Dark matter just got disproved

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Dark matter just got disproved

Now a team led by Case Western Reserve University researchers has found a significant new relationship in spiral and irregular galaxies: the acceleration observed in rotation curves tightly correlates with the gravitational acceleration expected from the visible mass only.

"If you measure the distribution of star light, you know the rotation curve, and vice versa," said Stacy McGaugh, chair of the Department of Astronomy at Case Western Reserve and lead author of the research.

The finding is consistent among 153 spiral and irregular galaxies, ranging from giant to dwarf, those with massive central bulges or none at all. It is also consistent among those galaxies composed of mostly stars or mostly gas.


As the entire hypothesis of dark matter was 100% dependent on the very calculations now shown to be flawed, the hypothesis is now useless and ineffective, as I have long expected it was.

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I"ve had a small

amount of doubt that there was dark matter. What had me going is normally the unuverse has opposites, but not in all cases. Also, those with more knowledge of something gives me reason not to doubt their findings.

If there was dark matter would it be solid matter as the matter we know. If so I would suspect that there should be some in our area of space that could be detected. IE, would dark matyter be in chunks like rocks, or would it be evenly throughout the universe, and be something acting like a gas that evens out over space. I've never encountered any explanation of dark matter ---other then, there's dark matter.

Wasn't there supposed to be an equation that showed the existance of dark matter, if so and there isn't any wouildn't that cause alot of skepticism of mathematics.

Then again, I don't understand how dark matter can be if it can't be seen. What makes it dark matter--the fact we can't see it, or what. I've haven't understood that at all. Is it something that's like a black hole and doesn't relfect light, or what??? As can be seen, I'm not a dark matter expert. So far as I know it's nothing more then an equation that tells us it exists. So now we know---it doesn't. But just you watch, someone will dispute the findings and ---here we go again, like archeology.

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The reason dark matter was

The reason dark matter was postulated was that according to mathematical simulations, galaxies do not have sufficient gravity to remain intact. After calculating done in the 70's, it was determined that if there was an invisible substance(s) surrounding and encompassing galaxies, and that substance(s) made up ~23% of the universe, then there would be sufficient gravity to hold galaxies together.

From its very inception, dark matter has been a hypothetical substance(s) which was proposed to solve the seeming problem with gravity on galactic scales.

Now there is no need for this fiction to explain observations. It will take some time to be peer reviewed and accepted, but the end of this ridiculous hypothesis has now begun.

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Old Seer
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good, thanks.

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 I'd wonder what Krauss and

 I'd wonder what Krauss and Greene would have to say. Nothingness still makes up the majority of the universe and you can measure empty space regardless. Just like you can mesure the square footage of an empty room with no furnature in it.



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so does dark energy go out

so does dark energy go out the window as well?

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"The result is a scaling

"The result is a scaling relation in the data with no adjustable parameters," Kosowky said. "Throughout the history of physics, unexplained regularities in data have often pointed the way towards new discoveries."

McGaugh and his team are not pressing any theoretical interpretation of their empirical relation at this point. "The natural inference is that this law stems from a universal force such as a modification of gravity like MOND, the hypothesis of Modified Newtonian Dynamics proposed by Israeli physicist Moti Milgrom. But it could also be something in the nature of dark matter like the superfluid dark matter proposed by Justin Khoury," McGaugh said. "Most importantly, whatever theory you want to build has to reproduce this."

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Brian37 wrote: I'd wonder

Brian37 wrote:

 I'd wonder what Krauss and Greene would have to say. Nothingness still makes up the majority of the universe and you can measure empty space regardless. Just like you can mesure the square footage of an empty room with no furnature in it.



Always nice to have Brian drop in and prove his ignorance. The majority of the universe is not nothing. Nothing in the universe is nothing.

iwbiek wrote:
so does dark energy go out the window as well?

No that is a different issue. Dark energy was made up to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe. If we should find out it isn't accelerating or isn't expanding then that will kill dark energy.

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ah. i cheerfully admit i'm

ah. i cheerfully admit i'm an enthusiastic layman in these things and nothing more. my knowledge extends pretty much to morgan freeman's "through the wormhole" and little else, and that's unlikely ever to change. and as for "through the wormhole," only the first season was any good.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson