Charlie Daniels: It’s Only a Matter of Time Before There Is Blood on the Streets

Charlie Daniels: It’s Only a Matter of Time Before There Is Blood on the Streets
By Charlie Daniels | February 14, 2017 | 11:21 AM EST
Over a century ago, the United States of America went through a divisive and bloody Civil War that separated the people of this nation bone from marrow. It split friends, families and eventually the nation itself as a line was drawn dividing the Union States of the North from the newly formed Confederacy of the Southern States.
Ostensibly, the war that followed was fought over the abolition of slavery, a devilish practice that never should have been allowed in the first place, and although it was the basic issue for the conflict – as is the case so much of the time – there were a myriad of other issues involved.
One – in my opinion – was just plain stubbornness and pride and the dogged determination that the South would not let itself be told what to do by the other half of the country, but trade, tariffs and different attitudes and beliefs about just how far a federal government could go in setting the tone and making laws to be obeyed by all the states were also involved.
The point I'm trying to make is that the feelings festered so long and ran so deep that men whose fathers had stood shoulder to shoulder in the war for independence faced off across fields of battle and killed each other.
The Civil War never should have happened, and had cooler heads prevailed on both sides, never would have. Southerners had to know that slavery was an abomination to the principles they had fought and died for in the Revolution.
No man has the right to own another man, to reap the fruits of his labor for nothing, to consider his children nothing more than commodities to be sold off or traded away on a whim, separating families and breeding human beings like livestock.
But instead of acknowledging the very obvious evil of this situation, politicians from the South, convinced that the economy of the Southern States was dependent on slavery, chose to become a separate nation and soon after over six hundred thousand Americans lost their lives in a senseless war that would set the Southern States back a half century.
Surely, had it been approached by fair, level-headed men on both sides of the issue, abolition could have been achieved without war. But the rhetoric grew ever hotter. Brash young men on both sides, who had never fired a gun in anger, viewed a war as the pinnacle of romanticism, and implacable politicians refused to give an inch.
Is this not the same attitude we see on the streets of America today?
I see young people interviewed on television who can't even articulate the reason they are protesting. Others bent on destruction who probably espouse no cause but chaos.
I've seen hysterical protestors screaming about First Amendment rights which they seem to think only protect them and those who think like them and that the opposition has no First Amendment protection and should be shouted down at all costs.
The rhetoric is becoming hotter and more nonsensical, the radical element more apparent, the violence and destruction of property more common place.
The pot is boiling and it’s only a matter of time before there will be blood on the streets.
Americans have the right to civil disobedience, a right to gather and demonstrate against some policy they feel is unfair or harmful to the country at large, but they do not have the right to interrupt commerce, break windows, burn cars or do bodily harm to those who disagree with them.
People who won't listen to reason, who ignore the law of the land and who try to stifle the opinions of others tend to forget that there is an element of violence on the other side as well, a side that, thankfully, so far has not yet come forth.
But, should these conditions continue, someday soon the violent elements of both persuasions will find themselves on the same streets, and what will ensue will not be pretty.
Learn from history, or repeat it.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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I believe, even though the Democrats did nothing to improve the country, the GOP is literally destroying this country. They are not being emphatic about the situations between other classes and belief systems. The people in power literally want to tear this country up and rebuild it in their own image. They will use the founding fathers of this country as symbols to promote a different ideology which does not include that all men are create equal and they will not allow the right for the pursuit of happiness for others if they deem it to be wrong in their belief system.
After the attempt by democrats to subvert democracy itself, and the rise of the extreme left over the last decade, I can confidently say both sides are equally responsible. Yeah, the right started it. But instead of nipping it in the bud, the democrats ignored it until they realised how successful the right was after 30 odd years of stubborn work. Once it finally sunk in just how successful the right had been, the left just copied the right's strategies to a fucking T, and now both sides should be lined up and shot. Seriously, the democrats ATTEMPTED TO SUBVERT DEMOCRACY, yet what's the big story? Russia letting the world know. Never mind the fact the democrats attempted to rig the election, lets get all pissy at Russia for doing to the US what the US has been doing to Russia for nearly a century. Fuck you democrats. You're literally as bad as faux news now. Congratulations. Enjoy Trump. You earned it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I now believe Trump will ruin America to the point where it causes a fracture in the economy world wide. Russia will regain power because of a weak president. I don't think America will break apart in to separate states/countries. I do not think there will be more blood in the streets than there already is today.
I'm not sure I deserve this so while I think Canada has a better leader and better policies, I don't believe you will survive either. Your are fucked just as much as us.
I have yet to see anything that makes Trump as dangerous as Clinton. Every nation except the US stands to benefit over the next few years, and nuclear war between Russia and the US is massively less likely under Trump than Clinton.
Only you are fucked.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I don't see it any less likely. Nuclear war is always a possibility and more with Trump.
And Canada is just as much fucked as America.
No, Trump is more likely to drop a nuke on someone who can't nuke him back, not on someone who can. The world is MUCH safer with Trump inn the white house than Clinton.
As for Canada, we stand to come out of this much much better than anyone in the world, with the possible exception of Russia. We are the opposite of fucked.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
We are all fucked. You, me, Canada, Europe, the World. No. Trump is more dangerous than Clinton. You are completely, 100%, fucked.
Persuasive argument, I'm convinced, Trump is the Antichrist.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Hey, I didn't think of the antichrist angle. I should start checking for the 666 on the clowns who voted for him.
100% hysterical bullshit from a moron who doesn't know anything.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Nope. You've lived in Canada so long your brain is frozen.
Which just goes to show your ignorance isn't restricted to your own country. Hardly a surprise.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Your shit is my shit and my shit is your shit. Welcome to the shit bowl.
Then can you explain why so many Trump haters support these....
Income Tax - has no correlation with benefit. If you don't work you get the same as those that do. Clearly reaping the fruits of other's labor.
Welfare State - No requirement to repay socity for the benefits. I am required to raise other people's children. Clearly reaping the fruits of other's labor. Same as slave owners did.
Public Education - Forced to put children into leftist political indotrination.
Open borders - violence breaks out somewhere due to population pressures, so we invite the pressure into our country when we don't even take care of our own. So guess what? the violence will come here.
Unless the left recognizes that big government/welfare state are the equivelent of slave masters, blood is inevitable.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Then can you explain why so many Clinton haters support these....
Income Tax - has no correlation with benefit. If you don't work you get the same as those that do. Clearly reaping the fruits of others labor.
Welfare State - No requirement to repay society for the benefits. I am required to raise other people's children. Clearly reaping the fruits of others labor. Same as slave owners did.
Public Education - Forced to put children into leftist political indoctrination.
Open borders - violence breaks out somewhere due to population pressures, so we invite the pressure into our country when we don't even take care of our own. So guess what? the violence will come here.
Unless the left recognizes that big government/welfare state are the equivalent of slave masters, blood is inevitable.
Then can you explain why so many Sanders haters support these....
Income Tax - has no correlation with benefit. If you don't work you get the same as those that do. Clearly reaping the fruits of others labor.
Welfare State - No requirement to repay socity for the benefits. I am required to raise other people's children. Clearly reaping the fruits of others labor. Same as slave owners did.
Public Education - Forced to put children into leftist political indoctrination.
Open borders - violence breaks out somewhere due to population pressures, so we invite the pressure into our country when we don't even take care of our own. So guess what? the violence will come here.
Unless the left recognizes that big government/welfare state are the equivalent of slave masters, blood is inevitable.
Stop trying to use the buckshot approach to pinpoint and issue to one group of people.
Factually false. As is much of what you've said.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
LEFTIST political indoctrination!? you clearly know nothing about kentucky school systems. in my school, when we weren't singing "god bless america," we were singing the righteousness of the first gulf war. communism meant nothing more than pure evil that was going to blow up the world. my second grade teacher in particular was a mean little relic of the nixon era if there ever was one.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Factually false also, as is much of what you said.
You're as delusional as you are hysterical and wrong. It's quite amusing watching retards on the left act exactly like the tea party.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You're as delusional as you are hysterically wrong. It's amusing watching ignorant people from around the world act exactly like those they ridicule.
You're as delusional as you are hysterical and wrong. It's quite amusing watching retards on the left act exactly like the tea party.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I know I totally agree that is the way it was and in some cases still is. But mostly public education has been taken over by the open borders/transgendered/feminism/welfare for everything crowd.
That is usually the way things work depending upon who has the power. But children are never thought to think for themselves. Don't tell me these anti-Trump middle school rallies are spontaneous. It is the same as religious indoctrination.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Your're another delusional Canadian who isn't funny and you are still wrong. I don't find you amusing and while you are retarded in understanding how every thing in life has an affect on every thing else, you will eventually understand that I'm right when your economy collapses and Trump invades your country because you are weak and a liberal.
LMAO. <facepalm> what is it with you people? Don't you see the bigger picture? Closing your borders and getting rid of the illegals hurts the country.
And Transgender people do not rape little kids in bathrooms. The entire story stems from one fucking report about a sexual predator who tried to dress up like a woman thinking he could go in to a bathroom and rape women. Jesus fucking christ.
Well feminism is... not my cup of tea but then again if some one wants to be a feminist then great, I'll support their right to have that opinion. However when they start making laws which prop their own and diminish other beliefs that is where I draw line. And I'm not talking about the right for the religious right to make laws outlawing athiests or to promote their religion in schools.
Welfare will always fucking exist. Stop trying to get ride of it. It MUST exist because you will never get rid of the poor.
It baffles me that the Trump supporters are supporting a 1%er. It is fucking nuts. The guy doesn't give a shit about the middle class or the poor. He is using the office of the president to promote himself and his family in to a higher level of aristocrat. He wants to be like Putin and the other dictators.
I'm going to laugh when the mother fucker starts taking away some of your rights and your benefits. Then I get to kick you in the nuts and tell you to shut the fuck up.
I don't have any rights or benefits now. Just a big tax bill.
This is exacly why there is soon going to be a second civil war. You have zero respect for laws.
You don't think illegal immigration is a problem, you just give sanctuary, job and education to illegals and ignore federal law.
You don't like bathroom gender laws, just ignore it. Don't bother to pass a law. You are not a fellow citizen in a nation of laws. You are an anarchist enemy.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
You paid taxes? Served in the military? Served the public? You should have free health care.
No, there won't be a second civil war.
I have 100% for laws which are balanced and fair to all people.
No. I do not think illegal immigration is a problem. Idiots keep focusing on the border of Mexico but the largest number of immigrants are from Asia.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door
Yes, give jobs. Yes give education. The federal law is unconstitutional (what ever it may be that refuses the above)
Transgender people are real. They aren't child molesters. They deserve to be treated fairly. This entire thing with the transgender bathroom law stems from a fucking asshole in North Carolina who claims that transgenders put on clothes then hide in the female bathrooms waiting to pounce on women and little girls (which is complete fucking bullshit)
I am a citizen of this planet. I reject borders
I am no anarchist.
You're as delusional as you are hysterical and wrong. It's quite amusing watching retards on the left act exactly like the tea party.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You are a confused liberal.
You're as delusional as you are hysterical and wrong. It's quite amusing watching retards on the left act exactly like the tea party.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yes I know legal immigration is as fucked up as illegal. It all should stop now. If it continues a few more years, the USA becomes overpopulated turd world shithole.
I get my healthcare in foreign countries. But I pay for the poor that can't find a job because illegals took all low skill jobs.
I couild care less about thansgendered crap. But it does show the insanity of cat lady leftists.
You don't live on a planet with infinite resourses. Eventually, you'll be struggling for survival due to excess population.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
eventually, eventually,'re a more hardcore marxist than i am.
People who talk about limited resources are people who don't pay attention to science or business. We are quite literally within 50 odd years of effectively infinite resources. Multiple corporations are exploring the exploitation of resources in our solar system, which will take care of all the truly rare elements we're in danger of running out of for at least the next 300 years. Solar power and 3d printing will cover everything else. Our species is not in any danger of overpopulation unless we forcefully halt all scientific and commercial endeavours into space, which isn't even possible without a world war that would massively reduce or extinguish the global population anyway.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
War and destruction could put an end to that path.
You are one fucked up individual. Do you wake up in the morning and see nothing but gloom and overcast skys?
You are delusional. I'm quite sane.
True, but such would also significantly reduce the population. Either way, overpopulation isn't a concern.
You're as delusional as you are hysterical and wrong. It's quite amusing watching retards on the left act exactly like the tea party.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
It's typical for people like you who think they are mentally disconnected from life to believe you are unaffected by ass clown leaders.
Typical American who thinks his country runs the world, ever clueless that the world neither wants nor needs America's meddling. Trump is looking to be the best US president from the perspective of the human species since WW2.
You're as delusional as you are hysterical and wrong. It's quite amusing watching retards on the left act exactly like the tea party.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yes laugh instead of learn. Let Trump get a second turn because you're too stupid to understand Trump is actually smarter than the average American.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I was thinking that Trump was smarter than you because he has you fooled.
He doesn't have me fooled, but he has you and most of the left fooled. He's a used car salesman, not the reincarnation of Hitler. He's going to fuck up your country real bad. But the world will be better off then it has been under the empire loving war criminals that have held office my entire life, if only because Trump is more concerned with his empire than the American empire.
But feel free to keep screaming like a hysterical tea party member, making shit up to make yourself feel better. I'll just chuckle when Trump wins a second term because most everyone who hates him is a retarded hypocrite who learned absolutely nothing from the election.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
i mean, strictly speaking, if trump turns out to be everything they say he is, then he is the best chance we've got for a worldwide socialist revolution in my lifetime. old man trotsky's dream could actually come true after all, though i'm sure in a very different way than he envisioned. i'd gladly thank donnie for that...before seeing him off to a firing squad, courtesy of our comrades in mexico.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
You are as ignorant as they come. I am no fool. I see what is happening.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you said he will get more done than any other president? That I don't believe. He won't do anything other than make him/his family wealthier.
Obama wasn't a great president but he was better than trump.
And I blame 100% of the problems in the country on the GOP. They are an amazingly greedy set of mother fuckers.
In the past, the same thing was said about technology to grow more food. It would "eliminate hunger worldwide". Food would be essentially free. Population growth negated any gains in food production. Technology to grow more food or build more housing is just running faster on a treadmill without population control.
"Infinite" resources just mean infinite population growth rate since population can grow geometrically. Give a colony of bacteria or any other species "infinite" resources and you'll soon see "infinite" isn't so big enough. Scarcity will eventually limit growth.
We don't put resources into space or technical education of the next generation, we must put them nearly all into entitlement programs and military to deal with the all the poverty and other proplems due to TMFP. NASA is more interested in bragging about putting the first transgendered astronaut into space than solving any real world problems.
I'm the one screaming for governments to build a space based system to regulate earth's climate. But the cat-lady leftists are tone deaf. All they can think about is raising taxes for the welfare state and regulating everything except immigration and population growth.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
You got 4 out of 7 correct, good job!
That wasn't me. I'd say Trump will TRY to do more than any other president, but he will also fail more than any other president (while claiming he was more successful than any other president). Whether or not he will accomplish more or less is a question that doesn't interest me. He could accomplish more without actually doing anything. I'm more interested in what is done than how much.
For America, definitely. But not for the rest of the world. Globally speaking, the US hasn't had a good president since the very early 1900's. Trump won't be great either, but he's looking to be better than all those who came between 1930 and today. Of course, he's still a piece of shit arrogant American, so it won't be perfect. Just better. It isn't hard to be better than war criminals.
Jimmy Carter being something of an exception. As I recall he never fired a shot as president, so that puts him in an exclusive category of awesomeness.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
In the past people watched Star Trek and assumed we'd be able to have all of that technology before the year 2000. There was no real and present technology which could actually accomplish the feat, no matter how much time was devoted to perfecting it.
Today we actually HAVE the technology to accomplish it. It's called 3D printing. It has already been used to make things previously thought impossible, including growing organs for living creatures. It still needs R&D before it can take over all manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture; but it won't take very long. A decade or two at most before it is capable. Another couple of decades at most before it is cheap enough to be in every home right beside the microwave.
The only other concern is power. But power generation is one of the most busy research projects our species has going, and it's been that way for more than 200 years straight now. I see no reason to assume it will suddenly stop seeing improvements in the near future.
Yeah well corporations are picking up the ball that your government dropped. So is China and India and Japan. So the industry is speeding up, not slowing down.
LOL no. NASA has made tens of millions of scientific announcements. How many announcements have they made about astronaut gender? 2? LOL
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I liked Carter. If it weren't for the Iran hostages and the shit he was left by Nixon and Ford...
imo, carter should have been the religious right's dream come true. no one has ever elected a more religious president, yet they still despise him. so interesting...
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
It is the lame stream media that puts out the anouncement for the unwashed masses. Every government funded program has to throw in muslim, gays, lesbians, daughter of undocumented immigrants etc... That is how to get funded. Whatever group is oppressed by white hetro sexual men. They peddle this identity politics shit and then are shocked that Trump got elected.
I'm sure they are now working on a hajib space suit. Floating prayer rugs that can be rotated 3 dimensionally while in orbit to always face Mecca. But, I'm not sure why in zero gravity why you would need a rug. Got to have that inclusiveness.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen