A child's death may end up being one of the best things to happen to Canada

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A child's death may end up being one of the best things to happen to Canada

Ezekiel Stephan, just 18 months old, died of meningitis back in March of 2012. You've probably seen a headline or ten recently, as his parents were convicted of failing to provide the necessities of life. Why were they charged? Because instead of taking the boy to see a doctor, they took him to a naturopath. Even after a real nurse who was a friend of the family said they should take him to see a doctor.

Because naturopaths are lying con artists, the boy predictably died. His parents were loving parents who didn't want their son to die, but they believe in bullshit so their son died anyway.

Following this extremely unfortunate event, there has been an uprising against bullshit medicine throughout Canada. Doctors and health providers and the media are all putting the spotlight on these con artists. If this keeps up, the federal government is going to have to get involved and deal with the con artists, making their lies and practices illegal. Which will mean young Ezekiel gave his life for something amazing and revolutionary.

Ezekiel may have died before he could do more than speak a few words, but his death made him a hero.

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Vastet wrote:Ezekiel

Vastet wrote:
Ezekiel Stephan, just 18 months old, died of meningitis back in March of 2012. You've probably seen a headline or ten recently, as his parents were convicted of failing to provide the necessities of life. Why were they charged? Because instead of taking the boy to see a doctor, they took him to a naturopath. Even after a real nurse who was a friend of the family said they should take him to see a doctor. Because naturopaths are lying con artists, the boy predictably died. His parents were loving parents who didn't want their son to die, but they believe in bullshit so their son died anyway. Following this extremely unfortunate event, there has been an uprising against bullshit medicine throughout Canada. Doctors and health providers and the media are all putting the spotlight on these con artists. If this keeps up, the federal government is going to have to get involved and deal with the con artists, making their lies and practices illegal. Which will mean young Ezekiel gave his life for something amazing and revolutionary. Ezekiel may have died before he could do more than speak a few words, but his death made him a hero.

Now wait a minute, that's fascism (sarcasm). , Cause this also happens in religon too, parents choose prayer and their kid dies. What happened to protecting everyone's freedom to believe what they want? 


But I'm the bad guy for questioning religion. Hypocrite. Nope, religion doesn't have any cons, not faith healers. Nobody has ever been molested by a protected preist. Nobody has ever fleed the LDS or Scientology. It's absolutely fine if sexsist religious men refuse to set next to women on airplanes. You cherry pick on par with a theist.


Nope, just like when Obama gives the GOP what they want and agrees with them, like I do here now, you'll run from it like a baby because I said it.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian is incapable of

Brian is incapable of posting without proving himself a complete retard.

Go fuck yourself scum. You are only capable of ruining beautiful things. If you were in charge, there would be millions of Ezekiels, and they'd all have died for nothing.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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here in the

US of A it's vitamins and supplements. I stopped useing them altogether a few years ago. Floks have had their health ruined because of puting in something that is thought to be super good, and for some it ends up super bad. As far as I'm concerned nothing other then foods from a market should be FDA approved. Vitamins etc should come under healthcare.

The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.


Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist

Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth