Well looky here someone is doubting GASP Buddhism. OH THE HORROR!

It's a conspiracy. I put them up to it. It's magic. I have super powers. MUEHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
On top of others who accept it as just another religion just as flawed.
Meh, nothing bad ever happens in Asia or the Orient.
Now here is where some dumbass regulars will falsely and stupidly and childishly accuse me of the same demagoguery of Mien Drumpf the dear leader of the party of hate and bigotry.
Just like theist cant tell the difference between rights and claims. You have the right to claim the Yankees beat the Panthers in Superbowl 50, but that does not mean the claim is true, not does it mean your claim deserves to be scrutiny free.
Now assholes, I am not the one who started the thread in the first link, nor did I create the other links. When I say no religion deserves a pass, somehow you stupid morons take that as a call for a fascist godless dictatorship.
And here you are still acting like brats, and not once have I demanded your arrest, nor have you ever, or will you ever hear me call for the forced end of ANY religion. You have no case.
NOBODY is going to have a perfect utopia on a planet of 7 billion. NOBODY, not you, not me. But without the ability to criticize and blaspheme our species would not have progressed beyond many of the horrors of the past.
Now, nobody has to go anywhere, but you brats do need to GROW THE FUCK UP.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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how to put this, but, after being here for over four years now we (the Old Seers) thought you'd all figure this out for yourselves. We don't normally like to do thinking for others and would rather give hints and general info anrd let others take it from there.
OK, to the OP. If Budhism has no deity then I would concurr---it's a religion based on something other. I can't say for sure becasue I'm not that familliar with it. To me ---no deity means atheism. And also, if there's no belief in a super natural being then also, it's atheism. Someone would have to explain where I'd be wrong on this, and if I'm wrong so be it --I don't have to be right. So, what are we looking at here---if a buddhist says "God" then he/she would have to explain to me what they mean by "God".
Over the time I've been here I've explained many times "what" we ( Old Seers) mean by "God" or, as we've found it to mean by how it is used and applied but there's been no takers for the sake of arguments or debates. However, being we don't debate or argue then it's moot to even try, becasue all we do is give "our" understanding of things and then let the "other' make up their own minds if what we present is true or false. But there again, it looks obvious that no one here has done so (be aware we are not upset over it and don't think you're all dummies). One problem Atheists are having with "the Book" is, anything to do with it is automatically thrown out as nonsense. OK, good enough for now.
So, why am I posting this. A while ago I got a note from one of "the guys" to look for an opportunity to make this post, beings that no one figured it out, or at least didn't post it anywhere to my knowledge. Being that the subject of Buddhism by some means or other is Atheism brings up this opportunity. Many that log on here very likely aren't familiar with our insights, so those insights can be found at the website posted in my si9gnature section below. That way you all won't have to search nook and craney all over this site for what for what I've posted.
If any are to dispute what I'm going to post next be sure you understand what our information, and in order to do that you must take the time to study it, if not you merely want to look the other way and let it go---That's OK too. But, if you're going to say we're wrong you have no choice but to do the research, and you will find our insights on the afore said website.
The question is, is Buddhism Atheist or not--Hell I don't knoiw so I can't say. (Are your ready for this ---you all were expected to figure this out for yourselves). But, what we do know is (get ready to roll on the floor man get a laugh out of this OK)
Proper--now I'm saying "proper", (not the Popes kind, or any religions kind, but "our" kind) Christianity is -----wait----wait-----ready----Atheism.
According to us the book (Bible) has nothing to do with any super human anyone/body, nor is any such thing established there-in. You will need our understanding of the biblical God to get to an understanding of this.
Think wisely. There is no God in the bible existing before Adam. Consider this- In the beginning was the word (knowledge) and the word was with God and the word was God. Then the passage goes on to explain "Light", and that light was in the begining. What this means is--Adam was God. The term "God" in the book begins with Adam. Adam is a person as any of us are now. God in this case refers to the rule under which Adam was. The rules were those of natural man, then Nature is equal to God. Notice there is nothing here of anything supertnatural and theres no such statement made anywhere in the book.
If the term "God" applies to Adam then Adam was not a believer in any supernatural anyone--and neither was JC. God in this case refers to the spiritual make up of a person. It is the spirtual of Adam that is regarded as God not the physical. Adam is not something physical but rather something psychological (that's according to the psycho Smurfs) In biblical terms then there is no other God refered to other then a mental condition. (you'll have to put away the superficial to understand this) The only supernatural being you'll find in the book is within the Jewish (hebrew) religion. The Jews are not existing within the beliefs of Adam. Their religion was made up long after the life of Adam.
There's no way possible in biblical terms that there was any God before Adam, because that's where the book begins. To understand this you will have to know ouyr interpretation of biblical creation. OK, there you have it basics. When you're able to get off the floor from laughing get your asses busy and start thinking. Adam is not a religion--he's a person just like you and I who knew something that got lost, namely himself.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
More strawmen and lies from Brian. Nothing to see here, move along.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
. If any religion were magical and automatically made one only do good and never be violent there would be no religious wars or prisons in the world. But every nation in the world has prisons and every nation has had it's wars. That should tell humans that our morality, our ability to be cruel or compassionate, to use force or seek cooperation is in our species, and not the God or god/s or religions we ascribe to.
EVERY RELIGION HAS an Umbrella label under which there are countless sub sects that have varying writings and differences as to how to practice/interpret/lead the Umbrella. THIS while it may bring comfort to many, this is the poison religion causes. It gets us to be far too tribal when it comes to politics, even locally between sub sects, and even harder at a politically global scale.
And again, you cant get rid of any religion by force, but to ignore the dark side of religion as if it has no potential to get dangerous is to allow the weeds to become uncivil to the point of becoming a volcano.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
If you don't care, why do you keep responding?
No straman. Religion is an invention of humans and god claims are inventions of humans. There is no perfectly unifying or perfectly peaceful religion, there never was and there never will be. There can be religious people who are non violent, but that is not the religion doing it, that is their evolutionary empathy doing it as to which they falsely attribute to a religion/god.
Buddhism does not have magic powers, neither does Islam or Chrisitanity or Jewish or Hindu, or Mormon or Catholic .......ect ect ect. Those are merely things humans, mostly get sold at birth by proxy of geography. None of those religions were arround 200,000 years ago, or 4 billion years ago or 14 billion years ago. And after our species goes extinct, and our planet and sun die, there will be no record of humans or the religions or gods we invent.
No, it is not sexy, but it is reality. You want to coddle the insecurities of religion, you can. I think humans do far better in progress when they give up on old claims. It always takes a questioner, a skeptic, and even a blasphemer to make progress. If our species never questioned social norms our species never would have left the caves.
If you like me renting space in your head, by all means continue, but why do you like torturing yourself so much?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
More strawmen and lies, plus yet another demonstration of Brian's complete and total inability to learn anything. *yawn*
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.