was silly, even without the gauntlet.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
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Is it Memorex or is it 'Live' ?

  Re:: Is it Memorex or is it 'Live'  ?


    {Vastet wrote ::}


Vastet wrote:
  LOL!  Hll no that's Phoenix.



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why is tifa from final

why is tifa from final fantasy vii up there with phoenix?

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Ok listen, I'm not going to

Ok listen, I'm not going to deny Magneto's power is incredible, but there's a level of power beyond his that simply outclasses him. Phoenix is that power. One might argue Apocalypse is as well, though I think that one's a bit trickier.
Being able to battle Galactus really doesn't say anything, because Galactus is also outclassed by Phoenix. Galactus consumes planets. Phoenix obliterates entire galaxies, on a whim. With a twitch Phoenix could literally disintegrate Magneto without even thinking about it. She is the embodiment of power.

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iwbiek wrote:why is tifa

iwbiek wrote:
why is tifa from final fantasy vii up there with phoenix?

It might not be the same Phoenix but a Phoenix is prominent in many FF titles.

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These are the basis of Cosplay outfits both X-men & FF



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Vastet wrote:Ok listen, I'm

Vastet wrote:
Ok listen, I'm not going to deny Magneto's power is incredible, but there's a level of power beyond his that simply outclasses him. Phoenix is that power. One might argue Apocalypse is as well, though I think that one's a bit trickier. Being able to battle Galactus really doesn't say anything, because Galactus is also outclassed by Phoenix. Galactus consumes planets. Phoenix obliterates entire galaxies, on a whim. With a twitch Phoenix could literally disintegrate Magneto without even thinking about it. She is the embodiment of power.

They have fought before and it appears she didn't not have enough power to destroy him. His shields saved him her attacks.

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Yea and Superman died too.

Yea and Superman died too. Comics are constantly contradicting each other for the sake of plot. No shield Magneto could erect could protect him from Phoenix, no matter what some writer allowed to happen. Her powers are not dependant on or vulnerable to magnetism. Phoenix is not Wolverine. If magnetism could truly stymie her then she could not obliterate entire galaxies, and would not have been such a terrific threat that Xavier would have taken such great lengths to control her. He could have just built a magnet.

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Vastet wrote:Yea and

Vastet wrote:
Yea and Superman died too. Comics are constantly contradicting each other for the sake of plot. No shield Magneto could erect could protect him from Phoenix, no matter what some writer allowed to happen. Her powers are not dependant on or vulnerable to magnetism. Phoenix is not Wolverine. If magnetism could truly stymie her then she could not obliterate entire galaxies, and would not have been such a terrific threat that Xavier would have taken such great lengths to control her. He could have just built a magnet.

I dislike comics and the reason why I stopped collected is that I saw the repetitive nature of the story lines. They are like reading "Days of our Lives".

I believe that no matter what, the writers could have Jean Grey wake up and make the entire thing a dream. 

There were discussion boards I used to hang out on talking about the powers of super heroes. I got bored with them. It was like discussing religion with theists. There is no end. They constantly went back and forth about how so and so had some ring of power or a hammer or an ability.

The point being that Magneto has some kind of mental abilities and he also has that helmet. Since they are both Omega Mutants they were beyond normal capabilities. They both are characters which suck and the story line sucks and the entire marvel universe sucks (including DC universe).

I still can't believe I have the comics in my closet. I should sell them and relieve my mind of their existence.



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 I don't know anything

 I don't know anything about comics, I never understood the attreaction, but I am a huge fan of cosplay. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Well I never got really into

Well I never got really into comics myself, I was too busy with novels most of the time. But the depth of character and the commentary in the stories I found amazing. The whole embrace of the topic of prejudice in the X Men, for example. As a constant background it has inspired several good stories. I was so excited when the made the movie but they ruined it lol. The whole trilogy was garbage. The more recent ones have been good though.
I don't believe Magneto and Phoenix are at all matched though. Phoenix is more than a mutant, it's an immortal entity. It was around before Jean Grey and it will be around after Jean Grey.

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"The Phoenix Force is an

"The Phoenix Force is an immortal and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life and passion. Born of the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is a child of the universe. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the omniverse, the Guardian of Creation, and of the dangerously powerful M'Kraan Crystal."

Phoenix is basically god. Magneto wouldn't stand a chance.

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Vastet wrote:"The Phoenix

Vastet wrote:
"The Phoenix Force is an immortal and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life and passion. Born of the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is a child of the universe. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the omniverse, the Guardian of Creation, and of the dangerously powerful M'Kraan Crystal." Phoenix is basically god. Magneto wouldn't stand a chance.

You are falling in to that same trap that all the other nerds do, "this is the holy word as put forth by the Marvel Universe". Tomorrow they could publish a comic with Jean Grey being in a coma dreaming all this shit while her body is mangled and burned because she tried to save some kids in a falling bus.

It does not fucking matter.

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You're stuck on Jean. Jean

You're stuck on Jean. Jean is not Phoenix.
And while the comic uni's do make significant changes here and there, they never overturn foundational material without simultaneously introducing new characters and new foundational material. If anything ever shows up that can take Phoenix, it won't be anything that currently exists.

IE, Magneto will never be able to take Phoenix. Never.

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Vastet wrote:You're stuck on

Vastet wrote:
You're stuck on Jean. Jean is not Phoenix. And while the comic uni's do make significant changes here and there, they never overturn foundational material without simultaneously introducing new characters and new foundational material. If anything ever shows up that can take Phoenix, it won't be anything that currently exists. IE, Magneto will never be able to take Phoenix. Never.

Never said he would "take her" I said he defender against her already.

Here you can fight it out with other comic nerds (who also note that a Green Phoenix was beaten by Magneto). Apparently there is a whole gay rainbow of colors for Phoenix.

As for Jean, I'm speaking specifically of her and the possession from the Phoenix force.

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> Story Time . . .



  Story Time --

   ''Long, long ago there was a desert Jade Dragon, living in a rock cave on the east bank of the Celestial River. In the great forest across the river lived a beautiful Golden/Red Phoenix. Leaving their home every morning, the desert dragon and the phoenix met each other before going their different ways. One flew in the sky, while the other swam in the Celestial River. One day both came to a magical island. There they found a shining pebble and were fascinated by its' beauty. "Look, how beautiful this pebble is!" Golden/Red Phoenix said to desert Jade Dragon.  "Let's carve it into a pearl," said desert Jade Dragon. The Golden/Red Phoenix nodded in agreement. Then they started working on it, desert Jade Dragon using his claws and Golden/Red Phoenix her beak. They carved the pebble day after day, month after month, until they finally made it into a perfect small round ball. In high spirits Golden/Red Phoenix flew to the sacred mountain to gather dewdrops and desert Jade Dragon carried a lot of clear water from the Celestial River. They sprinkled and washed the ball with dew and water. Gradually the ball turned into a dazzling pearl. They each had become attached to each other and both loved the pearl dearly . .''    ".. The Trees grew so tall and the plants so lush with its' leaf not about to wither. . and in such abundance, were all, that it caught the eye of the Heavenly Empress. She learned the cause of the growth was the magic, the magic of a pearl fashioned by the dragon and the phoenix. In a struggle to retrieve the magic Pearl, a struggled ensued at the Heavenly Empress's palace. As a result the pearl fell to the earth, and landed at the bottom of a clear green lake. The two creatures unable to part with its' magic, each of the two creatures settled down beside the lake and to this day the desert Jade Dragon Mountain and the Golden~Red Phoenix Mountains guard the lake, in the far west of China''






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digitalbeachbum wrote:Vastet

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Vastet wrote:
You're stuck on Jean. Jean is not Phoenix. And while the comic uni's do make significant changes here and there, they never overturn foundational material without simultaneously introducing new characters and new foundational material. If anything ever shows up that can take Phoenix, it won't be anything that currently exists. IE, Magneto will never be able to take Phoenix. Never.

Never said he would "take her" I said he defender against her already.

Here you can fight it out with other comic nerds (who also note that a Green Phoenix was beaten by Magneto). Apparently there is a whole gay rainbow of colors for Phoenix.

As for Jean, I'm speaking specifically of her and the possession from the Phoenix force.

You keep coming back so you must be one of these nerds you refer to.
You not only said Magneto could take Phoenix, you said he actually did. Both are false. Magneto can not compare to Phoenix, and he never came close to doing so. He was able to stand up to Jean while she was the avatar of Phoenix, but that's not the same as standing against Phoenix itself. He wouldn't last a fraction of a second against Phoenix.

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. . Giving them a garland instead of ashes

  . . Giving them a garland instead of ashes


       > #19


  This is not meant to be a message to be sent out to anyone as much as I serendipitously saw this image, very honestly, truth be told, from in a completely unrelated image search (how's about that, then) ? 

   View Images in the sky, as catch on the News ::




    Historically, I hear tell, It is a symbol of high virtue and grace. The Fenghuang also symbolizes the union of yin and yang going back along ways!



 Check Out this link :: Posted on: April 22, 2015 #4193




    In the Yisheyah LXI : IIIa --  '' To grant those who mourn, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of

  fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the Yahweh-tsidkenu . . ''


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From the ashes of a broken life . . .


 From the ashes of a broken life . . .  


