Server down?
Posted on: January 30, 2018 - 10:38pm

Server down?
So what happened to the servers over the last few days?
I've seen them go down over the years, but this one seemed to be for an extended period of time
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It was down for a while. I caught it that morning, notified Brian. He does have a day job so all of us have to be patient when it happens.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
21'st century technology Brian, the server probably developed self awareness, saw the massive amounts of horrible poetry that you've been dumping on this website for years and decided on its own to shut down RRS to keep you from posting even more shit. LOL.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
What is really laughable is that in your pathetic attempts to insult or shame me you STUPIDLY with every response give me attention to poetry you think sucks.
Thanks for the free advertisment suckers.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at puppet, dance.
I totally support your desire to write poetry, however I do not believe I've read any. Maybe I should go over to the thread and read some...
Ok here is another logic fail by Brian. Advertising would require... you know... actually mentioning the poetry thread somewhere that is not likely to already have it. In other words, not this site.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yes, and Brian fails logic so frequently it's actually one of his defining characteristics. In light of that blatantly obvious fact I've never been able to understand how Bob Spence who under his RRS avatar labels himself "science freak" became BFF with someone who fails so horribly at critical thinking.
Aside from Brian's lack of mental acumen is his abrasive online persona where he is perpetually offended by everything. Brian spends the vast majority of his posts virtue signaling ( aka preaching ) and reminding us just how "woke" he is.
Brian's like a dumber, atheist version of FurryCatHerder.
So here is a logical fail by you... A person doesn't need to be so bright, intelligent or anything logical to be best friends with any one else.
Being best friends with any one else isn't decided by such things unless you have a shallow personality.
I don't determine the parameters of human behavior but I do observe patterns. Rightly or wrongly those patterns indicate that the vast majority of humans base their associations upon shared traits. That includes relationships based upon professional interests, academic achievements, ethnic identities, political affiliations, level of physical attractiveness, etc.
Do exceptions exist ? Yes, and they always will but that has no effect upon whether or not people at large will continue to conform to the pattern of ( when given the choice ) associating with those whom they consider to be their peers / equals.
Say what you will about me but this tendency reflects upon the whole human race, I just pointed at what appears to be an almost unfathomable exception. Not my fault if you see it as shallow.
PS, you had no problem laughing at Brian's expense when I ridiculed his poetry which was admittedly a shallow thing to do, but when I comment on a legitimate paradox then you suddenly become sanctimonious and call me out ? WTF ?
Ah. more fallacies.
First, I don't care much for Brian's posts. I find them to be knee jerk reactions with out much logic to back them up.
I've read most of his poetry and do not care to read any more. There are some exceptions which I find good.
However, if Brian or Bob are friends, we do not know why they are friends. None of us could do more than make assumptions on why they connected.
I only pointed out that you committed a fallacy of logic when you were then attacking for lack of logic on Brian's posts. I found it hypocritical.
One last thing... dance puppet dance.
....but just to be clear, you're okay with being shallow as long as there's laughs to be had ?
Ouch, you got me...
I'm just going to pass. There's a lot I could say but there's little point.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I consider every thing here in good fun, jesting, except for some assholes who either got kicked off or no longer visit because they get upset we aren't swayed concerning their god(s).
I'm never shallow. I'm deep and philosophical with my opinions because they are always correct and justified. Everyone else is wrong.
I always appreciate humility, LOL.
It would be a redeeming attribute if every one was that way, but alas, there are too many egotistical pricks/cunts in the world. Most of them are dictators and politicians.