Brian37 Saves Trump's Life

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 Saves Trump's Life

 It's amazing to me that someone who is going to attempt an assassination of a Presidential candidate doesn't perform the most basic level of research when choosing a weapon. Trying to use an AR at 150 yards is a suboptimal choice, especially if your aren't a particularly talented marksman. While on paper, an AR is effective out to 500+, and can certainly kill at those distances, it isn't the most accurate. Any of a hundred commonly available hunting rifles with heavier bullets would be vastly superior, and far more forgiving causing more damage with an errant shot. Allowing the much larger target of a body rather than a head which is prone to move around. 

It must be because the AR has gotten so much press from the news media that makes it the favorite weapon of nutjobs. Congrats Brian, you saved Trump's life. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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But ARs are so scary

But ARs are so scary looking. They must be banned. /s

But then again his support of 'diversity' led to the head of Secret Service and Homeland Security being 'diveristy' hires. Trump was as secure as our border.

Why the hell is Trump relying on agencies run by Biden for his security? Doesn't he have the money to hire his own people or ask MAGA nation to pay for non-diveristy military men to provide security?

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Beyond Saving wrote: It's

Beyond Saving wrote:

 It's amazing to me that someone who is going to attempt an assassination of a Presidential candidate doesn't perform the most basic level of research when choosing a weapon. Trying to use an AR at 150 yards is a suboptimal choice, especially if your aren't a particularly talented marksman. While on paper, an AR is effective out to 500+, and can certainly kill at those distances, it isn't the most accurate. Any of a hundred commonly available hunting rifles with heavier bullets would be vastly superior, and far more forgiving causing more damage with an errant shot. Allowing the much larger target of a body rather than a head which is prone to move around. 

It must be because the AR has gotten so much press from the news media that makes it the favorite weapon of nutjobs. Congrats Brian, you saved Trump's life. 

Not sure how I am related to the attempt on Trump's life. I hate that fucker yes. But if he were to die, I would want it to be by natural causes, not murder. The orange turd does not deserve to be turned into a martyr. 

And Democrats are the ones who want ot reduce gun violence, not by selling more. But by beter vetting before the firearm leaves the shop. FYI the sicko who shot at him obtained the firearmn through his father who bought it legally. So if are not wiling to write a law that says nobody but the owner can use it, then you cant reduce firearm violence. FYI the fucker who shot Trump was a regestured Republican. 

I don't give a shit about his motive, or that the target was famous. I do give a shit about the volume of firearm violence like Newtown, and Pulse and Parkland and even the non mass shooting murders that average 100 a day. What is causing all the deaths is obvious.  A FLOODED MARKET AND EASE OF ACCESS. 


Imagine if the fucking shop owner bothered to do a background check beyond checking a government list, and actually talked to his classmates, the shop owner would have known he was relentlessly bullied. A kid like that, as wrong as as it was, is going to try to make themselves important, and mass shootings are a way of doing it. It doesn't excuse the attack, but it is an explination. We should not make it easy for people to buy firearms because this is what happens. 

And only an idiot would think I wanted this to happen. This shit helps that insurrectionist and makes him look like a hero. He is a bone spur coward and a bully who now looks like a hero who doesn't deserve to be called hero. Regardless of wheither or not you support Biden or Trump, what happened this weekend is not good for the nation. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 I never said you "wanted

 I never said you "wanted it to happen", I said you SAVED Trumps life. Thanks to folks like you, this nutjob thought an AR was the appropriate tool for the task. 


Imagine if the fucking shop owner bothered to do a background check beyond checking a government list, and actually talked to his classmates, the shop owner would have known he was relentlessly bullied.


Any background check would have come back clean - he violated precisely zero laws in his life. The media hasn't even found a parking ticket. Are you suggesting that gun store owners should demand to know what school you went to and call old classmates and teachers to ask if you were bullied and that being bullied as a kid should disqualify you from gun ownership? That might be the silliest thing you've ever said.  



If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: I

Beyond Saving wrote:

 I never said you "wanted it to happen", I said you SAVED Trumps life. Thanks to folks like you, this nutjob thought an AR was the appropriate tool for the task. 


Imagine if the fucking shop owner bothered to do a background check beyond checking a government list, and actually talked to his classmates, the shop owner would have known he was relentlessly bullied.


Any background check would have come back clean - he violated precisely zero laws in his life. The media hasn't even found a parking ticket. Are you suggesting that gun store owners should demand to know what school you went to and call old classmates and teachers to ask if you were bullied and that being bullied as a kid should disqualify you from gun ownership? That might be the silliest thing you've ever said.  



Your reading comprehension sucks. Of course checking government "background records" meaning "clean at the time of buy" won't find anything. I FUCKING AGREE, which is why we shouldn't simply rely on "no record" because many people fly under the raidar like this kid because they had no priors. It should be law that shop owners do face to face interviews with family and co workers and friends of the potential buyer inestead of relying on "no record". Plus a waiting period of  a week, and a limit on ammo. ON ANY TYPE OF GUN. 

And how dare you claim because I advocate the ban on spray weapon machine guns means I made it an advertisement. When we had the ban back in the 90s it worked. Blame the GOP for repealing it. But more importantly blame the MAGA nutfucks who treat firearms like porn. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving wrote: I

Beyond Saving wrote:

 I never said you "wanted it to happen", I said you SAVED Trumps life. Thanks to folks like you, this nutjob thought an AR was the appropriate tool for the task. 


Imagine if the fucking shop owner bothered to do a background check beyond checking a government list, and actually talked to his classmates, the shop owner would have known he was relentlessly bullied.


Any background check would have come back clean - he violated precisely zero laws in his life. The media hasn't even found a parking ticket. Are you suggesting that gun store owners should demand to know what school you went to and call old classmates and teachers to ask if you were bullied and that being bullied as a kid should disqualify you from gun ownership? That might be the silliest thing you've ever said.  



Your reading comprehension sucks. Of course checking government "background records" meaning "clean at the time of buy" won't find anything. I FUCKING AGREE, which is why we shouldn't simply rely on "no record" because many people fly under the raidar like this kid because they had no priors. It should be law that shop owners do face to face interviews with family and co workers and friends of the potential buyer inestead of relying on "no record". Plus a waiting period of  a week, and a limit on ammo. ON ANY TYPE OF GUN. 

And how dare you claim because I advocate the ban on spray weapon machine guns means I made it an advertisement. When we had the ban back in the 90s it worked. Blame the GOP for repealing it. But more importantly blame the MAGA nutfucks who treat firearms like porn. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving wrote: I

Beyond Saving wrote:

 I never said you "wanted it to happen", I said you SAVED Trumps life. Thanks to folks like you, this nutjob thought an AR was the appropriate tool for the task. 


Imagine if the fucking shop owner bothered to do a background check beyond checking a government list, and actually talked to his classmates, the shop owner would have known he was relentlessly bullied.


Any background check would have come back clean - he violated precisely zero laws in his life. The media hasn't even found a parking ticket. Are you suggesting that gun store owners should demand to know what school you went to and call old classmates and teachers to ask if you were bullied and that being bullied as a kid should disqualify you from gun ownership? That might be the silliest thing you've ever said.  



Your reading comprehension sucks. Of course checking government "background records" meaning "clean at the time of buy" won't find anything. I FUCKING AGREE, which is why we shouldn't simply rely on "no record" because many people fly under the raidar like this kid because they had no priors. It should be law that shop owners do face to face interviews with family and co workers and friends of the potential buyer inestead of relying on "no record". Plus a waiting period of  a week, and a limit on ammo. ON ANY TYPE OF GUN. 

And how dare you claim because I advocate the ban on spray weapon machine guns means I made it an advertisement. When we had the ban back in the 90s it worked. Blame the GOP for repealing it. But more importantly blame the MAGA nutfucks who treat firearms like porn. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote: It should be

Brian37 wrote:

 It should be law that shop owners do face to face interviews with family and co workers and friends of the potential buyer inestead of relying on "no record".  

What would qualify a 'shop owner' to do such an evaluation? Wouldn't government have to decide if the shop owner is qualified to conduct such interviews? Wouldn't the potential buyer just list family and friends that are on his side?

Couldn't this guy just buy gun parts in Mexico and bring them back across our wide open border? Or 3D print the gun parts?


There was a failure of government at every level from the teachers that didn't stop the relentless bullying, to local law enforcement to the SS. So our insane society now will double down and say more funding for shit that does not work, more tax slavery for working people.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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 So gunshop owners should

 So gunshop owners should be the sole gatekeepers of who gets a gun with absolute discretion to deny selling a gun to anyone and an absolute right to interview everyone who ever met you. Got it. So if a gunshop owner decides to post a sign saying they only sell to the melanin-challenged that's fine with you right? Or do they have to pretend to interview family then deny the sale?

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: So

Beyond Saving wrote:

 So gunshop owners should be the sole gatekeepers of who gets a gun with absolute discretion to deny selling a gun to anyone and an absolute right to interview everyone who ever met you. Got it. So if a gunshop owner decides to post a sign saying they only sell to the melanin-challenged that's fine with you right? Or do they have to pretend to interview family then deny the sale?

Boy do you love putting thougths in my head that are not there. Read what I type, don't insert images in your head that I am not talking about. 

People of all colors, of all zip codes, of all classes, get firearms when they shouldn't, and the do it for the most part, LEGALLY. Nobody is saying someone should be denied a firearm based on looks, or race. For you to imply that is fucking bullshit. 

I don't care if the shooter is black, or white, or rich or poor. I do care about our flooded market of 400million firearms and ease of access. It is too fucking easy to walk into a gun shop and walk out with a firearm. People fly under the raidar all the time. THIS WHITE SHOOTER who was a REPUBLICAN, came from a good home. But the asshole who sold the father the gun, didn't give shit to care to know that the kid was bullied. I was bullied as a kid, and the only reason I didn't end up like that shooter is because I am lucky enough to hate guns. But I was bullied, and I had plenty of thoughts about hurting the assholes who bullied me. 

But it isn't about motif. FUCK MOTIVE. #1 cause of firearm death is suicide. I also suffer from depression and anxiety. If I had been raised by a gun fetish nutbag with my mental illness I would have killed myself in my teens.  #1 cause of death under the age of 18 is USE OF FIREARMS, not cancer, not disease, not auto accidents, FUCKING FIREARMS. 

And if you give a shit about girls and women #2 is domestic violence. Females are far more likely to be injured or murdered by a boyfriend/spouse, with a gun in the home, than without. That also is not a race issue or zip code issue. 

#3, accidental injury or death. You are more likely to accidentally injure yourself or someone you know than successfully defending yourself from a complete stranger. 

IT IS THE FUCKING GUNS, and if yoiu want to claim a gun cant shoot itself, I don't give a shit. It still is the fucking obsession to a fetish degree that America has with these tools of death. The firearm makers love the violence because it sells more firearms to blacks and whites and cops and any fucking moron who thinks guns are always the solution. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving wrote: So

Beyond Saving wrote:

 So gunshop owners should be the sole gatekeepers of who gets a gun with absolute discretion to deny selling a gun to anyone and an absolute right to interview everyone who ever met you. Got it. So if a gunshop owner decides to post a sign saying they only sell to the melanin-challenged that's fine with you right? Or do they have to pretend to interview family then deny the sale?

Boy do you love putting thougths in my head that are not there. Read what I type, don't insert images in your head that I am not talking about. 

People of all colors, of all zip codes, of all classes, get firearms when they shouldn't, and the do it for the most part, LEGALLY. Nobody is saying someone should be denied a firearm based on looks, or race. For you to imply that is fucking bullshit. 

I don't care if the shooter is black, or white, or rich or poor. I do care about our flooded market of 400million firearms and ease of access. It is too fucking easy to walk into a gun shop and walk out with a firearm. People fly under the raidar all the time. THIS WHITE SHOOTER who was a REPUBLICAN, came from a good home. But the asshole who sold the father the gun, didn't give shit to care to know that the kid was bullied. I was bullied as a kid, and the only reason I didn't end up like that shooter is because I am lucky enough to hate guns. But I was bullied, and I had plenty of thoughts about hurting the assholes who bullied me. 

But it isn't about motif. FUCK MOTIVE. #1 cause of firearm death is suicide. I also suffer from depression and anxiety. If I had been raised by a gun fetish nutbag with my mental illness I would have killed myself in my teens.  #1 cause of death under the age of 18 is USE OF FIREARMS, not cancer, not disease, not auto accidents, FUCKING FIREARMS. 

And if you give a shit about girls and women #2 is domestic violence. Females are far more likely to be injured or murdered by a boyfriend/spouse, with a gun in the home, than without. That also is not a race issue or zip code issue. 

#3, accidental injury or death. You are more likely to accidentally injure yourself or someone you know than successfully defending yourself from a complete stranger. 

IT IS THE FUCKING GUNS, and if yoiu want to claim a gun cant shoot itself, I don't give a shit. It still is the fucking obsession to a fetish degree that America has with these tools of death. The firearm makers love the violence because it sells more firearms to blacks and whites and cops and any fucking moron who thinks guns are always the solution. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:Boy do you

Brian37 wrote:

Boy do you love putting thougths in my head that are not there. Read what I type, don't insert images in your head that I am not talking about. 

I read what you typed - you wrote: "It should be law that shop owners do face to face interviews with family and co workers and friends of the potential buyer inestead of relying on "no record"."

I then asked a question seeking clarification since you basically said the law should be that gunshop owners should do face to face interviews with all sorts of people to determine whether or not they should sell a gun to someone. Which means that at the end of the day, it is completely up to the discretion of teh shopowner to decide who to sell a gun to (and therefore who can't have guns). 

"People of all colors, of all zip codes, of all classes, get firearms when they shouldn't, and the do it for the most part, LEGALLY. Nobody is saying someone should be denied a firearm based on looks, or race. For you to imply that is fucking bullshit."

Under your proposed law, it is inevitable that gunshop owners would not approve of selling to all colors, zip codes or classes. So I'm asking if you would have a problem if a gunshop owner just simply refused to sell to an entire demographic on the basis that they are higher risk. Which you are essentially saying in this case that the gunshop owner should not have sold a gun to the father of someone who was bullied in school. People who were bullied in school is a big demographic. It might surprise you that the vast majority of people who were bullied in school have never and would never murder anyone. People who are related to people who were bullied in school is a huge demographic. I'm not sure whether being bullied in school is even a statistical predictor of whether someone has an above average probability of attempting to murder someone. I am certain that having high levels of melanin, living in certain zipcodes, being male, and having a below average income are all statistically significant predictors of potential gun violence. There are tons of statistics out there supporting that. So if I'm a gunshop owner, potentially on the hook if a gun I sell is used in a crime, then your melanin levels, the zipcode you live in, your gender and your income level are all things that it would only be prudent for me to take into account. Whether or not your kid was bullied in school - probalby not near the top of the list. Probably not as much of a risk as say dropping out of school. 

"But the asshole who sold the father the gun, didn't give shit to care to know that the kid was bullied."

Under current law, it isn't legal to deny the sale to a person because their kid is bullied in school. So you have no way of knowing if the gunshop owner gave a shit or not. For all you know, the gunshop owner and father had a huge discussion about the topic. You know absolutely jack shit about the gunshop owner or where the gun was sold. Yet here you are passing judgement on a decision they made - where legally they had no decision at all. Pretty sure that makes you the asshole.  



