What the fuck was her name?

I found myself trying just now to be sarcastic trying to post a response. But cant remember the character's name.
Anyone remember the goth, vampireish, B movie host, jet black hair lady who hosted the late night B movies?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
- Login to post comments
> Did you want a little love nip ? Yes! This image should be very informative (On and Off-Site)
View Uploaded image to answer your question Bri . .
This will help you, I think .. maybe (wink)!
Elvira, mistress of the dark.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Especially to one no longer about, by the UserName rpcarnell, who has already left the building . . see you again soon
Image speaks for itself . . .
no, it fucking doesn't. it so fucking doesn't.
At Wodehouse's Drones Club, . . Wheels within Wheels
See Image Comment --
Quid coitio
N u # "III''
Or what concord and harmony has Christ with Belial . . hmm ? And, Don't give up yet, fore images are part of comment . . .
RE:: Curiouser and Curiouser
Single Uploaded Image is the comment (to Omni-OFF-Site/Original Off-site) ::
See Image (Here) ::
N0TE :: With a special Bonus YouTube song to set the mood . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rmPckNvD3E {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rmPckNvD3E}
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
> Yes, We are never too busy for 'Cute' (You All know what I mean)!
Yes, We are never too busy for 'Cute' . . What can I say . . hmm ?
Image MUST view Image(s) is the comment -- Image MUST view Image(s) is the comment --
And then we are not at an end
> You mean they all saw this? Oh, How embarrassing (Lol)!
Labelled to Omni-Off-site Image always a humorous little ditty of an image, ( image is the comment, SEE: Image Uploaded Here):: --
Addressed to Omni-Off-site/0ff-Site/Original 0ff-Site --
> One needs all the hints, so guess who this blast from the past is ???
Phoebe: Across the mists of space and time, we pose this covenant sublime.
Seline: Macbeth his youth doth offer here, to make this one a force to fear.
Luna: While she with fang and claw and wingdoth swear sweet defence against his foes to bring.
All: By their acceptance are they consigned unto each other's fate designed, forever and eternal bound, and each the other's pain resound.
Goliath: "What do we do with them?" (Goliath referencing Demona and MacBeth)
Phoebe:"We have written their stories."
Seline:"They are our responsibility."
Luna:"They are our children."
Demona: I will have vengeance for the betrayal of my clan, vengeance for my pain.
Seline: But who betrayed your clan?
Luna: And who caused this pain?
Demona: The Vikings destroyed my clan.
Seline: But, Who betrayed the castle to the Vikings?
Demona: The Hunter hunted us down.
Phoebe: Who created the Hunter?
Demona: Canmore destroyed the last of us.
Selene: But, Who betrayed MacBeth to Canmore?
Goliath: Your thirst for vengeance has only created more and more sorrow, to what you've added! End the cycle, Demona!
Every nano second that ticks by, REALLY only means you all have no conscience, but you knew that !
Labelled as OTHER -- Unrelated a better example in Random acts of 'kindness', she has shown !
Shout Out Off-Site --
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ5hq0rtaP0 {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ5hq0rtaP0}
I never heard enough -- The moment you walked through that door, I knew that it'll be bad
Bye the Bye, Fun, You'd all need to work on image interpretation. What?!?! No, I believe, this image is 'GAY', PLEASE REVIEW IMAGE AT YOUR
EARLIEST CONVENIENCE (View Uploaded pic) ::
Stick and stones Tsk-tsk -- attaining the whole measure that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought
. . As I foresaw Embrace the Darkness, as told, as I foresaw, Let's bleed ALL the colors together
( . . As I foresaw Embrace the Darkness, as told, as I foresaw, Let's bleed ALL the colors together)
YouTube videos for all of the female persuasion EnTitled :: D&D - the Winds of Darkness 1 And the accusations begin to fly!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmHZU_EabeI {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmHZU_EabeI}
And I quote: "We can't keep this up!!" And I quote: "We can't keep this up!!"
Give them evidence baby that THERAPY IS AND IS NOT NEEDFUL——we believe it ought to-be searched out and a serious thought for "Two" people who avoid "HEE-HAW":: ''issues", Yes!
View ALL three of the Uploaded images (Below) --
> Top FIVE . . if you're new, always so sweet (EVEN to Mr. Grunge)
. . love does not envy, & is not arrogant!
Would this be "The Munsters". If so it would be Yvonne De Carlo. Now ya'll know how Old I am.
I'm Older then Sin.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
"That's not why I brought you here . . " ~ Demona
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbkNqIZe0yk {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbkNqIZe0yk}
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un2EfjEJAOA&index=17&list=PLAAF9FBE9999CB67C {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un2EfjEJAOA&index=17&list=PLAAF9FBE9999CB67C}
re:: Dauntless (0ff-site) . . .
View Single Uploaded pic (Image is the only comment) . . .
RE:: Fickled fickled woman gal (( Captain's personal log ))
Re :: Kenneth Branagh's Henry V: ''Non nobis: tuo da gloriam''
View Single Uploaded Image, image is an aid and a comment both --
An additional shout out for a couple of newbies or old-timers those with memory loss
RE :: Not much for subtlety, not much for the Rules (easily misunderstood)
> Not much for subtlety, not much for the Rules (easily misunderstood)
I know this isn't always good for relations, however more than one party is actually reading all this, . . . so hope this helps with a distinct and distinguishable theme, in the following ::
One third of major Theme . . a reminder . . . MUST view Images (images are the examples and the comment) --
RE:: Now these are ill advised and imprudent . . so do SEE Image(s) --
Images Here or Below ::
p.s.-- . . What?!?
For people over the age of 30 years.

RE:: And so we all Relish in delight -- magnifique View YouTubes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya4-ddOfTN4 {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya4-ddOfTN4}
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTMciarGpww {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTMciarGpww}
{Now 'Carol channing', tap dancing penguins . . well worth the break, I'd say. ''A five, six, seven, eight . .'' }
Bonus Vid because this place needs a little cultured culture
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1atzuy_what-s-opera-doc_shortfilms {http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1atzuy_what-s-opera-doc_shortfilms}
p.p.s.-- Oh, Then why :''Harley'' ? Because you've got to love the Joker, silly
Life is a cabaret, old chum. Come to the cabaret (playful invitation, bubet-- 0FF-Site) ?
> . . '' YOU MUST HAVE SOMEONE TO DIVIDE IT WITH . .'' (Full quote cited below)
View Two Images, included is that all imporant point of contact . . . (it's coming), I trust --
http //omo.io/
Re:: > "Word has it the creepy little girl Kanna is there to steal your soul
Interplay between threads so pray your mercies and indulgences
Interplay between threads so pray your mercies and indulgences
p.p.s. -- We all have learned that courage was not the absence of fear or timidity, but the triumph over it!
Taking the swiss army knife approach, things are bound to suffer (smirk)!
B i b l e Verse of the Day --
Book of Isa. XLIX:15 -- "Can a woman forget her nursing child And have no compassion on the daughter of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you''
p.s. -- We're going to warn you again! Yes! You guessed it, it's a long story (smirk)
> Get the facts first, then you can distort them as you please --
> Get the facts first, then you can distort them as you please --
This is fun . . single image is the comment (Omni-0ff-site/0 f f - Site) ::
> True friend are revealed in hard times !!
Re :: February 27th What’s in a New Name . . . (none will except scapegoating, for certain rip-offs) !
Omni-0ff-site /0ff-Site :: ''Meticulously innovative insights into what I said earlier . . By losing I win . . By winning you lose (original Off-site)'' . .
Now, how can I lose and except in the long run, actually, I win ? Now, I ask you ?!??
RE:: > Remedial assistance is no longer necessary
View/SEE Uploaded Image(s), the single image is the comment, as follows ::
Re:: You’ll behold in breathless wonder . .
Uploaded a single Image, the image is the comment (Omni-Off-S i t e/ 0FF-S i t e - ONLY) ::
p.s. -- Now, This message will be lost to time, but . . still nonetheless important, I'd say
My hope is this will be hugely successful, I mean, this angel's work has just begun, right ?
> Unmerited boonful Heaven(s) Let's get something straight . . (What could this really mean ? ) ? --
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
re:: And the Beat Goes On!
Single image is the comment to a special someone Off-Site . . .
p.s. -- Posted as was requested See Image !!
RE:: Revolutionary new look in-store for you
((At the considerable risk of derailing delicate negotiations -- Addressed to Omni-0FF-Site))
At the considerable risk of derailing delicate negotiations, this might be stupid to even bring up . .
**See Single Uploaded Image, theuploaded image is addressed to Off-site (View Image) --
"In my wallet, and I don't have it" Wouldn't you know it
Image is comment -- Me so sorry ! Please, Bring Phone, (please). Btw, Thanks and Thank You in advance for your understanding! *View Single Image Uploaded --
[[ With this, it might be helpful; I was waiting for a special moment to get a hold of you ]]
p.s. -- Yes, There was a real reason for a vehicle (double meaning) . .
> On the face of things, this relationship appears to be in a bit of trouble (?)
Please View the following Single Uploaded Image, which is the comment Addressed TO : 'Omni-0FF-Site'/OFF-Site' --
p.s. -- You've got to be wondering why we never went for that walk or what happened on-that one Tuesday by now, right (?) ?
re:: Keeping Vigil
Single Image Uploaded to this Thread -- 15th or 16th --
Re :: Glamour, romance, mystery, magic, charm, appeal, alluring . .
(Still part of your World ?) ?
View/SEE the one Uploaded Image Here or Below --
Re :: Glamour, romance, mystery, magic, charm, appeal, alluring . .
(Still part of your World ?) ?
View/SEE the one Uploaded Image Here or Below --
Re:: (Entitled) Sphinx "Mystery"
Single Image IS the comment --
Re :: Hey! You're Cyber-savvy enough to register anonymously, OKay ?!
Less is more, well hopely, it remains that the converse is also true for you, Libby!
Less is more, well hopely, it remains that the converse is also true for you, Libby!
Single Uploaded Image Below IS the comment, View the following ::
If you have problems viewing cut and paste into paint or magnify the image some-how. Futher if you cannot see the image well, click on the two smaller images. Thanks! GirlFriend?
p.s. -- Please, Tell Me she saw this, at least, Tell me, K?
> Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me . .
> Curious . . . hmm!
One-half 0f II is for On-Site ::
In Honor or more dedicated to our own infrequent Satanist, Bonus Image (Just Below) ::
Single Uploaded Image IS Comment, as follows ::
re:: Live long and prosper, now, hasn't been in a coon's age . . (that's an old expression)!
Please, Yes, Please do take a moment further of your time to view. The Single Uploaded Image IS the Comment ::
p.s -- What ?! Wrong move .. again ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=377dLUS-poQ {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=377dLUS-poQ}
> Against one's better judgement -- Fun ::
..Though admittedly against one's better judgement -- Fun ::
(*Sigh*) Just for fun! An addition, though admittedly, it's against one's better judgment ( Image is the Comment ) --
> Jusqu'à ce que nous nous reverrons, Adieu for now!
Again, I'll Hope to be hearing from you soon, and I will be extremely curious about your take on all of this . . .
The Uploaded Images is one plus two puzzle images, each consisting of the single image is the comment ::
I find the time . . when I can
Post Script -- So, There are unfolding layers throughout, appreciable to differing audiences (not exactly your *Spoiler Alert*, is needful.). More than one person is reading all of this.
> Most content would need to start a dialogue between themselves, the addressees:
( . . . )
Uploaded smaller Editorial image, as in the following ::
Too delicious to share but by now I must . . --- ? Sombre Somersault (?)
Too delicious to share but by now I must . . --- ? Sombre Somersault (?)
Remember to mouse click the image itself to enlarge or cut-en-paste into Paint with any existing / persisting problems in viewing. ThankYou : )
May I suggest some classic works, (view image), I havent picked up for a long while, they're in english ?
>> http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=92#comment-421495
Home » Forums » Religion and Irrationalities » Atheist vs. Theist » Fonzie's long-time Thread Url :: http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/15288?page=92#comment-421495
**Note -- This has been under investigation for on the order of over 8 months by county-wide law-enforcement. I more than generously suggested a actual arbitration proceeding, with say an unbiased ex-judge, a conservative Roman Catholic or even an Evangelical is fine with me!
Unfolding puzzles Indeed ::
Unfolding_puzzles__Indeed ::
*Lol, I guess, everyone's an art critic, apparently; I've certainly been bedeviling the board's/Forum's art scene. I hear, ''The Devil'' Is A Beautiful Liar, full of Deceitfulness !
Even if I'm never contacted, well, it showcases a surrealistic mystical landscape, full of meaning, less suspect than you'd note --
(?)You going to believe it, the image search, or their own lyin'
(?)You going to believe it, the image search, or their own lyin' ?
Google images and Google pages uses AIs (plural), along with proprietary algorithm(s) (plural), plus a team of humans. However, nothing could begin to explain how their underlying technology, could get it so dreadful, totally, badly WRONG! Hmm, Who is the original poster of these images ? I, for one, can personally guarantee IT WAS NOT NOR WAS IT EVER :'' OldSeer '' . . .
Once I viewed this, I honestly couldn't understand the search results. It’s not clear when the results shifted this way, at least to me.
This is a colorful type story addressed to three people Off-Site . . The earliest records or the easiest records -- See the Following --- For Today Only (Omni-Off-Site/Off-site/0FF-Site) ::
Re:: Nobody knows the troubles I've seen . . nobody
View or See Single Uploaded Image, the Image IS the comment ::
** Oh, Click to enlarge or remember to import into MS-Paint or Adobe or Paint for the increase of the type size for greater legibility, please.
> Angels Watching over me, Angels callin', My Lord ?!?
Misc. Image, the Single Uploaded Image is the Comment::
> Re :: "As I Was Saying" --
Now here's an Image not to be shared but life goes on and I have some time to kill waiting on the “laundress'' (Yarkidy Yark yark, Friends) ::