Supreme Court Rules on Don Quixote

Beyond Saving
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Supreme Court Rules on Don Quixote

After 400 years, the Court finally took up a most important legal question- whether or not Don Quixote was mentally incompetent and required a guardian (and if so, who that guardian should be). The Court ruled that Don Quixote did not require a guardian, however, that might not be such a great result for him as he is now liable for property damage, failure to pay for services and several counts of assault.

So for our local Don Quixote, you don't have to worry about being forced into guardianship, but I still think you should probably check with someone who isn't delusional before making important decisions.  

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Are you volunteering to be

Are you volunteering to be his Sancho Panza? 

Beyond Saving
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zarathustra wrote:Are you

zarathustra wrote:

Are you volunteering to be his Sancho Panza? 

Lol, hell no. 

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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:

After 400 years, the Court finally took up a most important legal question- whether or not Don Quixote was mentally incompetent and required a guardian (and if so, who that guardian should be). The Court ruled that Don Quixote did not require a guardian, however, that might not be such a great result for him as he is now liable for property damage, failure to pay for services and several counts of assault.

So for our local Don Quixote, you don't have to worry about being forced into guardianship, but I still think you should probably check with someone who isn't delusional before making important decisions.  

Don Quixote would be the Koch brothers and Walmart family. Oh and the right wing of our SCOTUS is helping those richie rich crybabies with Citizens United. 

Get a clue dipshit. There is one species. But if one class or any one religion thinks it is the center of the universe, they can fuck off. No one is owed blind loyatly. 

YOU "MOMMY MOMMY I don't like it when other people vote". Too fucking bad crybaby. If anyone is Don it would be you.





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:Don Quixote

Brian37 wrote:

Don Quixote would be the Koch brothers and Walmart family.

In what way? It seems to me that both are quite apt at tilting at real problems- hence why their solutions have caused them to become among the richest people in the world and actually live in castles (or at least the modern day equivalent). 



Oh and the right wing of our SCOTUS is helping those richie rich crybabies with Citizens United.

As if you know anything about Citizens United, let alone the actual effects on the election. The doomsday scenario crowed about among all naysayers didn't come about. If anything, Citizens United just redistributed hundreds of millions from rich people who get suckered into wasting their money on political campaigns. I thought you supported redistribution? A good example of a windmill that you confused for a giant. 



Get a clue dipshit. There is one species. But if one class or any one religion thinks it is the center of the universe, they can fuck off. No one is owed blind loyatly. 

YOU "MOMMY MOMMY I don't like it when other people vote". Too fucking bad crybaby. If anyone is Don it would be you.

Where have I ever complained about anyone voting? Yet again, you flat out lie about my position. Is my position seriously so airtight that you can't even attack it on its merits? Or are you actually so delusional as to imagine that I give a flying fuck about who wins elections, despite my detailing the opposite hundreds of times on this site? 

Who did I vote for last election Brian? 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Who did

Beyond Saving wrote:

Who did I vote for last election Brian? 

All the Ayn Rand and Ronald Reagan worshippers that make the rich richer and the poor poorer I presume. 



Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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butterbattle wrote:Beyond

butterbattle wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:

Who did I vote for last election Brian? 

All the Ayn Rand and Ronald Reagan worshippers that make the rich richer and the poor poorer I presume. 



Yes. And I don't see how that is a laughing matter. We have let one class and one party hijack the drivers seat for the past 30 years and  even when I point out billionaires who agree with my side, and Camgrige University economists, Beyond ignores them.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Don Quixote would be the Koch brothers and Walmart family.

In what way? It seems to me that both are quite apt at tilting at real problems- hence why their solutions have caused them to become among the richest people in the world and actually live in castles (or at least the modern day equivalent). 



Oh and the right wing of our SCOTUS is helping those richie rich crybabies with Citizens United.

As if you know anything about Citizens United, let alone the actual effects on the election. The doomsday scenario crowed about among all naysayers didn't come about. If anything, Citizens United just redistributed hundreds of millions from rich people who get suckered into wasting their money on political campaigns. I thought you supported redistribution? A good example of a windmill that you confused for a giant. 



