Rolodex Law enforcement and our firearm violence.

Those who remember their history, know that firearm violence isn't new unfortunately, it isn't rare, and it is only getting worse by the day. Charles Whitman in the collage clock tower back in 1966, 17 dead. And unfortunately even my 1984 jr year HS yearbook had a two page spread of , "The year in news". The pictures had paragraph blurbs below them breifly discribing a person and or an event. It had a picture of Reagan. A picture of the space shuttle and a picture of the first artificial heart guy. BUT it also had an exterior news file picture of the McDonalds in San Ysidro California in which a man named James Huberty murdered 21 people and injuring another 19. AND NOTHING HAS FUCKING CHANGED OTHER THAN THE VOLUME OF FIREARMS INCREASING!
And I am getting fucking tired of news media, even "liberal" cable news constantly bringing on the same law inforcement experts every time one of these events happens. THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE, THE SAME FUCKING FACES, EVERY FUCKING TIME! I started noticing them on a consitant basis after Columbine. And all these assholes do is talk about motive. The networks have had the same faces on since the invention of the Rolodex and they keep spewing the same old crap that does nothing to reduce firearm violence.
Nothing we can do after the fact, in funding reactionary measures is going to be efficient to reduce firearm violence UNLESS we face the fact that the ultimate problems have always been our flooded market and ease of access. It does no good to talk about motive, or response protocol or type of firearm if all we fucking do is keep making them like candy and keep handing them out like candy.
I am really fucking tired of seeing these same faces literally week after week, and sometimes day after day. These dickweeds are so old if they were a T-Rex they would talk about the motive of the meteor instead of promoting the technology to deflect it. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT MOTIVE!
When is the media and congress going to address the core of the problem? We have a flooded market and ease of access epidemic.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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Well, and the murder rate has been cut in half. Murders were way more common in the 70s and 80s.
So what is your magic bullet?
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
We already have laws that this shooter shouldn't have gotten a gun. But the way governmet is set up, their is no accountability. Because essentially they are the master, taxpayers are the slaves. These problems don't get fixed until people wake up to this fact.
When people don't have food, housing, healthcare, a cell phone, money to party in college, etc... . It is supposed to be government's function to provide these things and I need to be forced to pay for all these. Hell we're even supposed to fight wars for people on the other side of the world and take in them all in as refugees.
So why is not then government's fuction to make sure these men are all happy, not sexually frustrated, they have everything they need so they don't act violently? Why are some needs so sacred, but not the needs of these depressed, socially ackward men? Why empathy for some groups but not them?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
So? It is still fucking astronomical comaired to our other wealthy nation allies. Way to set your goals low.
I am not against after the fact funding for responding, health care, and redflag laws. But none of that shit will ever be efficiently effective to greatly reduce fiirarm deaths if you don't put the repsonsibility where it belongs, AT THE DAMNED TIME OF SALE! We have shitty patchwork laws and no national standards that can work together to efficiently reduce firearm violence. We rely too much on "No record at time of buy." We find out time after time especially with these mass shooting events the people who do them LEGALLY BUY THEIR WEAPONS. So the issue is the fucking bullshit assumption that no record at the time of buy means that person will not go on later after that legal buy and hurt themselves or others.
We dont fucking do that with passenger jet piolots licenses. I cant simply walk into a flight school, ask for a liscense and walk out minutes or hours later and get in the cockpit and fly a jet. Guns should be hard to get, because vetting is the best way to keep them out of the wrong hands. We need to scrap this bullshit idea that no record means Roy Rogers wins the day every time. That is bullshit. The ease of access in this country and the volume of firearms are always going to keep the levels high. No other of our allies do this. When they have a mass shooting, they fucking make public safety the priority and not someones fucking insecurity and parnoid fear. When they have these events, when the governement says "Hey help us out, can you give this item up to make us all safer?" Their populations don't scream tyranny because they understand it isn't about oppression, but mere public safety.
Nobody sane is expecting 100% of all gun sales to stop. There is no utopia that will have a zero firearm in civilian hands. All the fuck we want is for people to stop making a fucking object the priority. And the best way to reduce firearm violence, which will not only reduce firearm deaths, but also reduce the tax burdon on society paying for all the after the fact reactionary costs. BETTER FUCKING VETTING, DON'T SIMPLY HAND THEM OUT.
The bullshit argument about that not working, like I said, is because vetting cannot be as effective if different zip codes have different laws. And crossing state lines with a firearm makes it very easy to flood a zip code with better regulations so the assholes at the NRA and NSSF and the companies can create a fucking needless problem then blame the lack of national standard as being tyrannical.
The NRA like the arsonist who starts the fire then pretends to be the fireman. Arm more and sell more DOES NOT FUCKING WORK and I am fucking tired of that bullshit, it is a fucking lie that the industry sells so they can make a profit of of fear and gullibility.
I never said there was a perfect solution, but there is no fucking utopia where you can increase the volume of firearms in civilian hands and expect the violence to be a sane minimum. Again, no other first world country has the volume we do here. And this bullshit about it going down, is just that. NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH even if I agreed with you. I'll make you a deal, when America gets down to the level of Japan, or Australia, or England or Sweden or Denmark, and all the other sane countries that do not have a 2nd and sitll sell firearms but do not fucking slavishly worship them like we do, when we can get to that kind of sanity, then I will shut up.
But when you hear stories of a girl spreading her classmate's blood on herself to avoid being butchered by playing dead, and you hear another story of a 22 old daughter watching her mother's chest explode and drop dead, and all she could say was "I love you" but had to leave her dead mother on the spot and flee so she wouldn't get murdered too. I have negative fucks to give right now about insecure selfish self intitled Rambo wannabes. FUCK THEM, FUCK THE NRA AND FUCK THE GOP.
We've reduced firearm deaths? Lay off the FUCKS NOISE. You know who else loves their weapons and worships them? The Taliban. Now, if you don't want me to view you like that, then pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop accepting your bullshit status quo and make excuse as to why the majority of people in America have to live in fear of merely leaving their house. I don't want to hear it. The compromising now has to come from the right, not the sane people. We have seen their bullshit excuses every fucking time. And even when they do "compromise" as soon as they regain power, the GOP neuters the very laws they sign. I don't fucking trust them one fucking bit.
So you want a list, here goes.
Better vetting, crawl up their fucking ass just like you would vet a person who wanted to be a passenger jet pilot.
Waiting period. I can settle for 3 days in a pinch, but I'd prefer a week. If someone is honest and not disturbed, the wait will not bother them.
A litteral tour through a mourge to see what a bullet does to the human body.
Regular training and exams on a anual basis to insure you are keeping up with your responsibilty and staying sane or not disturbed.
Manditory gun safe storage, weapon unloaded, and bullets seperate from the weapon, locked in a secure location.
Dont fucking walk around like Rambo in public if you don't have a license and or a job that requires it. I could give a shit less what someone says their intent is, I don't fucking know you, so why should I assume you are not a nut case about to light up a business or public place? And how the fuck are police supposed to know who the bad guy is if everyone carrying? They don't have fucking time to stop everyone, to check their legality, their duty is to get to the suspect as quickly as possible.
No weapons of war and no big clips.
NOW keep re reading that. Nowhere in the above did I call for a 100 percent ban and a gunless society. All the sane want to keep them out of the wrong hands, and these points I am making will greatly reduce firearm violence faster than the rate you are claiming. Arm more and sell more is bullshit and to claim it works is sick.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The laws cannot be effective to an efficent degree because we have BULLSHIT patchwork laws that are different from county to county and state to state. You have th same bullshit apology mindset as a theist. "You just aren't reading the laws correctly". If it makes no sense to have a bicycle factory have confusing different assembly manuals for the same model bike, how can the factory run at an effecient level?
Will you stop the bullshit nanny state commie argument. IT FUCKING BENIFITS EVEN GUN OWNERS to want the government to crawl up somebody's ass to insure they won't hurt themselves or others. Otherwise ONCE AGAIN, I should be allowed to walk into a flight school, go up to the instructor and say "I have no record, you don't need to vet me, give me my passenger jet pilot's license so I can fly one in a couple of days. "
That is the insane mentality the MINORITY of far right gun cultists. Even among firearm owners, most want some basic things, like universal background checks, and keeping firearms away from domestic abusers and mentally ill, and even bans on weapons of war. That isn't just the left saying that. The only thing I am arguing is that the best prevention is vetting. After the fact reactionary measures are needed of course, but the better cost effeciency to tax payers is to not let it get to that need as much as possible. Prevention is not tyranny anymore than seat belt mandates and air bags and crumple zones are tyranny.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Better vetting, crawl up their fucking ass just like you would vet a person who wanted to be a passenger jet pilot.
What conditions would you look for in the vetting process that currently are not? "Better" isn't an answer unless you can identify specific reasons to not sell a gun to someone. How do you determine a buyer is likely to do a mass shooting? When you buy a gun, you go through an FBI background check, every time. My waiting period for most of the guns I buy is much longer than a week. Is a mass murderer going to be stymied by waiting? The evidence suggests not. "A litteral tour through a mourge to see what a bullet does to the human body." LolSo are we going to shoot up some bodies? I think you might be surprised at how most bullet holes aren't so dramatic. Especially from an AR-15 where the bullet typically passes through. I suppose it would boost shotgun buys from mass murderers. Regular training? So you want these mass murderers to actually be good shot? I would think the average lack of expertise of these nuts is a positive. Someone skilled would run up the body count a lot higher. "Mandatory storage"? What does that do? Who is coming door to door to check? Most gun owners do store our guns securely, because they are expensive. Not sure how that stops a shooting. So you don't support a 100% ban. Which is really the only thing that would work. You're an NRA nut who supports handing guns out like candy. I can either buy a gun legally, or I can't. If I can, then some nut can too, because how do you distinguish me from a nut?If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I did read what you said. You believe government has some type of magic power where they can just put down magic words on piece of paper(aka pass laws) and proplems just go away. Here is how it is in the real world.
To enforce news laws requires a motivated police force. The police like most government employees are just biding their time until they can collect their pensions. Few really want to do the difficult and dangerous job of taking on this task. You can see in the Uvalde videos what a lot of police are really like.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Well some police are very motivated. Those are the ones with a tendency to actually shoot people. I prefer the unmotivated ones.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X