What the hell is it going to take to get 45 out before he blows up the planet?

That asshole has brought back John Bolton, part of the Bush Jr administration whom lied their way into Iraq. Bolton is bat shit nuts.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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Yes Brian, Trump and Bolton are insane and unstable. But we still need gun control because we only want goverment leaders to be able to control the use of deadly force.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Both of you are nuts
Enough of the liberal LUNACY! President Trump has actually PREVENTED wars with his tough talk & unpredictability! You liberal nuts were saying since the day Trump declared his candidacy YEARS ago that he'd start a nuclear war!! Guess what?? He HASN'T! Not only that but he's gotten North Korea to talk denuclearization while useless Obummer did NOTHING! Obummer also led from behind as a WEAK leader by drawing a red line for Assad & then did NOTHING when Assad crossed it!!
HOW can any atheist support the insane OPEN borders Democrats?? If they got full power they'd FLOOD us with Muslims & turn parts of the USA into Londonistan! Democrat psycho Maxine Waters has actually PRAISED Sharia law!!
Even Muslims like Raheel Raza & Zuhdi Jasser among other MUSLIMS will tell you that Islam is the most FANATICAL religion on earth!! WHY on earth would you as atheists want to turn us into an Islamist NIGHTMARE that much of Europe has become where MOHAMMED is the most common male baby name in England & 10% of France is now Muslim & GROWING?? NO WAY IN HELL would a TRUE atheist want this!!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!! www.nobeliefs.com/exist.htm www.JesusNEVERexisted.com
He's about to start WW3. Clinton would already have done so of course. I wish Sanders was president.
No one wants a wide open border, you're making shit up.
islam is no more or less dangerous than any other religion, and feeding the bullshit to the contrary is you doing exactly what terrorists want you to do. Grats, you're dumber than primitive sand people who think they can start a holy war.
Also, Muhammad is the most common male baby name, not Mohammed. But is followed by 40 odd European names before you can find another Arabic name, so clearly you have 0 idea what the actual implications are.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
People like Brain37 and Vastet don't really want freedom. Too much personal reponsibility comes with being able to make your own decisions. So it doesn't really matter if it is Socialists or Islamists controlling everyone and everything.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
EXC doesn't want freedom, he only wants to suck the dicks of the koch brothers and other rich people without ever looking at anything rationally and logically. Without taking any responsibility at all. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
All the billionaires support unlimited immigration/amenesty. They want cheap labor and high housing cost to increase their wealth even more. They live in large mansions inside walled off communities, so they never feel the negative impacts of too many people. They controol them media, the media controls idiots like you. Why you think Bezos bought WaPo? Controlling the minds of the unwashed masses to increase wealth.
Look at Toronto, liberalism has opened the flood gates to all kind of immigrants. Now you housing crisis(homeless, unaffordable housing, 2 hour commutes, endless urban sprawl, smog, pollution etc...). Yet idiots like you are brainwashed by Koch/Soros/Bezos propaganda into even more insanty. All the Canadian natives that thought they'd never be homeless are just like you. You'll be homeless too very soon if not there already. But at least you've got me to curse at.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Lies and more lies. Everything EXC says is a lie. He's way too stupid to comprehend reality so he makes it all up. At least, he makes up everything that the koch brothers don't tell him to say.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I'm not an idiot. I know you are being forced into homelessness by the billionare mass immigration/tax the working man cabal. The only way to avoid this is being a slave in soul-less job, with long commutes, all your income going to rent, mortgage or taxes. They'll throw you a bone once in a while to keep you alive and voting for their puppets.
Yet, your Social Justice indoctrination means you must continue to support the madness that put you in your position. Enjoy your fate, I'm avoiding this by not playing along with their game.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
By every possible definition you are an idiot.
Multiple lies in a single sentence.
You are the epitome of an uneducated, indoctrinated slave.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
No. I've taken steps to avoid your fate. Because I don't believe the BS of either poltical party.
What make you so different from everyone else being forced into homelessness or facing extremely long commutes to a soulless job just to find housing? Then having little of the money government promised you available for retirement. Everyone else in Canada and USA that is not part of the elites is facing this fate.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
No, you've taken no steps to avoid the fate you project upon me and thusly have fallen prey to said fate completely.
Neither do I. But you do believe the bs of rich capitalists.
I've thought and researched on the subject more.
The government never promised me money. When I was a child people were talking about the pension running out in both our countries. Thanks to immigration it hasn't happened yet even though it was supposed to happen in the 80's. Your ideas would ensure it ran out extremely quickly.
Which is all thanks to capitalism.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
But you haven't taken any action, so you've done nothing. Your faith is in government. No different than all the other people being pushed into homelessness or endless traffic nightmares.
I'm no fan of capitalism as it is practiced. The rich use their wealth to control poltics and the media so that the rule continue to favor themselves.
Taxing the working man is transfering his wealth to capitialists. The goverment is just a collector for the rich and powerful.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Lies. I've taken the only action I can, participating as little as possible in the capitalist system. Should I still be around when the revolution starts I'll be there as well.
Lies. My faith is in logic.
All capitalist systems work the same way. Only socialism can end the theft.
And everything you suggest would make it worse.
Lies. Taxes redistributes to the poor, even in 1st world capitalist countries. They just don't do it nearly as much as they should.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
How exactly does this revolution work? You have an new group of men with guns kill the existing group of men with guns. Then they become the elites that make all the rules, they user their wealth and power to increase their wealth and power. Nothing new under the sun.
You can't see that Capitalism and Socialism are essentially the same thing: A group of elites that use their power and wealth to make all the rules to increase their power and wealth. Castro and Hugo Chavez are the same as the robber barons, the mafia, African war lords, etc...
A true revolution would be a total rejection of elitism. No one has rights to fruits of any man's labor(No taxation, only user fees for service). No one has special rights to use land and natural resources without paying for the privledge. No one has the right to burden society with children they can't or won't take care of. No one should be forced to live in overpopulated conditions. That would be true freedom.
But no, you want to trust the revolutionaries and turn of all power and wealth to the Hugo Chavez type revolutionaries. Enjoy.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
The same way all revolutions work.
Perhaps, perhaps not. Depends who's making the rules.
Only an uneducated idiot could claim that capitalism and socialism are the same and use, exclusively, examples of capitalism to attempt to prove it.
No true Scotsman fallacy, and literally impossible to boot. Unless you WANT to become a slave to the first person who points a gun at you.
Wrong. Noone has rights to the fruits of their labour except the elites who take the majority of the fruits of other peoples labour. And even they don't have the right to do it, they simply do it anyway as capitalism encourages.
No amount of payment should give anyone special rights.
No children are a burden on society. Indeed we evolved so that society must take a role in the upbringing of all children. That you don't like it is irrelevant.
Noone is.
No that would be capitalism as is but with massive government power that isn't even paid for. It's hilarious that you think government should enforce unenforcable rules without funding.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Here is the difference as I see it. in Capitalism, money controls the power. In socialism, power controls the money. In both systems, they rich and powerful use wealth and power to continually increase wealth and power. So the only thing that can break the cycle is a grass-roots revoltion where people refuse to give up any of their money and power to any group of elites such a politicians, capitalists, etc...
But this would be a non-violent revoltion. A revolution of reason. A revolution of the mind.
You're revoltion would fail just like all the others because it is just replacing one group of 'enlightened' elites with another.
Then why can't society have a role in deciding who can and when can someone have children? Why is this driven by an individuals hormones? Why do we keep drunks from driving a car, but let a drunk get knocked up? You are mixing extreme socialism with extreme libertarianism. That can't be sustainable.
Please tell that to the homeless that can't afford rent, the cities that can't find a place to build housing, the people stuck in traffic, the people looking for a decent job competing with a massive number of other applicants, etc... We've let poplulation get ahead of infrastructure to support it.
If everyone were responsible to enforce the rules, you don't have a group of elites sucking up wealth from everyone else. It would be a shared responsibility. The people that break the rules should be the ones that pay for any costs.
You're like the people that poo-pooed Wikipedia. The experts all said you can't have a comprehensive encylopdia without massive funding. Why can't the same be done for all services provided to the public?
How is it that religion can fund itself with donations and volunteers but something like schools can't? How can this web site do it?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
A ridiculously incoherent statement that absolutely must be wrong simply because you don't know what socialism is.
There is no rich or powerful in socialism, so you're wrong as always.
Even if the supposition logically lead to this conclusion (it doesn't), as the supposition is flawed so to must be the conclusion.
lol ridiculous. A revolution that strips anyone of wealth or power must be violent because noone is willing to surrender wealth or power.
Every such revolution in history has succeeded, and there's absolutely nothing except your uneducated and foolish opinion to suggest such revolutions won't continue to succeed as long as wealthy and powerful people horde their wealth and power until people start starving and rise up to kill them.
Never going to happen under capitalism. Socialism forces it by definition.
No it's the only reason the current system works at all.
You're voting for an elite group that controls all the money and power, and you're lying just as badly as they do.
Wrong. Capitalism requires these to function.
It does. And society decided not to bother choosing to do so because the strain of population pressures isn't sufficient to warrant population controls.
Because there is no strain on society without population controls, but there would be significant strain with population controls.
Because a drunk driver can kill people, and sex can't.
No you are mixing socialism with capitalism like you always do because you're too stupid and brainwashed to learn anything.
And yet it is.
Not being able to afford rent doesn't force anyone to live in overpopulation. People choose to because they're more likely to receive charity and help.
There is no such place in North America. There's still plenty of room.
Anyone stuck in traffic chose to live in a higher density population to acquire more money.
That is the fault of rich elites cutting costs and refusing to invest. Would never be an issue in socialism.
No the population is quite sustainable and has sufficient infrastructure to continue to grow.
Only socialism can accomplish that.
Everyone breaks the rules.
Who says Wikipedia never had funding? Funny how they have donation pages. Your stupidity continues to undercut your own argument.
Because it's impossible, as shown by your continued inability to explain how such a system could function.
I'm sure they could, and they'd be as questionable as Wikipedia is if they did. An education is the bedrock every country is built on. Only a retard throws away the future of their whole country because he is too cheap to ensure that following generations have an education.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Ridiculous assertion that the high cost of housing is not pushing people into homelessness.
They haven't required massive funding from government or capitialists. All volunteer. So it is not socialism or capitalism. This model be extended to education, policing, etc...
Children don't get an education from the current system, they get a political indoctrination of 'you can't do anything without massive spending by government'. You are Exhibit A.
You're willfully ignorant of the facts of life. Expecting people to work hard to support other people's children makes no sense biologically. It is like expecting an ant to sacrifice for other species and not his own.
Face it, your political indoctrination has turned you into a total cuckold. You lash out at me for being the messenger of this obvious reality. Government is there to force men to support other men's children. Your socialism is really just total cuckoldry for men, isn't it?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
No what's ridiculous is the assertion that housing costs are high because of overpopulation, when capitalism is the cause.
Wrong. It's capitalism. Everyone who funds them is a capitalist. And as an information resource they suck. You have to triple check every page in case an edit war may be going on or some uneducated idiot like you is a mod who believes bullshit and uses the site to spread it.
No it can't, because there would be no oversight and no training and no insurance and no volunteers.
The truly hilarious bit here is that this proves you're an indoctrinated sociopath working for the elites. You want to help the rich steal from the poor so much you came up with a system in which only the rich would have access to any emergency services. Once implemented, you could walk through every poor house taking whatever you like, including slaves, and noone would stop you because they can't afford to pay off the cops who are escorting you. You are a real slimy shit and if you ever got into office I'd have to kill you for the good of humanity.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Projecting your own status an the indoctrinated tool of the elite.
More projecting.
Actually it does, or we'd have never evolved to do so. You're just dumber than an unthinking process, which is hilarious. The average house fly is literally smarter than you.
No it literally isn't. But you're dumber than a house fly so ants are waaaaay beyond you.
Says the indoctrinated cuckold.
You are a messenger of lies, and you don't have the slightest clue about reality.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Who is the oversight for a socialist dictator and his cronies?
So you want people to voluntarily support a socialist revolution that would then force themselves to work to pay massive taxes. So it is like yes I'm going to work for the good of society, but I need a gun put to my head all the time to make sure I do. Is voting voluntary or do socialists need to put a gun to everyone's head to make them be not be sociopaths?
Your theory of society then is people can't do the right thing, so they need an enlightened person like you to put a gun to their heads to do the unselfish thing. We're all sheep that need your enlightened ways to control us?
If the poor were trained to be emergency services providers, then they wouldn't be poor, would they? But, your scam public education system that you love so much doesn't train people to do these types of jobs now does it? Nor will it ever, just keep paying for a system that never gets people out of poverty.
You just wrote that men supporting other men's children is normal and natural and good for society. Now you insult me by calling me 'cuckold'. How can that be an insult if being a cuckold is supposed to be a good thing? Because you know your political indoctrination is fucked up, you just can never admit it. It just leaks out what you really think subconsciously.
Brian37 does the same thing, presents himself as Mr. Socially Enlightened on LGBTQ, then hurls homophobic insults at me like homosexual acts are the worse thing ever.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
If There's a dictator then by definition it is capitalism not socialism.
Taxes are absolutely necessary to any sustainable society. So yeah. They've done it before they'll do it again. Most people are fine with paying taxes. Only thieves like you want a free ride.
Only a retard would believe anarchy could solve anything. 2 years in and you'd be a slave to the first guy to raise an army.
Only sociopaths like you need society to point a gun at their heads and force them to not be sociopaths.
Voting would be voluntary and a privilege you had to earn by proving you're smarter and more intelligent than a rock... or EXC for that matter.
If society didn't require authority to function then there'd be no authority. Keep crying over something that will never change.
Better me than you.
Who's going to train the poor for free? That's right, noone. So they'll stay poor won't they?
Multiple lies from the holocaust denier and lover of slavery. First off education is necessary. Get over it. Everyone knows you're too stupid to understand why.
Second off the current system does in fact train people, as demonstrated by all the doctors who could fix your broken head if you didn't refuse to see one.
Only a true retard would think a lie proves a lie.
It is.
You started it.
Clearly you don't know what cuckold means. lol.
More projection.
You and Brian37 have a lot in common.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Taxes like income tax have little to do with service received. So just don't work and get a free ride. So taxation is theft.
So in your insane mind, almost all people don't mind paying taxes to support education, yet if we didn't have taxes they would all turn into greedy hoarders(like me) and never give volutarily? Doesn't make any sense, people can only be generous when in the voting booth voting for socialism, but they weould be greedy sociopaths when it comes to donating money.
Or is it that we need taxes because sociopaths like me might not donate to these POS schools that produce graduates with no marketable job skills? But, I thought I was supposed to be this extremely rare exception of a idiot/sociopath. 99.9999% of the people in the world are not like me. I would hardly make an impact to funding. What am I missing?
Supposedly, it would be so bad to not have public education for the next generetion. Yet when it is funded, the next gernation still has tons of children whose parents can not afford to pay for their education. So taxpayers have to fund yet another generation of offspring of poorly educated people that should never have had children they could not support. There is no endgame to this fucking scam. Enjoy your cuckold slavery.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Lie. From emergency services to communications to roads and defence, taxes pay for everything necessary to make a nation a sustainable nation. Without taxes every capitalist nation would collapse.
No social program in North America pays enough to get a free ride. Unless you're a corporation.
No, refusal to pay taxes is theft.
In your insane and uneducated mind you can't accept demonstrated reality.
You again prove you haven't the slightest idea what socialism is or how taxes or governments work. You are conflating multiple concepts in incongruous ways. I'm quite sure a number of people would donate to education. It would be haphazard and inconsistent and undependable, but there'd be donations. One school in a rich neighbourhood would get millions and another school in a poor neighbourhood would get nothing and the gap between rich and poor would be exacerbated even further. Everything EXC says is a lie, and geared to make the poor into slaves.
Your opinion on marketable skills doesn't match reality. Everything EXC says is a lie.
You are. Most people wouldn't donate because they don't have enough money. Most people with enough money are sociopaths. The few that aren't wouldn't have any money left if they had to pay for everything because sociopaths like you refuse to pay their share.
Everything EXC says is a lie. There's a lot more than 7,000 rich sociopaths on Earth right now.
No individual makes an impact on funding, that's the whole point of a tax system, idiot.
Nothing supposed about it. All of history is replete with examples of what happens when a society ignores education, and none of the examples end well for the society.
Everything EXC says is a lie. Every study ever done shows an educated population is a shrinking population.
Everything EXC the cuckold says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Oh Jesus. You just said a men supporting children that are not genetically theirs is a such good thing. That is a biological cuckold. Then you attempt to insult me by calling me one. WTF????
That is what socialism really is, cuckoldery of men. That is why socialism will always be way more popular with feminist women and demasculinized males. It is forced cuckoldry. Women can be sluts and have government be the daddy provider.
You know subconscioulsly I'm correct, this is fucked up way for men to be forced to live. This is why you react angrily, I touch on something sensitive to you. Anger and insults in not a normal reaction to someone who is supposedly retarded(unless your a bully). But your lifelong political indoctrination prevents you from ever admitting you are wrong or having an original thought on some issue. Same as theists, how pathetic.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
No retard, it isn't. Kids have absolutely nothing to do with the term cuckold. Brainless idiot.
You called me one first and you don't even know what it means and now you're whining like a little girl. You are a cuckold.
Everything EXC says is a lie. He doesn't know what socialism or cuckoldry means. lol
No child, only uneducated and indoctrinated retards refuse to support socialism.
No capitalism is.
Funny how all statistics and studies prove you wrong.
Projection. You know sub consciously that capitalism is nothing but the powerful stealing from the weak, which is a fucked up way for anything to live with.
More projection. You're the one who's angry and flinging insults all over. I've thrown in the odd one to piss you off even more, and clearly it's working. Look at you rage.
Yes it is. Especially when the retard started the insults. Funny how you can fling insults but you whine like a cuckold when I return the favour.
You certainly are pathetic. Repeating the same lies a dozen times in the foolish quest to make the lies true. When I call you a retard, it isn't even an insult. It's literally an accurate description of you.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
He won't be blowing up the planet any time soon. He's has to have permission from a few others to use nukes, he can't do it on his own. You're right about Bolton. It's a sad situation when thses types get into government..
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Do I have to explain to you were babies come from?
Cuckold is the term scientists use to describe males that raise children that are not genetically their own. You don't get to make up your own facts.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
You aren't a scientist you don't get to use the term that way.
Says the retard who makes up all his facts. You don't get to speak like an evolutionary biologist when you can't even define socialism or capitalism or taxes or government or anything else.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I'm so sorry, I didn't know one had to have a certain kind of degree from an elite university in order to use certain words. Will your totalitarian dream state regulate speech so the enlightened elitists will never have their beliefs challenged no matter how big a failure they are?
Yes I know, one must pay a lot of money to a university and do a lot of free work for a university in order to become a 'scientist'. A diploma is some kind of magic piece of paper, so a scientist is like becoming a socerer. I'm only good for paying the university's bills. You fall for that elitiist scam like all the others.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Bullshit you didn't. You know damn well what cuckold actually means. Your eagerness to lie sensationally is extreme. Your totalitarian impossible utopia where everyone rich gets to do anything and everyone else is a slave who isn't even allowed children is a moronic pipe dream that can and will never happen because humans are too smart to use sych a dumb system.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.