Get a clue dipshit. There is one species. But if one class or any one religion thinks it is the center of the universe, they can fuck off. No one is owed blind loyatly. 

YOU "MOMMY MOMMY I don't like it when other people vote". Too fucking bad crybaby. If anyone is Don it would be you.

Where have I ever complained about anyone voting? Yet again, you flat out lie about my position. Is my position seriously so airtight that you can't even attack it on its merits? Or are you actually so delusional as to imagine that I give a flying fuck about who wins elections, despite my detailing the opposite hundreds of times on this site? 

Who did I vote for last election Brian? 

You don't mind me voting? BULLSHIT ! You are only forced by logic to admit I have the right to vote. But you have thrown a fucking fit since Obama's first election. Don't play your childish bullshit word games with me. I value the constitution but no, just like you, I don't like you voting for my opposition. Legal and rival are two different issues. 

Obama? Yea ok. You masterbated over Mittens in the last ellection.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:Yes. And I

Brian37 wrote:

Yes. And I don't see how that is a laughing matter. We have let one class and one party hijack the drivers seat for the past 30 years and  even when I point out billionaires who agree with my side, and Camgrige University economists, Beyond ignores them.


 See, once again you give weight to an argument based on how much money a person has. I don't. Guess what Brian, billionaires have varying political views *gasp*, just like poor people. 

Odd that you whine about the last 30 years. Who exactly voted for the people who have been in power over the last 30 years? Over the last 30 years, none of my preferred candidates have won a federal election.  

Who has been running things for 30 years? The EVILLLLL republicans? Well let's look at facts.

Over the last 30 years, the republicans have had the majority in the house for 16 years, the democrats for 14- almost 50/50.

In the Senate, same situation, republicans for 12 years, democrats for 16 years and 2 years where they had 50/50. 

The Presidency- 15 years to 15 years. 

How many of those candidates did you vote for? How many did I vote for?

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:Obama? Yea ok.

Brian37 wrote:

Obama? Yea ok. You masterbated over Mittens in the last ellection.

You said more nice things about Mitt than I did. Before the primary, you hearalded him as the "best" option on the Republican side and a Republican you "wouldn't mind". It wasn't until he won the nomination that he became the most evil thing since Hitler. Then you promptly coopted Mitt's healthcare plan as the savior of our health system, simply because Obama told you to. Your political position is far closer to Mitt's than mine is in terms of which laws you support and which you oppose.

Of course, I give you too much credit for having any thought out position on any law. You are the caveman style political ignoramous "Dems good.... Rethuglicans BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD" without half a thought as to whether there is actually a difference in opinion. When Bush bailed out the banks, it was bad (and I agreed), when Bama bailed them out, it was good (and I disagreed). 

And no, I didn't masturbate over him, I didn't vote for him. I actually donated a chunk of money against his campaign, both in the primary and the general election. If you actually read my posts, you would know that. I don't exactly hide my political views. Which candidate did I donate money to Brian? Which candidate did I vote for? 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Brian37 wrote:Yes. And I

Brian37 wrote:
Yes. And I don't see how that is a laughing matter.

Brian can't comprehend sarcasm. It is a laughing matter because pretty much everything Brian says is a lie.

Brian37 wrote:
We have let one class and one party hijack the drivers seat for the past 30 years and  even when I point out billionaires who agree with my side, and Camgrige University economists, Beyond ignores them.

Like this bunch of lies.

Brian37 wrote:
You don't mind me voting? BULLSHIT !

Another lie.

Brian37 wrote:
You are only forced by logic to admit I have the right to vote.

Another lie.

Brian37 wrote:
But you have thrown a fucking fit since Obama's first election.

Another lie.

Brian37 wrote:
Don't play your childish bullshit word games with me.

Brian thinks that logical and reasoned arguments are word games.

Brian37 wrote:
I value the constitution but no, just like you, I don't like you voting for my opposition.

Brian does not in fact value the constitution.

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