"I was bullied as a kid, and the only reason I didn't end up like that shooter is because I am lucky enough to hate guns. But I was bullied, and I had plenty of thoughts about hurting the assholes who bullied me."

Wow. I was bullied, I own what some would call a shitload of guns. I have shot at precisely zero humans, nor have I ever seriously considered killing one outside of my duties in the USMC where killing a person was in my case an entirely theoretical exercise.  Sounds like a therapist would be far more useful to you than a gun law. 

"But it isn't about motif. FUCK MOTIVE. #1 cause of firearm death is suicide. I also suffer from depression and anxiety. If I had been raised by a gun fetish nutbag with my mental illness I would have killed myself in my teens.  #1 cause of death under the age of 18 is USE OF FIREARMS, not cancer, not disease, not auto accidents, FUCKING FIREARMS."

I guess fortunately you didn't figure out any of the thousand non-firearm ways to kill yourself.  But I go back to a therapist would be far more useful than a gun law. 

"And if you give a shit about girls and women #2 is domestic violence. Females are far more likely to be injured or murdered by a boyfriend/spouse, with a gun in the home, than without. That also is not a race issue or zip code issue." 

Except it is a race and zipcode issue. You state things like "#1 cause of death under the age of 18 is USE OF FIREARMS". Yet if you exclude black teenagers, suddenly it isn't even top 10. We know exactly where gun violence happens most, we know exactly who is most likely to get shot, and we know exactly who is doing the shooting. Sure, there are a number of incidents that fall outside of the most common, but to ignore the underlying issues which have little to do with guns is folly. 

"#3, accidental injury or death. You are more likely to accidentally injure yourself or someone you know than successfully defending yourself from a complete stranger. "

I agree. The reality is that in the US, crime isn't that common. I have been mugged zero times and have had people break into my house zero times. I have had some property stolen over the years, but most thiefs prefer to steal when nobody is around. Getting shot is also extremely uncommon. With proper firearm safety procedure, it is even more uncommon. I have little sympathy for those who shoot themselves due to their own stupidity and irresponsibility. 

"IT IS THE FUCKING GUNS, and if yoiu want to claim a gun cant shoot itself, I don't give a shit. It still is the fucking obsession to a fetish degree that America has with these tools of death. The firearm makers love the violence because it sells more firearms to blacks and whites and cops and any fucking moron who thinks guns are always the solution. " 

So are you finally on the side of an outright ban on all guns? 


If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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"I was bullied as a kid, and

"I was bullied as a kid, and the only reason I didn't end up like that shooter is because I am lucky enough to hate guns. But I was bullied, and I had plenty of thoughts about hurting the assholes who bullied me."

  In a democracy, voters supposedly have the power and the law enforcement officers just do the bidding of the voters. You in fact support the massive use of guns to force rich people to pay taxes to pay for socialist programs. So you in fact love guns when they benefit you, you are a gun nut. You are just too much of a coward to use one yourself. The loud bang and sight of blood is too much to hear and see, but you have no problems with law enforcemet doing this to steal the fruits of a man's labor.     Mob bosses order shakedowns and murders with guns, but they don't personally use them, that job is left to the surrogates that work for the mob boss. Are these bosses still not armed robbers and murders when they order the use of deadly force with guns? Is a person that hires a hit man because 'guns scare them' a murderer or not?         "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". When you vote, you are deciding when to use deadly force with a gun and when not to use a gun. So, if you vote for guns to be used for anything other than self defense and crime prevention, you are a violent gun nut.      Also, why do you support public education system and teachers unions that obviously do not solve problems like what you and this Crooks guy experienced? In voluntary society, you could give your money to schools that help young men in crisis instead of being forced to give the real crooks that use the tax collectors' guns to shake us down? 


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen