Now even liberal NPR says the case for Trump/Russia collusion has collapsed!

LMAO! Now even liberal NPR says NO Trump/Russia collusion and the case for it has only grown WEAKER!
"Trump has been implicated in ordering a scheme to silence two women ahead of Election Day in 2016 about the alleged sexual relationships they had with him years before. That is a serious matter, or it might have been in other times, but this scheme is decidedly not a global conspiracy with a foreign power to steal the election. There's an important kernel of truth in Trump's argument — not only is there no smoking gun, but the Russia case also appears to have been weakening, not strengthening, while America's eyes have been on the payments." If you guys even followed the campaign you would've known Trump had trouble colluding with his OWN campaign as campaign offices in Florida & other states were complaining about lack of communication from the national Trump campaign and yet you expect the campaign to be conspiring with a government almost 5,000 miles away??!? LMAO! Democrats are desperate beyond belief! It was actually HILLARY 's campaign that funneled money to Fusion GPS to pay RUSSIAN sources for that debunked dossier which even James Comey said is UNPROVEN!! I can't wait to see the FLOOD of liberal TEARS in America when the investigation is finished and it's confirmed there is NO collusion! Some liberals will be looking for the nearest bridge to jump off of! Oh and you can FORGET about those stupid hush money payments even being a crime! For FEC chair Bradley Smith just said even Cohen hasn't committed an FEC violation much less Trump because those payments were not ACTUAL campaign expenses and he cites legal precedent to back him up. Plus Americans will never go for impeaching a President over a consensual affair when Bill Clinton had sex in the actual Oval office yet served 2 terms! Not to mention the MULTIPLE affairs JFK had IN the White house itself! See more liberal tears below!
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"To the contrary, the law — following our common sense — tells us that the hush-money payments outlined by the U.S. Attorney are clearly not campaign expenditures. There is no violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act.
To reach the opposite conclusion, the U.S. Attorney is placing all his chips on the language “for the purpose of influencing an election.” Intuitively, however, we all know that such language cannot be read literally — if it were, virtually every political candidate of the past 45 years has been in near-constant violation."
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