Path Of Total Asshattery

1. Perpetuating 5 years of "fear the black guy" birther bullshit.
2. Starts his campaign with "They're Rapists"
3. Burns his way through hiso own primaries.
4. Attacks the service of McCain and Khan
5. Denys the warnings of 17 intel agencies.
6. Attacks sitting judges with no record of impropriety.
7. Vllifies the watchdog free press who's job is to hold government to account.
8. Makes "jokes" about murdering political rivals.
9. Peddles a wall he fucking knows wont get built.
10. Pisses off our allies.
And the fucker can't even tell the difference between those who want to keep bigoted icons of White Nationalism alive, vs those who stand up to a horrible history.
Now conspiracy fuckface Bannon is threatening war with the GOP that is having buyers remorse? GOOD, I am going to enjoy watching that party destroy itself.
But if there is any bright spot.
1. Baltimore removing Civil War monuments.
2. Montana state capital the same.
3. Duke University moving statues
4. Boston tells White Nationalts assholes "FUCK YOU"
5. Six Flags over Texas replaces it's Civil War flag.
7. University of Texas Austin also moving it's statues.
8. NC Govenor calling for statewide relocation.
Now what I fucking hate about those who insist the monuments stay, is they keep confusing relocation with total erasing. NO NO NO NO.....
What the sane object to, is the wordage on those monuments glorifying those men whom fought to keep slavery as good and heros. NO, those men belong in the same light as the Holocaust Museum as Nazis are recorded in as WHAT NOT TO DO TO YOUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS.
I am really hoping 45s bullshit this week will be the nail that finally sinks him.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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He's not doing to well is he. just as I suspected--He's not going to change anything much. He's under the infuence of fanatics of which the main one as just left his presence. He's to bottled up in petty items that keep his reasoning and abilities (if any)at a low level. Now that bannon is out, maybe, just maybe things will improve for him -----just a bit. But consider for your own comfort---he won't be around next trip. I think the floks that elected him won't next time. So, be patient, he's not going to collapse the world as there are many that have enough sense to counter his attmepts of whatever it is he wants to do---or don't want to do.
As for what's going on with racism--well--- as I see it everyone is a raceist to some degree. If one isn't a racist by their own un-admission they'll be hateing for some other reason. Busting up monumnts and statues---moveing them here and there is only a chess game of futiltiy---no one is going to win. The Blacks (as they want to be refered to) are just as racist as whites (as they want to be referred t. So, Notice,,,people all over the planet are discontent, not only in this country. There, Israeli fanatics, american fanatics, russian fanatics, southern fanatics, northern fanatics, eastern fanatics and western. If it isn,s racism it's going to be nationaliosm. The US is as guilty as anyone else---with it's "American Exceptionalism" which when you look at it---it's just another mild Nazism of some way or another. IE-Zionism is just another name for Nazism, just as well as American Exceptionalism. From my perch on a low branch of the tree--I look up and see---it's everyone's fault.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
But remember, we must remember as bad as Trump is, all our hope, dreams, economic security must come from government. No problems can be solved without the government forcing it change. We can't have health care, education, transportation nothing without them. We can't even wipe our ass without them. So all power, all the fruits of labors must be turned over to our government leaders, since we are completely helpless without them.
You remind me of Catholics I know. When they find out that half the preists are pedophiles, doesn't matter. All faith still rest in the church. But, at least they don't put a gun to my head to force me into their religion.
What a pathetic view of humanity you have, that we can do nothing unless we get government to put a gun to the heads of others to take what they've earned. That we can't do anything voluntarily, for rational reasons. You deserve Trump with so much power over you.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Fuck off asshole, nobody wants a Cuba or Stalin state here. Your cold war bullshit isn't going to work.
If anything your "deregulation" and "don't tax the rich" leads to the coal mine scams in the early 1900s. The mine owners would buy up all the land around the mine, all the housing and all the suppies and grocery stores. Then they would pay in company script and by the time the worker got their "paycheck" they would actually be in dept to the mine owner. It was legalized endentured slavery.
No asshole, saying that billionaires don't pay enough in taxes isn't a call for Stalin or Hitler or Catro. SO FUCKING KNOCK IT OFF ASSWIPE.
You either value political pluralism or you don't, but if you think only the rich have the right to decide our laws, FUCK YOU.
And you are too fucking stupid to see, that if your goal is to have more independent workers, LIVABLE WAGES that meet the cost of living will do that. YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!
Deregulation lead to all the bubbles since Reagan. The 88 one day crash, the 90s dot com bubble and Bush Jr's triple whammy bank/housing/car crash.
If everything worked the way you said, nobody would be bitching.
But let me make this clear. YOU DO NOT OWN OUR COUNTRY and one class does not own our country. Workers are not here to be tools for selfish narcissitic assholes. There certainly are good business owners who do the right thing, but right now not enough, especially at the top.
Take you cold war bullshit and shove it up your fucking ass!
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Racism is part of one's self protection system. Anything different is scrutinized for analysis as to whether it be friend or foe. Without racism we can be because we wouldn't have the protection system we need to remain. We would be eaten by Lions and not care about it and have no sympathy for others. Lions are racist, --zebas hate lions, lions don't fratrinize with chetahs, birds of a feather flock together, Canada geese doan't go south with the snow geese or the cranes . So, it's natural to be racist. But now consider---people are intelligent and can reason to overcome racism to a point it's harmless. I'm a racist toward Blacks but without hate, but not blacks I personally know. The one's I knew/know I can see are not harmful to me so I accept them. Why, becasue I know I need no protection from them and have come to see they are no threat to me. On the other side, I am also careful around whites but not racist in their case becasue they are of my immediate kind. But that doesn't mean I trust them becasue they're white, it's becasue I know them to be harmful at times also. It's a matter of one controlling their person. nature is nature. But what one may find easy to do another doesn't. That means that some will always be more racist then others. Now, take a look at the racism that blacks have for whites and repeat this post for their side. It all works together. We cannot have the bad person without the good person. It's the masses choice to make the change, not the govenments.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Which is why I oppose private owership of land. It creates a monopoly. Workers and consumers have no choice but to do business with the land owners. For this, I am called a communist.
Taxation represents a transfer of wealth from producers to non-producers. Business owners/employers are just middlemen, so all taxes will get pushed over onto the backs of workers.
At one point in your life, I wish you would talk to a rich person and ask them if taxation affects their investment decisions, wages they pay and prices they set.
But instead just live in a fantasy world where the rich will just eat the cost of higher taxes. You're actually a useful idiot of the rich ruling class. You support them getting more money for nothing(i.e. taxation), they give you crumbs to live on.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Government has the guns, so they make the rules for their self-preservation. They also have pleanty of useful idiots that think turning over all wealth to them is freedom, not slavery.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Bigger weapons yes, and NO SHIT.
So does China and so does Saudi Arabia compared to their repsective populations.
The west has something closed societies don't have, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.
It does not matter how many governments in in human history get toppled. Those fights go in every direction, from closed to open to open to closed. What should matter to humans is that it is not a matter of class, migh makes right, but how humans resolve problems.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Bigger weapons yes, and NO SHIT.
So does China and so does Saudi Arabia compared to their repsective populations.
The west has something closed societies don't have, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.
It does not matter how many governments in in human history get toppled. Those fights go in every direction, from closed to open to open to closed. What should matter to humans is that it is not a matter of class, migh makes right, but how humans resolve problems.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Bigger weapons yes, and NO SHIT.
So does China and so does Saudi Arabia compared to their repsective populations.
The west has something closed societies don't have, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.
It does not matter how many governments in in human history get toppled. Those fights go in every direction, from closed to open to open to closed. What should matter to humans is that it is not a matter of class, migh makes right, but how humans resolve problems.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Or, do what us Old Seers do---just laugh at the polititioan and quite voting. Realize, you can go on without central government if you all take the time to figure out how. The people don't need central government--they need each other. Bit by bit, little by little floks can merely walk away and go on their own. What bsiness would they have with you if you have no business with them. Under those condition the more government intrudes the more enemies they make. Once people begin to walk away and the government floks object and the more force is applied on the people---the more people will reaslize "who' the enemy really is. Why would the government floks object to people walking away from them if they wern't the enemy. We have no business with them much of, so what objection would they have agast us. If they object our feedom--then they expose themselves as our enemy. We have no agenda to harm them--so they have no business with us.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
EXC continues his strategy for lying about taxes and government because learning is too hard for him.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
No we don't. Who owns the media? The rich and the powerful. They are only interested in survival and preservation of their wealth and status. Everything story is spun to make you think you are totally dependent upon them. Everything designed to make you want to give them more wealth, power and importance.
Now CNN has James Clapper telling us Trump is too unstable to have the nuclear codes. The same guy in charge of the intelligence agencies while CNN tells us Russia hacked our election. The same guy that spied on Americans for years and lied to Congress about this. The same guy that let North Korea get 60 nukes under his watch.
The guy belongs in jail for his illegal spying, but instead he's 'the expert'. The swamp takes care of its bottom feeders.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
You know what the worst part is EXC, you cant even skip your bullshit economics for one second, and LOOK AT THAT LIST of vile demagoguery on 45s part. You are to selfish and bubble living to understand that he isn't simply "telling it like it is", he is literally using the playbook of despots. Attack anyone and everyone for no good fucking reason, and not even evidence based.
There was no, "Many sides" in Charlottesville. There was one side shouting anti pluralism, racist sick vile crap, and carrying weapons, not for self defense, but to intimidate. How fucking sick do you have to be to equate what Heather did which was NOTHING, to the sick vile crap the KKK and Nazi supporter were doing.
Then just last night, that organge FUCKFACE doubled down on his dog whistle bullshit, "They're trying to destroy our culture".
Now asshole, please tell me how slavery was even back then a "culture". Yes it happend, but that never made it good. Nobody is trying to erase history by saying we should not glorify slavery. Those statues were put there with the intent to treat the men who fought to keep it as heros.
To me that would be like Germany's PM saying, "We need to keep statues of Rommel and Goebbles and Hitler beause that was part of our history".
Please tell my you cannot be that fucking dense to not see after 5 years of peddling "fear the black guy" birther bullshit, attacks on war heros, attacks on media, attacks on intel, tell me, EVEN WTITHOUT the economic arugments, please tell me how you can justify his vile behavior.
The KKK and Nazi supporters are not supporters of political pluralism, much less race pluralism. SLAVERY was a dark part of our history, and 45s repeated dog whistle code to those vile groups prove to me he is unfit.
And if you support that sick fuck, that says alot about your own morality too.
That list of REPEATED ATTACKS on mulitple groups NOT JUST ONE, but multiple groups is the behavior of a DESPOT, not anything we should value in the free west.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The Nazis/KKK came with weapons and showing them because in Berkeley, the police let Antifa anarchists attack people without arresting them. The police did same thing again here not arresting leftists harrassing people not breaking the law. So why the hell to we need to pay for the police if they are not going to keep the peace?
There is a case to be made that the Nazi/KKK stuff is fighting words and they should be arrested. But the Supreme court already ruled that they were 100% legal the ACLU supported their right to be there. So what Antifa did was vigilantism. If you don't like the law, get elect politicians that will appoint different judges. If your OK with breaking a law you don't like, then we'll have total anarchism.
You're also a hypocrite because you condemn religious nuts protesting at funerals and abortion clinics. You think the religious should not be allowed to harrass women doing something legal, but you're OK with Antifa doing it because you don't like racists. You can't have it both ways if Antifa can exist than so can harrasers of women at abortion clinics.
This woman was also a victim of leftist propaganda. Like 'the police will protect me'. so she walks into a war zone with just a peace sign. If they are peaceful people why do they march with Antifa?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
EXC is rarely remotely correct about anything, so he should be congratulated when he pulls it off.
The fact of the matter is that there are two sides or more to any conflict, and being on the side the majority agrees with doesn't suddenly make you in the right. Demonstrators on all sides of the multiple issues are guilty of violence and stupidity. The guy who plowed through people was on the right, and the right does tend to be more violent on average. But idiots on the left have been pushing for such actions from the right for quite some time, and the left is quite capable of violence as well. A picture of a neonazi being cold cocked by some random shitstain has been floating amongst left wing idiots recently, along with the standard supporting meems. Well that shows the left to be just as wrong as the right. Disagreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to punch them in the head when they aren't looking anymore than it gives you the right to drive into someone who isn't looking. Trump was right when he said there were issues with both sides. Only a moron could claim otherwise.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.