Dallas, cartoon exhibit attacked for depicting MO. Another reason I could give one fuck less about religious insecurities.

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Dallas, cartoon exhibit attacked for depicting MO. Another reason I could give one fuck less about religious insecurities.

 Keep it up assholes, events like this are why you fucking dipshits cant understand why religion should be treated as the poison it is. 


ENOUGH of your fucking bullshit over what amounts to a personal dislike of me. THIS not us, not our dislike of of each other. SHIT LIKE THIS, the same shit that once had Christianity behaving just as barbarically during the dark ages. The shit that wont allow the big three to get along.

If any religion teaches you to get violent over getting offended,YOUR RELIGION IS A FUCKING PILE OF SHIT.

Say whatever the fuck you want about me, that is the differnece. That is what I will never do to anyone, not even the childish fuckwads here on this website. The same cannot be said for religion. NO YOU FUCKING MORONS, no one is interested forcing religion out of existence, but FUCK YOU if you think I have to play verbally nice while humans do stupid shit like this because they think old comic books give them a cosmic bat phone to a fictional being they don't want getting picked on.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The only difference between this stupid bitch and the violent fucks in the OP, is Jefferson and Paine. The west became civil, not because of religion but in spite of religion. Remove our common secular law what do you think someone who holds such and idea would do to non Christians? And where do you think she gets her morality from? The same place the violent fucks do, a holy book.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

Beyond Saving
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 I agree, this site is full

 I agree, this site is full of Muslim sympathizers, must be a recruiting site for ISIS. Also, strawmen make for a great breakfast.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: I

Beyond Saving wrote:

 I agree, this site is full of Muslim sympathizers, must be a recruiting site for ISIS. Also, strawmen make for a great breakfast.

Who? Not me. And what fucking "strawman" are you talking about?

Both left and right and center of ALL religions, are reading the same books, cherry picking what conclusions they come to ignoring they are the same books. 

What recruitment? My blaspehmy here? Is that what you think? Someone will read this and get violent so therefore we shouldn't blaspheme? How exactly do you think Christianity crawled out of the Dark Ages? Is that what you think, blaming the victims for the insecurities of the theocratic bullies?

So lets coddle the insecurities of religion because someone might get offended, is that what you think?

If you and I can cuss each other out here, without demanding laws silencing each other, why do you think any group, ESPECIALLY religion, should be given a pedestal? 

No, sorry, you chose whatever word choices you want when dealing with theists, but no, do not expect me to play nice verbally with assholes who get violent, or dare imply the secular west backslide into a theocracy. FUCK THEM.

Holy books are weapons and should be treated as such no matter who is using them or what religion they hold. Only a fucking idiot would ignore religion. You don't challenge religion to get rid of it, you challeng it to make sure the bat shit nuts weeds don't grow. 

So once again, fuck anyone who thinks religion should be treated with kid gloves when I give you clear examples of what rots human's brains when they think their religion is the center of the planet.

The west became civil in spite of religion, not because of it. 

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Brian37 wrote:Keep it up

Brian37 wrote:
Keep it up assholes, events like this are why you fucking dipshits cant understand why religion should be treated as the poison it is. 

Brian fails to comprehend that he is the poison. He also lies and suggests we don't oppose religion.

Brian37 wrote:
ENOUGH of your fucking bullshit over what amounts to a personal dislike of me.

Until Brian stops being poison, I won't stop opposing him.

Brian37 wrote:
THIS not us, not our dislike of of each other. SHIT LIKE THIS, the same shit that once had Christianity behaving just as barbarically during the dark ages. The shit that wont allow the big three to get along.

Brian still doesn't understand anything.

Brian37 wrote:
If any religion teaches you to get violent over getting offended,YOUR RELIGION IS A FUCKING PILE OF SHIT.

Just like Brian and his religion.

Brian37 wrote:
Say whatever the fuck you want about me, that is the differnece. That is what I will never do to anyone, not even the childish fuckwads here on this website.

Only because Brian can't.

Brian37 wrote:
The same cannot be said for religion.

Actually it can for the most part. If Brian had any brains at all, he'd realise that the fact more than half the world is religious and relatively peaceful proves that religion isn't inherently violent.

Brian37 wrote:
NO YOU FUCKING MORONS, no one is interested forcing religion out of existence, but FUCK YOU if you think I have to play verbally nice while humans do stupid shit like this because they think old comic books give them a cosmic bat phone to a fictional being they don't want getting picked on.


As usual, Brian spews verbal diarrhoea in all directions. Mostly on himself.

Brian37 wrote:
The only difference between this stupid bitch and the violent fucks in the OP, is Jefferson and Paine. The west became civil, not because of religion but in spite of religion. Remove our common secular law what do you think someone who holds such and idea would do to non Christians? And where do you think she gets her morality from? The same place the violent fucks do, a holy book.

Again Brian proves his ignorance on a plethora of subjects. He also again shows his skills at quoting. Which is to say, lack thereof.

Brian37 wrote:
Who? Not me. And what fucking "strawman" are you talking about?

Brian fails to detect sarcasm and fails to comprehend logic.

Brian37 wrote:
Both left and right and center of ALL religions, are reading the same books, cherry picking what conclusions they come to ignoring they are the same books. 

Brian describes himself without even realising it.

Brian37 wrote:
What recruitment? My blaspehmy here? Is that what you think? Someone will read this and get violent so therefore we shouldn't blaspheme? How exactly do you think Christianity crawled out of the Dark Ages? Is that what you think, blaming the victims for the insecurities of the theocratic bullies?

Brian continues the theme of failure to detect sarcasm.

Brian37 wrote:
So lets coddle the insecurities of religion because someone might get offended, is that what you think?

Nobody thinks that. But Brian thinks we think that.

Brian37 wrote:
If you and I can cuss each other out here, without demanding laws silencing each other, why do you think any group, ESPECIALLY religion, should be given a pedestal? 

It's funny because Brian is doing 99% of the cussing. And still more strawmen.

Brian37 wrote:
No, sorry, you chose whatever word choices you want when dealing with theists, but no, do not expect me to play nice verbally with assholes who get violent, or dare imply the secular west backslide into a theocracy. FUCK THEM.

Brian STILL doesn't understand that noone cares how much he cusses at theists..

Brian37 wrote:
Holy books are weapons and should be treated as such no matter who is using them or what religion they hold. Only a fucking idiot would ignore religion. You don't challenge religion to get rid of it, you challeng it to make sure the bat shit nuts weeds don't grow. 

Brians holy books should be the top of the list.

Brian37 wrote:
So once again, fuck anyone who thinks religion should be treated with kid gloves when I give you clear examples of what rots human's brains when they think their religion is the center of the planet.

The west became civil in spite of religion, not because of it. 

Strawman after strawman after red herring. Nothing ever changes.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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yeah, every nation on earth

yeah, every nation on earth should recognize the moral, political, and intellectual superiority of the west. "the east" is a backward, dark, barbaric hellhole. the solution to the problems of india, pakistan, myanmar, etc., can never be found in their own people. if only they would look to jefferson and paine, the great white hopes, life would be peaches and cream, but they just keep trying to find indigenous solutions to indigenous problems. stupid fucking wogs. it's time for secular missionaries! come, brothers, let's smuggle dawkins and the declaration of independence into china! start printing secularist tracts in every major language! maybe taiwan will cut us a good deal on that, and the fucking savages can benefit two ways!

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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You have internet access, you have time (I am assuming you are still unemployed), the course is free. Take it. There is no excuse for you to continue embarrassing yourself by failing to comprehend and address what people are actually saying. Improve yourself, it will probably help in your job search too.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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That's pretty cool. Sadly

That's pretty cool.

Sadly I think Brian is quite happy being an uneducated, unemployed dumbass. Thinking hurts his brain.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:


You have internet access, you have time (I am assuming you are still unemployed), the course is free. Take it. There is no excuse for you to continue embarrassing yourself by failing to comprehend and address what people are actually saying. Improve yourself, it will probably help in your job search too.

you know what, i'm going to look into it and depending on how much time i can spare, i might take the goddamn thing. i may be in grad school, but it never hurts to brush up on fundamentals, and i'm sure i would learn something.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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 I have no idea if this

 I have no idea if this particular one is high quality, but through mood list I have found several great courses on various random interests. Worst case, if it sucks just find a new one.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

Beyond Saving
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Vastet wrote:That's pretty

Vastet wrote:
That's pretty cool. Sadly I think Brian is quite happy being an uneducated, unemployed dumbass. Thinking hurts his brain.

Unfortunately, he is far from alone. Virtually every university has a wide selection of online courses now and most of them are free or really cheap. There is no excuse not to have the equivalent of a college education in anything you desire. IME, many of these courses are of equal or greater quality as the live classes (personally, I've always struggled to stay focused during lectures, I learn mainly through reading). Most of the instructors are pretty quick at responding to questions, usually within 24 hours, especially during the off season.



Are a couple search sites that carry more advanced courses.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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I had no idea

I had no idea

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Let's be realistic.  The

Let's be realistic.  The attackers were stopped by bullets, not reason and logic.

Jihad is a little harder to pull off in Dallas than in Paris.

There are no theists on operating tables.


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Nah they just didn't go to a

Nah they just didn't go to a school.

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zarathustra wrote:Let's be

zarathustra wrote:

Let's be realistic.  The attackers were stopped by bullets, not reason and logic.

Jihad is a little harder to pull off in Dallas than in Paris.

An Indian chief, an Arab Sheikh and a Texan were sitting around a campfire, 

The Chief says mournfully, "My people were once many, now we are few."

The Sheikh proclaims "My people were once few, now we are many."

The Texan adjusts his hat and says "That's cause we ain't played cowboys and ragheads yet."


If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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    Hmmm, all this action


   Hmmm, all this action is just a short drive down I-30 East from where I live.

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Brian37 wrote:
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/arizona-lawmaker-church-attendance-mandatory-article-1.2164602 The only difference between this stupid bitch and the violent fucks in the OP, is Jefferson and Paine. The west became civil, not because of religion but in spite of religion. Remove our common secular law what do you think someone who holds such and idea would do to non Christians? And where do you think she gets her morality from? The same place the violent fucks do, a holy book.


Seriously, you are no more reasonable than most of the theists on this site. Instead of posting this in its own thread to promote discussion, you replied to a thread you started less than an hour later, to say, in essence, "This person who suggests we should be forced to go to church (which is asinine I agree!) is identical to radicals who murder people for expressing their right to free speech in a way that offends said radicals". 

It's sort of like pro-lifers. They come in with their signs with mangled fetuses, something which makes any decent human shudder. Even if I know that said fetus was not sentient, my mind is programmed to be repulsed at such imagery, and I therefore routinely am. They, of course, play around greatly with the age of the fetus very frequently, deliberately lying. Perhaps not the case with any individual who does it, but whoever labelled the pictures did it deliberately. A pro-lifer will say that ALL pro-choicers are murderers, and will say that since a partial birth "abortion" is murder, then a birth control pill that might occasionally not block release of the egg, and allows for fertilization and blocks implantation is ALSO murder. The difference is that the pro-lifers are at least talking about a single 9 month process. You, on the other hand, are conflating mass murder with an attempt at misguided legislation. 

Theists are incorrect. Demonstrably. However, you are as irrational as some of the craziest ones, and definitely share in an identical persecution complex. We don't criticize you because we just don't like the idea of Abba fan Brian37. We criticize you because you're random as shit, and wrong a lot of the time. 

Theists - If your god is omnipotent, remember the following: He (or she) has the cure for cancer, but won't tell us what it is.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:Hmmm,

ProzacDeathWish wrote:
Hmmm, all this action is just a short drive down I-30 East from where I live.
Hmmm, how far are you from the Grassy Knoll? 


There are no theists on operating tables.


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zarathustra wrote:

ProzacDeathWish wrote:
Hmmm, all this action is just a short drive down I-30 East from where I live.
Hmmm, how far are you from the Grassy Knoll? 


    Not too, far. 

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Brian37 wrote:Beyond Saving

Brian37 wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:

 I agree, this site is full of Muslim sympathizers, must be a recruiting site for ISIS. Also, strawmen make for a great breakfast.

Who? Not me. And what fucking "strawman" are you talking about?

Both left and right and center of ALL religions, are reading the same books, cherry picking what conclusions they come to ignoring they are the same books. 

What recruitment? My blaspehmy here? Is that what you think? Someone will read this and get violent so therefore we shouldn't blaspheme? How exactly do you think Christianity crawled out of the Dark Ages? Is that what you think, blaming the victims for the insecurities of the theocratic bullies?


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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  Most of the MSM ( and the

  Most of the MSM ( and the local media ) is actively criticising Pam Gellar for daring to offend the Muslim community. Remarkably they cite the SPLC, hardly a politically neutral watch dog group, for additional outrage that Gellar would dare to speak her mind, even when Gellar was knowingly aware of the risk she ran by exercising her free speech.    She is villified, I suspect more for her politics, than for any thing else. The term "hate speech" is being bantied about.  ( I'm shocked ! )  Ironically, the publishers of Charlie Hebdo, were dealt with sympathetically by most of the world media when they did exactly the same thing with regard to the Islamic community.   Why a double standard ?


  Additionally, Denver talk show host Alan Berg was a left leaning, Jewish radio host who was known for taunting right wing callers specifically to produce an angry reaction.  He was murdered in his driveway by members of the Order in 1984.  I wonder ...if Berg was murdered today instead of 31 years ago would the SPLC also acuse Berg of using "hate speech" ?   I doubt it.



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I doubt the christians would

I doubt the christians would have attacked if it would have been pictures of jesus.

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digitalbeachbum wrote: I

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I doubt the christians would have attacked if it would have been pictures of jesus.

I bet these nuts would if they could get rid of the constitution.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I doubt the christians would have attacked if it would have been pictures of jesus.

I bet these nuts would if they could get rid of the constitution.



Just like the nuts on your side who ignore things they don't like in the Constitution like the Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the Tenth Amendment and the enumerated powers. Unfortunately, the Constitution was gutted over a hundred years ago. Which is why I vote for neither party, you keep voting for the nuts.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I doubt the christians would have attacked if it would have been pictures of jesus.

I bet these nuts would if they could get rid of the constitution.



Just like the nuts on your side who ignore things they don't like in the Constitution like the Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the Tenth Amendment and the enumerated powers. Unfortunately, the Constitution was gutted over a hundred years ago. Which is why I vote for neither party, you keep voting for the nuts.

No body is ignoring the second amendment asshole. KNOCK THAT CRAP OFF. You do understand that there are liberals who own guns too? Are you simply going to fucking ignore that because you have a personal beef with me?

Now again asshole, if someone is going to have a better case for standing up to abusive government it would be the left, you your Koch brother dick sucking attitude. I have said that I agree that our police are over armed, but idiots like you keep fucking ignoring BIG BUSINESS is causing that. 

Now again, Japan is not a fascist state, why is it their cops don't need guns? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WORSHIP OBJECTS.

Australia is also NOT a fascist state, but after one too many mass shootings they put their foot down. THEY still allow guns, they simply don't pump them out like candy.

FUCKING knock off your childish fearmongering tea party bullshit. This has never been about taking all guns away, this has never been about your personal rights YOU FUCKWAD.

This is about MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY......Who the fuck do you think sells the police their weapons, poor people like me? Who the fuck do you think makes them like candy and hands them out like candy? Poor people like me?

GROW THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLE. Your enemy is not me. Your enemy is your own fucking voting habits and gulliblity and swallowing all the bullshit right wing cold war fearmongering. NOBODY IS OUT TO GET YOU YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT.

