The GOP crotch watchers now own your uterus ladies.

So be good little baby factories and create new cult members for their fascist party.
Roe has been shot down and now left up to the states. And beleive me they will not stop at this one issue. That party and lopsided SCOTUS is poised to reverse more voting rights and gay marriage. There are some states suggesting the willinginess to ban IUDs and pills too.
America feels like pre WW2 Europe and I happen to live in that one asshole country ruled by a authoritarian one party state.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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But you believe that government has the right to take the fruits of man's labor. They can tax what I make with my body and mind then use it as they please.
So why is woman's uterus more sacred than my mind or hands?
How is a society that forces women to bear children any different than a society that forces men to work for the benefit of others? They are both forms of enslavement.
Screw your selective libertarianism. You leftists want an all powerful government that controls every aspect of life, enjoy it.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Listen asshole, there is no such fucking thing as a tax free society, and there never will be, so grow the fuck up. I don't like paying taxes either. But I cannot afford to pay more because I am on a fixed budget. But sorry, you are out of your fucking mind if you think Musk is the victim here.
The only argument to be made is what to tax, who to tax and how much to tax. I don't have kids myself, but my taxes go to pay for public schools. I DONT MIND, if anything assholes like Musk could pay more in taxes so teachers wouldn't have to buy their own school supplies. And yes, kids should get free lunches from pre school all the way through highschool. Why? Because I am not a selfish dick. And I don't want to live in an ignorant uneducated society.
My "selective libertarianism". I am not a Libertarian asshole. Libertarians are simply Republicans on bath salts economically speaking. The do get social issues correct, but they are far worse on taxes in that they stupidy think we can run a growing population on the same original 13 colony represtentation at the founding.
I hate to tell you this, but taxes exist in every fucking country, bar none, friend and foe alike. Open state or Authoritiarian, China, North Korea, America, Japan, Australia, EVERYWHERE.
Our tax laws for the past 40 years have done nothing but suck money up to the top, and has little to nothing to do with actual problem solving. The Republican party has caused more to cause long term debt in the past 40 years that today's chidren and their grandchildren will still be footing the bill.
Neither you or I will be around in 100 years, but if we keep going your insane route of Atlas Fucked our species will shorten it's ride faster.
"I don't like this law, so no law ever works, so lets not have any". Sorry, all that attitude will do is collapse the system and allow a power with wealth to dictate to you.
To equate taxes and body autonomy as being the same is sick and the two are not even related.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
When the slavery abolishionists spoke up 200 years ago, you know what they were told? 'We'll always have slavery, that is just the way the world is and always will be. Stop waisting your time trying to abolish it.'
Most of the southern supporters of slavery during the civil war believed this propaganda and believed 'we'll all starve to death, if negoros don't pick our cotton'. That is why they fought so hard to maintain the master/slave social order. Like you, they couldn't imagine a world where slaves were not forced to work for the benefit of others.
Same thing is true of religion. We're 'I can't imagine a USA or a world without God', so they don't even want to listen for arguements for atheism. They just assume atheism means anarchy. Same as you.
I'm not against people paying for the things they want and need. But the people that need to pay the bill for all the problems in the world are the people that cause the problems in the first place, not people being being responsible.
How does this work, a baby goes from being 100% a woman's choice to being 100% my financial responsibliy just in moment it pops out? Having a baby is a woman's choice choice, so she should live with her choice and not expect others to pay the bill for her choice.
Also, how exactly does government enforce any tax or law without messing with someone's "body integrity". They force your body into a jail cell or put a bullet in your body if you resist. Having a woman's uterus be the only sacred thing only demonstrates you're a PWed white knight.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Nope you are also chasing an impossible utopia that will never exist. There will ALWAYS be some level of religion everywhere in the world to greater or lesser degrees. There is absolutely NO pragmatic way to physically force every religious person in the world to stop believing.
And who the fuck is claiming a uterus is the only important thing in women? Just the opposite asshole, the fundies think that a uterus is their property and only solely to be used to act as bun ovens to make more minions for their fascist religious cult.
And stop fucking equating taxes as being tyranny. TAXES ARE NOT FUCKING TYRANNY.
You sound as fucking stupid as idiots on the right who say "My body, my choice, regarding wearing or not wearing a mask" You can spread a virus, but you cant spread a pregancy.
Not paying taxes is not a fucking option. I cant repeat that enough to your ignorant ass.
Once again Beaver, this isn't "Leave It To Beaver". There is a very real world out there and TAXES will always be part of our world.
The only thing about taxes that can be argued is how much, what to tax and who to tax and what to spend the taxes on. BUT THEY WILL ALWAYS EXIST REGARDLESS.
And also, DONT FUCKING EQUATE BODY AUTONOMY TO GUN OWNERSHIP. You cant fuck an AR-15 and get it pregnant. Guns are not humans, they are objects and do not deserve human rights.
I agree the GOP IS NOT BEING HELD RESPONSIBLE, THE ORANGE FUCKFACE IS NOT BEING HELD RESPONSIBLE, AND IT HAS BEEN ONLY THE SANE THAT HAVE BEEN TRYING TO HOLD HIM RESPONSIBLE. Stop fucking blaiming migrants and the poor and urban citizens. You are fucking scapegoating innocent people.
Just grow the fuck up and understand YOU are not the center of the universe, and nobody owes you submission just because you don't like the way things are going. Stop blaming the wrong people, and offer up solutions that don't involve being a fucking douchbag to people you have never met personally.
And please stop fucking calling yourself an atheist if you think "Just keep your legs shut, is a solution". You have a fucking penis too, females are not your fucking property to boss around.
And how dare you use abolition to hide behind your ignorant arguments.
Yes there was a time when the founders owned slaves. Yes we did some pretty shitty vile evil things to slaves. Yes I am glad those days are over. But that has nothing to do with modern taxes, or modern views on firearms or modern views on abortion.
We are not going back to the fuck you I got mine days of the Great Depression. We are not going back to unsafe workplaces. We are not going back to treating women as second class citizens. Did you even fucking read Judge Thomas's final ruling about abortion? He fucking said he was willing not to just stop at abortion, and consider reversing gay marriage as well. That fucking idiot is married to a white woman, and there was a time his marriage to her was illegal. The fucker didn't even recuse himself when his wife was caught supporting the orange fuckface's big lie and was implicated in possible support of the attempted insurrection on January 6th.
The GOP has no interest in playing fair by the principles put forth by our Constitution or the protocol of oversight and review of appointees. Mitch fucked Garland over claiming he wouldn't seat a Justice during an election cycle, only to ram through Amy just weeks before the the Presidental election Biden eventually won.
They support a fucking lying bully, who since Obama picked on him during the press conference dinner, ever since sought revenge for childish schoolyard bully reasons, but the problem is that fucking orange brat got his hands on the levers of our most powerful office and the institutions he presided over. Purged anyone that wasn't blindly loyal to him, threw several of his loyalists, including his own daughter under the bus for the slightest disagreement. The orange turd is facing civil suits and even criminal charges for attempting to intimidate election officials. The fucker acts like John Gotti, "It would be a shamed if you lost your office" and the fucker did that with not only election officials, but his own lawyers whom many of are now facing their own ethics and criminal charges.
The organge turd would have not been nominated or elected and would have been impeached the first time if he had a Congress full of Republicans that Nixon had if Nixion had not stepped down.
So right now, I am extremely short on fucks to give about your whining about taxes and guns and crotches that do not belong to you. We have a fucking fascist still holding the GOP and the nation hostage even though he is no longer in office.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
" The only thing about taxes that can be argued is how much, what to tax and who to tax and what to spend the taxes on. BUT THEY WILL ALWAYS EXIST REGARDLESS."
Only for as long as people like you are willing to use violence to get your way.
"You sound as fucking stupid as idiots on the right who say "My body, my choice, regarding wearing or not wearing a mask" You can spread a virus, but you cant spread a pregancy. "
So a person only has a right to private choice when you approve. Hence the problem, your side isn't in power so you lose the rights they don't approve of. Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone respected the rights of others to make choices they don't approve of? Whether abortion, vaccine or mask?
"Just grow the fuck up and understand YOU are not the center of the universe, and nobody owes you submission just because you don't like the way things are going"
We all know you are the center.
"We have a fucking fascist still holding the GOP and the nation hostage even though he is no longer in office." And a different fascist in office. You speak as if one fascist is better than the other.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I'm pretty libertarian on most things. But, there has to be rules of the road if you can potentially cause harm to others. That is why you can't be allowed to drink and drive or go out in public without a mask or vaccine during a pandemic.
An abortion is different than a vaccince because it does not present a danger to the society at large.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
And yet we have always allowed people to wander around public without masks and vaccines to protect from all sorts of diseases our entire lives. It isn't like COVID was suddenly the first contagious disease in the history of mankind. Nor is it anywhere close to the worst. And we're approaching a point where virtually everyone has had it at least once whether masked or not, whether vaccinated or not, whether you even knew it or not. It isn't really a question of if you will get COVID, its a question of when and how severe it will be. In 3-4 years, anyone who managed not to have COVID will be as rare as powerball winners.
Interaction with other humans always carries an element of risk. That's life. Trying to pretend that we won't put each others life at risk is silly. Drunk driving is against the law, but that doesn't protect me from being hit by a drunk driver, folks die from that every single day. Every time I choose to drive on the road, I'm at risk. The government can't protect you. At best it can get retribution after the damage is done (and it doesn't even do a particularly good job at that). The strive for perfection has long been an excuse for great evil. The world isn't perfect, and it never will be.
Are there non-violent means to encourage people not to drive drunk, encourage them to get vaccinated, encourge them to wear masks, or whatever else you want them to do? Absolutely. In all cases, I'd argue that people fall in line more because of what is socially acceptable than what is "legal". I've seen plenty of people at anti-mask rallies then turn around and put a mask on when surrounded by people in masks. I've seen people fervently pro mask mandate pull their masks around their chin when they see others doing the same. Including one laughable example of the town clerk with the mask around her chin violating the very law she was reading out loud! People follow the crowd. If you want to change behavior, lead the crowd and most will follow. For those who don't, no matter how strict you get with laws, there will be those who violate them, sometimes just on the principal of violating them.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
"People like me?" FUCK OFF. I hate violence, I will always try to avoid violence as much as humanly possible. But sorry, when laws treat others as second class, or are an exestential threat to someone's existence, then the two sides at that point are not equal.
You should be happy for example, that Stonewall gay protest did not have them armed with AR-15s, but if you ask me, if those gays back in the 70s did have them to defend themselves from fucking homophobes, that is far more understandable. Bigoted assholes back in the civil rights movement were all for guns for everyone until the Black Panthers started protecting black zip codes with arms to protect black protestors. All the sudden the white bigots wanted gun control.
Now here is where you fucking forget or ignore that Nixon's Southern Strategy flipped the parties on social and economic views, including firearm rights.
But even today, while the WHITE NATIONALIST NRA ASSHOLES try to claim we are the real bigots who don't want blacks to have firearms, are conning you. The NRA doesn't want blacks to own firearms. They want to flood urban zip codes with firearms so they can turn around and blame blacks for that violence.
So yea, if you are going to fucking argue the right to defend yourself. Then when Planned Parenthood and body autonomy advocates start arming themselves, you cannot bitch. Otherwise grow the fuck up, and accept that if nobody wants violence, the fact remains what the right wants IS NOT FUCKING WORKING.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I don't give a shit that "Libertarians" get social issues correct. If all you do is say "fuck you I got mine" and "let the rich do what they want, don't rob them by taxing them or regulating them", the growin errosion of the middle class and more people falling into debt and poverty, and only giving a fuck about shareholders and CEOs, is why America has had this 40 year decline. Clinton was the only president who left us with a surpluss and fixed the national debt bullshit Reagan and Bush Sr left hem. Bush jr took Clinton's fix and fucked that up and exploded the national debt. Obama, while he didn't end with a surpluss, he fixed Bush's tripple whammy housing, banking and car, great recession and he too greatly reduced the national debt. But then we go right back to an even worse fuckface bigoted orange maffia boss asshole who stood next to a man John McCain rightfully called a "KGB murderer", the orange fuck stood next to Putin and shit all over his own intel by saying he couldn't see why Russia interfered in our elections.
Now here is where you fucking falsely blame Biden for high gass prices right? No fucking president of either party can dictate gas prices on the global market. They can only reduce taxes for a temporary period, or release reserves and be a global diplomat to appealing to them to release their own reserves. But even then, the asshole oil CEOs fucking lie to gullible people and say "supply and demand". No, they make profits increase no matter if the economy is good or bad, so it is simply getting away with whatever you can get away with, and nothing to do with creating global stability.
So if you want to talk about cost of banning abortion and how fucked up and adding to the cost of tax payers that will cost, if you love money so much. Banning abortion and enforcing it, which is what the right wing fuckers can and will do, COSTS MORE MONEY TO INFORCE rather than simply minding your own fucking business and only regulationg clinics for sanitary and safety reasons. And banning abortion will cause more government dependency for both poor blacks and poor whites. Not only the severe health risks forcing females into dangerous unregulated back allie abortions. And these nosey fuckers also want to ban even IUDs and morning after pills, that too will take more tax dollers and physical law enforcement to enforce than to simply let the FDA regulate them.
So please do not lecture sane people about less goverment if you cannot see that cheaper goverment would be with most issues, PREVENTION, not reactionary measures.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
And yet you routinely advocate for the use of violence to get what you want. I understand you don't have the fortitude to use it yourself, instead your first answer to everything is to have the government use violence for you.
I want people to wear masks: Mandate!
I want people to vaccinate: Mandate!
Well, the problem with using violence is that the other side will win and impose what they want on you using the same means. Then you whine and bitch about it. Well, its a system you support and enthusiastically use to impose YOUR morals. So who are you to bitch when that same system starts imposing the morals of others on you?
PS I have no problem with pro abortion folks arming themselves. It would give me hope for my country if these abortion clinics simply refused to shut down and I believe they absolutely have the moral right to defend themselves when the government sends its thugs to shut them down. Though strategically, non-violent means like MLK sit in strategies would probably be more effective.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X