Kneeling at NFL games

As you know, there is a situation with the NFL and the players kneeling in relation to "black lives matter" and the police abuse issues. True that many times people are shot because of their own stupidity, the issue at hand is the players kneeling to show their support for justice with the community.
However Kaepernick, a NFL QB/or former QB, started the protests by sitting down on the bench during the national anthem. He then was told by Green Beret and NFL player Nate Boyer "take a knee," rather than sit, during the national anthem. So where is the bullshit here? People like Drumpf who is a complete fucking ass clown and deserves to be put in a looney bin for being as such? People like Pence who is another ass clown who is so full of shit that every time he speaks, flies swarm his head? These two fuckers have more important things to do than to interfere with the NFL.
These fuck tards should shut their fucking pie holes and go back to playing the egotistic cock sucking gaping dick holes. Their both hypocrites and desserve no respect. If players want to protest then let them protest. They have that right. The NFL allows them to do so.
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America even outside pro sports, still has not faced to a great enough effective degree that our economy and justice system ON AVERAGE affects blacks more negitively. Unfortunaely some still think, they can say "I am not a bigot" or "I was not responsible for the past", are missing the bigger picture history wise.
Race and class have been effectively used by 45 and the GOP to drive a wege between voters, to do one thing, and one thing only, protect corporate welfare.
Since the GOP and Reagan started the age of deregulation and "don't tax the rich" the pay gap has exploded. In turn, that has effectively created white anger in the rust belt and middle America.
45 started his assault on minorities 5 years ago by perpetuating the fear of the outsider black guy. Then he started his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists. Then he called for a ban on an entire religion. But, that isn't totally effecive if you don't shit on your own as well, as he did with McCain's service. As he also did by burning his way through the GOP primaries too.
He has attacked anyone and everyone who has dared to question him, including INTEL he now has to rely on.
None of what 45 or the GOP want is about creating economic stabity and everything to do with using race and class to pit urban, suburban and rural voters against each other to protect corporate welfare.
The NFL is simply one more example. The players protesting were/are not protesting to say they hate America. They are protesting because they see problems and want to bring attention to those problems so America can improve.
45 spent his campaign saying he was going to give power back to the middle class, but has filled his cabinet with nothing but corporate cronies and bigots. Took him only days to get to Texas and Florida, but weeks to get to Puerto Rico, and even then, he tossed papper towls to the audience as if it were some prize at talk show.
I support the players protesting and not just for them, but for all workers.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This shit against blacks started long before the 80's. the problem goes back to 3000 years ago.
I agree, but I am talking about American history, but yea. It goes back thousands of years yes.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
What was the event 3000 years ago that sudenlly caused there to be racism when previously there was none?
I think it went back over 3 billion years ago when the first cells began to compete for resources to survive.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Hey moron, our species evolved to be social, and we have always leaned to defend that which is local and that which we are familiar with. WE HAVE ALWAYS COMEPETED against each other.
Tribalism has always existed and racism as well. BUT there is NO excuse for it now in the west.
You don't get to blame blacks or liberals who support minorities by pulling this BULLSHIT argument.
Yes life competes, in natural terms and in evolutionary terms YES. But we are not dealing with the racism that is rooted in RELIGION in stating that.
America's treatment of blacks and other minorities has been SHITTY even up to today, even with all the progress, we still deal with a minority bunch of fuckface assholes on the right whom cant stand that others exist.
I don't know what your bullshit attempt at stating the obvious about life competing 4 billion years ago, has to do with 3,000 years of concocted gap filling bullshit racism has to do with it, other than to say that humans are capable of being bigots based on old mythology.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Sorry, 3 billion years ago there were no humans
Their isn't a whole lot binding the US together as a country. There is no common ancestry, There are many new immigrants that don't have common history so we don't have that. Their is not single ideology or religion binding us together. Really if we don't have patriotism then what do we have? The players have the right to protest. The NFL has the right to fire them, or to support them. The fans have the right to be disgusted by their lack of patriotism, and boycott the sport. In regards to what the players are protesting, I think all the disparities are caused by black people committing more of the type of crimes that involves altercations with the police.
This protest has nothing to do with patriotism. There is no rejection from the players of the country or democracy. They aren't terrorist.
This is a protest against an issue in a democratic country, which has a government, industry and society which is racist.
We like to say that we aren't racist but that isn't true. Racism exists at the upper levels to the lower levels, be you white, black or any other color.
Your statement has a mixed truth to it, but the public's view on crime is skewed and not inline with the data.