Now you want to talk about any armed resistence? THE LEFT is for freedom. The right is for a religious plutocracy. You stupidly side with the top and the right. Now you are shocked that others are saying "enough". 

57% of republicans want to turn us into a theocracy. What the fuck do you think they would do to get that? The first fucking thing they would do is take guns away from liberal gun owners. Don't fucking masterbate over Micheal Moore thinking he is on your side and votes like you do. 

All the examples I have posted here from different religions are EXACTLY what the founders were avoiding. You have more to worry about from the right than from me. Your dick will not fall off if other people have a say. 

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Code for "Fuck no religious test" "Fuck the First Amendment" "fuck the Barbary Treaty article 11", now if you want to make a case for the 2nd amendment, he would be a better argument. Scalia is who Harris was addressing with "Letter To a Christian Nation". Hitchens didn't write "Jefferson, Author Of America" because he wanted a nanny state like North Korea.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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digitalbeachbum wrote:I

digitalbeachbum wrote:
I doubt the christians would have attacked if it would have been pictures of jesus.
I remember being offended by "Piss Christ" when I was a practicing catholic, but don't remember anyone calling for the artist's death.

From a survival point of view, a religion which encourages violence in response to mockery is likely to flourish more than a religion which tolerates it.

There are no theists on operating tables.


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if north korea is a nanny

if north korea is a nanny state then the US is nazi fucking germany...

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iwbiek wrote:if north korea

iwbiek wrote:
if north korea is a nanny state then the US is nazi fucking germany...

No, not yet, but I do agree that the religious and the rich love the gulliblility of voters. And how do you figure America is worse than North Korea while using the product of an open market. North Korea's access to the internet is litterally limited to  a select few. To say America is worse than that is a fucking joke. If there is any Orwellian tactics going on it is big business and data mining. 

America are Nazis? That is fucking funny considering how long this atheist website has been on the web in a Christian majority who hates us. I am concerned with the swing to the right and the top. But to think America is a facist state is a fucking joke. The only thing that would tip it to fascism would be religion and our growing plutocracy.

This website was not shut down under Bush, and even American Atheist was founded back in 1963. I see no lack of atheist websites on the internet in the west. But I have no doubt that the atheists living in the west are more heavely censored in China and most certainly punishable if not state murder in many Islamic communities.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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zarathustra wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:
I doubt the christians would have attacked if it would have been pictures of jesus.
I remember being offended by "Piss Christ" when I was a practicing catholic, but don't remember anyone calling for the artist's death.

From a survival point of view, a religion which encourages violence in response to mockery is likely to flourish more than a religion which tolerates it.

They did throw a verbaly fit over it, but again, if there had been no secular law concept, say if that had been done back in the Dark Ages, there would have been a mob murder or a state murder. That is because humans progressed and chose to put common law first. The west became civil in spite of religion, not because of it.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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 Oh and certianly taking a

 Oh and certianly taking a dig at the three stooges Beyond, Vastet and Iwbiek, even without the issue of economics, here is an economic institution slamming Ted Cruz about pulpit politics and his announcement to run. I would hardly call Forbes advocates for Stalin's Russia. 




If any of you three think I am the bad guy or I am a fascist, or that I want to end religion by force, or that I am against the open market. Seriously go fuck yourselves.

The founders certainly disagreed on economics, but they all had one thing in common, no monopolies of power, which is why they set up our three branches which were subject to oversight by the other with no absolute power by one. Not even the voter in America use mob rule by vote.

So say all the stupid bullshit crap you want about me personally. Keep showing everyone reading this that this is nothing more than a personality conflict. You simply don't like me. Now ask me if I give a fuck.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:No body is

Brian37 wrote:

No body is ignoring the second amendment asshole. KNOCK THAT CRAP OFF. You do understand that there are liberals who own guns too? Are you simply going to fucking ignore that because you have a personal beef with me?

I didn't say all liberals. Some liberals are quite sensible. Others, like you, support banning a large array of guns, including many that I personally own. 


Brian37 wrote:

Now again asshole, if someone is going to have a better case for standing up to abusive government it would be the left, you your Koch brother dick sucking attitude. I have said that I agree that our police are over armed, but idiots like you keep fucking ignoring BIG BUSINESS is causing that. 

So evil Berreta is forcing the government to buy their guns?


Brian37 wrote:

Now again, Japan is not a fascist state, why is it their cops don't need guns? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WORSHIP OBJECTS.

No, but their judicial system is very different than ours and would run into conflict with our Constitution. So you need to decide, do you want to copy the Japanese legal system, or do you want to follow our Constitution? If you want to argue their legal system is superior, than educate yourself on it and make that argument. 


Brian37 wrote:

Australia is also NOT a fascist state, but after one too many mass shootings they put their foot down. THEY still allow guns, they simply don't pump them out like candy.

Australian law also would not be consistent with our Constitution (although as I understand, not to the extreme that Japanese law would- I've never really studied it in-depth, but I have the impression that Australia has a similar jury system, similar reasonable search requirements etc.) 


Brian37 wrote:

FUCKING knock off your childish fearmongering tea party bullshit.

Says the one who just suggested that Republicans want to set up a theocracy and are going to take away all the liberals guns. 


Brian37 wrote:

This has never been about taking all guns away, this has never been about your personal rights YOU FUCKWAD.

You have specifically stated that at least some of the guns in my gun cabinet right now should be illegal. Certainly, many in your party have suggested as much. They would certainly be illegal in Japan and Australia (unless I was willing to pay the requisite bribes).


Brian37 wrote:

This is about MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY......Who the fuck do you think sells the police their weapons, poor people like me?

I would never accuse you of doing something that actually provides a useful good to society. 


Brian37 wrote:

Who the fuck do you think makes them like candy and hands them out like candy? Poor people like me?

Nobody does. I already addressed that argument. Making and selling guns is significantly more regulated than the candy industry, and is nowhere near comparable in number of products, dollar value of products, weight of products or any other fucking number you want to use to compare them. 


Brian37 wrote:


Don't flatter yourself. You are a pathetic little impotent insect. If my enemy was you, there would be absolutely no concern in the world. Why it would be a libertarian heaven. 


Brian37 wrote:

Your enemy is your own fucking voting habits and gulliblity and swallowing all the bullshit right wing cold war fearmongering. NOBODY IS OUT TO GET YOU YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT.

My voting habits? How so? 


Brian37 wrote:

Now you want to talk about any armed resistence? THE LEFT is for freedom. The right is for a religious plutocracy. You stupidly side with the top and the right. Now you are shocked that others are saying "enough".

The left is all for freedom... except the freedom for me to invest my money where I want, the freedom for me to negotiate contracts with other consenting people on whatever terms we desire, the freedom to opt in or out of their various social programs, the freedom to eat what I want, the freedom to build what I want on my own property, the freedom to solicit investments from the public, the freedom to sell whatever products I want, the freedom to loan money to people I want, shall I go on?


Brian37 wrote:

57% of republicans want to turn us into a theocracy. What the fuck do you think they would do to get that? The first fucking thing they would do is take guns away from liberal gun owners. Don't fucking masterbate over Micheal Moore thinking he is on your side and votes like you do. 

And you accuse me of fearmongering. I point towards actual laws and regulations that have been passed and are being enforced. You talk about the answer to a poll question, not even realizing that polls are extremely inaccurate, especially when the topic is something that isn't immediately relevant. If a Republican politician looked at that poll and decided to introduce a law declaring Christianity the official state religion, it would become news and people would think about it and that politician would find that nowhere near 57% of their base supports them. I can get 57% of people to say that we should ban H2O. 


Brian37 wrote:

All the examples I have posted here from different religions are EXACTLY what the founders were avoiding. You have more to worry about from the right than from me. Your dick will not fall off if other people have a say. 

