John Kasich believes in climate change

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John Kasich believes in climate change

I wonder if Trump is partly responsible for this. Perhaps some republicans are starting to realise the party is in severe trouble and the only way to keep it relevant is to slide to the left a little bit. I'll be curious to see where this goes.

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I'm thinking

(at least I think I am) that if Trump gets to the Prezy his tune will change quite rapidly. He can blow off now but being behind the desk is another matter. It seems to me the people at large fall for a polititians "I will do this, I will do that, and I'll do everything else" but it dosen't work in the end. The Prezy isn't a dictatorship so in order to get the funds for his wall it will have to get past congress. There's things a prez can do and there's a hell of alot more he/she/they/it (insert own here)   can't do. Being non political I'm repelled by the popularity contest presently in progress, and as usual in the long run it'll all end up the same as is. I end up trying to figure who,s dummer, not who,s smarter. May the most childish win. Smiling

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if trump does become

if trump does become president he'll be lame-duck as shit, because the congress is going to be against him no matter what kind of majority it has. he's burned way too many bridges with the establishment. it's obvious to me he doesn't understand how the presidency works and truly believes he'll be able to do whatever he wants, like in one of his companies.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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iwbiek wrote:if trump does

iwbiek wrote:
if trump does become president he'll be lame-duck as shit, because the congress is going to be against him no matter what kind of majority it has. he's burned way too many bridges with the establishment. it's obvious to me he doesn't understand how the presidency works and truly believes he'll be able to do whatever he wants, like in one of his companies.

But Obama has taught us that it doesn't matter if congress or the law opposes you. Just issue executive orders to do whatever the president pleases.

It is really bizzare how the open borders left, supports not enforcing the law on illegal immigration, supports giving citizenship to people that broke the law entering the country and then is shocked when Trump comes along. What did you expect the reaction to be for not enforcing immigration laws for the last 40 years?

What is the point of having laws or a government if the leftist politicians are just pick and choose which laws to enforce? I should support Bernie or Hillary, who will swear to uphold the laws and constitution and then refuse to deport illegals or prosecute people that hire illegals, instead give them citizenship ahead of non-law breakers. Really bizzare how Bernie says there needs to be a living wage, and then says illegals and their employers can do as they please, he is not going to enforce immigration laws. Why would anyone pay a living wage or a $15 minimum wage if they can hire all the illegals they please?

If latinos and blacks figure out that illegal immigration is what is keeping them poor before November, Trump will win.

You don't get to fucking choose not to enforce the laws unless you want anarchy and civil war. This anarchy of the left and the RINOs is why there is Trump.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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 I heard an interesting

 I heard an interesting conspiracy theory about how Kasich will get the nomination despite being way behind Trump in delegates.

Trump will have a plurality of delegates but not a majority. The Republican convention will be in Cleveland in July. The leftists and anarchists will riots to prevent Trump from getting the nomination. The violence will be too much for the local police to handle, Obama will refuse to use the military to put down the riots, so it will be on Kasich as governor of Ohio to order the National Guard to keep the convention safe. The Kasich campaign will somehow inform the delegates to nominate him if they want to get out of town alive. Then the Trumpsters will riot and attack the leftists. Obama will order in the military at that point.

The Trumpsters will refuse to vote for Kasich in the general election. So, the fix is in for Hillary. This could lead to a civil war if it played out this way.



Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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One problem is

the gov has gotten itself trapped into what's good for the economy, and what's good for money making in general. In a constitutional sense, the gov is supposed to remain neutral in private affairs and only interfere when there's harm done, and make sure restitution is paid or understaken. The whole intire gov has become unmanagable because of mismanagement. If Trump is gpoing to be prez he's in for a suprise. Govs don't necessarily work on business principles and he's going to run head on into everyone else. Congress can over-rule an exec order. I think an exec order has a time limit and item specific, and/or expiration date. An exec order is not law so it has to expire in it's due time. To me it doesn't make any difference who or what party is top dog. The system is busted and irrepairaiable. The constitution has fairly been left behind and replaced with party politics. Trump won't make any better president then anyone else. And, I'm Godawful tired of the Clintons. They've been around to long and nothing but a damaged  phonograph record. They're like the neighbors dog in your yard everyday.  I'm expressly thankfuf for the mute button on the TV control.


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The idea that legal and

The idea that legal and illegal immigration has had a net negative effect is literally absurd. Any one of a thousand corporations has done infinitely more damage through emmigration in ten years than immigration has done in a hundred. All Trump will do if he actually stuck to his word is make everything worse. Throw out hard working and law abiding people who do the work no american will do and you'll be giving the continent to Canada 50 years early.

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Vastet wrote:The idea that

Vastet wrote:
The idea that legal and illegal immigration has had a net negative effect is literally absurd.

One needs to literally ignore the law of supply and demand and common sense to beleive this. You're the one telling us how the rich and corporations have all the power, how can giving them tons desperately poor slave labor do anything but shift power in 


Vastet wrote:
All Trump will do if he actually stuck to his word is make everything worse.

Trump is a blowhard appealing to frustrated people. The wall is a joke because they already tunnel under walls and use submarines/boats to go around it. Banning Muslims will have no effect since terrorists can walk in from Canada.

Vastet wrote:

Throw out hard working and law abiding people who do the work no american will do and you'll be giving the continent to Canada 50 years early.

This is left wing hypocrisy at it's best. Trump calls Mexican migrants rapists. His source was left wing media:

Now sacred left wing/feminist doctrine is that women are automatically to be believed when a claim of rape is made. But now, Trump is a bigot for believing these women. Trump and his supporters are the woman haters for wanting to keep these rapists out and stop the migrant routes into the US.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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I'm looking at

what normally happened in any past civilization. Trump is popular because of the slow slide to a higher degree of immorality. Immorality is mostly based on enmity toward others. It's immorality that has caused the decline and end of civilizations. Morals are a relationship regulator and where respect for others is based. When floks find reason real or imagined to go against each other morals has suffered a loss. Normally, once the slide is under way it very likely can't be stopped. A brash personality will attract  followers, especially if they find a common denominator which is someone else to blame. Everyone becomes the problem so it's not hard to find ones to blame. All that is needed is to find who the people dislike the most and-----the denominator is found.

The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.

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EXC wrote:One needs to

EXC wrote:
One needs to literally ignore the law of supply and demand and common sense to beleive this.

One has to ignore everything man has ever learned to say something so obviously false.

EXC wrote:
You're the one telling us how the rich and corporations have all the power, how can giving them tons desperately poor slave labor do anything but shift power in 

You can't evrn finish a simple sentence yet you want us to believe you have anything remotely approaching expertise in economics. Immigrants wouldn't be able to work at wages under the minimum if it weren't for foolish policies that drive them underground. It's exactly the same as prostitution and drugs. Making working immigrants hide from the law is what enables people to pay them so little and abuse them.

EXC wrote:
Banning Muslims will have no effect since terrorists can walk in from Canada.

Banning muslims is illegal and unconstitutional. And far more terrorists have entered the US from the middle east than from Canada. Quite likely more terrorists have entered Canada from the US than vice versa. We have much better security than you do.

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EXC wrote:iwbiek wrote:if

EXC wrote:

iwbiek wrote:
if trump does become president he'll be lame-duck as shit, because the congress is going to be against him no matter what kind of majority it has. he's burned way too many bridges with the establishment. it's obvious to me he doesn't understand how the presidency works and truly believes he'll be able to do whatever he wants, like in one of his companies.

But Obama has taught us that it doesn't matter if congress or the law opposes you. Just issue executive orders to do whatever the president pleases.

It is really bizzare how the open borders left, supports not enforcing the law on illegal immigration, supports giving citizenship to people that broke the law entering the country and then is shocked when Trump comes along. What did you expect the reaction to be for not enforcing immigration laws for the last 40 years?

What is the point of having laws or a government if the leftist politicians are just pick and choose which laws to enforce? I should support Bernie or Hillary, who will swear to uphold the laws and constitution and then refuse to deport illegals or prosecute people that hire illegals, instead give them citizenship ahead of non-law breakers. Really bizzare how Bernie says there needs to be a living wage, and then says illegals and their employers can do as they please, he is not going to enforce immigration laws. Why would anyone pay a living wage or a $15 minimum wage if they can hire all the illegals they please?

If latinos and blacks figure out that illegal immigration is what is keeping them poor before November, Trump will win.

You don't get to fucking choose not to enforce the laws unless you want anarchy and civil war. This anarchy of the left and the RINOs is why there is Trump.



Every president has used executive order, what to guess which president has used it the least? Obama. Obama is a constitutiona lawyer. FYI you do understand that congress CAN challenge executive orders and have them challenged in court, so Obama STILL is not a dictator. Why is it they don't? BECUASE HE IS NOT BREAKING THE LAW.


I was born under LBJ in 66 and not one president since have I seen on man get treated like shit for no good reason. Now when he leaves office which he willl what will you say then. Stop it with the leftiest bullshit. Nobody want's Stalin's Russia or Cuba or North Korea. The right is simply getting pissed off because time is passing them by and the scared brats are simply afriad of change.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 The funny part in all this

 The funny part in all this is that John is the  only one that has a shot against Hillary or Bernie and he is in last place. And I think he is also the only one who realizes how bat shit insane his party has gone. I hate the right's economic views, but John is absolutely right about calling his party and especially Mein Drumpf out on all his bullshit. At least some people on the right still have some of their concsious and empathy in tact.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Every

Brian37 wrote:

Every president has used executive order, what to guess which president has used it the least? Obama. Obama is a constitutiona lawyer. FYI you do understand that congress CAN challenge executive orders and have them challenged in court, so Obama STILL is not a dictator. Why is it they don't? BECUASE HE IS NOT BREAKING THE LAW.


I was born under LBJ in 66 and not one president since have I seen on man get treated like shit for no good reason. Now when he leaves office which he willl what will you say then. Stop it with the leftiest bullshit. Nobody want's Stalin's Russia or Cuba or North Korea. The right is simply getting pissed off because time is passing them by and the scared brats are simply afriad of change.

The Republicans won't challenge Obama becauses the rich want slave immigrant labor and the Washington gravy train to continue.

I'm not a right winger. The Rebuplicans elites want cheap slave immigrant labor just as much as the Democrat elites want these slaves to keep them in power. But people like you refuse to wake up the fact that illegal immigrants and H1-B immigrants are slaves of the corporations and the rich. And this is what is keeping you a slave as well.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Brian37

EXC wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Every president has used executive order, what to guess which president has used it the least? Obama. Obama is a constitutiona lawyer. FYI you do understand that congress CAN challenge executive orders and have them challenged in court, so Obama STILL is not a dictator. Why is it they don't? BECUASE HE IS NOT BREAKING THE LAW.


I was born under LBJ in 66 and not one president since have I seen on man get treated like shit for no good reason. Now when he leaves office which he willl what will you say then. Stop it with the leftiest bullshit. Nobody want's Stalin's Russia or Cuba or North Korea. The right is simply getting pissed off because time is passing them by and the scared brats are simply afriad of change.

The Republicans won't challenge Obama becauses the rich want slave immigrant labor and the Washington gravy train to continue.

I'm not a right winger. The Rebuplicans elites want cheap slave immigrant labor just as much as the Democrat elites want these slaves to keep them in power. But people like you refuse to wake up the fact that illegal immigrants and H1-B immigrants are slaves of the corporations and the rich. And this is what is keeping you a slave as well.


No and bullshit. Democrats are not the same as republicans. We've done a crappy job standing up to the right and we've compromised to much, but that is because for the past 40 years the top and the GOP has successfully controld the narrative trying to paint the left as cold war anti private sector commies which is bullshit. Our only problem is our politicians have been held hostage by that narrative and our voter apathy in midterms has not helped either. 


Democrats DO have the right ideas. We value livable wages, we value health care as a right. We value affordable and or free higher education. We value equal pay for women. We value LGBT rights. We value womens reproductive rights. We've allowed our politicians to be doormats and we've been taken advantage of trying to prove we are not the cold war commies the right wants to paint us as.


I watched C-Span coverage of China's Primier giving an economic press confrence last week, and that asshole said the same bullshit our GOP has screamed for decades, "dont tax the rich"..... The are the corporate welfare protectors, they masturbate at the prospect of driving down wages to China's sweat shop wages. ONLY ONE PARTY is responsible, the only thing Dems can be acused of is trying to compete which we should not be doing. Dems are hostages, not perps.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Democrats DO

Brian37 wrote:

Democrats DO have the right ideas. We value livable wages, we value health care as a right. We value affordable and or free higher education. We value equal pay for women. We value LGBT rights. We value womens reproductive rights. We've allowed our politicians to be doormats and we've been taken advantage of trying to prove we are not the cold war commies the right wants to paint us as.

Can you explain how flooding our labor markets with tons of immigrants raises wages?

Do more immigrants demanding housing lower rents?

Do more immigrants demanding health care worsen the doctor, nurse and hospital shortages?

Does flooding our overcrowded schools with more children of immigrants improve education?

So why are Democrats for open borders and citizenship for law breakers?

Women don't have reproductive rights when they are forced to have abortions for economic reasons now are they? Women are force to abort babies because they can't find a living wage job thanks to open borders.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Brian37

EXC wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Democrats DO have the right ideas. We value livable wages, we value health care as a right. We value affordable and or free higher education. We value equal pay for women. We value LGBT rights. We value womens reproductive rights. We've allowed our politicians to be doormats and we've been taken advantage of trying to prove we are not the cold war commies the right wants to paint us as.

Can you explain how flooding our labor markets with tons of immigrants raises wages?

Do more immigrants demanding housing lower rents?

Do more immigrants demanding health care worsen the doctor, nurse and hospital shortages?

Does flooding our overcrowded schools with more children of immigrants improve education?

So why are Democrats for open borders and citizenship for law breakers?

Women don't have reproductive rights when they are forced to have abortions for economic reasons now are they? Women are force to abort babies because they can't find a living wage job thanks to open borders.

No, can you explan to me how paying ANYONE regardless of status, below living wages helps anyone? FUCK you this is a global race to the bottom. And also fuck you, if you had a family to feed, and were stuck with no way to feed them or even in a crime ridden environment you'd go where ever you could to survive. It is not illegal to be a humand FUCKWAD. 

Democrats a voters value human rights, you are fucking stuck on politics and as I said countless times our only problem is the cold war scare tactics that have held everyone hostage. A human is a human to me and I care more about stability than someone's origins. EVERYONE including those evil "lawbreakers" whom merely want to feed themselves, should be PAYED ABOVE BOARD. Keeping people in the shaddows and demonizing your fellow human being costs more in lack of revenue and costs more in crime prevention long term.

You need to stop being a judgmental FUCK!


ONLY ONE PARTY is responsible for keeping wages down, only one party sells bigotry of their fellow humans, and that is why you have low wages for both those born here and those who come here. BECAUSE OF THE BULLSHIT FEAR AND BIGOTRY sold to destract workers from the plutocracy that Reagan built.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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^ Two retards making up each

^ Two retards making up each others arguments in a race to the finish line that denotes which of them is dumber. Brian would seem to have an edge in that he expresses his stupidity far more regularly, but EXC has been doing this longer and at a level of crazy Brian has yet to achieve. Grab your popcorn!

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.