So, what is it?
Make up your own mind.
Is your "person" your body or your mind which is the house of your pesonal characteristics. In proper biblical context (and even outside of the Old Seers interpretaion) a person is not a physical. It is strictly "the invisible'. There-fore then-in proper biblical (Christian) context there can be no such thing as "theology of the bogy". This is evidence that what is commonly understood to be Chrisitanity is not. Being Christianity and human are the same thing the body is of no count in biblical context. The body belongs the the material part of the universe not the psychological. Of course it has to be understood that each influences the other.
Try this for understanding. You and I are having a conversation, we think we are looking at each other as we converse, but we're not, we're looking at the others physical. I cannot see you and you cano see me, as each is of invisible characteristics. We see the bodies we inhabit, but we cannot see each others person. BUT, we can get to know the other person by what they say and how they say it. In this case the body is only a medium between us two. The charateristics that we use to converse tells each the present persona;ity of each other, and that's how we get to know each other. This is the context in which "proper" Christianity recognises people.
In the article presented there is a Pope extolling the "body"--proof that they aren't Christians. All religions on the planet are superficial religions. And as Brian 37 has pointed out (on another forum)--all religions are man made and mere inventions of someone's ignorance of nature and personal preferences forced onto the masses by unscrupulus parties.
Christianity /Adam, is not a religion. It is the understanding of YOU, me and everyone else, which is nothing more then one's own person. There is no need for an intelligent being that understands the "self" to be following anyone any where. As JC pointed out when an apostle showed him the temple and buildings. JC said, you see all of these fine building, but I say there will come a day when no one stone will beleft here that will not be thrown down. WHY? He knows that all this finery is nothing more then a false facade covering the stupidity that lerks behind those walls. And when people finally figure this out there's going to be hell to pay. In his ways there is no reasons to be building such nonsense. There's no special clothes, no rituals, no special water or foods. Whjo of you will build a monument to yourself, only to be laughed at by everyone else.
We find there is only two things worth believing in, one's own self, and the others in the world. What sense does it make to believe in the wind when the wind will blow whether one believes in it or not. Every thing that exits wil do so whether we believe in then or not. So what's the point in wasteing good metal ability on something that can't return the favor. So, drive your car and appreciate it, it will still work without you believing in it. It doesn't need anyone's belief to exist. We need belief in each other to exist. Without it--we're gone.
So, forget the body, no need to believe in it, it will keep going with no belief attached. Take care of it, it's your only tool between you and everyone else. When you go againt another you break your tool, so leave off on being stupid like the polititians and clergymen who are in it to just be be one better then the rest. Whne taking a bath to clean the body, also take time to clean the mind.
So you decide, is the Pope correct, is your polititian correct, are they just bodies or-----??????
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
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Either erroneus view completely ignores the actual reality that we are a conglomeration of cells, which themselves are a conglomeration of atoms and molecules, which themselves are a conglomeration of.. well you get the idea.
On such scales there is no difference between body and mind. No matter how much an expert one might be on any or all fields of science, noone can look at an atom and determine where exactly it must fit in to life: or even if it is a part of life at all.
The article you posted refers to the opinions of people who had absolutely no idea of this reality, who were proposing ideas in a vacuum of knowledge. From start to finish it is literally irrelevant to anything except as a demonstration of how ignorant people were before the age of the atom. None of them even had the slightest idea what an element actually is. They thought air was an element, as opposed to the multiple elements that actually make it up.
In reality, you can never see or truly understand another person. You can't even see or understand yourself, and that's with the benefit of 21st century knowledge and technology. The fact that this topic looks at the opinion of a guy who disputed reality and was concerned with the opinions of people ignorant of reality makes it pointless.
As an aside, Brian is a parrot who simply repeats that which he emotionally attaches himself to. He in no way deserves any credit for pointing out all religions are man made. People have been saying that for centuries. It's sheer fluke that he emotionally attached himself to something that is actually correct, as demonstrated by the fact 99% of everything he says being pure fiction. Give credit where it is due.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
There is no "I" after you die. At best you live on in the memories of those who knew you.
An atom by itself is not the entire in tact fuctiong brain. A single cell also does not function by itself as the entire in tact brain. Destroy that structure there is no more you. Just like it would be stupid to think a car tire can function by itself the same as an in tact entire car.
"Mind" is merely an astract word we use to describe our obserations of the commucations we have with others. Our thoughts are merely a result of our fuctioning brain and all the imput we have from birth.
Just like 1 is a number as an abstraction. But when you say "1 apple" it has meaning because you are now describing an material obect that is a result of a collection of natural processes. Just like "The car is going 55mph" The speed is not the car itself, the speed describes the car in motion.
You are merely your brain in motion and your "mind" is the resut of material imput you gain through all your senses throughout your life.
Once you die you die. That is it. You will feel the same thing after death you felt 1 million years ago. Nothing.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Who the fuck is asking for credit for saying religion is man made? Never claimed I came up with that idea moron.
You just don't like me and that is all your childish bullshit is about.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
^ Brian again proves his complete and total inability to comprehend anything, couched in yet another of his infinite strawmen. Calling Brian a moron is an insult to morons everywhere.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Lucky for all of us I have my Vastet pocket translator, " I am projecting myself on others because I don't like it when people don't kiss my ass"
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
^ Yet more bs courtesy of Brian. Projection, lies, and continuous proof of his inability to learn or comprehend anything.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.