Your education about our founders is about as good as your education on anything else. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Brian37 wrote:To say America

Brian37 wrote:
To say America is worse than that is a fucking joke.

yes, brian, it is a fucking joke. just like calling north korea a nanny state. i'm sorry for using irony, i forgot who i was talking to for a moment.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote: Oh and

Brian37 wrote:

 Oh and certianly taking a dig at the three stooges Beyond, Vastet and Iwbiek, even without the issue of economics, here is an economic institution slamming Ted Cruz about pulpit politics and his announcement to run. I would hardly call Forbes advocates for Stalin's Russia. 



http://samuel-warde.com/2015/03/ted-cruz-destroyed-in-scathing-smack-down/ If any of you three think I am the bad guy or I am a fascist, or that I want to end religion by force, or that I am against the open market. Seriously go fuck yourselves. The founders certainly disagreed on economics, but they all had one thing in common, no monopolies of power, which is why they set up our three branches which were subject to oversight by the other with no absolute power by one. Not even the voter in America use mob rule by vote. So say all the stupid bullshit crap you want about me personally. Keep showing everyone reading this that this is nothing more than a personality conflict. You simply don't like me. Now ask me if I give a fuck.

You are aware that absolutely no one here supports or has ever supported Cruz?

Although, the guy you linked to obviously hasn't studied American history. Thamas Jefferson almost lost his election when he was accused of being an atheist, a charge he vehemently denied. Electioneering in churches was extremely common and the best way to reach most voters, instead of just the small group it reaches today. God was routinely brought up in political rhetoric. If you read speeches given by pretty much any major political figure, they read like Cruz wrote them all. While strong arguments can be made that many of the founders weren't devout, the populace clearly was and at the end of the day, politicians are political and will say what they think voters want to hear. Cruz is far from the first to cater to the religious extreme, and won't be the last. It was there 200 years ago, and will be there 200 years from now. And even if Cruz somehow wins, we aren't going to become a theocracy.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Wow Brian has been owned so

Wow Brian has been owned so hard here it almost isn't necessary to kick him in the head anymore. But I enjoy it, so here goes!

Brian37 wrote:
No body is ignoring the second amendment asshole.

Of course Brian doesn't ignore it, he wants it repealed. Brian only cares about the parts of the constitution that he agrees with. To hell with the rest.

Brian37 wrote:
KNOCK THAT CRAP OFF. You do understand that there are liberals who own guns too? Are you simply going to fucking ignore that because you have a personal beef with me?

Brian asks Beyond to stop making logical sense. Brian can't handle it.

Brian37 wrote:
Now again asshole, if someone is going to have a better case for standing up to abusive government it would be the left, you your Koch brother dick sucking attitude. I have said that I agree that our police are over armed, but idiots like you keep fucking ignoring BIG BUSINESS is causing that. 

LOL according to Brian, it's wal mart and mcdonalds fault that cops in the US have guns and use them all too frequently.

Brian37 wrote:
Now again, Japan is not a fascist state, why is it their cops don't need guns? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WORSHIP OBJECTS.

We can add Japan to the list of things Brian knows nothing about.

Brian37 wrote:
Australia is also NOT a fascist state, but after one too many mass shootings they put their foot down. THEY still allow guns, they simply don't pump them out like candy.

Australia too.

Brian37 wrote:
FUCKING knock off your childish fearmongering tea party bullshit. This has never been about taking all guns away, this has never been about your personal rights YOU FUCKWAD.

This is so ridiculous it doesn't even need to be commented on.

Brian37 wrote:
This is about MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY......Who the fuck do you think sells the police their weapons, poor people like me? Who the fuck do you think makes them like candy and hands them out like candy? Poor people like me?

In fact, it doesn't matter who supplies the police with weapons, since they aren't the reason police need weapons. But we can't expect Brian to understand politics, economics, and sociology.

Brian37 wrote:
GROW THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLE. Your enemy is not me. Your enemy is your own fucking voting habits and gulliblity and swallowing all the bullshit right wing cold war fearmongering. NOBODY IS OUT TO GET YOU YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT.

Ah but Brian IS the enemy, as surely as any theist.

Brian37 wrote:
Now you want to talk about any armed resistence? THE LEFT is for freedom. The right is for a religious plutocracy. You stupidly side with the top and the right. Now you are shocked that others are saying "enough". 

Brian can't even get what the right and left stand for right.

Brian37 wrote:
57% of republicans want to turn us into a theocracy. What the fuck do you think they would do to get that? The first fucking thing they would do is take guns away from liberal gun owners. Don't fucking masterbate over Micheal Moore thinking he is on your side and votes like you do. 

Brian pulls numbers out of his ass and can't back them up.

Brian37 wrote:
All the examples I have posted here from different religions are EXACTLY what the founders were avoiding. You have more to worry about from the right than from me. Your dick will not fall off if other people have a say. 

The founding fathers would hang Brian for what he says about them.

Brian37 wrote:
Code for "Fuck no religious test" "Fuck the First Amendment" "fuck the Barbary Treaty article 11", now if you want to make a case for the 2nd amendment, he would be a better argument. Scalia is who Harris was addressing with "Letter To a Christian Nation". Hitchens didn't write "Jefferson, Author Of America" because he wanted a nanny state like North Korea.

Brian makes his typical strawman/red herring combo.

Brian37 wrote:
No, not yet, but I do agree that the religious and the rich love the gulliblility of voters.

Like Brian.

Brian37 wrote:
And how do you figure America is worse than North Korea while using the product of an open market. North Korea's access to the internet is litterally limited to  a select few. To say America is worse than that is a fucking joke. If there is any Orwellian tactics going on it is big business and data mining. 

Add North Korea and America to the list of things Brian knows nothing about.

Brian37 wrote:
America are Nazis? That is fucking funny considering how long this atheist website has been on the web in a Christian majority who hates us.

And the Nazi's.

Brian37 wrote:
I am concerned with the swing to the right and the top. But to think America is a facist state is a fucking joke. The only thing that would tip it to fascism would be religion and our growing plutocracy.

And fascism.

Brian37 wrote:
This website was not shut down under Bush, and even American Atheist was founded back in 1963. I see no lack of atheist websites on the internet in the west. But I have no doubt that the atheists living in the west are more heavely censored in China and most certainly punishable if not state murder in many Islamic communities.

Brian forgets that Hitler never shut down a website either. Also, add China to the list of things Brian knows nothing about.

Brian37 wrote:
They did throw a verbaly fit over it, but again, if there had been no secular law concept, say if that had been done back in the Dark Ages, there would have been a mob murder or a state murder. That is because humans progressed and chose to put common law first. The west became civil in spite of religion, not because of it.

Brian makes things up.

Brian37 wrote:
Oh and certianly taking a dig at the three stooges Beyond, Vastet and Iwbiek, even without the issue of economics, here is an economic institution slamming Ted Cruz about pulpit politics and his announcement to run. I would hardly call Forbes advocates for Stalin's Russia. 

Brian, the ultimate stooge, again drops the strawman/red herring combo. It isn't very effective.

Brian37 wrote:
If any of you three think I am the bad guy or I am a fascist, or that I want to end religion by force, or that I am against the open market. Seriously go fuck yourselves.

Thought has nothing to do with it. These are facts.

Brian37 wrote:
The founders certainly disagreed on economics, but they all had one thing in common, no monopolies of power, which is why they set up our three branches which were subject to oversight by the other with no absolute power by one. Not even the voter in America use mob rule by vote.

More strawman/red herring combos.

Brian37 wrote:
So say all the stupid bullshit crap you want about me personally. Keep showing everyone reading this that this is nothing more than a personality conflict. You simply don't like me. Now ask me if I give a fuck.

Brian gives a lot of fucks. But we don't give a fuck.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Beyond Saving wrote:I can

Beyond Saving wrote:
I can get 57% of people to say that we should ban H2O. 

Rick Mercer did better than 57%. Seriously.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Beyond Saving wrote:You are

Beyond Saving wrote:

You are aware that absolutely no one here supports or has ever supported Cruz?



  Religious baggage or not, I'd vote for Cruz before I'd ever vote for Hillary.