Justice Souter was on PBS

Old Seer
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Justice Souter was on PBS

tuther day, and brought up the Roman Empire analygy (how is Analogy spelt) I tuned on when his interview was under way, but, it seems he's worried about this phenomenon. He's aware that the US cannot solve it's internal problems and gave insight on---being that it's problems aren't or can't be solved someone is going to propose to congress that he/she/it/other will propose turning things over to hisself/herself to solve the problems. And we'll end up with another bunch of Ceasars.

Now, this is a Supreme Court Judge, and if he/they see this problem then we are already in really deep shit. As it sits, no civilization has ever solved the problems it creates by creating civilization to begin with. So no one person will beable to solve the problems, it's just that someone will see the opportunity to make a name form theirself and, as Justice Souter point out, the Ceasars were the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire.

The problem is--as was the Roman Empire had it's fingers in to many other people's business suporting friends and friendly enemies alike. To many people's on the planet depend on the US for bribe $$$$$$$$ and what will happen when the US Empire can no longer pay the bill. Wil it-yes, or/ will it -no cause a world wide catsasstrophy Your thoughts---??

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Old Seer
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I don't think

Vastet wrote:
Give me control and I'll handle it.

The constitution allows the US to be an empire. If it supposed to be a democacy, how can democacy be an empire. But of course, we know that it's not a democracy so what can one expect---or is it suspect.

The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.


Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist

Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth