Predictable Dallas incident long overdue.

I've been saying it for years. Unless police forces fix their issues someone is going to fix it for them. There will be more assassinations of police. And I refuse to condemn those assassinations. Payback is a bitch.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Oh shut the fuck up you bullshit tea party wannabe. No shit blacks are targets too much of the time, I agree. But the real enemy is the fucking NRA and GOP who sell fear to gun worshipers whom hypocritically cry anti government then at the same time want cops to protect them from "thugs" code for blacks.
Blacks don't deserve to die just for being black, but cops should also not have to fear fucking paranoid white racists either. Where the fuck were you when the two tea party nuts murdered two armed cops and an armed civiliain in the Walmart in Vegas? Where were you bitching about white racist Roof, who even after murdering 9 blacks in a church still made it to prison alive?
The fucking problem is the NRA and the GOP selling fear to both cops and society. Fear sells, and that is why you have trigger happy cops and scared blacks and tea party nuts who fear government but want cops to catch the bad guys. NRA is Daffy Duck pitting Foghorn against the beagle to sell boobie traps to both.
I don't think you give one fuck, I think you are simply looking for a reason to cling to an object.
Fuck you and fuck your bullshit testosterone. The world needs less violence not more. The world needs LESS guns not more. If you want to go after the right target, go after the NRA who protect our flooded gun market which sells to BOTH cops and society.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Brian still making shit up to accomplish nothing other than making himself look retarded.
Lie #1: I'm in any way shape or form remotely comparable to the tea party or republicans in general. In fact, Brian is far closer to them than I ever could be. While his actual positions are as far apart from the republicans as mine are, the way he decides on his positions is literally identical to how republicans decide on their positions; while I use science and logic.
Lie #2: That politicians who like guns are the reason cops shoot people and people shoot cops.
Lies #3 & 4: That black people shooting cops for revenge is comparable to white people shooting cops because they bought into some bullshit conspiracy theory(s), and that just because one white guy made it to jail alive somehow suggests there isn't a problem with how black people are treated by the justice system.
Lie #5: I don't care about it. Which makes even less sense than most of Brian's delusions since I made this topic, which I wouldn't have done if I didn't care. The only person on the site stupid enough to argue against sense is Brian, and if I want to piss Brian off I hardly need to make a topic to do so. My very existence pisses Brian off. Making a topic would be incredibly inefficient.
And the rest is just standard Brian stupidity.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The law enforcement in this country is fucked up. The amount of training the various departments require varies too much. Every state, every county, every city needs to have the same requirements. X number of hours training for each skill set. Every one needs to be the same.
They also need pysch tests. There are some cops who shouldn't be cops.
I had an experience once being pulled over at 2am in downtown Orlando. I had a 327 Impala SS which had a bad exhaust. When I turned out on to the main road the exhaust came apart and it basically was open headers.
The cops pulled me and my friend over a few block down and when I looked behind me they both had their 9mm drawn and had them pointed at our heads.
When I asked what happend they screamed at us to get out of the car and put our hands on the roof. When I asked again what we did they said there was a bank robbery and our car matched the description. I laughed at him. Really? 2am? A bank robbery? and two teens dressed in jeans and t-shirts?
They charged me with several bullshit claims and I had to drag them to court. Needless to say they didn't show up and it got tossed. The judge was pissed at the cop for wasting the tax payers time and money and actually apologized to me and my friend.
This isn't to say that there are some good people in law enforcement, but there are a lot of pud wackers on the force and too many of them don't deserve to have a badge much less a weapon.
I have to agree with Vas. This will happen again unless law enforcement fixes this problem.
Everyone should be a cop, or no one should be a cop.
Why do we need a group of 'elites' to make all our rules and protect us? How did the professions do such a fucked up job in Lousiana and Minnesota? Could an amature cop be any worse?
The problem is not racism it is elitism. But this isn't a good story for the media since the media is part of the elite, so they have to provoke a race war for ratings.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Oh fuck off asshole. You don't fucking care about blacks, you care about guns. It is anti government bullshit. Ok fuckwad, big bad gov always bad, more guns kill the cops send them a message? Ok dipshit, topple the gov, and then what? Replace it with what? See you are all fucking talk, but in the end you have no fucking clue. It is male bravado. Testosterone bullshit.
WE NEED COPS YOU FUCKING MORON, what we don't need is the paranoia. What we don't need is the fear. What we don't need is a gun crazy society.
I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. I have been screaming for years that blacks get treated worse by our economy and by our justice system and by police. NO FUCKING SHIT DUMBFUCK.
The problem is the fear peddling of the GOP. The problem is the NRA scaring the shit out of everyone. Gun makers love the death and violence, sales always spike when these things happen. FEAR SELLS asshole.
These same assholes like you who scream anti government, are now, saying now that 5 cops were murdered, are saying we need to support law enforcement. CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS DICKHEAD.
I want BOTH police AND blacks to make it home safely. We cant have that because of one party and one lobby, creating a violent society where both police and society have to fear the guns the other has.
FUCK YOU, take your gun worship and shove it up your fucking ass. We don't need more fear, we don't need more violence, we don't need more guns. Take your bulshit male bravado and go fuck yourself.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Oh and just so you know dipsthit. The guy who got shot by the cop trying to explain he had a permit, his own girlfriend say if he were alive he would condemn what the asshole did in Dallas. It never occurs to fuckwads like you that violence simply creates more violence. FEAR is what pits humas needlessly against each other.
WE don't need either paranoid cops, nor do we need paranoid society. What we need are LESS GUNS and better vetting so that neither cops or society have to needlessly fear each other.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Ted Buttnugget got a vistit from the secret service for such "wink wink" implications.
Since I know you are really a blowhard like him, not going to report you. But it would be intresting to ponder how the FBI or CIA would view such anti government talk.
My hope is that this is all you do, talk. I hope you are not that disturbed to actually resort to any sort of violence.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The truest words I've ever seen you post.
Fear is the root of all suffering. Fear of not wanting or wanting.
If people could understand that the physical world is and will be exactly what it will be, then learn to control their emotions, peace could be achieved for all.
Yep. Some here think all there is to life is bravado and brute force. Yea evolution does produce that, sure. Not impressed with it in the least.
But no, having emotions is normal, it is HOW you use them that matters. The three stooges here are the ones who talk all Barny bad ass. I'm leaving it at words without any illusions. I refuse to add to any physical violence for any reason. But no, I will NOT filter my words to coddle their insecurities.
Look at Vastet's OP, that is not merely blaspheming or criticiing government. He'd be willing to get violent judging that statement. I'm not. But he or any other male testosternone bullshit, will not make me back off my words. Only a fucking insecure dick needs to get violent because someone offended them.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
No, I don't care about guns. I don't care about race either. Unlike yourself: a classic bigot theist.
Lol no.
Wait a second. You quoted me but you're talking to EXC? You've really dropped off the deep end lol.
I don't give a fuck. I'm not a snivelling whiny little bitch coward like yourself. I stand by what I say.
Go ahead and report me retard. I'll report you right back. You've said far worse things than refusing to condemn murder. You've actually supported murder. And you're American, so the FBI and CIA can actually pay you a visit. I'm not American, and didn't break any laws anyway, so they can't do shit.
I didn't say I support or intend violence you ridiculous asshat. Go back to fucking your mom. It's all you're good for.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
So let anyone that wants to be a Cop become a Cop. I think this was the intentions of the founders, that citizens could form their own policing and military forces. More cops the better, no?
What you are arguing for is not gun control, but elitism. A small select group of politicians controling a small force that exclusively have access to the best weapons and wage war on anyone that challenges their elite status. Oh and you're forced to pay the politicians and the police.
Bullshit. If you didn't have fear of heights, you'd have fallen off a cliff and died long ago. If didn't have a fear of poverty, you'd never work.
You need fear to survive in a world where a lot of things can kill are injury you.
So if someone doesn't have food, we should just expect them to be 'peaceful' toward those that do?
Peace can not be achieved if there is a large and growing population competing for small number limited resouses. People will fight for survival.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
I think the entire cadre of Old Seers will a gree with you.
We also predicted( amoung ourselves) that at some point Military types will use there training just as was seen in this last instance. Then, look out. We determine this because of the "Ruby Ridge" incedent, that had that man (special Forces traind having combat experience) used that trianing there would have been more dead FBI etal then what we seen today. The FBI etal where operating in his territory and habitat. They were lucky, very lucky.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
The whole idea of everyone being forced to pay for a military and police force protect us is such a scam. Look at Lee Harvey Oswalt, Timothy McVeigh, Robert E. Lee, etc... Now this Dallas shooter uses his training to attack police. The odds are the guy trained to protect you is just as likely to attack you than protect you. The police and military exist to protect the elites, but everyone is forced to pay for them.
The Orlando shooter was a security guard. The guard you hire are just as likely to steal from you as anyone else. Security, policing and national defense should be everyone's job.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Military and police are not a scam. They are absolutely necessary to any functioning society.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
That isn't true. You have a choice on how you react to a situation. It is what emotions you allow to rise to the surface which matters.
I didn't say we don't have fear, I said fear is the root of all suffering. Also, any 'fear' you are speaking about is an irrational thought such as a 'fear of flying'. A person who fears flying might think that the plan will crash. A rational person will know that flying is safer than driving your car.
Often a person might think they have a fear of heights but more than likely has an issue with their inner ear or proprioception. In your case you are talking about the 'fear of falling' which is another irrational thought. The issue comes down to do they need to do it? If they are being chased by a bear and only have one other option to walk across a rope bridge then that boils down to an issue of survial. Does a person overcome the thought of falling or beaing eaten by the bear? It is irrational to stay and be eaten by a bear.
No. You don't need fear to survive. It is random chance that a person who has an irrational thought that serves them a positive result. A early man, who fears a tiger, makes a spear. A person who fears the tiger might also run away, but get eaten. Did fear serve them is a positive way? Maybe the fear the tiger and throw a rock but miss because they are nervous and can't focus. Yet again, fear causes them to die.
However a person who is rational knows that a spear is a better option and they too make tools to assist them. With the spear and no fear they think more clearly and then it comes down to an issue of strength and dexterity, which are other varibales to the equation. Only the strongest, smartest, healthiest have a greater chance of survival. Fear lowers your chances to pure luck. I'd rather do with out it.
Not having food is another survival issue.
People with out food exist in India. They some times steal, they some times die for starvation. Is this survival of the fittest? or just another equation with a million different variables in an equation we often ignore exists?
Peace is obtainable if there is 10 people or 10 billion people.
A completely unfounded assumption.
What you wrote made no sense at all, I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Can you please just explain how "Peace" can exist in societies with competiton for limited resourses and survival? It seems like "Peace" just means the unwashed masses should accept misery and death.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Peace is by its very definition an impossibility. You can have periods of peace, but you can never have a stable peace. It goes against the nature of the universe.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
What is peace in general terms? Peace for one person can be different for others. However, I am speaking about peace in the terms of no conflict worldwide. No war. No killing of any kind between humans.
Is it possible? Hardly. There are too many people who are irrational. Yet it is still a possibility. If you had 10 people what are the odds you could have peace if you knew how to teach others to acheive it? With only 10 people it would be easier to teach but if you had 10 billion, it would be much more difficult.
What if we had technology to feed every one? No famine? or to control the weather? No tornadoes or tidal waves?
All possibilities?
So what if we had a society such in Star Trek where people accepted their death? They walked in to a suicide chamber and killed their selve for the good of the many? Is it possible? Yes. Slim, but still a possibility.
Peace is possible and it is attainable provided all the variables are present for the equation.
Would mandatory birth control be considered preemptive killing?
How exactly is peace taught? Do you teach someone to not want to fight for their survival? To not fight for the planets limited resources?
If you start with a small group of rabbits, you feed them so none ever go hungry, how soon will you have a million rabbit, billion, trillion?
You have to kill them, let them starve, let them kill each other or sterilize them. Teaching them 'peace' is not an option.
People do that already(Kamikazis). But I think it's a case of being force to accept your death via brainwashing. We are constantly being innondated with propaganda to reduce our own personal pleasure for the good of all. I think this is shit. Man should be free to maximize his own pleasure. We should all admit we are at our core self interested hedonists.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Birth control such as a condom is not killing. If you consider it as so, then think of all the microbes you kill every time you breath or eat. I see no difference between the two.
The word 'peace' is an opinion because it has many different meanings to it. What I consider peace might be different to what you consider peace. So peace can be taught, but the key is acceptance.
Survival is a rutamentary action. Survival is a fear of death. We all have it. The question is do we need to accept death? If I am about to fall and see an option to survive I most likely will take it. However, what if I could save others by falling, giving others a higher percentage of survival? What if my weight is a variable? If I dall then my weight is taken out of the equation. I sacrifice myself for the others. I accept death so others will live.
Not every one will follow the same rational thoughts, but it is what I have learned. Death is inevatable. The question is when do you accept its delivery.
Rabbits learning peace? Bad analogy.
Rabbits are a lower life form. Their structure is basic. Eat, sleep breed. They have no higher level of thought than an earth worm.
However, if you take a group of humans and feed them so they never go hungry, soon you will have a million, billion, trillion of them.
It is possible that you can teach others self sacrifice? You will have those that resist but the need of the many outweigh the need of the few. The question would then be who must be sacrificed? What is the goal? Survival of the human race or survival of the individual?
If that is the path you choose then it is a path of self serving, selfishness, self centered.
We all die. You either accept this or you don't.
I have determined that my existence is self serving. I exist because I have desires. I am, as I type this, going through a phase of minimizing my pleasures. I am not self interested. I am not a hedonist. At one point I was, but now I have realized that this was a false pursuit. Every time I reached a pleasure I would crave more. Sex. Drugs. Etc. Every time I wanted more, but I could never get that same high again as the first high.
The first time I fullfilled my sexual pleasures with a woman who gave me her entire body and did my every command, it slowly wore off. She couldn't perform the same way because in my mind I realized that it was a repetative action.
The second time a different woman fullfilled my every sexual pleasure, it was wonderful, but not as good as the first time with the first woman. It quickly wore off.
The third, the fourth, the fifth, the reaction was all the same. I had done it before so what else? Show me something new? Eventually all the pleasures had been experienced.
I believe this is what happens to all humans and can be variables in the equation.
Some of us go on to S&M and others go to rape. Others might go on to killing. Others might quit entirely, giving up the pursuit because we realize we are chasing an illusion.
'Peace' is relative to the beholder.
Only to an extent. The word has very definite limits, and the universe can't abide any definition of peace for long.
You can't teach people self sacrifice and expect it to work. That is an ethic, and all ethics are chosen by the individual. People have to come up with such a thing on their own, and you'd have to be reduced to less than ten people to have much chance of getting everyone to agree with it. More than a hundred and the only way to make it happen is fascism, which simply cannot last.
Peace is dependent primarily on safety, comfort, and prosperity. No matter the time, no matter the species. The one thing, other than death, that is a given in life is change. Entropy guarantees that eventually you're going to run out of resources. Cosmic evolution guarantees that there will be more resources somewhere else, but biological evolution guarantees that someone else will already be using some of those resources.
Never mind bigotry and racism and religion and crazy people; the quest for survival guarantees war. We are at war with hundreds of species at this very moment, though the majority of humanity ignores this very real fact. We're winning most of those wars, but not all of them. Some can still go either way. Regardless, peace depends on the absolutely impossible idea that every species can live in harmony. Which is a hippy pipe dream. We've never once lived in harmony with any species, not even briefly. Either they are trying to kill or dominate us or we are trying to kill or dominate them.
There is no peace.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You'll run out of resources if the population continues to grow and the source of food, etc, can not meet the demand. Either you need to move off-world, make more or kill off the weak.
War has always been a tool of governments to control the masses and scorch the lands. It's like a controlled burn in a foreset.
I view the world in harmony now. We are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing. War and famine, etc,
I'm at peace even if those around me are not. Peace is possible, you just need to stop thinking that it needs to be a non-war scenario.
Eventually you'll run out of resources no matter the population size. No star burns forever.
You're right that a number of wars were not necessary in any sense, but that doesn't mean all war is similarly pointless.
Being 'at peace' isn't the same as peace. Being 'at peace' implies acceptance of everything that affects you. You can be at peace while in the middle of war. That's not the peace you referred to earlier. And neither definition can ever apply universally to an evolving species.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Agreed. Resources would be limited and eventually people who had less would want to get more. This would lead to fighting.
I think the saying is that "winners write the history..." so the same goes for starting wars, every one has justifications.
I think that is what my point is... peace world wide would be no wars, no fighting. Being at peace is a personal level.
as long as there are leaders there will be wars. As long as there are followers there will be wars. It sounds silly but, no people have ever created a war, that I know of anyways. Wars are made by leaders. Competition "is" war. Any society constructed on competion there will be killing. To kill is the ultimate win.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
In a sense, yes. However ego is the blame for all the problems with humans.
Police to be more trigger speedy, which in turn may cause more unwarranted killings by police. There may be an automatic multiplyer attached. We'll see.
It seems half the governments on the planet are scrooched, not just police departments. It's becoming well know in the public that the US is no longer a democracy, and I agree. If a country is run by business and industrial individuals I think that equates to facism. I think it was a Nazi bigwig that equated corporatism as facism, so, where are we with all this. Jefferson's fears of "money ruling the land" seems to have come about.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
"Long overdue" is certianly a bad choice of words then.
Delusional is your stupid fucking ass knowing we have more guns than citizens in America, but you'd know that woudn't living in Candada. I always wonder what would be a good stoping point? 1 billion guns? 5 billion guns? Fuck it, lets keep going to 10 billion guns.
This isn't urban gang violence. This isn't telling blacks to "obey" and everything will be ok. Most gun deaths happen in the home, by the user, or someone in the home the user knows. Our country has an extremely unhealthy obsession with firearms.
Those same idiots who gave Ken Ham 18 million dollars to dumb down society are right wingers people who buy into gun obsession and hate blacks and gays and use a holy book to justify that bigotry.
Don't fucking say you care about black lives and or even cops lives or even white lives or anyone's lives if you stupidly support protecting a fucking object. Make more and do nothing isn't working FUCKWAD.
This shit is because of our GOP race bating, fucking workers pay in all segements of society besides our 1% and combined with the blood lobby NRA protecting the profits of one industry regardes of who dies, blacks or cops or whites. Fear sells, violence sells and that is great for gun sales.
FUCK YOU...I am tired of violence and I am tired of male testostrone. SHOVE if up your ass.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
No, it isn't. Police and politicians are unwilling or unable to fix the systemic problems that cost lives on a near-daily basis. It is never too soon to wake people up.
Unlike yourself, I'm not allergic to research. I know full well how many guns there are, and it is completely irrelevant. There are countries that issue firearms to their entire populace and never have the problems the US does. Guns aren't the problem. They exacerbate the problem, but they aren't the problem.
I'll say whatever I like, fascist scum. Go fuck yourself.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Um no, sorry, equating rightful anger to bigoted anger and ingorance is not the same thing. Damned right I am going to cuss out religiously justified violence, sexism, bigotry of ANY LABEL. And damned right I am going to cuss out assholes who think more guns is solving shit. The world does not need more voilence. If anyone thinks a cuss word is worse than being murdered, then your priorities as a human being SUCK.
Fuck violence and fuck testosterone and fuck guns and fuck religious bigotry. The world does not need more violence or weapons or religious based hate.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Your response has nothing to do with my comment
Of course you have to kill the microbes to survive. Your body kills them or you don't survive. The farmer that grows your food kills all the weeds, insects and animals that could take your food. You pay him to kill for you.
You're in competion to survive so you must kill or die.
When all life was single celled organisms, some organisms found a strategy of cooperation rather than killing in order to survive. Humanity is like that at this point, we either cooperate on ALL matters, or we remain in competion and kill ourselves off to extinction.
Sorry but when you're have a debate, you don't get to redefine words in the english language.
Are you writting this from the grave?
That is the path everyone is given to them by nature. We seek pleasure and avoid pain.
The people teaching others self-sacrifice are con artists trying to use others for their own pleasure. It is a game of deception.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Except of course to take away peoples guns.
Except of course to force employers to pay a highminimum wage.
Except of course to force me to pay for other peoples' healthcare.
Except of course to force me to feed for other peoples' children.
Except of course a million other things the government forces people to do and not do, with deadly force and expensive weapons.
Why the fuck aren't you a libertarian if that is how you feel? Violence and weapons are only to be used by your side.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
He's trying to have it both ways. How the fuck does he think countries deffend themselves without collecting funds to do so?
So EXE stupidly thinks that everything magically pays for itself?
This is so fuckng delusional.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
First off, the USA has little chance of foreign invasion. But we have this huge military, largely as a kind of welfare program for coporations, local economies as job provider for loosers like this shooter. The great risks here are terrorism and civil war. To fight terrorism, we need a civilian police force of volunteer and/or draftees to do things like take out a driver plowing his truck into a crowd. Not wait 10 minutes for the police to arrive. If civil war breaks out, the people you paid to protect you will then use their training to attack you, after you let them take all your guns.
The police too should be largely volunteers or draftees. In fact, I think by default all men should be able to carry a weapon, make arrests and respond to nearby incidents. They should be trained to do this in high school. The paid police don't do a better job, they just cost more. We have police unions because they serve themselves and not the public. If you think police work is risky, why shouldn't everyone bear the risk? Or is policing like serving in Vietnam, the rich hire can hire the poor to do the dangerous jobs?
I do think there is a small amount the government needs to collect for weapons and technical skills for defence and policing. This should be done with property ownership fees, not income and sales taxes. After all, if you own no property in the USA, you have no skin in the game, you have nothing to protect. You're paying to protect others now. If Canada invades the USA and you own no property, you can just leave. Same with fire protection, only people that own something that could burn down should pay for it.
No. I don't blindly believe anyone that tells me I should pay a huge price for something when I can see that it doesn't provide me with any real benefit. Or you think working poor should pay to defend other people's land and property. That is welfare for the rich.
All the money that is forced from me to pay for military, police, prisions, judges, lawyers, politicians etc... They are the real thieves, I can protect myself quite well.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
I'm not redefining words.
That's my point; and some people like pain as their pleasure. Not every one avoids pain.
Self sacrifice is a realization that your death will save others. Heroes do it in battle. Mothers do it for offspring. etc etc. No deception unless it is a con artist trying to save their own ass then it isn't self sacrifice but selfishness.
If you derive pleasure from pain, then pain is not really pain then. It is just a temporary setback on the road to pleasure.
So if it is really self sacrifice, why do we honor heros? So, people then feel good about their sacrifice.
A mother is more a case of the selfish gene. There is pleanty of evidence this is similar to a drug addict getting their fix even if it kills them. Read about oxytocin as it related to motherhood and child bonding.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Pain is still pain, but the release of pleasure is different from those who recoil from it. It's why S&M is a big deal for some people. Personally I think it is a mental issue. I knew a girl who loved getting smacked on her ass when fucking. When I first did it I did a love-tap but she said harder and harder. I'm a strong guy and when I started to really get in to it I left black and blue marks on her. She really enjoyed it though and wouldn't get an orgasm unless I did it.
We honor those heroes so that people feel their loved ones didn't die in vain. It gives meaning to their death.
Still, self sacrifice is when a person gives up some part of them to give to another. It comes in many different forms, not just death.
I'll read up on it later. Thx
By honoring someone's sacrifice, you make it less of a sacrifice. No?
The military makes it more likely someone will send their son off to die by honoring soldiers that sacrificed. That is why military funerals have to be a big production. A true sacrifice should be nothing but pain. No?
Promising 72 Virgins and honoring heros. It's all a game to get people to sacrifice themselves for the benefit the ones wanting a sacrifice. Maybe the world would be better with no heros or martyrs, let robots do all the sacrifice like one did for taking out this black racist. (Yes I know being PC is a black can't be racist or a woman can't hate men, fuck PC).
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
No. The sacrifice is weighed by the beholder.
I disagree. Parent's don't send their kids off to fight, not in America.
Funerals are not a big production when military related. Maybe in certain cases where it is a General or a President.
No sacrifices are not always pain.
Yes, the promise of 72 virigins is a trick to get people to sacrifice their own body and kill the enemy
Yes, I agree, "all a game" covers the entire gambit.
Yes, the world would be better with out conflict, war, violence.