Observing and measuring quantum entanglement: Einstein disproved

Brian and Bob are both cordially invited to suck it up. Brian of course doesn't have a hope of understanding the most simple concepts of this experiment, so his idiotic beliefs regarding quantum physics will remain unchanged. As for Bob, it really depends how much stupid Brian has infected him with.
Experiment tests Einstein's 'God does not play dice' with quantum 'dice'
October 21, 2015
ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences
Random number generators played a critical role in an historic experiment. The experiment gives the strongest refutation to date of Albert Einstein's principle of 'local realism,' which says that the universe obeys laws, not chance, and that there is no communication faster than light.
"in the Delft experiment, the diamonds were in different buildings, 1.3 km away from each other. Moreover, the measurements were made so quickly that there wasn't time for the electrons to communicate, not even with signals traveling at the speed of light. This puts "local realism" in a very tight spot: if the electron orientations are real, the electrons must have communicated. But if they communicated, they must have done so faster than the speed of light."
"produced one extremely pure random bit for each measurement made in the Delft experiment. The bits were produced in about 100 ns, the time it takes light to travel just 30 meters, not nearly enough time for the electrons to communicate."
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Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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I've always thought that light might be the fastest speedster in the physical world, but that the physical world isn't all there is to the Universe.
Stupid scientists apparently didn't realize that Brian already figured all this out.
That was a fun thread. In all seriousness though, this discovery is pretty huge if it can be confirmed. It means that faster than light communication may indeed be possible.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
The ramifications of this for communications is mind boggling, should the results be replicable. Data transfers over the net will be as fast as connected devices are now, or faster. Real time communication throughout the solar system will be simple. No more communication satellites or telephone wires. No more radio or television transmissions. No more cell phones failing to find a connection.
It'll be decades before any of this can happen of course, but holy shit all the same.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
up toa certain point. This isn't my area opf physics and is farther along themn I care to deal with. But, I thought something like this my be feasible, or, something can go faster then the speed of light. (a hunch)
OK--Q - case 1--- If a star is travelling in direction x , is the light from the star being propelled in the in the direction of x--then would that light be going faster then the speed of light. My thinking is based on the dopler effect. I was aways under the impression that light has a dopler effect. If there is a red shift becasue of a star traveling away from the point of observation, then wouldn't it make sense that the afore example would also propel light faster then the normal speed of light. Bear in mind now--that when the speed of light was first measured the source and the recieving point were traveling at the same speed (relative to each)and same direction of the experiment. I hope I explained that right.
Case 2-- Under certain circumstances (at least as I understand it) a partical can be in 2 or more places at the same time. Wouldn't this mean also that something can travel faster then light. Or, maybe this isn't related to your post at all.
I have a hunch there's more to these phenomenon then meets the eye. IE- how does a partical being measured know when someone is looking at it causing it to change.
An atricleI read not to long ago says that a strip of metal can remember something. I don't recall the particulars but---mayby there's more to material then we can see at this time.
Interesting post--Thanks
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1: The speed of light doesn't vary, at least not in this context. Light red shifts from objects travelling away because the object is travelling away and the universe appears to be expanding (the number of photons on any given trajectory per square metre dropping with every metre of distance), not because the light is travelling at a different speed. If you could go the speed of light, and you pointed a flashlight in the same direction you were travelling, the light created by the flashlight will be moving at the same speed you are moving. Your velocity is irrelevant to the velocity of the light from the flashlight.
The light will blueshift from the perspective of any observer in front of you by a remarkable degree, as all the photons emitted from the flashlight get more and more crowded into the same space.
2: Entanglement and superposition both fall under quantum physics, but they aren't the same thing. Much like heat and light are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum without being the same thing.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.